My prospective as a 2 time Trump voter. A little bit of my truth

You are asking me to judge these fringe elements as if it were a contest. Which girl is the ugliest? I don't have to do that nor should you, they both suck. No winners.


Jews should fear the violent members of the ultra right. They’ve done this before.
Lawton Chiles the hurricane response did him in. I thought Jeb was a very good Governor.
Jeb is one of the best Govs we've had. Chiles did 2 terms, he's the reason George and not Jeb ran in 2000, no one expected George to pull of the miracle and everyone assumed Jeb would beat Lawton.

Both were good Govs, both centrist.
They circumvented their Legislators to usher in mass mailing system of voting. In short changing the way the State conducted voting just a few months prior to the election. Doesn't really matter now does it Cems?
Which states circumvented? From what I've read and seen it was the individual state legislatures that passed these change resolutions, often with great debate.
I really think you should watch reporting by Cronkite and Bishop. Bishop was a gay rights glass ceiling destroyer, a feminist without fear who demanded a seat at the anchor chair not based on her looks. She mentored the mentor of a friend of mine, Dwight Lauderdale (Calvin and I are friends).

I'm not saying you are being intentional but what you are not doing is accurately reflecting who these newspeople were and what they represented. They would be aghast at Trump's dismissal of actual journalism, Trump has been quoted as saying he undermines the media so that the won't be believed when they are saying something critical. "“And he said: ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.’”

Maybe review Cronkite's quotes on Nixon and Watergate, his coverage of the DNC and the police incursion, his coverage of Vietnam.

"If in the search of our conscience we find a new dedication to the American concepts that brook no political, sectional, religious or racial divisions, then maybe it may yet be possible to say that John Fitzgerald Kennedy did not die in vain.''

The only difference was that folks were not being influenced by people who were not accountable to fact, folks understood editorial to be editorial and not news, performance to be performed. Buckley and Baldwin weren't journalists and everyone knew that, however they were committed to facts. Ta-Nehesi and Dowd exist today but folks are more interested in Hannity and Thomm Hartman and therein lies the problem.

"It is said that the human mind has a greater capacity for remembering the pleasant than the unpleasant." Walter Cronkite

If Trump were judged by results in the tradition of Cronkite and Bishop as journalist I'd be good with that too, there are journalist now who operate in that tradition.
I remember Dwight from before we moved out here to Utah. Is he still working in the business?
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Maybe I felt the need to write this for myself sort of a deep clean if you will.
I remember driving from Chicago to South Bend, Indiana with my then 26 year old son to watch Miami play Notre Dame. At that time the polls had Hillary winning a landslide. As we drove thru the heart of Gary, Indiana I looked at my son and said Trump is going to win. He told me I was nuts and asked me why. I said "look around you these are all boarded up manufacturing factories." As far as the eye could see were abandoned factories. Sad really and I was right, he won with those very voters. Throughout his Presidency Trump did speak truth to many issues that have plagued and harmed our country for decades. Many of which swept under the rug by Congress and Presidents for decades. China ripping us off, NAFTA costing us manufacturing and jobs shipped overseas, Border Security and a broken immigration system, allies taking advantage of the US taxpayer, red tape throughout government that bogged down efficiencies, a corporate tax rate not competitive with other countries acting as an incentive to incorporate outside the USA, bad deals with Iran, countries not paying their fair share of UN dues or Nato promises, US military protecting other countries for essentially free. Many of these (there are more of course) can not be argued as they are all very true and no one can tell me otherwise.
Then throughout his 4 years the DC network did everything possible to go after him. I won't get into those details because they are not the point of my post. We all know what transpired for 4+ years. I am sure Trump was frustrated and angry the entire time.
The post is about Trump and how he responded to this. His economy was booming and all sectors were doing well by nearly every matrix.
But Trump continued to make enemies, continued to make it all about him, continued to embellish and exaggerate, continued to play right into the hands of his opponents. He couldn't help himself. He would skirt the edges of acceptable Presidential behavior thinking he was smarter then everyone else.
As with all first time Presidents there is a growing curve to learn how to be the President. I don't feel Trump ever grew into a President. I never liked the Twitter business it's not Presidential. I suppose it could be but not for a guy like him. Some of his attacks like those on McCain were repulsive. It's one thing to go after a Senator n policy but not on his POW time in Vietnam. Trump would repeat this mistake time and time again across both sides of the aisle.
Then came COVID-19. This pandemic allowed for ZERO errors! No one could stop people from getting sick nor dying but the communication to the citizens and the game plan had to be perfect. I often ask my family if it would have killed him to jerk out a tear on TV about Covid? His administration actually did some good things with attacking this unexpected virus but his daily 5:00 briefings he made about him. He pretended to be a scientist, pretended to be a doctor, attacked his team routinely, and fed the citizens BS nearly daily. We aren't stupid and any President that thinks so is dead in the water.
Capping it off was the election. It's true that certain States cut corners using Covid as their excuse. Not debatable. In the end they got him. Yet once again Trump did not act Presidential, thought himself almighty, communicated horribly, sent out a messages that inflamed the situation. So in the end 4 years later Trump allowed all the people who went after him to be proven right. To me, that's just dumb and so egotistical I barely have words for what happened at our Capital last week. It was disgusting to me and anyone in America,.
Reality is if Trump didn’t act like a constant ass no amount of cheating would have beat him. His narcissistic ways played a part in his undoing.

