Phase 2 starting.....Republicans Splitting

I think Trump was trying to get Ukrainians to change the story on Hunter Biden to help him if they wanted the hundreds of millions of dollars. He is a POS and will always be a POS that is useless. He wants things to be back to where you could be a POS and live a great life because back when "America was great again" you could be a POS and everything would be great for you anyway. Because you never have to compete with black or brown people. Everytime I ask a Trump supporter to tell a black person when America was great for them and I will wait....I get no response. It was only great for certain people. A bunch of lazy people that didn't have to do their own work and got billions upon billions of dollars in free labor. Then changed it to where if you just make blacks go to jail that is legal free labor. Trump supporters at this point should know who they voted for. It isn't a give him a chance thing any longer. He is a racist POS and he always will be.
I think Trump was trying to get Ukrainians to change the story on Hunter Biden to help him if they wanted the hundreds of millions of dollars. He is a POS and will always be a POS that is useless. He wants things to be back to where you could be a POS and live a great life because back when "America was great again" you could be a POS and everything would be great for you anyway. Because you never have to compete with black or brown people. Everytime I ask a Trump supporter to tell a black person when America was great for them and I will wait....I get no response. It was only great for certain people. A bunch of lazy people that didn't have to do their own work and got billions upon billions of dollars in free labor. Then changed it to where if you just make blacks go to jail that is legal free labor. Trump supporters at this point should know who they voted for. It isn't a give him a chance thing any longer. He is a racist POS and he always will be.
America was great for blacks at least all the way back to Booker T Washington's time. You do remember him right? He was born a slave but yet went on to become successful and even start his own college. Can you say with a straight face that any black person since then has faced more obstacles to succeed than he did? The only thing holding today's blacks behind is themselves for feeling so entitled as to not have to work for their success. Booker T said it best. "There is a certain class of race problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."
America was great for blacks at least all the way back to Booker T Washington's time. You do remember him right? He was born a slave but yet went on to become successful and even start his own college. Can you say with a straight face that any black person since then has faced more obstacles to succeed than he did? The only thing holding today's blacks behind is themselves for feeling so entitled as to not have to work for their success. Booker T said it best. "There is a certain class of race problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."

So basically your theory is blacks are lazy and would be more like whites if they only tried harder. Interesting.
You are seeing some of the party call the transcripts very troubling. Which they are and Trump supporters coming here and pretending they aren't are admittedly some real entertainment.

Maguire will testify and if the administration tries to stop him he says he will resign.

The chatter now is Trump and the Senate are at war. If a secret vote were taken today on his impeachment as many as 30 senators would vote to impeach.

House of cards starting to come down. Get your popcorn ready.
LMAO @ you as usual. Dems have egg on their face. Alleged whistler blower has 2nd and 3rd hand rumors.
Thank you for being you and others like you, Trump in a landslide, suck it up til 2024 cd
I think Trump was trying to get Ukrainians to change the story on Hunter Biden to help him if they wanted the hundreds of millions of dollars. He is a POS and will always be a POS that is useless. He wants things to be back to where you could be a POS and live a great life because back when "America was great again" you could be a POS and everything would be great for you anyway. Because you never have to compete with black or brown people. Everytime I ask a Trump supporter to tell a black person when America was great for them and I will wait....I get no response. It was only great for certain people. A bunch of lazy people that didn't have to do their own work and got billions upon billions of dollars in free labor. Then changed it to where if you just make blacks go to jail that is legal free labor. Trump supporters at this point should know who they voted for. It isn't a give him a chance thing any longer. He is a racist POS and he always will be.

I'm a moderate Cd, but what I differ from a lot of people that I know is that I am very sensitive the issues of black and brown you describe. I have seen first hand the shytholes that these citizens live in. First off, I was raised by great parents. Both working parents. A democratic mom and a republican dad, but both compassionate to the issues of poverty, ethnicity, culture, color. Mom especially culturally intentional. Taught migrants in Miami in the 60s, a writer-producer for public television in Miami, snd dad a USCG pilot and safety engineer after military service for the USCG as well. But my point is, my caring for others, not selfish for myself is rooted in the foundation of my upbringing. I was basically raised from an early age into my early teens by a black woman who managed our household while both parents worked to give five kids everything we needed to succeed. I loved this woman just like my mom. She was not a maid; she was our house keeper. My friends all loved her as well. But she would sit and we'd talked and I listened. A lot of baseball talk as she was a huge LA Dodgers fan and we spent hours watch World Series after World Series.

