

Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
This has become without a doubt the MOST utilized word in the LOUNGE. In fact it's thrown around soo much and lobbed in the direction of other posters soo often that it's not even an insult anymore, it's merely a talking point. That's what the Lounge has become, a playground for the Left and Right to hurl racial bombs at one another. It's almost comical to sit back and read nowadays......"You're a You're the racist because you called me a racist, by the way how many games you think we win this year" ??

Accept it gentlemen, AMERICA is one of, if not the most Racist country in the world and it always has been and probably always will be. To pretend otherwise is playing ostrich with your head in the sand. In the words of the great W.E.B. Du Bois......."No society has ever lived in peace, without tension, where one segment of the society once enslaved the other". There will always be distrust, tension, feelings of entitlement, fear of losing status/position/monies....etc etc.

The important thing is can not like your neighbor, not like their political affiliation, not want your kids to play with theirs.....that's your right. But we have to respect the differences between us without becoming insulting or acting on those feelings, because that's when things go bad in this country. Live and Let Live
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This has become without a doubt the MOST utilized word in the LOUNGE. In fact it's thrown around soo much and lobbed in the direction of other posters soo often that it's not even an insult anymore, it's merely a talking point. That's what the Lounge has become, a playground for the Left and Right to hurl racial bombs at one another. It's almost comical to sit back and read nowadays......"You're a You're the racist because you called me a racist", by the way how many games you think we win this year??

Accept it gentlemen, AMERICA is one of, if not the most Racist country in the world and it always has been and probably always will be. To pretend otherwise is playing ostrich with your head in the sand. In the words of the great W.E.B. Du Bois......."No society has ever lived in peace, without tension, where one segment of the society once enslaved the other". There will always be distrust, tension, feelings of entitlement, fear of losing status/position/monies....etc etc.

The important thing is can not like your neighbor, not like their political affiliation, not want your kids to play with theirs.....that's your right. But we have to respect the differences between us without becoming insulting or acting on those feelings, because that's when things go bad in this country. Live and Let Live
not sure on that. have you been to some countries in Europe? racism is alive and well over there as well.

respect is my number 1 as well. it's not very hard to show someone respect no matter their race or religious beliefs.
not sure on that. have you been to some countries in Europe? racism is alive and well over there as well.

respect is my number 1 as well. it's not very hard to show someone respect no matter their race or religious beliefs.
Yep, been to several countries in Europe, that's why I say what I say.
This has become without a doubt the MOST utilized word in the LOUNGE. In fact it's thrown around soo much and lobbed in the direction of other posters soo often that it's not even an insult anymore, it's merely a talking point. That's what the Lounge has become, a playground for the Left and Right to hurl racial bombs at one another. It's almost comical to sit back and read nowadays......"You're a You're the racist because you called me a racist, by the way how many games you think we win this year" ??

Accept it gentlemen, AMERICA is one of, if not the most Racist country in the world and it always has been and probably always will be. To pretend otherwise is playing ostrich with your head in the sand. In the words of the great W.E.B. Du Bois......."No society has ever lived in peace, without tension, where one segment of the society once enslaved the other". There will always be distrust, tension, feelings of entitlement, fear of losing status/position/monies....etc etc.

The important thing is can not like your neighbor, not like their political affiliation, not want your kids to play with theirs.....that's your right. But we have to respect the differences between us without becoming insulting or acting on those feelings, because that's when things go bad in this country. Live and Let Live
You need to get out more and learn how other countries are truly racist. Short sighted post, but I find it interesting you post this now after the racist left and racist BLM actors on this site have exposed themselves. It’s not just the redneck southerners who are being called racists now, so let’s knock it off?
This has become without a doubt the MOST utilized word in the LOUNGE. In fact it's thrown around soo much and lobbed in the direction of other posters soo often that it's not even an insult anymore, it's merely a talking point. That's what the Lounge has become, a playground for the Left and Right to hurl racial bombs at one another. It's almost comical to sit back and read nowadays......"You're a You're the racist because you called me a racist, by the way how many games you think we win this year" ??