The flip side of the coin is the Leadership of the Dems (Pelosi & Schumer) isn’t much better. We really truly need term limits. I would hope this would be in agreement across this board.
Reality is if Trump didn’t act like a constant ass no amount of cheating would have beat him. His narcissistic ways played a part in his undoing.

The flip side of the coin is the Leadership of the Dems (Pelosi & Schumer) isn’t much better. We really truly need term limits. I would hope this would be in agreement across this board.

Still can't believe Trump handed them GA, crazy when you think of it.

Pelosi is a brilliant tactician, more in the vein of McConnell (tactical GOAT) than Trump. Pelosi bitch slapped AOC last night and I loved it. Schumer is good at being the minority speaker of the house, he's a nothing burger.
Which states circumvented? From what I've read and seen it was the individual state legislatures that passed these change resolutions, often with great debate.
Still can't believe Trump handed them GA, crazy when you think of it.

Pelosi is a brilliant tactician, more in the vein of McConnell (tactical GOAT) than Trump. Pelosi bitch slapped AOC last night and I loved it. Schumer is good at being the minority speaker of the house, he's a nothing burger.
Really? I’d love to see the video. There is no more stupid and ignorant person in congress than AOC.
Trump is 74 and has been in the spotlight for 40 years. If anyone has somewhat followed him he’s been an absolute narcissistic lying, cheat’n swindling con man his entire life. Period

Nothing he has done or said the past four or five years has shocked me.

Republican or Democrat doesn’t matter he’s just a straight up piece of sht.

Comments like this will keep him relevant , nothing but throwing fuel on the fire...

You fucvking dems think ur so righteous but nothing short of hypocrites ...
They circumvented their Legislators to usher in mass mailing system of voting. In short changing the way the State conducted voting just a few months prior to the election. Doesn't really matter now does it Cems?

Give a specific state that did as you suggested? If this happened why didn't Trump supporters complain prior to the election? Any chance something similar happened in states Trump won? If so, should we contest those?

Lets be blunt. The issue at hand is mail-in ballots, especially those mailed in by people of color. I still maintain those people would have still come out and voted against Trump in person. People in those communities feel Trump is a racist and corrupt. Unfortunately, his supporters don't see him as such.
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Trump clearly has personality issues. But his policies strengthened America., lowered unemployment for all groups, New peace treaties in the Middle East, Much better health care for Veterans .The building of a wall with Mexico was started and Immigration law was better observed reducing illegal intrusion by non citizens. He helped reduce regulation in Operation Warp speed that will help lower virus morbidity and deaths in the coming months
Trump was dangerous to DC, He could not be bought with Chinese money like Pelosi, Feinstein, Swallwell McConnell ,Biden and Clintons .But those who let their misplaced hatred for the man approve fascist policies hurt themselves and everyone else in this country. The nation is a tinderbox now. It will not be business as usual and the Democrats think they have a mandate to govern. They do not. Trump just went over 50 percent approval several days AFTER Jan 6.
I fear great violence in the coming months .People just don't realize the anger out there.
Please share with us this poll that has Trump at 50%+ approval?
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Give a specific state that did as you suggested? If this happened why didn't Trump supporters complain prior to the election? Any chance something similar happened in states Trump won? If so, should we contest those?