I grew up on one side of the tracks. Literally very close to US 1 with the tracks alongside that highway. And on one side was a black neighborhood called Howard back then, and my side a white neighborhood now called Pinecrest. But on our side, and kinda in the middle was Suniland Park. And I grew up there up until I left Miami for the Army. I played all sports and what was helpful in my development was that we would all meet at that park. The kids from Howard and the kids from Pinecrest. Black and white meeting to play sports. Mostly pick-me-up games because most of those kids couldn't afford to play organized sports. They were dirt poor, but it didn't matter at the time because we would integrate into that Youth Center, all four seasons and did this for many many years. I learned at an early age not to be prejudiced toward a person of color. These black kids were like brothers when we meshed playing sports. There was a fear among many whites because of the riots of the 60s in Miami. I feared not and there were few if any ill effects in my little world. At school after I left the prestigious Columbus HS, I attended Palmetto and was fully integrated with black students from Perrine. My main mentor teacher was black. A few of my best HS friends were black. I could go into their neighborhood in Perrine w/o any fear from harm. I think only me and another friend and his brother could do that. Why? Because we were like family to them. We had no bias and they knew that. I started working officially (not mowing lawns) at the age of 13. Worked as a busboy, dishwasher, server, umpire, cook up until the Army. And I worked alongside other black kids, many of whom were from Richmond Heights, a large black neighborhood and home to Deon Bush btw. Same deal there tho. I could go in there because of trust. My point here and below is that my foundation is cemented in these experiences and that mindset of understanding is what led me through my military career of a well integrated and multicultural Army. The Army is kind of a microcosm of society, but the Army, during my tenure, was leaps and bounds ahead of society on the subject of race relations and sexual harassment and women's rights. So because of my experiences and upbringing I was not a fish out of water. Some were and it was tough for some, black and white. But I learned a lot from my black brothers. I had guys sit me down and teach me stuff about the American dream for them. It is not a level playing field. One has to understand all the conditions, the environmental factors, parental guidance, poverty, educational barriers, the prejudice/racism from whites, valid fear & distrust of the law, that surrounds most peoples of color, but especially black people. How things from norms to testing in schools and for jobs, and all in between in our society is designed for white people, written mostly by white people and cultural lines. Suffice to say, it is an uphill climb and most whites don't understand or are indifferent to the plight of black people. I don't profess to understand it all, there's a lot there I have still to learn, but I have learned enough to know it's not right and I prefer to try and make things better and keep the door open to learn more.

So from all that, I suppose I would be tabbed a liberal. So be it, but a moderate, a conservative, a liberal imo should all recognize and try to change. But that's not possible in Trump's sphere of influence. I too believe that among a lot of other things, he is a racist POS as you do: And he leads a base that is filled with racists. I would call anyone here a racist. Only they would know, but I can see first hand most people that I run across in this state (AL) who support him, are racists.

As far as Joe Biden goes, I think the same that Trump is trying to sway the Ukrainians to change an already "nothing to see there" decision by their prosecutors (there have been 3 or 4. We'll have to wait and see what shakes out from that. I don't have a problem if an honest DOJ entity looks into it and the China accusations. Biden should welcome another look to finally close the book on it. My biggest concern for Biden, who I consider a moderate liberal, moderate democrat, is his mind. He's old and I can tell it's catching up with him mentally. One only has to have watched the debates, and I did, to see that his speech is becoming slightly slurred at times (maybe when he's tired), but he seems to get tripped up more often these days. I wish this weren't so, but I see it and we're still a year away from the election. I doubt his mental faculties are suddenly going to reach some sort of epiphany. I'm watching him carefully though. I can't support mandatory medicare for all. I want health care for all, but I want choices for all. I'm also hesitant to support free college for all. There should continue to be programs in place, and more, to help poor kids go to college. But that said, we need huge changes in our education system that puts more emphasis on education kids when they're in K-12. The education problems affect the black and brown community more because of many of the factors I listed above, but bottom line we should strive to have smart kids once they graduate from HS. Currently we don't and a lot of that I attribute to kids not getting in the books from the time they first start school. It should be our primary focus and repeat itself year after school year so that these kids are never in the risk of being left behind.

