Please have my back found out I contacted covid today

Damn I thought that wasn't possible.

naw you can get that thing multiple times I am not sure we really have our arms wrapped around Covid

my fear is what are the long term effects
That we don’t see

my short term memory was gone for months
My reportorial system was bad for months
It’s not just about letting it pass for 2 weeks but the extras

i am and have always been healthy I was taken 40-50 mile bike rides with a bike group
Not sure everyone how I caught it I have always been careful and always protecting myself with my masks felt stomach problems and then soreness everywhere then did the fast track covid test and found out positive so I am in the hospital for awhile because of my asthma situations so I hope I come out of this okay someway somehow the same before I caught this terrible virus
It’s bc masks don’t really do anything. Possibly increase risk by keeping hands near face more.
Yes they have me on so many different things I hope it doesn’t effect me healthy wise in long term with you know liver kidneys heart etc and thank you for your prayers this is my 3rd day here at the hospital

yes I take provental asthma spray and also advair diskus snout 15 minutes later usually only need it once a day but my breathing is terrible at the moment

Glad to hear you are on advair. Talk to your Dr about going 2x per day. It could help you breathe better.
Not sure everyone how I caught it I have always been careful and always protecting myself with my masks felt stomach problems and then soreness everywhere then did the fast track covid test and found out positive so I am in the hospital for awhile because of my asthma situations so I hope I come out of this okay someway somehow the same before I caught this terrible virus
Prayers brother🙏🏽🙏🏽 Just please kick COVID ass!
I had some stomach problems that morning and body aches but felt a bit better afterwards but while I was at work I started to get lethargic more throughout the day so I decided to go to mdnow because they can check for the flu and for covid I came back negative for the flu and would be 48 hours to get my results on the covid so that night when I was home I started to get the shakes and started to feel hot under my blanket I woke up at 2 am feeling a little nauseated so I went to the living room where my mom was and started to feel a light headed before I knew it I completely blacked out and fell to the floor probably from being from my anexity issues I woke up a few seconds later and had to get the ambulance to take me to the hospital so took a another rapid test there and came back positive so I am in the covid ward for now and hopefully I get better soon still having a hard time breathing but I am not one oxygen anymore for now and monitor me through the day

Thank you my freind
Because it’s a mild case did they offer monoclonal antibodies?
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Mitch started this thread to tell us about his health, and requested support.
Can we please keep it at that, and leave all the rest of the shit for another thread/conversation for The Lounge.
Mitch, hope you're doing good brother.
Polo you see my Avatar but I agree with you 100%. Time to stop the politics in the War Room. Take it to the Lounge. Any political post in the War Room should be removed.
It’s bc masks don’t really do anything. Possibly increase risk by keeping hands near face more.
All of these surgical masks and cloth bandanas are useless. Buy yourself some KN95 masks on Amazon or elsewhere. Male sure they are certified and FDA approved. I wear nothing but these now and I make sales calls everyday. On a side note I am getting my first shot this afternoon.
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Polo you see my Avatar but I agree with you 100%. Time to stop the politics in the War Room. Take it to the Lounge. Any political post in the War Room should be removed.
I hear ya.
I respect that everyone has a right to there opinion/view/belief/COVID, but there is a time and a place (i.e. The Lounge) and especially not hijack a thread for one of our brothers.
I appreciate the post in this thread. My wife and I are getting our shots in a couple of hours and were still having some second thoughts about doing it. Reading of the post on family and loved ones and what had happened to them has made it easier to do it.

Heading to get the shot now, will check back in when I get back.
these dudes that say masks do nothing must be living in a different reality.

i think i'll trust doctors and scientists when it comes to wearing masks. not some dope online.
Just can't understand this train of thought. This thing is real as hell and the continued fractures in thinking only allow additional avenues for this to continue to infect. When it doesn't kill it, some of the effects last for many months. I had Covid in May 2020 and never had issues with sinus but for months on end I was having problems. Gotten better but plays like hell on the mind.
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Not sure everyone how I caught it I have always been careful and always protecting myself with my masks felt stomach problems and then soreness everywhere then did the fast track covid test and found out positive so I am in the hospital for awhile because of my asthma situations so I hope I come out of this okay someway somehow the same before I caught this terrible virus
Hoping for your speedy recovery.
these dudes that say masks do nothing must be living in a different reality.

i think i'll trust doctors and scientists when it comes to wearing masks. not some dope online.