Lets be blunt. The issue at hand is mail-in ballots, especially those mailed in by people of color. I still maintain those people would have still come out and vote against Trump in person. People in those communities feel Trump is a racist and corrupt. Unfortunately, his supporters don't see him as such.
Don't you think it's time to look at how all states conduct their elections? From gerrymandering to voter suppression and even mail in ballots, why not take a look at what is working and what isn't so we could get more people involved in the process? Every American citizen should be able to easily cast their ballot if they so choose, as long as it's a legal ballot.
Don't you think it's time to look at how all states conduct their elections? From gerrymandering to voter suppression and even mail in ballots, why not take a look at what is working and what isn't so we could get more people involved in the process? Every American citizen should be able to easily cast their ballot if they so choose, as long as it's a legal ballot.

Agree. But don't throw out the Black vote because 90% voted against him.
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Agree. But don't through out the Black vote because 90% voted against him.
It would probably hurt some of what I believe in politically, but every adult should have easy access to have their voices heard in determining the outcome of our country. The problem is in eliminating fraud while obtaining that access, especially in the digital age.
It would probably hurt some of what I believe in politically, but every adult should have easy access to have their voices heard in determining the outcome of our country. The problem is in eliminating fraud while obtaining that access, especially in the digital age.
You do know fraud is not as prevalent as you and others might think?
You do know fraud is not as prevalent as you and others might think?
How do we know unless we look? We have never had mail in voting any where near this level before. What I'm saying is that the possibility of fraud is high in the digital age and we should take a proactive look to make sure that every legal vote is accounted for. Wouldn't you like to know if the Pubs are cheating in their states?
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How do we know unless we look? We have never had mail in voting any where near this level before. What I'm saying is that the possibility of fraud is high in the digital age and we should take a proactive look to make sure that every legal vote is accounted for. Wouldn't you like to know if the Pubs are cheating in their states?
I'm not against a review of mail in ballots and other election procedures. In the end, Trump still loses. The man is corrupt to the core and very dangerous. You know it along with 81 million Americans.
How do we know unless we look? We have never had mail in voting any where near this level before. What I'm saying is that the possibility of fraud is high in the digital age and we should take a proactive look to make sure that every legal vote is accounted for. Wouldn't you like to know if the Pubs are cheating in their states?
Also, remember in 2017 Trump appointed a committee to look into voter fraud. What were their findings?
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I'm not against a review of mail in ballots and other election procedures. In the end, Trump still loses. The man is corrupt to the core and very dangerous. You know it along with 81 million Americans.
They're all corrupt to the core and very dangerous to me cems. If you want to say Trump was the worst ever then more power to you, if you want to tell me that Biden isn't a corrupt POS as well, then that's where you lose me.
Also, remember in 2017 Trump appointed a committee to look into voter fraud. What were their findings?
Did they have the amount of mail in voting in 2017 that we got this year? This was unprecedented and we may never know if there was fraud going on or not. I'm not blaming one side or the other here, just want a free and fair election for all.
Give a specific state that did as you suggested? If this happened why didn't Trump supporters complain prior to the election? Any chance something similar happened in states Trump won? If so, should we contest those?

