Former Obama CIA chief John Brennan is a liar. Not only that, he lied to Congress. In the spring of 2017, Brennan told the House Intel Committee that the Steele dossier played no role in the creation of intelligence community assessment on Russian interference. It was presented to both President Obama and President-elect Trump. And Brennan was not vague about this. He said unequivocally on camera, the dossier was totally irrelevant. That was a complete lie. The IG report proves it. A lie.
As for Useful Idiots being a Russian phrase. It has been attributed to both Lenin and Stalin but they used the term “ Simpletons “
A significant precursor appeared in an article titled “Yugoslavia’s Tragic Lesson to the World” by Bogdan Raditsa published in “The Reader’s Digest” of October 1946. Raditsa joined the Yugoslav government of communist Josip Broz Tito
In the Serbo-Croat language the communists have a phrase for true democrats who consent to collaborate with them for “democracy.” It is Koristne Budale, or Useful Innocents.
Raditsa rendered this crucial phrase as “Useful Innocents”, but a more direct translation of “Koristne Budale” into English yields “Useful Fools”.