Man I must be clairvoyant

I haven’t heard one Republican or Democrat, nor have I ever seen one report in the mainstream media,
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No. Never said anything like that. I just wanted to make sure that was you position.

Bc the United States enslaved blacks for close to a century after its inception. And the United States government, still to this day, never have given any type of reparations to African Americans and their descendants for the years of atrocities that were allowed and sanctioned by the government. Furthermore then allowing him crow laws to go on for almost another 100 years.

if you feel that governments should be held accountable for their actions to a certain group of people that caused them misery and death than you should be able to understand and be for reparations....
First of all it was the United States’s that banned slavery and a lot of white Americans died fighting for that.
Second of all do a little research not only white people had slaves you will be surprised.
Third Americans fought all over the globe for freedom
Fourth Black Africans we’re responsible for a large part of slavery. Research it
Fifth . Multi Millons of Tax Payers dollars have all ready bean paid to black communities and colleges. Research your crooked Democratic Party. Example Obama’s 18 million dollar home he just bought and the millions that have showed up in his account after he was president. Keep lying to yourself that he and the Al Sharptons of the world really care about black equality. Let’s see that guy you call a racist in the White House is the only one to do prison reform, give the most tax payers money to black colleges than any other president. Has made the most available money for business and community program in the inner city. Called for law and order to stop the killing of blacks by blacks in the inner city. What has Biden done in 44 years for Blacks .Research it. What did Obama do for Blacks to escape welfare and the Black on Black crime in the inner city except to blame whites? Yep stop the lie you tell yourself it is all white peoples fault and learn the definition of accountability then things might start changing. Many hard working blacks have all ready . You see more and more Black Conservatives as they see the truth . Guess BLM will have to try and use a different word than racist on them. All LIFES Matter and the United States of America is the best country in the world. Just look at Africa many of those countries have not developed at all. I guess that is a white conservative fault also.
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on board LOL You still cant tell a forest from trees. I've been living it all my life, but I don't get fooled by people prostituting a human cause for their politics. I don't trade one form of racism and control for Another, regardless of selfish benefits.
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And to Europe from China. How obtuse can one person be?
I realize they went to Europe from China and from Europe to the U.S. What is your point here? Why don't you read the Intercept report and question their findings? I'd prefer not to hear from you anymore.
I realize they went to Europe from China and from Europe to the U.S. What is your point here? Why don't you read the Intercept report and question their findings? I'd prefer not to hear from you anymore.
Because you dismiss the fact the virus originated from China, hence the China Virus!
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Because you dismiss the fact the virus originated from China, hence the China Virus!
C'mon Mutinous , now you're getting absurd. I've never dismissed the fact the virus originated in China. It supposedly originated in the "raw markets" from an infected bat.
First of all it was the United States’s that banned slavery and a lot of white Americans died fighting for that.
Second of all do a little research not only white people had slaves you will be surprised.
Third Americans fought all over the globe for freedom
Fourth Black Africans we’re responsible for a large part of slavery. Research it
Fifth . Multi Millons of Tax Payers dollars have all ready bean paid to black communities and colleges. Research your crooked Democratic Party. Example Obama’s 18 million dollar home he just bought and the millions that have showed up in his account after he was president. Keep lying to yourself that he and the Al Sharptons of the world really care about black equality. Let’s see that guy you call a racist in the White House is the only one to do prison reform, give the most tax payers money to black colleges than any other president. Has made the most available money for business and community program in the inner city. Called for law and order to stop the killing of blacks by blacks in the inner city. What has Biden done in 44 years for Blacks .Research it. What did Obama do for Blacks to escape welfare and the Black on Black crime in the inner city except to blame whites? Yep stop the lie you tell yourself it is all white peoples fault and learn the definition of accountability then things might start changing. Many hard working blacks have all ready . You see more and more Black Conservatives as they see the truth . Guess BLM will have to try and use a different word than racist on them. All LIFES Matter and the United States of America is the best country in the world. Just look at Africa many of those countries have not developed at all. I guess that is a white conservative fault also.