Lets be blunt. The issue at hand is mail-in ballots, especially those mailed in by people of color. I still maintain those people would have still come out and voted against Trump in person. People in those communities feel Trump is a racist and corrupt. Unfortunately, his supporters don't see him as such.
First, Trump was very clear months before the election about the dangers of mass mailings to full but not vetted voter rolls. Put that aside it was weak verifications to ensure validity of the ballot that were a problem in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, maybe Wisconsin and Michigan. You could be right on Biden suporters coming out to vote in person. Why do you insist on bringing up people of color? Does every topic involve race?
First, Trump was very clear months before the election about the dangers of mass mailings to full but not vetted voter rolls. Put that aside it was weak verifications to ensure validity of the ballot that were a problem in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, maybe Wisconsin and Michigan. You could be right on Biden suporters coming out to vote in person. Why do you insist on bringing up people of color? Does every topic involve race?
This topic does. Take GA and NC, the NC supreme Court said that voting laws targeted to suppress black voters with laser like precision.
In GA they limited precincts and reduced early voting hours and made weekend voting difficult, all targeted at black voting practices. Texas gov mandated that voting ballots being dropped off be limited to one location per county. Knowing full well that the majority of black voters used this method and many would not have availability to reach the single destination in counties as large as the state of those island. Pure racially targeted suppressive method. Picking up ballots for those unable to drop them off was also vilified.
Voter suppression is real and it’s effective. Sometimes it can be done with speech. Look at what Trump did to MAGA in GA, but for him McConnel is still majority.

it’s ok to recognize when policies impact race. If it’s exhausting to hear about it just imagine living it.
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Trump clearly has personality issues. But his policies strengthened America. It can be argued that by not participating in the climate accord, destabilizing the international agreement for Nukes with Iran, impugning the G6, pulling money from WHO and demeaning democratic European nations, supporting questionable dictators in Poland and Phillipines, and raising the profile of N. Korea he was detrimental to the US and its allies in NATO. He certainly ceded a good deal of "soft power". If not power in the absolute.

lowered unemployment for all groups, for the sake of argument, assuming you mean pre Covid, his percentage of lowering unemployment was less than his predecessor and appears to be a continuation rather than a reversal. See the raw or scaled numbers for 44 to illustrate.

New peace treaties in the Middle East. Yes between non-hostile nations who have a common enemy but better than nothing. That being said, he allowed the restoration of a despot in Syria, undermined our strongest military ally in the region by betraying the Kurds who then lost much of their native land in the border of Turkey (Trump's ally), did not punish Saudi dictator Muslim terrorist for the murder of an American Nationilst.

Much better health care for Veterans. No facts to the counter, great job from what I hear and that makes up for a lot to me as Vets are everything.

The building of a wall with Mexico was started. Waste of money, he rebuilt fencing in most places.

and Immigration law was better observed reducing illegal intrusion by non citizens. Factually untrue, Obama deported more. Most illegal immigration is by plane, he did nothing to stop it. Makes sense, his wife overstayed her Visa initially and she got status that wasn't afforded to her by virtue of crafty lawyering.

He helped reduce regulation in Operation Warp speed that will help lower virus morbidity and deaths in the coming months. Vaccines produced internationally were done so at the same rate. The first vaccine approved in the US was done by a company with zero input from the US and/or its regs. He blew the rollout of administration of the vaccine. he failed to follow basic advice of the experts running his Operation Warp speed and 250k Americans have died since he rejected the advice, over 370k dead total.

Trump was dangerous to DC. Substitute the world and I agree.

He could not be bought with Chinese money like Pelosi, Feinstein, Swallwell McConnell ,Biden and Clintons . Who has done more business with China personally? Who's kid got approval from the Chinese government in the last 4 years.

I fear great violence in the coming months.
Me too.

People just don't realize the anger out there. I do, may I recommend some books you may otherwise not read. Its always good to get different perspectives, its why I read Bongino and Coulter though I think they are not great thinkers.

@ellu, I had to step away from this thread purposely, but I always love the thoughtful and detailed replies from you.

