Trump came off as an unhinged hot head and biden came off as sleepy shit talking joe. Both lost. What changed? Tonight Trump proved that he can be focused, smart, disciplined and still be tough but with ease against even the most seasoned of politician. Joe proved that he’s still capable of not passing out afer 90 min or a major gaf but that he’s still a disingenuous, sleepy typical politician. It’s not enough for biden.
if it’s a football score I’d say that Trump won 38-13. When you consider that this was an nbc moderator focusing on liberal topics, the undecided dem voters just didn’t get what they needed to inspire them to vote for anyone and the Trump voters that were on the fence about showing up have that confidence now to do what they wanted to do in the voting booth but weren’t sure after the previous debate.
if it’s a football score I’d say that Trump won 38-13. When you consider that this was an nbc moderator focusing on liberal topics, the undecided dem voters just didn’t get what they needed to inspire them to vote for anyone and the Trump voters that were on the fence about showing up have that confidence now to do what they wanted to do in the voting booth but weren’t sure after the previous debate.