it took me 2 days to decide whether I wanted to respond to this post because it’s full of misleading and incorrect statements.
#1 slavery shoulda never been included in the constitution to begin with
#2 are you saying there were Spanish colonies with slaves too. Ok so what does that have to do with the IS government.
#3 yes, Americans have fought for freedom in many parts of the world. The irony is that black Americans fought for this country as well in all of these wars. Ironically enough they would fight for freedom and come home and have none.
#4 in the United States, African Americans had no choice when it came of slavery. It was in the constitution. 3/5 compromise, fugitive slave laws. Your point that African Americans had to do with that is idiotic and I’d love to see an article on how we were responsible for our own enslavement. Did we walk onto those slave ships out of curiosity? Was there an Uncle Tom that sold people out, I’m sure. But that we are responsible is purely idiotic
#5 we got scholarships so we good. Lol. Forget the housing discrimination, schooling discrimination, lack of voting,’lack of health care, lack of job opportunities. Smh. But we got scholarships. Thanks. Now your prob gonna tell me that whites started the United negro college fund. The rest of the stuff is nonsense. Obama field his taxes and released his financial disclosure form to the public every year like every president except 1 since Nixon left office. Guess which one....
it took me 2 days to decide whether I wanted to respond to this post because it’s full of misleading and incorrect statements.
#1 slavery shoulda never been included in the constitution to begin with
#2 are you saying there were Spanish colonies with slaves too. Ok so what does that have to do with the IS government.
#3 yes, Americans have fought for freedom in many parts of the world. The irony is that black Americans fought for this country as well in all of these wars. Ironically enough they would fight for freedom and come home and have none.
#4 in the United States, African Americans had no choice when it came of slavery. It was in the constitution. 3/5 compromise, fugitive slave laws. Your point that African Americans had to do with that is idiotic and I’d love to see an article on how we were responsible for our own enslavement. Did we walk onto those slave ships out of curiosity? Was there an Uncle Tom that sold people out, I’m sure. But that we are responsible is purely idiotic
#5 we got scholarships so we good. Lol. Forget the housing discrimination, schooling discrimination, lack of voting,’lack of health care, lack of job opportunities. Smh. But we got scholarships. Thanks. Now your prob gonna tell me that whites started the United negro college fund. The rest of the stuff is nonsense. Obama field his taxes and released his financial disclosure form to the public every year like every president except 1 since Nixon left office. Guess which one....
The truth hurt you didn’t it. You skipped everything thing I posted . Loot , destroy property, blame everything on police and call for killing of innocent police. Blame everything on white people. Nothing changes .
Deuce you seem like someone that searches for answers, look this up. What early 1800's until history began to be written society existed WITHOUT slaves ? Did you know governments (the good ones you read about in history books) had Laws dictating the treatment and wage of Slaves ?(like BC) Did you know as far back as caveman times one group or village attack another taking people, artisans, and anyone with strength or skill as slaves ? Did you know that when kingdoms were lost the princess were put into slavery as eunuchs', and princesses married off to solidify power or put in harems(for lack of a better term). Slaves have never been exclusively Black nor have Whites been exclusive Salve Traders. It might come to a Big surprise, but the largest Slave Trader of Africans in our time in history was A Black African Man. He was a tribe leader and guess how he got them,,,,,,,,, He attacked his own African brothers killing 10's of thousands and selling off the survivors. Did you know its The United States of America that took a National Stand Against Slavery, even going so Far as to fight a Civil War for the Cause, losing hundreds of thousands in the process. What would be today had NOT those crazy Americans made that moral distinction ?
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The truth hurt you didn’t it. You skipped everything thing I posted . Loot , destroy property, blame everything on police and call for killing of innocent police. Blame everything on white people. Nothing changes .

I didn’t skip. I answered each one of your points but by bit
Deuce you seem like someone that searches for answers, look this up. What early 1800's until history began to be written society existed WITHOUT slaves ? Did you know governments (the good ones you read about in history books) had Laws dictating the treatment and wage of Slaves ?(like BC) Did you know as far back as caveman times one group or village attack another taking people, artisans, and anyone with strength or skill as slaves ? Did you know that when kingdoms were lost the princess were put into slavery as eunuchs', and princesses married off to solidify power or put in harems(for lack of a better term). Slaves have never been exclusively Black nor have Whites been exclusive Salve Traders. It might come to a Big surprise, but the largest Slave Trader of Africans in our time in history was A Black African Man. He was a tribe leader and guess how he got them,,,,,,,,, He attacked his own African brothers killing 10's of thousands and selling off the survivors. Did you know its The United States of America that took a National Stand Against Slavery, even going so Far as to fight a Civil War for the Cause, losing hundreds of thousands in the process. What would be today had NOT those crazy Americans made that moral distinction ?