Blinders are a dangerous thing. This is true in personal, professional and political settings. Look at all of the violent protesters? Wasn't it Donald Trump who ranted about peaceful protests? Yes, until they were protesting on his behalf. Wasn't it Donald Trump who ranted about the importance of police in our society (which I 100% agree with)? Yes, until his protesters beat them down and threw objects at them, simply for them doing their job. I mean, it's not the convenience at which he (attempts to) lead, but it's the blinders of his followers. I don't fault anyone from following someone, but when the person is incorrect (define that any way you want), that's where a REAL man/woman/American can stand up and say, "That's ****ed up! My guy is wrong!". But to make excuses makes the followers the same as the leader, but with more shame because they are puppets (Dems or Republicans).

My final analogy (all fictitious): If I have a GREAT wife, who is always by my side, is a great mom, loves me and the kids, etc., but then has a dude on the side, I'm not going to keep making excuses on why she's so great for this marriage. But when that infidelity goes beyond and now I find out that she's stealing money, threatening people (family/friends/strangers), is involved in some shady dealings....shame on me for still making excuses for her. For some, Donald Trump is that fictitious wife and many of his follower are this fictitious husband. Wake up!
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Reality is if Trump didn’t act like a constant ass no amount of cheating would have beat him. His narcissistic ways played a part in his undoing.

The flip side of the coin is the Leadership of the Dems (Pelosi & Schumer) isn’t much better. We really truly need term limits. I would hope this would be in agreement across this board.
Spot on . Notice with the liberals never no blame on them no matter what. ALL LIVES MATTER.
Spot on . Notice with the liberals never no blame on them no matter what. ALL LIVES MATTER.
if you want to compare Pelosi and Schumer that would be a McConnell Scalise comparison. Each play dirty but no one can credibly say they lead a literal insurrection.

Trump is singularly self serving and self motivated, willing to demean his own Generals when they resist his madness, claims to know more than the military Heads, believes media and press that echo his inclinations while ignoring his access to the greatest intelligence resources known to mankind and intentionally undermines the public trust in important institutions. He’s a singularly dangerous pariah and should be identified as such.
if you want to compare Pelosi and Schumer that would be a McConnell Scalise comparison. Each play dirty but no one can credibly say they lead a literal insurrection.

Trump is singularly self serving and self motivated, willing to demean his own Generals when they resist his madness, claims to know more than the military Heads, believes media and press that echo his inclinations while ignoring his access to the greatest intelligence resources known to mankind and intentionally undermines the public trust in important institutions. He’s a singularly dangerous pariah and should be identified as such.
Totally disagree. Let’s see what four years of the left brings. Anyone that thinks our federal government is not crooked and the FBI and Intelligence has not run amok has there head stuck in the sand . If you think big tech ,banks and foreign influences have not bought our government off your living in a pipe dream . President Trump exposed them . Republican and Democrats with the press spread hate amongst the people so they can have total control of Americans and be part of the globalization of the world with China leading the charge. Look at all the riots , ANTIFA, looting, killing of police, calling for no Police, blaming white privilege for destruction of poor families and all you high and mighty liberals sweep that under the rug. Yep things are going to get worst before better. More hate in this country in the last twenty years way before Trump came around. Blame him if you want plenty of blame to go around on each side . ALL LIVES MATTER. Yep you hypocrites are giddy over Trump supporters protesting and all of a sudden have become the all loving patriotic Americans and Trump supporters are the scum. Yep go climb under your slimy rock you came out of while for four years all looted , rioted , assaulted citizens, killed police officers, took over the capital building during the Supreme Court hearings, liberals took over Wisconsin capital and shut it down but that was ok. Yep I could go all day. No apologies from me . Thank God Trump had the balls to expose you slimy hypocrites on each side .
This topic does. Take GA and NC, the NC supreme Court said that voting laws targeted to suppress black voters with laser like precision.
In GA they limited precincts and reduced early voting hours and made weekend voting difficult, all targeted at black voting practices. Texas gov mandated that voting ballots being dropped off be limited to one location per county. Knowing full well that the majority of black voters used this method and many would not have availability to reach the single destination in counties as large as the state of those island. Pure racially targeted suppressive method. Picking up ballots for those unable to drop them off was also vilified.
Voter suppression is real and it’s effective. Sometimes it can be done with speech. Look at what Trump did to MAGA in GA, but for him McConnel is still majority.