I'll stop now :)
So basically your theory is blacks are lazy and would be more like whites if they only tried harder. Interesting.
No, only the unsuccessful ones just like the unsuccessful whites. This is still the Nation that gives anyone the best chance to succeed. regardless of color. Where some see oppression and obstacles others see a challenge to overcome. The whole notion that blacks can't succeed without the help of us whites is racist. Booker T's words still ring true. all these years later.
LMAO @ you as usual. Dems have egg on their face. Alleged whistler blower has 2nd and 3rd hand rumors.
Thank you for being you and others like you, Trump in a landslide, suck it up til 2024 cd
Your problem is his accounts are dead balls on accurate and even match Trumps transcripts.
I'm a moderate Cd, but what I differ from a lot of people that I know is that I am very sensitive the issues of black and brown you describe. I have seen first hand the shytholes that these citizens live in. First off, I was raised by great parents. Both working parents. A democratic mom and a republican dad, but both compassionate to the issues of poverty, ethnicity, culture, color. Mom especially culturally intentional. Taught migrants in Miami in the 60s, a writer-producer for public television in Miami, snd dad a USCG pilot and safety engineer after military service for the USCG as well. But my point is, my caring for others, not selfish for myself is rooted in the foundation of my upbringing. I was basically raised from an early age into my early teens by a black woman who managed our household while both parents worked to give five kids everything we needed to succeed. I loved this woman just like my mom. She was not a maid; she was our house keeper. My friends all loved her as well. But she would sit and we'd talked and I listened. A lot of baseball talk as she was a huge LA Dodgers fan and we spent hours watch World Series after World Series.

I grew up on one side of the tracks. Literally very close to US 1 with the tracks alongside that highway. And on one side was a black neighborhood called Howard back then, and my side a white neighborhood now called Pinecrest. But on our side, and kinda in the middle was Suniland Park. And I grew up there up until I left Miami for the Army. I played all sports and what was helpful in my development was that we would all meet at that park. The kids from Howard and the kids from Pinecrest. Black and white meeting to play sports. Mostly pick-me-up games because most of those kids couldn't afford to play organized sports. They were dirt poor, but it didn't matter at the time because we would integrate into that Youth Center, all four seasons and did this for many many years. I learned at an early age not to be prejudiced toward a person of color. These black kids were like brothers when we meshed playing sports. There was a fear among many whites because of the riots of the 60s in Miami. I feared not and there were few if any ill effects in my little world. At school after I left the prestigious Columbus HS, I attended Palmetto and was fully integrated with black students from Perrine. My main mentor teacher was black. A few of my best HS friends were black. I could go into their neighborhood in Perrine w/o any fear from harm. I think only me and another friend and his brother could do that. Why? Because we were like family to them. We had no bias and they knew that. I started working officially (not mowing lawns) at the age of 13. Worked as a busboy, dishwasher, server, umpire, cook up until the Army. And I worked alongside other black kids, many of whom were from Richmond Heights, a large black neighborhood and home to Deon Bush btw. Same deal there tho. I could go in there because of trust. My point here and below is that my foundation is cemented in these experiences and that mindset of understanding is what led me through my military career of a well integrated and multicultural Army. The Army is kind of a microcosm of society, but the Army, during my tenure, was leaps and bounds ahead of society on the subject of race relations and sexual harassment and women's rights. So because of my experiences and upbringing I was not a fish out of water. Some were and it was tough for some, black and white. But I learned a lot from my black brothers. I had guys sit me down and teach me stuff about the American dream for them. It is not a level playing field. One has to understand all the conditions, the environmental factors, parental guidance, poverty, educational barriers, the prejudice/racism from whites, valid fear & distrust of the law, that surrounds most peoples of color, but especially black people. How things from norms to testing in schools and for jobs, and all in between in our society is designed for white people, written mostly by white people and cultural lines. Suffice to say, it is an uphill climb and most whites don't understand or are indifferent to the plight of black people. I don't profess to understand it all, there's a lot there I have still to learn, but I have learned enough to know it's not right and I prefer to try and make things better and keep the door open to learn more.

