Lara Logan of Fox

GTFOH ROFLMAO what do I have to do with your opinion on what you read bawhaha. You'll never opine on that article nor anything that goes against your programing. Don't use me as an excuse to your lack of courage. 🤣 😂🤣😂
lack of courage? Aren’t you the guy who vehemently denied that you saluted his article? Show some courage and just fess up.

As to the article: I have no problem with its reporting on Lara Logan’s lawsuit against New York Magazine. Would have been helpful if Doerun had included the date and source of the article. He didn’t.

How did her lawsuit turn out? I would tend to agree with her that the magazine’s referring to her as the “bombshell“ reporter was out of line. Cheap, sexist degradation of her role as a reporter.

So, I followed up on the lawsuit and found that it was thrown out “with prejudice“ by a federal court. That means she lost and cannot refile. Case over.

Her story on 60 Minutes was retracted as one of her key witnesses was found to have lied to her. She was duped and acknowledged that shortfall. The New York Magazine article definitely damaged her further. She lost credibility and left CBS in 2018.

My problem with her now (I admired her as a war correspondent) is that she has become a Fox political advocate rather than a journalist. As I originally posted, her statement equating Fauci with Mengele was way, way out of bounds. Outrageous.

She is following the path of other mainstream media personalities who join Fox. They become politicized and lose all semblance of neutrality. Yes, I’m talking about Maria Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs who left CNBC and then joined the Trump cheerleading squad. Those two are being sued by the voter machine company vilified by Fox for alleged election fraud. They just might have to pay up! So sorry that Lara Logan has decided to join that team.
You started this thread last week. You have taken a lot of shots at what I and many others find to be a real journalist. Remember this brave woman had the courage to go to the middle east in a very dangerous time. Islam is not known to be kind to women. But let's try a new topic.

It is a new week and the Canes have a new football coach. Over next couple days I will start a thread about Joy Reid. I had mentioned her previously and you said you had never heard of her. Please google her and read up about her. Then we can have a respectful debate about her and possibly compare and contrast her journalistic capability and credibility to Lara Logan. I do hope that you will have similiar motivation to be a significant participant in that discussion. But for now I will be focused on reading all things Mario.
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lack of courage? Aren’t you the guy who vehemently denied that you saluted his article? Show some courage and just fess up.
Cortez maybe it's your norm to make up your reality as you breath. vehemently denied ? Your fixation on something you made up is sad. No wonder you can still watch and believe CNN,MsNbc,maddaow, and cuomo (before being fired for being a lying, misogynist, all around creep)

This is what I said
ROFLMAO Cortez vets others posts and doesn't vet his own. That's rich, how very progressive of you /snicker 🤪 😂 😂🤣
Is this me Congratulating anyone ? (as if showing you to be wrong is an achievement /snicker 😜)

This was your response,,,,,,,,

You’re a piece of work, mahb.

Doe cuts and pastes somebody else’s article without citation or mention. Yet, you congratulate him. SMH

and everything that you wrote that follows is just BS redirections. Do you see me reference Doerunn ? Do you see me say Good Job Doerunn !! or Way to go Doerunn ? Nope . Maybe your bruised ego has eyes and saw it, maybe your schizophrenic and your otherside saw it , maybe your just being petty trying to redirect instead of keeping the Focus on the Article that OWNED You. That's Not very Courageous is it ? What ever it is, it's ridiculous, just like your Defending your exposed, played out Narrative. 😂 🤣😂🤣
Cortez maybe it's your norm to make up your reality as you breath. vehemently denied ? Your fixation on something you made up is sad. No wonder you can still watch and believe CNN,MsNbc,maddaow, and cuomo (before being fired for being a lying, misogynist, all around creep)

This is what I said

Is this me Congratulating anyone ? (as if showing you to be wrong is an achievement /snicker 😜)

This was your response,,,,,,,,

and everything that you wrote that follows is just BS redirections. Do you see me reference Doerunn ? Do you see me say Good Job Doerunn !! or Way to go Doerunn ? Nope . Maybe your bruised ego has eyes and saw it, maybe your schizophrenic and your otherside saw it , maybe your just being petty trying to redirect instead of keeping the Focus on the Article that OWNED You. That's Not very Courageous is it ? What ever it is, it's ridiculous, just like your Defending your exposed, played out Narrative. 😂 🤣😂🤣
I took a screen shot of your thumbs up on Doerunn’s cut and pasted article. But, I’m too illiterate technologically to link it to this post. But believe me, you did indeed endorse Doerunn’s piece.
I took a screen shot of your thumbs up on Doerunn’s cut and pasted article. But, I’m too illiterate technologically to link it to this post. But believe me, you did indeed endorse Doerunn’s piece.
Honestly not quite sure where you are going with this? This is an opinion site, not a court of law or forensic audit. It is also not an English exam. If someone screwed up their bibliography are you going to say that Biden did not poop in his pants? This seems especially bizarre from someone that believes daily garbage that Jen pSAKi spews, e.g. their is no problem at the border, illegal aliens do not carry Covid, illegal aliens do not bring drugs with them, gas prices are not really up, food prices are not really up, Coumo is innocent, Fauci did not lie to the Senate, Manny is being retained as UM HC. etc.
Honestly not quite sure where you are going with this? This is an opinion site, not a court of law or forensic audit. It is also not an English exam. If someone screwed up their bibliography are you going to say that Biden did not poop in his pants? This seems especially bizarre from someone that believes daily garbage that Jen pSAKi spews, e.g. their is no problem at the border, illegal aliens do not carry Covid, illegal aliens do not bring drugs with them, gas prices are not really up, food prices are not really up, Coumo is innocent, Fauci did not lie to the Senate, Manny is being retained as UM HC. etc.
It has really chapped my ass that:

*members of the Red Team (other than HJ) will not step up to condemn Lara Logan’s comments on Fauci/Mengele
*some posters (Mahb) won’t tell the truth as to what they posted. Low integrity.

But, time to move on. I will drop this thread.
Says people all over the world are comparing Dr. Fauci to Dr Joseph Mengele, the Nazi Angel of Death. What?

I remember Lara when she was part of the mainstream media as an intrepid war correspondent in the Middle East. She then covered the Arab Sprint revolts where she was physically and sexually assaulted by protesters in Cairo. She retreated to calmer topics as part of the 60 Minutes staff on CBS.

She was later disciplined and let go by CBS for unsubstantiated and exaggerated reports. She flunked the basic rules of investigative journalism.

‘Until yesterday, I had no idea that she had been hired by Fox. Yikes! Her wild and irresponsible comments on Fauci put her in competition with Tucker Carlson for inflammatory TV “reporting”. She is stirring up the Fox base rather than rehabilitating her injured reputation as a journalist. Too bad. She used to have credibility.
Figures, your clueless Cortez, she’s had her own special on Fox for several years
It has really chapped my ass that:

*members of the Red Team (other than HJ) will not step up to condemn Lara Logan’s comments on Fauci/Mengele
*some posters (Mahb) won’t tell the truth as to what they posted. Low integrity.

But, time to move on. I will drop this thread.
Red team, Blue team? A shame that we can't all be on the Red, White and Blue team. Can't speak for anyone else but me but I didn't condemn it simply because it seemed silly to bother with it when everyone should be disgusted by her words. Not a fan of Fauci at all but again, her words were reprehensible and should be cause for an apology or a suspension to think about those words.
It has really chapped my ass that:

*members of the Red Team (other than HJ) will not step up to condemn Lara Logan’s comments on Fauci/Mengele
*some posters (Mahb) won’t tell the truth as to what they posted. Low integrity.

But, time to move on. I will drop this thread.
You had said you were dropping it then posted again. A quick count has you posting 17 times in your ranting thread against Lara Logan. I apologize in advance if my count is a little over or under. Your vehemence towards this matter has been almost "CD like" That is not your typical style. Yes, what Lara Logan said was vitriolic and over the top. But maybe after the me too movement turned their back on her because Omar and Talib decided that it was unwoke to call Islamic rapists rapists she might have developed an edge. Is the true reason for your hatred because she did not genuflect at the alter of your patron Saint Fauci?

Have you been reading up on Joy Reid? I will try to get to that tomorrow. Joe Brady as possible OC is much more interesting. But when the Joy Reid thread goes up I do hope you have the interest to comment at least half as much as you have in your slash and burn campaign against Lara Logan.
Thanking you in advance.
Wow Cortez you have no compunction toward lieing NONE at all. Your going to tell me you have a ScreenShot of my Thumbs up ? LOL Liar !!! You are too dumb to post it ,,,, well I now believe the dumb part, but you cant post it BECAUSE ITS A LIE Coming from a LIAR. Just how dumb are you ? Do you just go through life make things up and lying as it suits you, and think nothing of it ? So Sad coming from an "Adult". Post it goober, go to YOUTUBE look up " How to post a SCREEN SHOT" try hard to follow the Directions. POST IT LIAR. You have 0 Respect. I can respect anyone who has a point of view contrarian to mine. Someone that represents what they think honestly, defends their point of view with THEIR facts, BUT A BOLD FACE LIAR WHO LACKS A SPINE ? A COWARD THAT HAS TO RESORT TO LIES TO MAINTAIN THEIR FARSE ?
I took a screen shot of your thumbs up on Doerunn’s cut and pasted article. But, I’m too illiterate technologically to link it to this post. But believe me, you did indeed endorse Doerunn’s piece.
I Figured you might actually be truthful (ironic isn't it), when you stated your too dumb to be able to post my " Thumbs up" Screen Shot, So I'll do you the Favore. Below is EVERY POST I made on this thread. WHERE IS THAT THUMBS UP Congratulations you SCREEN SHOT ? LIAR . Go to your Primary Care Phyician and let them know you got a concussion from all the Head Blows and Body Shots you took on this thread. You need an MRI

Cortez that you think, being a CNN/Msnbc/ et all follower, you have any kind of objective opinion on journalism (investigative at that ! ) is not just rich, but it is hysterical in its absurdity. Where are your posts on all the miss information and political agenda's that have been exposed, proved, AND admitted to via back page retractions ? Where is your outrage at the total GASLIGHTING the media (Your Media at that) did to aid the Democrats with Russia Gate ? Your a total Fraud and a Troll ROFLMAO that you haven't realized everyone knows your Full of 'ish , makes you a fool on top of it.

