B.S.A poor attempt. Gas prices have zero to do with Biden.
B.S.A poor attempt. Gas prices have zero to do with Biden.
He does..birds of a feather...You applaud failure?
I know math and science are difficult for people like you to grasp, but Florida is #28 per capita, right next to California, a state with businesses and schools still locked down. You aren’t making sense.Good for him. For his next trick, maybe he can work his magic and get FL out of the top 3 COVID infected states in the nation.
They still believe a human can stop a virus without medicine. I'm waiting for Clark Kent.I know math and science are difficult for people like you to grasp, but Florida is #28 per capita, right next to California, a state with businesses and schools still locked down. You aren’t making sense.
He does..birds of a feather...
King Joe giving us permission to cook out on the 4th. He's too stupid to realize we did that LAST 4th of July. Where's he been the basement? Oh that's right it's exactly where he was and still is.Get educated on why gas prices go up and down, then let’s talk.
King Joe giving us permission to cook out on the 4th. He's too stupid to realize we did that LAST 4th of July. Where's he been the basement? Oh that's right it's exactly where he was and still is.
Now you prefer to be ingenuous? LaughableYou’re inventing a paranoid scenario on your feeble mind. He never said he would give or not give anyone permission. We all watched the presser so please spare us the disingenuous nonsense.
The quoteYou’re inventing a paranoid scenario in your feeble mind. He never said he would give or not give anyone permission. We all watched the presser so please spare us the disingenuous nonsense.
I'm gonna hit the pool at my building and then walk down to the beach. Then I'm gonna go to the BBQ on the side of my building with a bunch of neighbors and cookout some burgers and hot dogs. We will all share a big bag of Lays Potato chips by sticking our hands in the bag and then I'm gonna declare March 13th Independence DayYou’re inventing a paranoid scenario in your feeble mind. He never said he would give or not give anyone permission. We all watched the presser so please spare us the disingenuous nonsense.
The quote
"If we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbeque and celebrate Independence Day.
Will be able to . Get out Raoul you foolStill looking for the part where he declared himself King and told the nation they could only BBQ if he said they could.
For those who want to celebrate the 4th and beyond social distancing, masks and hand washing has to be the norm. Vaccines must be provided with easy access for all. 1st responders, food handlers, healthcare workers, folks with underlying conditions and those who live in underserved communities have to be priority. There can be no exceptions. Latest has Governor DeSantis giving the green light to provide vaccines to two (2) zip codes in Manatee county that have predominantly folks who earn 150,000+ per year and well ahead of those folks who live in underserved communities. When he was confronted about this the Gov's response was "if Manatee county objects to vaccines then we will take the vaccine program to another county." It was later revealed the developer of these 2 zipcodes made heavy contributions to DeSantis's gubernatorial campaign. Florida Rep Charlie Crist is demanding a full investigation.
Will be able to . Get out Raoul you fool
All of Obamas policies will be restored. Things are looking up and this country will get back on track. 300 racist charged for the insurrect Trump created. Another 100 expect. The real culprits will be doing time. The good guys are back in charge.....and America wins again. So much for civil war.
Nonsense?????? According to todays Miami Herald over 5,200 cases of COVID-19 reported. 85 deaths, 80 are Florida residents.hawaiian you already posted about Manatee County weeks ago we are passed that man. Vaccines for 1st responders, healthcare workers, teachers, underlying conditions has been happening for weeks and going very well. In fact Florida u have a myriad of choices to get the vaccine including CVS, Publix, Walmart, Sam's Club, FEMA free walk up sites, state parks, Hospital Districts, Veterans Administration. In short we here in Florida have a very robust and active vaccination program going on daily here.
Any one qualifying that wants to get the vaccine can do so as long as they log online or call and get / have the proper credentials. Many are walk up and no questions asked. No appointment needed.
I went to the VA my wife Publix.
Do some research before you act like a Parrot spitting out liberal nonsense.
Vaccine coming to more places of worship as Florida reaches underserved communities
This weekend, more than half a dozen places of worship around Florida will host vaccine events, including several in the Orlando area.www.clickorlando.com
YAWNNonsense?????? According to todays Miami Herald over 5,200 cases of COVID-19 reported. 85 deaths, 80 are Florida residents.
Yesterday, the Herald reported a Federal complaint has been filed accusing DeSantis and Lakewood Ranch sites of discriminatory and fraudulent practices with the distributions of the vaccine sites. Are we past it???dont think so
LOL stay in Hawaii clown. We’ve already ditched the masks, social distancing, and sanitizer in FL. Spring Break is out of control right now in the best way possible.
Listen fool, if Biden would release fuel from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves it would temporarily reduce the cost at the pump. He is too stupid to understand that. Communists like you do not understand capitalistic ideas to solve choking gas prices. It is a temporary fix unless someone with a half a brain in that administration would get producers to increase production to bring prices down. Now moron, what's your answer?Get educated on why gas prices go up and down, then let’s talk.