So from all that, I suppose I would be tabbed a liberal. So be it, but a moderate, a conservative, a liberal imo should all recognize and try to change. But that's not possible in Trump's sphere of influence. I too believe that among a lot of other things, he is a racist POS as you do: And he leads a base that is filled with racists. I would call anyone here a racist. Only they would know, but I can see first hand most people that I run across in this state (AL) who support him, are racists.

As far as Joe Biden goes, I think the same that Trump is trying to sway the Ukrainians to change an already "nothing to see there" decision by their prosecutors (there have been 3 or 4. We'll have to wait and see what shakes out from that. I don't have a problem if an honest DOJ entity looks into it and the China accusations. Biden should welcome another look to finally close the book on it. My biggest concern for Biden, who I consider a moderate liberal, moderate democrat, is his mind. He's old and I can tell it's catching up with him mentally. One only has to have watched the debates, and I did, to see that his speech is becoming slightly slurred at times (maybe when he's tired), but he seems to get tripped up more often these days. I wish this weren't so, but I see it and we're still a year away from the election. I doubt his mental faculties are suddenly going to reach some sort of epiphany. I'm watching him carefully though. I can't support mandatory medicare for all. I want health care for all, but I want choices for all. I'm also hesitant to support free college for all. There should continue to be programs in place, and more, to help poor kids go to college. But that said, we need huge changes in our education system that puts more emphasis on education kids when they're in K-12. The education problems affect the black and brown community more because of many of the factors I listed above, but bottom line we should strive to have smart kids once they graduate from HS. Currently we don't and a lot of that I attribute to kids not getting in the books from the time they first start school. It should be our primary focus and repeat itself year after school year so that these kids are never in the risk of being left behind.

I'll stop now :)

My political views have always been fiscally conservative and socially a lot less conservative. So for this reason I could identify with pretty much all walks of life. I have a lot of republicans I respect...but none of those republicans are Trump supporters. They know what this is....and it is Morally bankrupt. These are people that are NOT morally bankrupt.

This Republican party has turned into a dumpster fire. A disrespect for higher education. A propensity to carry water for the rich. Acceptance of a lot of complete nonsense for a $200.00 tax break. Absolutely no respect for the environment. I could go on and on and I there are some things I don't like that the dems do but at least they dems have a moral compass. Respect higher education and the environment.

I always believed that people that don't like government aren't good tryin to run it. My theory has been dead balls on accurate. There is way too much money in politics and it is going to be the end of our democracy unless we make big changes.
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My political views have always been fiscally conservative and socially a lot less conservative. So for this reason I could identify with pretty much all walks of life. I have a lot of republicans I respect...but none of those republicans are Trump supporters. They know what this is....and it is Morally bankrupt. These are people that are NOT morally bankrupt.

This Republican party has turned into a dumpster fire. A disrespect for higher education. A propensity to carry water for the rich. Acceptance of a lot of complete nonsense for a $200.00 tax break. Absolutely no respect for the environment. I could go on and on and I there are some things I don't like that the dems do but at least they dems have a moral compass. Respect higher education and the environment.

I always believed that people that don't like government aren't good tryin to run it. My theory has been dead balls on accurate. There is way too much money in politics and it is going to be the end of our democracy unless we make big changes.
Soo tell me, on what platform do you think Dems have to beat Trump. The country is becoming immune to never Trumpers.
Socialism not gonna cut it,
Time to wake up cd, you may dislike everything about his personality but his policies are being accepted by this country and the rest of the world.
Biden, Bernie, Pocahontas DON’T stand a chance.
Exactly why Dems are so worried. 67% DISAGREE with impeachment.
Trump in a landslide cd, sorry my friend
Soo tell me, on what platform do you think Dems have to beat Trump. The country is becoming immune to never Trumpers.
Socialism not gonna cut it,
Time to wake up cd, you may dislike everything about his personality but his policies are being accepted by this country and the rest of the world.
Biden, Bernie, Pocahontas DON’T stand a chance.
Exactly why Dems are so worried. 67% DISAGREE with impeachment.
Trump in a landslide cd, sorry my friend
I don't like him or his policies and neither does the rest of the world. If they did, we wouldn't be in a trade war, and his other policies are racist to me my friend. Sorry...Oh, and you don't impeach based on a poll. You impeach to do your job. Protect our democracy. If he did what he says he did then you impeach which I am sure they will....and I will live with the results. I will not live with cowardly people who won't impeach based on some poll. We elect leaders and they lead based on what is the right things to do for us all....not some of us or some poll.
It requires a majority vote by the house. You’re way more up on this than I am. When did this happen ?

