Manafort case not going according to plan for dems...

We’re not in a contest cems and clearly you and I want different things. You want the president to be impeached for anything they can find but especially collusion, and I want all corruption within our government to be identified and prosecuted. You have a side you’re interested in and I have our country I’m interested in.

That said, we can surely discuss it further tomorrow so enjoy your game.

Lets call it a draw and start fresh tomorrow. I'm watching the BB game.
You actually surprised me tonight as I thought we were both looking for all corruption (both sides) to be identified and prosecuted but regardless, you’re entitled to your views and I will respect that.

Have a good one.

This is my last post of the night but I want to say this. It's a pleasure discussing politics with you without the name calling and vitriol that sometimes happen with certain posters.
You actually surprised me tonight as I thought we were both looking for all corruption (both sides) to be identified and prosecuted but regardless, you’re entitled to your views and I will respect that.

Have a good one.
Bro, I do want corruption exposed regardless of who does it. My point is we have an investigation about Russia Gate and that's what I'm focused on. When there is another investigation I'll focus on it.
I don't confuse the Bushs with the current Republican party. Sadly that republican party is dead. It is now a party of scared white extremists.
Come on lou97 why just why do you liberals always got to play the race card. I'm a white conservative Christian and I despise racism. I know racism will and is always alive . Plenty of racism from all colors let's not give it a platform.
Russian operatives were involved because Trump people reached out to them. Remember when Jr met the Russians in Trump Tower? And there were more contacts. Stop trying to over think a simple case of conspiracy against our country to flip the 2016 election.
Is that why Hillary paid 13 million for a fake Russian dossier ?
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Where's your evidence?
cems52 do not worry I'm going to let you out of our bet it will be no fun with you not posting and showing how sad you Dems are denying the truth about your own political leadership of the democrats.
Rachel Maddow cant figure out what she is.Is she a lady that dresses like a man or a man that acts like a lady.Hard to take it seriously when it has so many personal issues
I’ve said from the beginning that I believe both sides were likely involved with the Russians to an extent and I still believe it to be true. The difference right now seems to be that the Trump campaign had people on it who had worked with the Russians throughout the years in business and then met with the Russians after the election; while the Hillary campaign and DNC used Russian intel via Steele to try to gather materials to discredit and then influence the election. Now to me that’s collusion and I think it needs further investigation and prosecution if warranted. Of course that does not mean I want the Mueller investigation stopped unless of course they have found that collusion is no longer a possibility.

I simply don’t care if he banged some girl back in 2005, or shoplifted when he was a child, or threw up on grandma when he was in diapers. They’re just not important to me and I think they’re a waste of time.

But but but he tried to interfere with the investigation, he used campaign money to pay off that girl, he ..... Those allegations and the investigation into them (if happening) are nothing but the hopes and dreams of the Dems and perhaps the investigators to find something, if not anything, to save face for wasting the taxpayers money for a two year investigation that seemingly has come up with nothing regarding collusion.

So subpoena President Trump, let him plead the 5th, and let’s all see what you have. If it warrants indictments then do so and let justice be done. If not then let’s get on with it and take a deeper look into the other side. We need to know if McCain, Hillary, or the DNC knew the Russians were being used and why they were barking about the Trump team using the Russians when they in fact were.

I can’t wait to find out and this is a fantastic opportunity for us all to see just how corrupt our government has really become.

Bro, I do want corruption exposed regardless of who does it. My point is we have an investigation about Russia Gate and that's what I'm focused on. When there is another investigation I'll focus on it.
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I think you’re wrong on this Lou and see the Republican Party transitioning away from the career politicians to allow some fresh ideas into the mix. As for Mueller, I’d like to think he’s objective but giving his friendship with Comey, and the team he put together, I have my doubts. Nevertheless, he is the special prosecutor and we can all be sure, if there’s something to be found, they will find it.

Manafort was charged by Mueller, a lifelong Republican. He was appointed to multiple positions in the justice department by Reagan and Bush 41. He was appointed FBI director by Bush 43. This case has nothing to do with Dems. It wasn't long ago that guys like Mueller were well respected in the republican party. Sadly now it is Trump's republican party these days. No room for a guy like Mueller. Only absolute loyalists to the dear leader need apply.
I’ve said from the beginning that I believe both sides were likely involved with the Russians to an extent and I still believe it to be true. The difference right now seems to be that the Trump campaign had people on it who had worked with the Russians throughout the years in business and then met with the Russians after the election; while the Hillary campaign and DNC used Russian intel via Steele to try to gather materials to discredit and then influence the election. Now to me that’s collusion and I think it needs further investigation and prosecution if warranted. Of course that does not mean I want the Mueller investigation stopped unless of course they have found that collusion is no longer a possibility.