Your so Critical and objective, Where in the Above did you show any curiosity over CBS firing a Woman, who was physically and sexually assaulted ? Wasn't she Assaulted ? Where they Muslims who assaulted her ? Wasn't Obama President in those times ? Wasn't he and his Administration heavily involved with Muslims and their country's ? ( Don't forget the murder of our Ambassador was Blamed on a FAKE video to save Obama's narrative)
Can you post the Articles Lara wrote that caused her to be fired from CBS ? Were they related to what happened to her in Cairo ? Why doesn't a person so knowledgeable about investigative journalism have these things answered ?

Raoul ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What about THAT LINE ? You have NO 0 Zip credibility. The only line you gave was a Yellow one down your back to the puddle your standing in. 13 Dead Americans ! American's and Allies ABANDONED, to this very DAY, in Afghanistan !

Oh Cortez LOL. All Talk No Substance.

Was she reporting on a sporting event ? Was it social commentary ?

Nope, in your own words
This occurred during the "Arab Spring" and she was covering it.
How disingenuous to say one was not related to the other. The killing of our Ambassador was directly related to the unrest of "The Arab Spring". What part that she wrote was Debunked ? That Moronic Lie of the Video Tape ? Maybe you are confused with Susan Rice

Lara Logan must of really chapped your asshat with one of her great reporting pieces to have you running to a board to post indignation Roflmao Mazel tov to Lara 🙂

What's simplistic is you avoiding her firing could of been due for reporting against the narrative in Obama's time as president. You just blamed the woman. You criticized her journalistic talent and integrity, then fail to recognize the event she's following. "The Arab Spring" . You probably think Cuomo is a great reporter with outstanding integrity 🤪

ROFLMAO Cortez vets others posts and doesn't vet his own. That's rich, how very progressive of you /snicker 🤪 😂 😂🤣

congratulate him ? No wonder you always post 💩 you can not read. Where did I say Congrd, well done, or good job ? I found it hysterical you would ask him (or anyone ) to post sources, since you never back your BS up ROFLMAO. You have some personality complex going, but I would expect that from someone that knows he's disingenuous. Better luck next time 🤡

The thumbs up ??? Drop the crack pipe Cortez, and don't get high on your own supply LOL. Typical lying BS from you. Show me, Quote me, post the screen shot of my congratulations and that Thumbs up. You post utter garbage then expect no one to notice? Post it and prove me wrong,,,,,,,,,,,, you cant because you made it up ! and why ? because your butt hurt no one believes the garbage you post, and you have no truthful sources to back you up. Pathetic coming from an old phukker like vu n'est-ce pas . Next time you want to slander a woman who has whipped the floor with your arse, do it with facts not slander me progressive. 🤡 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Now for the funny part,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cortez, Now that you actually read the article. and even commented on the source LOL , where is your response to what the article says? You didn't cause this hullabaloo over sources et al just as a hedge to your indoctrinated agenda did you ? Tell us you are not ThAt shallow , nor believe posters in this forum wouldn't notice ? Say it aint so Joe er um Brandon 🤣 😂🤣😂

GTFOH ROFLMAO what do I have to do with your opinion on what you read bawhaha. You'll never opine on that article nor anything that goes against your programing. Don't use me as an excuse to your lack of courage. 🤣 😂🤣😂

Cortez maybe it's your norm to make up your reality as you breath. vehemently denied ? Your fixation on something you made up is sad. No wonder you can still watch and believe CNN,MsNbc,maddaow, and cuomo (before being fired for being a lying, misogynist, all around creep)

This is what I said
Is this me Congratulating anyone ? (as if showing you to be wrong is an achievement /snicker 😜)

This was your response,,,,,,,,

and everything that you wrote that follows is just BS redirections. Do you see me reference Doerunn ? Do you see me say Good Job Doerunn !! or Way to go Doerunn ? Nope . Maybe your bruised ego has eyes and saw it, maybe your schizophrenic and your otherside saw it , maybe your just being petty trying to redirect instead of keeping the Focus on the Article that OWNED You. That's Not very Courageous is it ? What ever it is, it's ridiculous, just like your Defending your exposed, played out Narrative. 😂 🤣😂🤣
and on THAT NOTE,,,,,,,,, WELL DONE DOERUNN !!!! Apparently You Chapped his frail narrow lying ass 🙂 I Congratulate you Bro 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 🤡
Mengele was a war criminal , experimenting on Jews and gentiles, mostly Jews , for their perverted ends. He was a well documented killer of the Holocaust. Fauci is similar in that he indirectly killed millions of people with the misinformation to the public he provided. When he meets his maker, justice will be served
Wow, u have issues dude.
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