Most Powerful Man in the World Says Kids Work too Hard to Cancel College Football!

... he is right!

Don’t make this political. You know who you are...
You just quoted a political partisan who is the current president and you don’t want this to be political?


unlike these players AND the QB great leader of the Clemson Offense

Black Lives Matter. This virus hits blacks differently even Trump says that. But since Black Lives don’t matter to him how is this not political?

LMAO at people thinking a tweet means anything. Ohhhhh boy, this board is something else.
You mean if he jumped the virus wouldn’t have come? Who knew
Naaa he means if he wouldn’t have said dumb rah rah shit and had just said dumb asses wear a mask avoid groups unless needed and wash ya stinking hands, we could have baseball like Japan and South Korea, soccer like Germany, France and Italy.

he did a great job on vents why not on Abbot test reagents PPE and messaging.
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Well his ass should’ve jumped on this situation earlier instead of down playing for months.
Or the Democrats should have not told everyone to go out and party !! Nothing to see here said the demorats!!!! You cult brainwashed leftist are to much !!!
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You just quoted a political partisan who is the current president and you don’t want this to be political?


unlike these players AND the QB great leader of the Clemson Offense

Black Lives Matter. This virus hits blacks differently even Trump says that. But since Black Lives don’t matter to him how is this not political?

You keep voting blue........they are doing so well for your communities. U just keep drinking Mr. Jones Kool Aid
You keep voting blue........they are doing so well for your communities. U just keep drinking Mr. Jones Kool Aid
Yep. They vote them and their empty promises in time after time, believing the lies.
I would really like @ellu to tell us what exactly the Democrats have done for his community? Please tell us specifically what policies they have promised and delivered on that improved the lives of minorities and people of color over the last couple decades? The facts show that liberal states and cities are broke, have the most homeless, drugs rampant, higher crime, higher taxation, put illegals first over their own citizens. So please tell me @ellu what they have done except taken your vote for granted. If you don't vote for Biden, you ain't black.
LMAO at people whining about threads becoming political, and then being totally unable to control themselves from making political posts!

Triggered much?
I asked a week or so back to name just one thing Joe Biden has done to help this country in his 47+ years in government - no one could come up with anything .
Yet they think now he is fit to be POTUS - my God
Phuck Obama and his biatch husband Michelle !!! Brainwashed leftist socialist!!!
HaHaHa Obama will live in your head forever. I love it. Served 8 years with Joe Biden. Approval rating better then Trumps. Race relations were great. Trump on the other hand 160,000 + Americans DEAD. Labeled as the worst President in American HISTORY. Good luck trying to get elected twice. (Like Obama)
It aint happening Biatch. John Kasich prominent Republican Will be bringing Votes with him. Cant wait to here John destroy this POS at the DNC Convention. Republicans will be totally embarrassed. Biden 2020 BLM
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I would really like @ellu to tell us what exactly the Democrats have done for his community? Please tell us specifically what policies they have promised and delivered on that improved the lives of minorities and people of color over the last couple decades? The facts show that liberal states and cities are broke, have the most homeless, drugs rampant, higher crime, higher taxation, put illegals first over their own citizens. So please tell me @ellu what they have done except taken your vote for granted. If you don't vote for Biden, you ain't black.

well let’s start with your assumption, that I always vote blue. It speaks volumes that you equate a fight against racism, institutional racism specifically as a Democratic position.

but before you ask me questions ask yourself, what is it about your core beliefs that allows you to speak so easily about shit you don’t know? Why do you ask me to educate you when there are readily available sources that you can read for yourself?
Who are you to answer to when you ignore basic facts and spew talking points as if that makes them accurate.

Ask yourself some questions. Do your own policy deep dives.

maybe recognize that there are those among us who revere Baldwin and respect Buckley.

So, if you ever want to engage in an actual discourse that is not performative feel free to mailbox me I’ll drop an email and we can have an actual discussion. But posting talking points is vapid.
I asked a week or so back to name just one thing Joe Biden has done to help this country in his 47+ years in government - no one could come up with anything .
Yet they think now he is fit to be POTUS - my God
That’s a dumb question because it all depends on what you think a good thing is. People could list things that Biden has done and you will simply reject those things because you personally don’t happen to agree with them. Just like a person could list a bunch of things that they like that Trump has done, whereas someone else could then reject those things simply because they don’t agree with them. When people don’t agree on policies, you can’t then expect them to agree on the implementation of those policies. Some will like them and others won’t.
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well let’s start with your assumption, that I always vote blue. It speaks volumes that you equate a fight against racism, institutional racism specifically as a Democratic position.

but before you ask me questions ask yourself, what is it about your core beliefs that allows you to speak so easily about shit you don’t know? Why do you ask me to educate you when there are readily available sources that you can read for yourself?
Who are you to answer to when you ignore basic facts and spew talking points as if that makes them accurate.

Ask yourself some questions. Do your own policy deep dives.

maybe recognize that there are those among us who revere Baldwin and respect Buckley.

So, if you ever want to engage in an actual discourse that is not performative feel free to mailbox me I’ll drop an email and we can have an actual discussion. But posting talking points is vapid.
It was a simple question. Not a question for Google. Yes I did assume you vote blue routinely but I would say it's a safe assumption. It's really none of my business but nice dancing with you brother.....
well let’s start with your assumption, that I always vote blue. It speaks volumes that you equate a fight against racism, institutional racism specifically as a Democratic position.

but before you ask me questions ask yourself, what is it about your core beliefs that allows you to speak so easily about shit you don’t know? Why do you ask me to educate you when there are readily available sources that you can read for yourself?
Who are you to answer to when you ignore basic facts and spew talking points as if that makes them accurate.

Ask yourself some questions. Do your own policy deep dives.

maybe recognize that there are those among us who revere Baldwin and respect Buckley.

So, if you ever want to engage in an actual discourse that is not performative feel free to mailbox me I’ll drop an email and we can have an actual discussion. But posting talking points is vapid.
Way to deflect and not answer a question.
HaHaHa Obama will live in your head forever. I love it. Served 8 years with Joe Biden. Approval rating better then Trumps. Race relations were great. Trump on the other hand 160,000 + Americans DEAD. Labeled as the worst President in American HISTORY. Good luck trying to get elected twice. (Like Obama)
It aint happening Biatch. John Kasich prominent Republican Will be bringing Votes with him. Cant wait to here John destroy this POS at the DNC Convention. Republicans will be totally embarrassed. Biden 2020 BLM
I am sure that TRUMP will live in your head a lot longer !!!! Your head is on a timer it will explode in November, LMAO

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