it’s ok to recognize when policies impact race. If it’s exhausting to hear about it just imagine living it.
It's exhausting in every way. If the voting hours and weekend voting are limited I'm certain white people and latin people and asian people would all be effected. Unless you are claiming that only Black people live in Georgia. How is the other folks vote> ? I won't stand up for any State and the way they conduct voting because most States (really it's Counties) do a piss poor job. SEE; Brenda Snipes Broward County Florida.
Totally disagree. Let’s see what four years of the left brings. Anyone that thinks our federal government is not crooked and the FBI and Intelligence has not run amok has there head stuck in the sand . If you think big tech ,banks and foreign influences have not bought our government off your living in a pipe dream . President Trump exposed them . Republican and Democrats with the press spread hate amongst the people so they can have total control of Americans and be part of the globalization of the world with China leading the charge. Look at all the riots , ANTIFA, looting, killing of police, calling for no Police, blaming white privilege for destruction of poor families and all you high and mighty liberals sweep that under the rug. Yep things are going to get worst before better. More hate in this country in the last twenty years way before Trump came around. Blame him if you want plenty of blame to go around on each side . ALL LIVES MATTER. Yep you hypocrites are giddy over Trump supporters protesting and all of a sudden have become the all loving patriotic Americans and Trump supporters are the scum. Yep go climb under your slimy rock you came out of while for four years all looted , rioted , assaulted citizens, killed police officers, took over the capital building during the Supreme Court hearings, liberals took over Wisconsin capital and shut it down but that was ok. Yep I could go all day. No apologies from me . Thank God Trump had the balls to expose you slimy hypocrites on each side .
Thank God Trump A$$ is GONE!!! Good Bye POS BLM
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Totally disagree. Let’s see what four years of the left brings. Anyone that thinks our federal government is not crooked and the FBI and Intelligence has not run amok has there head stuck in the sand . If you think big tech ,banks and foreign influences have not bought our government off your living in a pipe dream . President Trump exposed them . Republican and Democrats with the press spread hate amongst the people so they can have total control of Americans and be part of the globalization of the world with China leading the charge. Look at all the riots , ANTIFA, looting, killing of police, calling for no Police, blaming white privilege for destruction of poor families and all you high and mighty liberals sweep that under the rug. Yep things are going to get worst before better. More hate in this country in the last twenty years way before Trump came around. Blame him if you want plenty of blame to go around on each side . ALL LIVES MATTER. Yep you hypocrites are giddy over Trump supporters protesting and all of a sudden have become the all loving patriotic Americans and Trump supporters are the scum. Yep go climb under your slimy rock you came out of while for four years all looted , rioted , assaulted citizens, killed police officers, took over the capital building during the Supreme Court hearings, liberals took over Wisconsin capital and shut it down but that was ok. Yep I could go all day. No apologies from me . Thank God Trump had the balls to expose you slimy hypocrites on each side .

Bobbie jo:

No doubt you and I have different lenses on the recent events and elections. Here’s a key difference:

* the “Left” you speak of did not win the election. Moderates won. Biden defeated Bernie and Warren and held the middle of the Dems. AOC and the Squad did not prosper. Pelosi has been masterful in minimizing the voice of the Squad.

* the riots in Portland and other cities do not represent the Democratic center. Trump and friends try to smear moderate Dems by linking them to this violence. Nonsense. Those violent rioters in our cities should be locked up, early and often.

*Biden’s pick for his Cabinet speak loud and clear on his goal for a moderate administration. He has picked professionals, not rabble rousers or ideologues.