Another item I failed to mention that eventually, not because of today's prices, you will see a further rise in gas prices due to the cancellation of the pipeline. That could result in further increases in the future. So commie, your left wing Democratic turds you align yourself with will eventually cost us more at the pump.Get educated on why gas prices go up and down, then let’s talk.
Another item I failed to mention that eventually, not because of today's prices, you will see a further rise in gas prices due to the cancellation of the pipeline. That could result in further increases in the future. So commie, your left wing Democratic turds you align yourself with will eventually cost us more at the pump.
Wrong, both examples I have given were discussed by experts in the industry. I gave you answers but it doesn't fit your agenda. Nothing more I can say. You have no answer!You’re simply making this up. The prevailing sentiment among credible analysts is that the rise of oil is directly correlated to increasing demand from the Covid recovery. Please have your honor and stop digging while there’s still time.
Wrong, both examples I have given were discussed by experts in the industry. I gave you answers but it doesn't fit your agenda. Nothing more I can say. You have no answer!
Biden cancelled the pipeline which according to some experts said that it can affect gas prices in the future. Some experts have discussed releasing Strategic Petroleum Reserves which would temporarily lower prices at the pump. At the same time it would take his administration to push oil producers to increase production. These are now directly related to Biden. He can't hide in the basement forever. He has to work for his salary.WOW....just WOW....This is just insanely nutty to think someone who has been in office not even two months is responsible for the price of gas increasing. To me honest this kind of leaves me speechless. You just do not have an understanding of how it works to put it politely. A person does not control world oil prices in a manner this rapidly.
WOW....just WOW....This is just insanely nutty to think someone who has been in office not even two months is responsible for the price of gas increasing. To me honest this kind of leaves me speechless. You just do not have an understanding of how it works to put it politely. A person does not control world oil prices in a manner this rapidly.
Biden cancelled the pipeline which according to some experts said that it can affect gas prices in the future. Some experts have discussed releasing Strategic Petroleum Reserves which would temporarily lower prices at the pump. At the same time it would take his administration to push oil producers to increase production. These are now directly related to Biden. He can't hide in the basement forever. He has to work for his salary.
All these are factors. How you react to this spike in gas prices was what I am talking about. Biden can do something about it. He won't because he is slow to react.BBC
"The biggest driver for the latest surge in prices seen through last week was a sharp upturn in expectations for economic and oil demand recovery on signs that the coronavirus may finally be in retreat,"
Key drivers for higher oil prices
There are two things that will likely drive oil prices going forward...
Firstly, demand for oil is expected to pick up as the global economy recovers from the hit of the coronavirus pandemic, he said. However, that will be “curtailed to a certain extent” due to the low likelihood of international travel coming back in a big way soon. Travel is an “important source of demand,” he added.
On the supply side, he said: “We’re still relying on those OPEC+ members to keep that supply relatively curtailed and I think there’s still a question about that in terms of the amount of supply coming on relative to demand.”
OPEC and its allies, known collectively as OPEC+, have sought to navigate their way through a historically tumultuous period that has included an unparalleled collapse in oil prices as well as a major fuel demand shock amid the pandemic.
All the above has to be and should be huge concerns. A person may appear healthy and may think he or she may not have symptoms, feel great but could pass it on when crossing paths with the elderly, those with underlying conditions. Wearing masks and other preventative measures greatly reduces the spread of the virus. 500,000 Americans dying by way of COVID_19. Thank goodness for those folks who are cognizant.LOL stay in Hawaii clown. We’ve already ditched the masks, social distancing, and sanitizer in FL. Spring Break is out of control right now in the best way possible.
Shapiro is nothing more than a trumpaholic.
Actually a combination of cancelling Keystone XL but mostly the decision by the Saudi's to restrict daily output by 1 million barrels per day resulted in prices spiking. It's a little crazy because the Saudi decision HELPS USA producers who require higher prices to maintain or increase market share which they gave us on a silver platter.Listen fool, if Biden would release fuel from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves it would temporarily reduce the cost at the pump. He is too stupid to understand that. Communists like you do not understand capitalistic ideas to solve choking gas prices. It is a temporary fix unless someone with a half a brain in that administration would get producers to increase production to bring prices down. Now moron, what's your answer?
I love that. Guy points out how clueless the left is..................
January 20th, 2021 FOOLAll the above has to be and should be huge concerns. A person may appear healthy and may think he or she may not have symptoms, feel great but could pass it on when crossing paths with the elderly, those with underlying conditions. Wearing masks and other preventative measures greatly reduces the spread of the virus. 500,000 Americans dying by way of COVID_19. Thank goodness for those folks who are cognizant.
FL Gov attempting a victory lap. Do not be misled into believing the vaccine prevents us from getting COVID-19. If you have had it, you can get in again.January 20th, 2021 FOOL
Well then lets all live in your world. No business open, no schools, masks for the rest of our lives, and we can stay in our homes locked up until the bank takes the keys. Dude you are a fool. We are surrounded by germs 24/7. You chicken little libs with the sky is falling routine. It's old already.FL Gov attempting a victory lap. Do not be misled into believing the vaccine prevents us from getting COVID-19. If you have had it, you can get in again.