Please have my back found out I contacted covid today

Really Doc? Is that Scientific?'

Do you have a webpage or social media that I can subscribe to so I can be in constant touch with your brilliance?
right. why do surgeons and doctors wear masks for all these years if they did nothing?

some of these dudes on here think they are smarter than doctors or scientists just cause they saw some dope online say the opposite.
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Thank you for the knowledge. I had never seen or heard the word "comorbidity" or "comorbidities" before. I thought it was a typo so I looked it up.

I'm happy to learn new things and In case anyone else needs the info . I hope Mitch is okay.


co·mor·bid·i·ty /ˌkōmôrˈbidədē/
noun plural noun: comorbidities

  1. the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
    "age and comorbidity may be risk factors for poor outcome"
    • a disease or medical condition that is simultaneously present with another or others in a patient.
      "patients with cardiovascular or renal comorbidities"
In the category of things we’ve learned this past year but wished we hadn’t. What a year, right?
I'm feeling your anguish brother. I'm 75 years old with incurable lung cancer from Agent Orange exposure. I tested positive in February and spent 10 days in the hospital. Luckily, I didn't need any pulmonary assistance and my only complication was pancreatitis. The recovery has been long, but I'm doing pretty well now. I had the Rendesivir treatment which apparently worked very well. My prayers are with you and your family.
I'm feeling your anguish brother. I'm 75 years old with incurable lung cancer from Agent Orange exposure. I tested positive in February and spent 10 days in the hospital. Luckily, I didn't need any pulmonary assistance and my only complication was pancreatitis. The recovery has been long, but I'm doing pretty well now. I had the Rendesivir treatment which apparently worked very well. My prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you for your service.
I'm feeling your anguish brother. I'm 75 years old with incurable lung cancer from Agent Orange exposure. I tested positive in February and spent 10 days in the hospital. Luckily, I didn't need any pulmonary assistance and my only complication was pancreatitis. The recovery has been long, but I'm doing pretty well now. I had the Rendesivir treatment which apparently worked very well. My prayers are with you and your family.

Richmond, You served in Vietnam? Our Vietnam vets never received the thanks all service men and women deserve.
Coach Flaherty was an Agent Orange suffer. Coach Heathcliff left a leg in Nam. Deacon Kenny still wakes up in terrors. My uncle is in Arlington, 19 and grannie is a Goldstar.

We appreciate your sacrifice.
We all brought some wounds, seen and unseen, back from our service. Still very proud that I was given the opportunity to do something for my country.
I had covid in November and I rode my bike 7 miles per day. I lost smell and taste but symptoms were minimal. My good friend has it now and has not eaten in 5 days. His temperature is 104 and not going down. Hes's on 5 different medications which has affected his immune system. If your immune system is up to par you'll be fine.
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Just an FYI. My niece is a travelling COVID nurse. She is off now after 3 months in the Amarillo area. She had a 57 year old female patient that came in with no preexisting conditions about a month and a half ago. She kind of bonded with her because the woman reminded her of her Aunt, my wife, as they were close in age and had a similar personality. The lady passed away after 5 days and even though our niece has seen quite a few deaths, this one hit her pretty hard. Don't assume you know everything about COVID regardless of where you get your info.
Just an FYI. My niece is a travelling COVID nurse. She is off now after 3 months in the Amarillo area. She had a 57 year old female patient that came in with no preexisting conditions about a month and a half ago. She kind of bonded with her because the woman reminded her of her Aunt, my wife, as they were close in age and had a similar personality. The lady passed away after 5 days and even though our niece has seen quite a few deaths, this one hit her pretty hard. Don't assume you know everything about COVID regardless of where you get your info.
2 people under 60 otherwise healthy one a pastor and one an MD died from Covid in Ocala last month. Marion County has the worst death rate per infections in Florida.

I thought even you would lay low after you and El Cubano insulted Mitch in this thread. Your posts seem to have been deleted by the mods.