So are you saying slavery in the United States of america was ok? Are you saying it was good and justified?

and the union didn’t go to war because of slavery. They went to war to maintain union. The emancipation proclamation didn’t come until 2 years into the war. It ended up being a result, not the cause.
Where for 1 sec did I say slavery was OK? I had slaves in my Family. You should focus on Reading what someone writes to you, before you invent and lie bro. What didn't you understand ,,, read a book they are there to preserve history, so you can learn to Not Repeat it. If it weren't for books any A$$hole could just make things up and pit people against people. Imagine what kind of an a$$holE would do that ?
Oh and you never answered my Question,,,,, and another,,, The Civil War is not up for interpretation LOL Whites Blacks Slaves all fought and Died along side each other for a Common Goal. It's not for you to validate or interpret you weren't there. It Should be your and my privilege to respect it, and improve and expand on it. Shame some people are more focused on tearing it down.
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Where for 1 sec did I say slavery was OK? I had slaves in my Family. You should focus on Reading what someone writes to you, before you invent and lie bro. What didn't you understand ,,, read a book they are there to preserve history, so you can learn to Not Repeat it. If it weren't for books any A$$hole could just make things up and pit people against people. Imagine what kind of an a$$holE would do that ?
Oh and you never answered my Question,,,,, and another,,, The Civil War is not up for interpretation LOL Whites Blacks Slaves all fought and Died along side each other for a Common Goal. It's not for you to validate or interpret you weren't there. It Should be your and my privilege to respect it, and improve and expand on it. Shame some people are more focused on tearing it down.

youre saying slavery was ok by rationalizing it. That’s what you did there. By throwing up the cromagnon and their slavery into this. This has nothing to do with them. We are suppose to be above this a modern day society. And yes 200 years ago is still considered modern day. Did you not watch John Oliver last night. Lol. History books in this country are flawed. Flawed to make the white man look like he was always on the right side of history without admitting fault. You say well everyone else was doing it so I guess it’s ok. Well everyone else was doing a monarchy and our founding fathers thought long and hard enough to not want to repeat that history. Slavery was well contended during the writing of the constitution. That’s how they came up with the 3/5 compromise. Many of them knew enough that it was wrong. Yet they gave up on the idea of making true “all men are created equal.” If you think telling the truth is tearing it down then that’s where you and I differ. Bc it appears along with many others here that they don’t know the full truth!

what question did I not answer. You guys don’t even realize when i plainly answer your question. THE CIVIL WAR WAS FOUGHT BY THE NORTH TO PRESERVE THE UNION! it was not fought for slavery. That is not how it started. This is not hard to know. Watch ken burns, watch US grant doc, read the Lincoln letters, read the emancipation proclamation. And how Lincoln arrived to that conclusion. Even the confederate call it the war of northern aggression, not the slavery war. It was about states rights. Not slavery. The end of slavery came as a result. Thousands of whites died to preserve the union. Whether or not slaves were free were to none of their concern. Not a many of them.

None of you still haven’t addressed the treatment of black soldiers after the 2 major wars in our country.

Many of you who think Reparations are stupid, do you realize Haiti payed billions of dollars from 1825-1947 to France for gaining their independence? For generations upon generations blacks had to retroactively pay for their freedom! And no one has done anything about it. Not the United States, not the government...

we actually don’t even want money. We just want unquestioned equality.
Where for 1 sec did I say slavery was OK? I had slaves in my Family. You should focus on Reading what someone writes to you, before you invent and lie bro. What didn't you understand ,,, read a book they are there to preserve history, so you can learn to Not Repeat it. If it weren't for books any A$$hole could just make things up and pit people against people. Imagine what kind of an a$$holE would do that ?
Oh and you never answered my Question,,,,, and another,,, The Civil War is not up for interpretation LOL Whites Blacks Slaves all fought and Died along side each other for a Common Goal. It's not for you to validate or interpret you weren't there. It Should be your and my privilege to respect it, and improve and expand on it. Shame some people are more focused on tearing it down.
deuce 1906 does not want to look at real facts. It’s sad because we all agree that slavery was wrong but he and many others do not realize all through history there has been injustice to people of all color . Americans did something about it but smart liberals and blacks like Obama and Sharpton and Others have used racism for personal gain.
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I didn’t skip. I answered each one of your points but by bit
No you did not. You ignored all the truth. Please list what misleading facts I listed and why ? Everything I listed on President Trump and what he has done for the black community is a fact. No one else did anything but make promise each year just for votes. UN a is spot on truth I listed. Billons have been allocated for back community’s over the years Facts. Black inner city’s run by Democrats total disaster look at Chicago. Drugs , crime and gangs out of control nothing but the truth facts. I’ll stop. Yep just blame all white people and police.
No you did not. You ignored all the truth. Please list what misleading facts I listed and why ? Everything I listed on President Trump and what he has done for the black community is a fact. No one else did anything but make promise each year just for votes. UN a is spot on truth I listed. Billons have been allocated for back community’s over the years Facts. Black inner city’s run by Democrats total disaster look at Chicago. Drugs , crime and gangs out of control nothing but the truth facts. I’ll stop. Yep just blame all white people and police.