A vote will come to move the Articles of impeachment from the judiciary committee then a full House vote for impeachment. Check your history not Fox Fake News.
This will definitely make it out of the house...and imo most likely the Senate when everything is finally heard.
I don't like him or his policies and neither does the rest of the world. If they did, we wouldn't be in a trade war, and his other policies are racist to me my friend. Sorry...Oh, and you don't impeach based on a poll. You impeach to do your job. Protect our democracy. If he did what he says he did then you impeach which I am sure they will....and I will live with the results. I will not live with cowardly people who won't impeach based on some poll. We elect leaders and they lead based on what is the right things to do for us all....not some of us or some poll.

Correct, They finally got to a point where enough was enough regardless of the polling.

I do hope Americans do what's right and support this inquiry and subsequent impeachment, if we get that far, rather than take an attitude of "I'm tired of all these investigations".

I think the only way Trump goes is if the American people somewhat overwhelmingly support his impeachment; otherwise, despite an expected successful impeachment in the House, the Senate would likely vote it down after trial.
Correct, They finally got to a point where enough was enough regardless of the polling.

I do hope Americans do what's right and support this inquiry and subsequent impeachment, if we get that far, rather than take an attitude of "I'm tired of all these investigations".

I think the only way Trump goes is if the American people somewhat overwhelmingly support his impeachment; otherwise, despite an expected successful impeachment in the House, the Senate would likely vote it down after trial.
It's about leadership. This is why this is the greatest country in the world. Our founding fathers didn't say it wouldn't be popular to fight for our independence. They did it because it was the right thing to do for us. I am so sick of cowards trying to be leaders in this country. I don't really give two shits about a poll. I care about what is right. Your job is to convince the american people if they don't believe this POS should be impeached.

Real leaders lead. We got better healthcare and people don't realize. A lot of democrats lost their seats over that. That's leadership to me. Now we don't get dropped with preexisting conditions. It seems like a small thing unless you have a family member that can't get dropped now. This is American. This is leadership.

Do your job. That isn't to insure you get more time in office. It's to protect our democracy. These people swore an oath to us and its like that is nothing anymore. I'm sick of it.
You think he gets thrown out the WH?
Yes, I have been saying this since he conned his way in with the help of Putin. He is an illegitimate president and I believe when the facts come out, he gets thrown out on his ass. I don't think the senate even likes covering for him at all. They are covering for themselves because he is so popular with that shit party. Now, when this stuff comes out I think like what happened with Nixon the facts are irrefutable. He gets thrown out on his ass.

Unlike Nixon he won't leave on his own because he just doesn't have enough respect for anything to do that. He will have to be dragged out. I would be surprised if he left on his own. Regardless of even if he loses the next election....he doesn't leave the office on his own easily. Because he just doesn't get it. He think the constitution was written for him. He doesn't know it and doesn't care about it.
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A vote will come to move the Articles of impeachment from the judiciary committee then a full House vote for impeachment. Check your history not Fox Fake News.

So this horrible President who is a criminal and has to be removed yet they leave for two weeks. Now that’s a concerned dedicated group. As for checking history, why this is happening now. They haven’t voted just keeping the circus going.
Cash, Trump himself released his transcripts. They are damning. I can't say if actual laws were broken yet. More investigation from the inquiry needed. There is much more to what is in that transcript. It will prove out during the inquiry imo. I posted excerpts from the CFR and the constitution the other day at the "about time" thread. Go check it out. Very brief excerpts of each and I believe Trump broke both. C'mon Cash, you know damn well Trump was bribing Zelensky using a substantial amount of foreign aid as bait to get political dirt on Biden. I know you know that. He colluded for his own personal gain in an upcoming election. Just in the initial transcript alone. I know you know that. You are not dumb Cash. You support Trump. That's ok, but don't support what he did "to a fault". Please go read that post with those excerpts. You may have already.