Your low class and distateful treatment of Mitch deserve nothing but disdain. Disgusting
Way to embellish in the situation. Sad. I told him he was in trouble. This is not football related.
right. why do surgeons and doctors wear masks for all these years if they did nothing?

some of these dudes on here think they are smarter than doctors or scientists just cause they saw some dope online say the opposite.
That's a silly analogy as Operating Rooms are sterile environments. As such, that's been their protocol for eons. You don't need a mask at Publix, period.
That's a silly analogy as Operating Rooms are sterile environments. As such, that's been their protocol for eons. You don't need a mask at Publix, period.
You really ain't gonna die on the "operating rooms are sterile environments therefore masks don't stop help with contagions at Publix" hill are you?
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That's a silly analogy as Operating Rooms are sterile environments. As such, that's been their protocol for eons. You don't need a mask at Publix, period.
what's silly is people that think masks do nothing.

a person coughing without a mask spreads germs way more than someone wearing a mask. it's been proven over and over again.

only simple minded people think masks do nothing when study after study says otherwise.

i know, i know, you saw some jackass with zero medical background say they do no good.
Way to embellish in the situation. Sad. I told him he was in trouble. This is not football related.

I know this is not football related. That’s the crime. This is about fellow Cane fan very, very concerned about his health now that he has been infected and hospitalized with Covid. Rather than empathize with or offer him encouragement you “told him he was in trouble.”.

Outrageously inconsiderate treatment of another human being.
I know this is not football related. That’s the crime. This is about fellow Cane fan very, very concerned about his health now that he has been infected and hospitalized with Covid. Rather than empathize with or offer him encouragement you “told him he was in trouble.”.

Outrageously inconsiderate treatment of another human being.
given your radical weak-minded demeanor, you’re hardly one to preach decorum to anyone. Laughable. Covid should be taken seriously, it’s a killer. Move on stalker.
Meanwhile I am very concerned about Mitch since we have not heard from him. I pray he is recovering and just cannot post.
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what's silly is people that think masks do nothing.

a person coughing without a mask spreads germs way more than someone wearing a mask. it's been proven over and over again.

only simple minded people think masks do nothing when study after study says otherwise.

i know, i know, you saw some jackass with zero medical background say they do no good.
I could cite numerous reputable medical professionals who refute all of the nonsense regarding masks, lockdowns, etc., that's been perpetrated on the sheep over the last year, but you're drunk on the Koolaid you've chosen to drink, so it wouldn't matter...
I could cite numerous reputable medical professionals who refute all of the nonsense regarding masks, lockdowns, etc., that's been perpetrated on the sheep over the last year, but you're drunk on the Koolaid you've chosen to drink, so it wouldn't matter...
Can we take this to the lounge on a different thread? I’d be curious to see your citations.
Let’s leave this thread to updates on our guy Mitch.
I'm feeling your anguish brother. I'm 75 years old with incurable lung cancer from Agent Orange exposure. I tested positive in February and spent 10 days in the hospital. Luckily, I didn't need any pulmonary assistance and my only complication was pancreatitis. The recovery has been long, but I'm doing pretty well now. I had the Rendesivir treatment which apparently worked very well. My prayers are with you and your family.

Thanks very much for your service. I have a buddy in Mass. that was an Air Force tech and his job during Nam was washing down the planes on return from applying Agent Orange. He was covered with the stuff. His son was born with defects due to it and died at an early age and my buddy is in pretty bad shape with throat cancer related to the Agent Orange. Prayers my friend.
right. why do surgeons and doctors wear masks for all these years if they did nothing?

some of these dudes on here think they are smarter than doctors or scientists just cause they saw some dope online say the opposite.

its because they follow the teachings of the Don, their messiah.

I appreciate that these Neanderthals dont wear masks and believe its “fake news” so they can go kill their families

natural selection at its best.

BTW that is a Bill Burr routine

I dont wish anything nor control anyone.
Its their choice
its because they follow the teachings of the Don, their messiah.

I appreciate that these Neanderthals dont wear masks and believe its “fake news” so they can go kill their families

natural selection at its best.

BTW that is a Bill Burr routine

I dont wish anything nor control anyone.
Its their choice
The same dopes are the ones afraid to get a shot in the arm. Lol.

As I've told my wife, you're gonna encounter a ton of stupid people in this world. There's more dummies than ever before.
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what's silly is people that think masks do nothing.

a person coughing without a mask spreads germs way more than someone wearing a mask. it's been proven over and over again.

only simple minded people think masks do nothing when study after study says otherwise.

i know, i know, you saw some jackass with zero medical background say they do no good.

I know a guy who smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day and lived to be 100!!

On the other hand I know 10,000 who died prematurely of Cancer because of it. And they suffered as well.( my sister too)

But that one guy proves Cigarettes are good for you!

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