Lindsey Graham Is What We Are Talking About!!! These are just horrible people and we need to purge our government of them all!!!

Everyday Trump is gone will be pure joy and elation for me. No one person has done more to divide us as a nation in modern history. He is weak and scared. Southern District of New York is going to prosecute him too. You best believe that if you dont believe anything else.
Dude, Biden being elected is like Alan Glick being the "Front Man" of Las Vegas casinos for the mob. Alan Glick had no real power once the mob told him exactly what his role was (of course, after the casinos got their licenses). Biden has zero power and zero impact because we have the Senate and SCOTUS with the House being very close. Biden is emasculated for the next few years. Which means he cannot harm the country.

But but but i thought you said Trump would be president the 4 years? I thought it was looking bad for Biden, what happened?Im gonna tag every last one of you Trump slurpers daily so everytime y'all log on you're reminded of your cults humiliating defeat.
Everyday Trump is gone will be pure joy and elation for me. No one person has done more to divide us as a nation in modern history. He is weak and scared. Southern District of New York is going to prosecute him too. You best believe that if you dont believe anything else.

Agreed. The sooner Trump and his cabal of corrupt grifters are gone and prosecuted the better. We desperately need to return to sane, competent leadership.
You are that stupid.

But for this discssion I will reduce my estimate to only 5M.
Each dead person that votes steals the ballot from a lawfully voting citizen. How many stolen votes are OK with you? Each stolen vote to use a democrat term is a disenfranchized voter.

CD would you agree that a single disenfranched voter is one too many. Or is 1M too many?
Or is 10M still acceptable. Do stolen votes need to reach 50M to be concerened about? Please advise as to how many is too many? And does it matter whether it is an African American, Latino, Communist, or Trump Supporter.

I will ask again if you will answer my simple question, which I doubt you will. How many disenfranched votes is too many and does it matter what voting group is disenfranched. And I will ask another question? Should any penalties of law exist for those that either knowlingly perform or facilitate voter fraud? If so what should they be?
So DUMBA$$ do you believe Trump didnt get any illegal votes. Pack your $hit and get the F**K Out.
Everyday Trump is gone will be pure joy and elation for me. No one person has done more to divide us as a nation in modern history. He is weak and scared. Southern District of New York is going to prosecute him too. You best believe that if you dont believe anything else.
Do you think that the Republicans are going to let the corrupt Bidens off the hook? It will be 4 years of harrassment. Payback is a bitch!
Do you think that the Republicans are going to let the corrupt Bidens off the hook? It will be 4 years of harrassment. Payback is a bitch!
That doesn't really matter. Remember "Our job is to make Obama a one term president"? That's just politics as usual. The difference is democrats are NOT a POS so you don't have anything. Other than crap you spread that ends up like Benghazi. A bunch of accusations and no facts of any wrong doing. Costing the American people tens of millions of dollars. Take note of the fact that when the dems investigate it doesn't end well usually. When Republicans investigate it ends in a nothing burger.

Nobody is afraid of Republicans. They are cowards and scared.
That doesn't really matter. Remember "Our job is to make Obama a one term president"? That's just politics as usual. The difference is democrats are NOT a POS so you don't have anything. Other than crap you spread that ends up like Benghazi. A bunch of accusations and no facts of any wrong doing. Costing the American people tens of millions of dollars. Take note of the fact that when the dems investigate it doesn't end well usually. When Republicans investigate it ends in a nothing burger.

Nobody is afraid of Republicans. They are cowards and scared.
What does Obama have to do with this? The main reason Trump got elected was due to the 8 years of total incompetence of the Obama administration. Trump was a backlash to that idiots Presidency. Biden's 4 years will be 4 years of wearing Depends and taking Geritol!
What does Obama have to do with this? The main reason Trump got elected was due to the 8 years of total incompetence of the Obama administration. Trump was a backlash to that idiots Presidency. Biden's 4 years will be 4 years of wearing Depends and taking Geritol!
The obvious point I was making is we all know Republican are vindictive losers. Nobody cares. The reason Trump got elected has nothing to do with Obama. Obama was a two term president. He would have won if he ran again. His term was up so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Trump is a one term president because he was a shit president. Don't ever compare the two.

Regarding Biden. He only wants to do four years so keep up. Then he will hand it off once we get this mess Trump has left fixed.
What does Obama have to do with this? The main reason Trump got elected was due to the 8 years of total incompetence of the Obama administration. Trump was a backlash to that idiots Presidency. Biden's 4 years will be 4 years of wearing Depends and taking Geritol!

You're wrong about why Trump was elected.Trump was elected because the Democrats wrongly believed America was ready for a woman president and backed lying ass Hillary Clinton. Not because of Obama. Trump was viewed as lesser of 2 evils just like Biden was this time. You all can say what you want but the world believes Obama was one of greatest Americand presidents ever. The world over laughed at us for 4 years reading Trumps tweets and watching him make a ass of himself. And as a result of his presidency America can get ready for a decade of democratic dominance. I understand why Republicans are so pressed about these elections. It'll be hard to win moving forward in the future with this new generation. Oh well
You're wrong about why Trump was elected.Trump was elected because the Democrats wrongly believed America was ready for a woman president and backed lying ass Hillary Clinton. Not because of Obama. Trump was viewed as lesser of 2 evils just like Biden was this time. You all can say what you want but the world believes Obama was one of greatest Americand presidents ever. The world over laughed at us for 4 years reading Trumps tweets and watching him make a ass of himself. And as a result of his presidency America can get ready for a decade of democratic dominance. I understand why Republicans are so pressed about these elections. It'll be hard to win moving forward in the future with this new generation. Oh well
Certainly you are entitled to your opinion however other than Trump himself who said that he was elected President as a backlash to the Obama administration, look at the failed ACA, look at his apologetic attitude around the world apologizing for the U.S.A., look at his cabinet of crooks starting with Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Joe Biden and Hunter, the one sided nuclear deal with Iran, NAFTA..the list goes on and on. No, he didn't accomplish much of anything. Not our worst President in modern times but clearly in my top 3.
Certainly you are entitled to your opinion however other than Trump himself who said that he was elected President as a backlash to the Obama administration, look at the failed ACA, look at his apologetic attitude around the world apologizing for the U.S.A., look at his cabinet of crooks starting with Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Joe Biden and Hunter, the one sided nuclear deal with Iran, NAFTA..the list goes on and on. No, he didn't accomplish much of anything. Not our worst President in modern times but clearly in my top 3.

And I can find someone to spin it that he was top 3. You say a cabinet of crooks but no one has been arrested or indicted to my knowledge.Regardless I could care less cause I actually understand who makes the laws and does the moving and shaking.

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