I totally agree with you. Sadly, however, my dim memory says that Jyoho, the anti masker who posted above, is a Florida physician. He predicted last March that the pandemic would be over by Easter, 2020.

Wouldnt you think that his outrageous prediction would produce humility as it relates to the pandemic? It didn’t.
Again , good luck to Mitch.
We need to get off the mask thing , it’s way too political. I use a KN95 to protect myself, but the use of the cloth masking may have limited effect. Who knows.
Meanwhile the shots are pretty damn effective. I got the J &J shot Thursday. It’s about 67% effective against all strains in preventing any infection, Likely 85+ % against the old strains ( the ones that the other vaccines were tested against) . And 100% effective against hospitalization and death after a 21 day period . Based on those odds , I’m ditching the masks in April and I just won’t swap spit with strangers and continue to wash my hands , I should be ok
Unfortunately, our fellow Cane is a few weeks late in getting the vaccine and thus is subject to the worse parts of this very real disease,. As an asthmatic he could have some residual effects . That’s what he needs prayers for . A total and complete recovery.
Unless these variations prove more trouble than expected, we should be nearing the finish line with this pandemic.
Again praying for Mitch , a total and complete recovery
I had some stomach problems that morning and body aches but felt a bit better afterwards but while I was at work I started to get lethargic more throughout the day so I decided to go to mdnow because they can check for the flu and for covid I came back negative for the flu and would be 48 hours to get my results on the covid so that night when I was home I started to get the shakes and started to feel hot under my blanket I woke up at 2 am feeling a little nauseated so I went to the living room where my mom was and started to feel a light headed before I knew it I completely blacked out and fell to the floor probably from being from my anexity issues I woke up a few seconds later and had to get the ambulance to take me to the hospital so took a another rapid test there and came back positive so I am in the covid ward for now and hopefully I get better soon still having a hard time breathing but I am not one oxygen anymore for now and monitor me allow day they have me on plasma and antibodies and resertrsvol if thats what it is called correctly plus blood thinners to stop from getting blood clots its alought to take in and quite scared

Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. BTW, whats your age?
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Not to pull out the doctor card, but I am one. If anybody on this thread gets even mild COVID symptoms and is over 50 and/or obese or has hypertension, diabetes, they should be a squeaky wheel and INSIST their doctor give them the monoclonal antibody cocktail. The stuff is very effective and it is sitting on the shelves since no one seems to know about it. It is probably what saved Trump’s behind from getting really getting sick.
The passing out may have been due to low oxygen levels. That is what happened to my wife before she spent 3 weeks in ICU. She was at 62 on oxygen level when she checked into the hospital. Hoping that you don't get it as severe as she had it but she survived it and so will you if you never give up fighting it. Prayers sent for you and your Mom.
62 is bad real bad
The vent saved my wife's life. She told the Dr's that she didn't want it and they told her point blank that they will just watch her die without it. She had it in for 6 days. A big plus is if they don't sedate you while intubated. It is miserable and they have to tie your hands down the whole time and will most likely lead to PTSD afterwards. If you can handle this then the chances of healing are much greater. Luckily, the hospital that she was in is one of the few in Utah that don't sedate you for it. When I picked her up to go home the lead Dr told me that she is one strong woman as he didn't expect her to make it home. The mortality rate for intubation was 70% at the time my wife was in the hospital. We were very blessed.
Did she have any comorbidities prior to getting sick?
All of these surgical masks and cloth bandanas are useless. Buy yourself some KN95 masks on Amazon or elsewhere. Male sure they are certified and FDA approved. I wear nothing but these now and I make sales calls everyday. On a side note I am getting my first shot this afternoon.
All of these surgical masks and cloth bandanas are less useful than KN95. That's the change I'd make. They are much better than nothing. But again, this is about Mitch. Your advice is sound. Wear a KN95 mask. Get your shot.
Did she have any comorbidities prior to getting sick?

Thank you for the knowledge. I had never seen or heard the word "comorbidity" or "comorbidities" before. I thought it was a typo so I looked it up.

I'm happy to learn new things and In case anyone else needs the info . I hope Mitch is okay.


co·mor·bid·i·ty /ˌkōmôrˈbidədē/

noun plural noun: comorbidities

  1. the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
    "age and comorbidity may be risk factors for poor outcome"
    • a disease or medical condition that is simultaneously present with another or others in a patient.
      "patients with cardiovascular or renal comorbidities"
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