No president to date has ever requested dirt on an requesting such dirt from a foreign head of state for the US president's personal gain in an upcoming US election..........btw while dangling appropriated foreign aid over the other president's head. If Trump felt do strongly about it, he shoulda had his AG investigate, indict, and convict. That's how it works and please stop deflecting the issue with "everybody does it". Nobody but Trump does it.

As far as Biden goes, investigate, charge, convict him if it's proven. It hasn't been proven yet, but if there's enough to indict then do it. I have no problem with that.
Yup, and with #45's release of the transcripts its an admission of wrongdoing
So this horrible President who is a criminal and has to be removed yet they leave for two weeks. Now that’s a concerned dedicated group. As for checking history, why this is happening now. They haven’t voted just keeping the circus going.

You are wrong again. The Intel Committee which has the lead on this work, will remain in DC throughout the recess. In fact witnesses are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.

You're not making sense by continuing to bring up the fact that no vote has happened. Dems are following a process called impeachment. First you gather the evidence and then you formulate the Articles of impeachment which are like indictments. The Judiciary committee will then vote on these Articles which will surely pass. Then the full House votes which will also surely pass. At that time Trump will have been impeached. Got it now?

Your knowledge about this process is lacking. You have been fed lies by Fox Fake News. Open your eyes to other avenues of gaining knowledge. Try MSM.
You are wrong again. The Intel Committee which has the lead on this work, will remain in DC throughout the recess. In fact witnesses are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.

You're not making sense by continuing to bring up the fact that no vote has happened. Dems are following a process called impeachment. First you gather the evidence and then you formulate the Articles of impeachment which are like indictments. The Judiciary committee will then vote on these Articles which will surely pass. Then the full House votes which will also surely pass. At that time Trump will have been impeached. Got it now?

Your knowledge about this process is lacking. You have been fed lies by Fox Fake News. Open your eyes to other avenues of gaining knowledge. Try MSM.

Is that the same Intel committee that the Chairman during an open hearing couldn’t read the transcript and choose to make up a story and present it to the public. Justify doing that on such a serious matter. Why can’t the Dems just let the next election decide.
Is that the same Intel committee that the Chairman during an open hearing couldn’t read the transcript and choose to make up a story and present it to the public. Justify doing that on such a serious matter. Why can’t the Dems just let the next election decide.
No next election!! Our constitution calls for impeachment when we have a corrupt president.
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No next election!! Our constitution calls for impeachment when we have a corrupt president.

You keep lecturing on impeachment. The charade going on now doesn’t allow for due process. How is the accused represented ? You say you gather information and then impeachment is like the indictment. Do you think any prosecutor could get an indictment when he represented the facts ( transcript ) with a story he made up and put in the record.
You keep lecturing on impeachment. The charade going on now doesn’t allow for due process. How is the accused represented ? You say you gather information and then impeachment is like the indictment. Do you think any prosecutor could get an indictment when he represented the facts ( transcript ) with a story he made up and put in the record.

Zeke, Lemme ask you something.
Point 1: President Trump was accused and investigated for collusion with the Russians in an alleged attempt to help his campaign in the 2016 election. Special Council Mueller's report did not find evidence of collusion, at least not to the level of an indictment. A sitting president can't be indicted, but if he could, Mueller did not find evidence. So Trump walks. He's not guilty of collusion. However, Mueller is adamant about Russian interference in the 2016 election and there's plenty of evidence that the Russians were helping Trump in their interference. But Trump did nothing wrong other than some non-chargeable obstructions of justice. But keep in mind that IT IS illegal for a sitting president to conspire with a foreign government to help sway an election. You can nitpick what word to use either collusion-conspire, but it is still (in our context) an attempt to sway a US election for personal gain. Please do not try to "Hannity" your way around this. Bottom line, it's not right.

