Once again a TREND by Democrat States caused a reaction by Repub states / abortion.


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
First I will say this. I don't know this Supreme Court decision but a leak from the Supreme Court on ANY CASE is very bad. We don't know the final decision and this thread is more general in nature.

Personally I was always Pro-choice and especially in rare cases of rape, incest, etc. and I probably still am. When it comes to sex these things can happen, and others.

But I have ALWAYS been pro-choice with some level of common sense regulations and A STRONGER EMPHASIS ON OTHER CHOICES LIKE ADOPTION>

Unlike in our youth there are so many choices for contraception including medicine you can take "the morning after." Buying condoms and other contraception has become more normalized and easily obtained far different then when I was a kid. Far less embarrasment or shame associated with it.

But I've noticed a trend particularly in Liberal states where they want to "normalize and applaud abortion" including and up to the 9th month or even thereafter.

This has caused a reaction where Republican states have begun restricting abortion after a certain time period. Most states have exceptions for the life of the mother on the books.

No matter your personal preference abortion should never be glorified nor celebrated as a badge of honor. It is at best a traumatic experience for all involved. Modern technology and medicine has made it that the VIABILITY point of gestation has been increased. That is the point at which the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Some want ZERO for any reason still others want a free for all.

I would love to see an easier path to adoption in this country and a reasonable point where a woman is told no. If a woman and man make a mistake and they find out that the woman is pregnant and they figure out quickly that they are not prepared to care for a baby then I don't see where it is our business if the pregnancy is terminated.
BUT if a woman finds out she is pregnant and in month 8 or 9 she then decides that this isn't for her, I would HAVE TO DRAW A LINE because clearly this person is killing a full term baby and had MONTHS to make that FREE CHOICE.

To my mind this person is in fact commiting murder and this person should be given every opportunity to make a different choice like adoption.

The abortion issue is such a slippery slope. While I don't want the Government controlling a womans decision on her body I also don't want irresponsible woman taking their sweet time to make this very important decision.

I understand religious zealots want ZERO and far leftists want a free for all. I want choices, an easier path to adoption, and some level of regulation. It is not true that all conservatives are Pro-life but we aren't for 3rd trimester abortions either and many democrats agree with that position.