I really think you should watch reporting by Cronkite and Bishop. Bishop was a gay rights glass ceiling destroyer, a feminist without fear who demanded a seat at the anchor chair not based on her looks. She mentored the mentor of a friend of mine, Dwight Lauderdale (Calvin and I are friends).
I'm not saying you are being intentional but what you are not doing is accurately reflecting who these newspeople were and what they represented. They would be aghast at Trump's dismissal of actual journalism, Trump has been quoted as saying he undermines the media so that the won't be believed when they are saying something critical. "“And he said: ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.’”
Maybe review Cronkite's quotes on Nixon and Watergate, his coverage of the DNC and the police incursion, his coverage of Vietnam.
Legendary Anchor Covered Some of Biggest Stories of Century
"If in the search of our conscience we find a new dedication to the American concepts that brook no political, sectional, religious or racial divisions, then maybe it may yet be possible to say that John Fitzgerald Kennedy did not die in vain.''
The only difference was that folks were not being influenced by people who were not accountable to fact, folks understood editorial to be editorial and not news, performance to be performed. Buckley and Baldwin weren't journalists and everyone knew that, however they were committed to facts. Ta-Nehesi and Dowd exist today but folks are more interested in Hannity and Thomm Hartman and therein lies the problem.
"It is said that the human mind has a greater capacity for remembering the pleasant than the unpleasant." Walter Cronkite
If Trump were judged by results in the tradition of Cronkite and Bishop as journalist I'd be good with that too, there are journalist now who operate in that tradition.