Point 2: Trump sends Rudy Guilliani to the Ukraine to dig up dirt on his likely opponent in the 2020 election, Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Trump is shown on national TV in an in-office interview with ABC correspondent George Stephanoppolis (sp) and is asked if he would take dirt on an opponent from another country, or call the FBI. First he says he thinks he would listen and then he says he would listen and "maybe" call the FBI. Watch the interview, and and you'll come away that this president would take dirt from a foreign government to advance his campaign. That right there was not the right answer and you know it. In May Trump fires our Ambassador to the Ukraine and later installs a special Envoy. Meanwhile, Trump is withholding $$$aid to the Ukraine that was appropriated by Congress. Then not sooner than the Mueller report gets cold, Trump calls the Ukrainian president and is asked about the badly needed aid. Trump asks for a favor that the Ukraine investigate Joe Biden and his son. Matter of fact he repeats himself many times during the course of that call. Is there quid pro quo directly ? No. But it is obvious to anyone with an IQ of a rock or > a rock that President Trump is dangling that aid for assurances that the Ukraine will investigate Joe Biden & son Hunter. He wants dirt for his own personal gain in our election. His personal attorney is working the backend to gain the same dirt. Is this OK with you Zeke? Be honest. Should a president withhold aid for his personal gutless attempt to embolden himself? Do you think he was asking President Zelensky to investigate Biden on behalf of you and me? The American people? That case was already investigated and no evidence of wrongdoing. Trump and Guilliani know that yet they'd rather bribe a foreign head of state that we'll give you your aid if you investigate. Is that the right thing to do? Good for our country? Is it a crime? Maybe not as I presented it to you, but more may lie beneath the surface. I posted excerpts of the CFR and Constitution that I fully believe Trump shredded the spirit of both of those documents.

Zeke, You gotta get you head outta FoxTrump channel. Or, listen to Judge Napolitano maybe. He usually makes sense.
Trump didn’t send Giuliani according to Giuliani the State Department requested his involvement and he says he’s got the emails. They have been trying to impeach Trump and publicly saying so since his election. What your saying is since Biden is a candidate he is above investigation for past dealings. You ask is Trump finding out about Biden for you and me ? I ask the same of Biden and son. Dems are worried IG and Barr investigations are going to open major scandals. Funny how Dems are so worried about Russians yet won’t investigate origins of Steele dossier. BTW Steele British intelligence doesn’t that make him a foreign operative. Judicial Watch has to sue or FBI and DOJ for access to documents constantly and when they get them no security risk just more embarrassing coverups. As for Fox News the people they bring on seem to have the documentation to back what they say. Biden, read book secret empires points out corruption both sides. Don’t you find it odd press not looking to find and interview Hunter Biden.
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Rather than rely on Fox news talking points in place to defend the President....get a better understanding of the process if you truly care about what is happening to this country.

I keep seeing things like there is no quid pro quo. Did you know there doesn't need to be for this to be illegal? When I say "this"? I am actually referring to what our sitting president sent to Congress. I'm not even talking about the actual whistle blowers report.

Which brings me to the other ridiculous argument I am seeing. It's hearsay. Stop saying this. I'm certain you don't want to look this foolish. When a whistle blower files a report it is verified for authenticity. TWICE! The CIA first. Then department of defense. Which means Trump's own administration authenticated this report....or found it to be credible. Then they decided to bury it (against the law) instead of sending it to Congress.

Do you start to see how ridiculous you sound? You are hiding a report that isn't true because it is hearsay? You better go back to the drawing board. This won't work for reasonable Americans regardless of party. So stop it!

Oh....and when Congress either gets testimony, docs, and/or hidden files it is game set match. Of course they can refuse but that wouldn't end well publicly or otherwise. Most people want him impeached already.
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Rather than rely on Fox news talking points in place to defend the President....get a better understanding of the process if you truly care about what is happening to this country.

I keep seeing things like there is no quid pro quo. Did you know there doesn't need to be for this to be illegal? When I say "this"? I am actually referring to what our sitting president sent to Congress. I'm not even talking about the actual whistle blowers report.

Which brings me to the other ridiculous argument I am seeing. It's hearsay. Stop saying this. I'm certain you don't want to look this foolish. When a whistle blower files a report it is verified for authenticity. TWICE! The CIA first. Then department of defense. Which means Trump's own administration authenticated this report....or found it to be credible. Then they decided to bury it (against the law) instead of sending it to Congress.

Do you start to see how ridiculous you sound? You are hiding a report that isn't true because it is hearsay? You better go back to the drawing board. This won't work for reasonable Americans regardless of party. So stop it!

Oh....and when Congress either gets testimony, docs, and/or hidden files it is game set match. Of course they can refuse but that wouldn't end well publicly or otherwise. Most people want him impeached already.