I did. I even numbered them for you. Crime nationally is down to an all time low and has been going down since 1990, in democratic and republican led cities and states. Chicago is a unique situation and it does need attention.

lol. Blacks have used racism for their own personal gain. Let that sit for a minute. You do realize blacks couldn’t enjoy the same freedom as whites until 55yrs ago right? When my mom was 16 is when they desegregated schools. My mom is now 71. It wasn’t that long ago. And we routinely use it to our advantage.

you know what you’re right. Shame on blacks. We are the problem and always have been. Maybe we should go back to Africa. Pretend I went back to Africa and don’t respond to me on any thread for the rest of your life. Thank you!
Deuce you can't just DISMISS something that happened ? o_O You say by Rationalizing a Fact your agreeing with it or as you said make it ok, so Ignoring it, lying that it ever existed is Right ? My friend I hate to say it, but what you did IS Rationalization, it's a self defense mechanism. You have to be able to face a truth, and then learn from it. You can not get to where I think you want to go, peace equality respect, without being able to do that. You definitely have strong feelings, maybe so strong you cant even face it are blinded, but you wont do anything until you stop running from a truth. How can you say you understand your fellow brothers and sisters honestly, when you deny the very truths that unite you ? Only people who intend to manipulate willfully deny and repress the truth, and history is a big target. Remove a person from their history and you deny them their strength of heritage, you deny them Intellect from prior achievements, and you deny them options. My family history lived through that in a communist country. They were not allowed to pray or worship. The state was God. The state owned you told you where and when to work and didn't pay you, since they bought you with free bee's that disappeared after they took power. A place that arrests you for trying to commit suicide, but not because they protect you, because you Damaged Government Property. It's important NOT to deny your history, before someone comes along and denies your access to it
Deuce you can't just DISMISS something that happened ? o_O You say by Rationalizing a Fact your agreeing with it or as you said make it ok, so Ignoring it, lying that it ever existed is Right ? My friend I hate to say it, but what you did IS Rationalization, it's a self defense mechanism. You have to be able to face a truth, and then learn from it. You can not get to where I think you want to go, peace equality respect, without being able to do that. You definitely have strong feelings, maybe so strong you cant even face it are blinded, but you wont do anything until you stop running from a truth. How can you say you understand your fellow brothers and sisters honestly, when you deny the very truths that unite you ? Only people who intend to manipulate willfully deny and repress the truth, and history is a big target. Remove a person from their history and you deny them their strength of heritage, you deny them Intellect from prior achievements, and you deny them options. My family history lived through that in a communist country. They were not allowed to pray or worship. The state was God. The state owned you told you where and when to work and didn't pay you, since they bought you with free bee's that disappeared after they took power. A place that arrests you for trying to commit suicide, but not because they protect you, because you Damaged Government Property. It's important NOT to deny your history, before someone comes along and denies your access to it

what did I dismiss?
I did. I even numbered them for you. Crime nationally is down to an all time low and has been going down since 1990, in democratic and republican led cities and states. Chicago is a unique situation and it does need attention.

lol. Blacks have used racism for their own personal gain. Let that sit for a minute. You do realize blacks couldn’t enjoy the same freedom as whites until 55yrs ago right? When my mom was 16 is when they desegregated schools. My mom is now 71. It wasn’t that long ago. And we routinely use it to our advantage.

you know what you’re right. Shame on blacks. We are the problem and always have been. Maybe we should go back to Africa. Pretend I went back to Africa and don’t respond to me on any thread for the rest of your life. Thank you![/ .
what did I dismiss?
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