Normal Guy Gets Killed By Thugs In DC

Mayor Bowser shows no concern over a murdered Pakastani Legal immigrant and no sympathy to his family. Basically says DC citizens need to protect themselves from the dirtbag criminals. Kind of like telling a woman that she should not dress sexy and go where there are horny men. If she is raped it is her fault and don't expect the police to help.

We all know that if a meth head illegal alien had attacked the police with a knife and was shot and killed, she would be on NBC, CNN, ABC WAPO and NYT, crying about the poor little MS13'ers family and demanding defunding of the police.

I am very interested to see if DC can find the two thugettes on the video and what they will be charged with? Maybe a mask violation or parking ticket? And reading down in the article there is another story about since the murder two 13 year old boys committed a car jacking. There is a serious problem in DC. I am sure that Bowser will blame it on Trump.
Are you now a reporter?
Can't wait for the midterm elections in 2022 and when Trump or DeSantis win in 2024. You are digging your own grave. BY ALL MEANS! KEEP DIGGING! California is now educating these illegal entities in person and the normal students are still on ZOOM. Go figure! California. This shit is going to end.
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