The quickest way to being or sounding foolish is to engage you in this or any matter. Now go pay your rent.
You keep lecturing on impeachment. The charade going on now doesn’t allow for due process. How is the accused represented ? You say you gather information and then impeachment is like the indictment. Do you think any prosecutor could get an indictment when he represented the facts ( transcript ) with a story he made up and put in the record.

You're sounding foolish or uninformed. Impeachment is the process our founding fathers created for wrongdoing by people we entrust to protect our constitution. Dems didn't create impeachment. This is a political process not legal. If you want to change the process contact your congressperson. I'm certain you felt the same way when Bill Clinton was impeached. Smfh
Rather than rely on Fox news talking points in place to defend the President....get a better understanding of the process if you truly care about what is happening to this country.

I keep seeing things like there is no quid pro quo. Did you know there doesn't need to be for this to be illegal? When I say "this"? I am actually referring to what our sitting president sent to Congress. I'm not even talking about the actual whistle blowers report.

Which brings me to the other ridiculous argument I am seeing. It's hearsay. Stop saying this. I'm certain you don't want to look this foolish. When a whistle blower files a report it is verified for authenticity. TWICE! The CIA first. Then department of defense. Which means Trump's own administration authenticated this report....or found it to be credible. Then they decided to bury it (against the law) instead of sending it to Congress.

Do you start to see how ridiculous you sound? You are hiding a report that isn't true because it is hearsay? You better go back to the drawing board. This won't work for reasonable Americans regardless of party. So stop it!

Oh....and when Congress either gets testimony, docs, and/or hidden files it is game set match. Of course they can refuse but that wouldn't end well publicly or otherwise. Most people want him impeached already.
These Trump supporters are so lacking in the basics of the impeachment process. And their reasoning skills are off the charts. Filled with right wing nuttery. Smh
These Trump supporters are so lacking in the basics of the impeachment process. And their reasoning skills are off the charts. Filled with right wing nuttery. Smh

They only listen to Fox News! or Trump.So....I seek to find more (which isn't always liberal media either) it sounds crazy. I don't do tribal....but even if they had listened to Trump himself they would have more valid info and that's really saying something.
These Trump supporters are so lacking in the basics of the impeachment process. And their reasoning skills are off the charts. Filled with right wing nuttery. Smh

Impeachment was debated on the floor of the full house for both Nixon and Clinton. Is that happening now ? Maybe instead of talking about other peoples reasoning skills you should look in mirror. Mueller, Avenotti, Stormy, Dean, the list goes on. Not my list these are people you REASONED were the end all.
Interesting? Sounds racist to me lol
Except for the fact that I already pointed out that that wasn't the case at all. I was comparing Booker T's time to now and Raoul decided to add the black and white thing.Of course for some reason some of you turn everything into a racist thing. A shame that you're such a coward as to block me and then make a comment on something I posted instead of just debating me personally on that comment. Too bad because then you could have answered if any Black in America today faces more oppression than Booker T did back when he became so successful.
Accurate based on what hearsay? Come on cd

You are clearly unaware of what is going on. Let me clue you in. The account is based on the transcripts submitted by Trumps white house......lmao. Edumucate yourself man. It is illegal to solicit money from a foreign country to help your election as a sitting president while withholding funds appropriated by congress. It is also illegal trying to cover this up. Two things we know happened.
Impeachment was debated on the floor of the full house for both Nixon and Clinton. Is that happening now ? Maybe instead of talking about other peoples reasoning skills you should look in mirror. Mueller, Avenotti, Stormy, Dean, the list goes on. Not my list these are people you REASONED were the end all.

You keep complaining about the process. I gave you facts but you still come to this site with these nonsensical posts that add no value to our discussion. I know you're hurt cuz Trump let you down but it's not my fault. I have said for months Trump is corrupt to the core. Nothing will change that.
You keep complaining about the process. I gave you facts but you still come to this site with these nonsensical posts that add no value to our discussion. I know you're hurt cuz Trump let you down but it's not my fault. I have said for months Trump is corrupt to the core. Nothing will change that.

Thanks for your sincere concern I know you’ve warned me this might happen. My problem was and is when someone like Adam Schiff whose already stated he had proof of collusion and is on tape trying to make a deal with what he thinks is a Russian agent is leading and lecturing about truth, morals and doing what’s right, I’m not following him. So you keep telling me what a lying POS the President is and fall in line behind Adam and the gang.
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