I’m hoping Joe keeps his word and narrowly focuses on defeating COVID, achieving fast and massive vaccination of our country and a quick economic rebound for all. All the other stuff is irrelevant until these 3 goals are achieved. This is an American agenda, not a Left Wing plan.
I understand it perfectly well. Some people in every corner of the earth have hate in their hearts for other people. It's really that simple. It was there before Trump it will be there after Trump. I don't like it any more then you do.
Agree, and we continue to vote for these people twice and no matter what we see they just can't bring themselves to do anything about it. Support this hate, apologize for this hate, excuse this hate, explain this hate, and empower people that have it. I am interested in what you do about it. From what I have read you aren't doing anything.
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Maybe I felt the need to write this for myself sort of a deep clean if you will.
I remember driving from Chicago to South Bend, Indiana with my then 26 year old son to watch Miami play Notre Dame. At that time the polls had Hillary winning a landslide. As we drove thru the heart of Gary, Indiana I looked at my son and said Trump is going to win. He told me I was nuts and asked me why. I said "look around you these are all boarded up manufacturing factories." As far as the eye could see were abandoned factories. Sad really and I was right, he won with those very voters. Throughout his Presidency Trump did speak truth to many issues that have plagued and harmed our country for decades. Many of which swept under the rug by Congress and Presidents for decades. China ripping us off, NAFTA costing us manufacturing and jobs shipped overseas, Border Security and a broken immigration system, allies taking advantage of the US taxpayer, red tape throughout government that bogged down efficiencies, a corporate tax rate not competitive with other countries acting as an incentive to incorporate outside the USA, bad deals with Iran, countries not paying their fair share of UN dues or Nato promises, US military protecting other countries for essentially free. Many of these (there are more of course) can not be argued as they are all very true and no one can tell me otherwise.
Then throughout his 4 years the DC network did everything possible to go after him. I won't get into those details because they are not the point of my post. We all know what transpired for 4+ years. I am sure Trump was frustrated and angry the entire time.
The post is about Trump and how he responded to this. His economy was booming and all sectors were doing well by nearly every matrix.
But Trump continued to make enemies, continued to make it all about him, continued to embellish and exaggerate, continued to play right into the hands of his opponents. He couldn't help himself. He would skirt the edges of acceptable Presidential behavior thinking he was smarter then everyone else.
As with all first time Presidents there is a growing curve to learn how to be the President. I don't feel Trump ever grew into a President. I never liked the Twitter business it's not Presidential. I suppose it could be but not for a guy like him. Some of his attacks like those on McCain were repulsive. It's one thing to go after a Senator n policy but not on his POW time in Vietnam. Trump would repeat this mistake time and time again across both sides of the aisle.
Then came COVID-19. This pandemic allowed for ZERO errors! No one could stop people from getting sick nor dying but the communication to the citizens and the game plan had to be perfect. I often ask my family if it would have killed him to jerk out a tear on TV about Covid? His administration actually did some good things with attacking this unexpected virus but his daily 5:00 briefings he made about him. He pretended to be a scientist, pretended to be a doctor, attacked his team routinely, and fed the citizens BS nearly daily. We aren't stupid and any President that thinks so is dead in the water.
Capping it off was the election. It's true that certain States cut corners using Covid as their excuse. Not debatable. In the end they got him. Yet once again Trump did not act Presidential, thought himself almighty, communicated horribly, sent out a messages that inflamed the situation. So in the end 4 years later Trump allowed all the people who went after him to be proven right. To me, that's just dumb and so egotistical I barely have words for what happened at our Capital last week. It was disgusting to me and anyone in America,.
You knew who Trump was the moment he came down that escalater. That is, a liar, cheat, corrupt to the core and a racist but you voted for him twice. Your post doesn't explain why you would vote for a person with those credentials 2 times. Try again!
You knew who Trump was the moment he came down that escalater. That is, a liar, cheat, corrupt to the core and a racist but you voted for him twice. Your post doesn't explain why you would vote for a person with those credentials 2 times. Try again!
Yeah, doesn't take 8 years to figure out something like Jan6th could happen. Hell, there were people here rooting for it to happen. There are people here advocating civil war. Voting for him twice is just a bit on the I support you no matter what side. Gotta do better.
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These 🤡🤡🤡🤡 are still at it.... Trump lives in their heads still...

TRUMP 2024 ... !!!

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