I simply don’t care if he banged some girl back in 2005, or shoplifted when he was a child, or threw up on grandma when he was in diapers. They’re just not important to me and I think they’re a waste of time.

But but but he tried to interfere with the investigation, he used campaign money to pay off that girl, he ..... Those allegations and the investigation into them (if happening) are nothing but the hopes and dreams of the Dems and perhaps the investigators to find something, if not anything, to save face for wasting the taxpayers money for a two year investigation that seemingly has come up with nothing regarding collusion.

So subpoena President Trump, let him plead the 5th, and let’s all see what you have. If it warrants indictments then do so and let justice be done. If not then let’s get on with it and take a deeper look into the other side. We need to know if McCain, Hillary, or the DNC knew the Russians were being used and why they were barking about the Trump team using the Russians when they in fact were.

I can’t wait to find out and this is a fantastic opportunity for us all to see just how corrupt our government has really become.
Fantasy, fantasy and more fantasy!! You have no proof "both sides were likely involved". But we do have proof Trump's peeps were involved by virtue of numerous indictments and guilty pleas and likely more to come. I welcome a special counselor to investigate Hillary, again, and other Dems. If there is evidence of wrong doing they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Stop trying to diminish the importance of the Mueller investigation because there isn't one for Dems.
cems52 do not worry I'm going to let you out of our bet it will be no fun with you not posting and showing how sad you Dems are denying the truth about your own political leadership of the democrats.
Why do many Trump folks lie about their contacts with Russians?

Fantasy, fantasy and more fantasy!! You have no proof "both sides were likely involved". But we do have proof Trump's peeps were involved by virtue of numerous indictments and guilty pleas and likely more to come. I welcome a special counselor to investigate Hillary, again, and other Dems. If there is evidence of wrong doing they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Stop trying to diminish the importance of the Mueller investigation because there isn't one for Dems.
Typical response from an aetheist cuck.So it is cavemanlike to want men to be men and women to be women.Continue to glorify your shemale,it is certainly a worthy hero for your cause
Neandrathal...that is a new name for you to call others. Especially when you just said it was nice chatting without all the name calling.

Pot calls kettle black.
If you are referring to my post to Cane919, you are correct. I respect his opinion so there is no need to demean his post. Here is the context for me referring to this person as a Neanderthal. He demeaned a child of God. You as a christian should understand how hurtful that can be. This person's post demeaned a woman so I wanted to point out how old or out of touch his opinion was. No name calling just a Christian trying to correct a wrong.
That’s where liberals have the toughest time as Christians. I get it though and I will respect your decision to not discuss this issue.

Like you and your refusal to interject your thoughts in racist threads I will leave it to the individual for such a personal decision.
I have some concerns about Mueller, but as long as he’s truly investigating the collusion and not on some witch hunt, I’m good with him.

Lets hope all that commit crimes are investigated. But for now lets support Mueller.
I’m not real sure he’s a Republican or a democratic, rather a part of the good ole boy system going with whomever is in power. A bureaucrat if you will.

Mueller is a Republican but yet I have no concerns. Isn't that ironic?
I’m not real sure he’s a Republican or a democratic, rather a part of the good ole boy system going with whomever is in power. A bureaucrat if you will.
Stop making up stuff to fit your agenda. The man is a Republican. Not a Democrat so you can claim he has a bias in his own investigation. We do have Americans both Democrat and Republican who put country before their own agendas.
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Typical response from an aetheist cuck.So it is cavemanlike to want men to be men and women to be women.Continue to glorify your shemale,it is certainly a worthy hero for your cause
THIS ^^^^^^^^.....Adam and Eve .......not steve :D
Just because you keep hoping Trump's campaign is not involved will not make it so. Oh, I know, keep hope alive? Got it.
Yes I do have it...u hoped since day one he colluded...heres to keep ur hope alive...# keep hope alive