Accept it gentlemen, AMERICA is one of, if not the most Racist country in the world and it always has been and probably always will be. To pretend otherwise is playing ostrich with your head in the sand. In the words of the great W.E.B. Du Bois......."No society has ever lived in peace, without tension, where one segment of the society once enslaved the other". There will always be distrust, tension, feelings of entitlement, fear of losing status/position/monies....etc etc.

The important thing is can not like your neighbor, not like their political affiliation, not want your kids to play with theirs.....that's your right. But we have to respect the differences between us without becoming insulting or acting on those feelings, because that's when things go bad in this country. Live and Let Live
No it isn't. I'll end there.
You need to get out more and learn how other countries are truly racist. Short sighted post, but I find it interesting you post this now after the racist left and racist BLM actors on this site have exposed themselves. It’s not just the redneck southerners who are being called racists now, so let’s knock it off?
If you think THIS country isn't truly racist, you're in extreme denial and you clearly live in a vacuum. The past year alone typifies the racial climate in the country, and that was a brief snippet of the division that permeates throughout and was brought to the forefront for a brief period of time.
But again, it's not going away, therefore RESPECT and the ability to respect those who don't look like you is the answer and how we move forward.
But I get it, some folks just love the But until you can admit it.....admit how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, you'll continue to live in racial strife.
If you think THIS country isn't truly racist, you're in extreme denial and you clearly live in a vacuum. The past year alone typifies the racial climate in the country, and that was a brief snippet of the division that permeates throughout and was brought to the forefront for a brief period of time.
But again, it's not going away, therefore RESPECT and the ability to respect those who don't look like you is the answer and how we move forward.
But I get it, some folks just love the But until you can admit it.....admit how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, you'll continue to live in racial strife.
A lot of the racism is fueled by politicians to accomplish their goals. Both Democrats and Republicans use whatever works to gain the Black vote. I think there will always be a level of prejudice amongst everyday people Black ,Latino and White. There is also a huge level of religious prejudice especially world wide. Most recently the current genocide takes place in Chinese concentration camps against their Muslim population. Our politicans scream human rite violations but we still do business with them. At the end of the day, political and financial greed fuel a lot of the racial divide.
If you think THIS country isn't truly racist, you're in extreme denial and you clearly live in a vacuum. The past year alone typifies the racial climate in the country, and that was a brief snippet of the division that permeates throughout and was brought to the forefront for a brief period of time.
But again, it's not going away, therefore RESPECT and the ability to respect those who don't look like you is the answer and how we move forward.
But I get it, some folks just love the But until you can admit it.....admit how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, you'll continue to live in racial strife.
No one denies there is still racism in this country, as it is in every country around the world where there are diverse populations with smaller groups racially/culturally different. To say the US is racist is nonsense. Those who continue to capitalize on it and the emotions involved will continue to divide us, such as politicians, the media, and foreign influencers, which includes countries and those seeking profit.
If you think THIS country isn't truly racist, you're in extreme denial and you clearly live in a vacuum. The past year alone typifies the racial climate in the country, and that was a brief snippet of the division that permeates throughout and was brought to the forefront for a brief period of time.
But again, it's not going away, therefore RESPECT and the ability to respect those who don't look like you is the answer and how we move forward.
But I get it, some folks just love the But until you can admit it.....admit how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, you'll continue to live in racial strife.
Claboo let me say some things with respect that I have posted before. I will start with this statement first.
Are there truly racists in this country and every other filled with hate in their hearts for Blacks, Jews, Latins, Asians, Muslims, Christians? YES OF COURSE THERE IS and there always will be

Do I dislike Black people who are scumbags? YES I DO
Do I like and respect Black people who are kind and decent people? YES I DO
Do I dislike White people who are scumbags? YES I DO
Do I like and respect white people who are kind decent people? YES I DO

Same thing for any other race or religion. Good and decent I like you. Scumbag I don't.

You feel the EXACT SAME WAY.

Most people feel just like this. That is a fact.

I grew up in the 1960's in South Florida. Black's and Jews were not allowed to join certain clubs like The Bath Club and La Gorce Country Club in Miami Beach just to name 2.
Black people were not allowed on certain beaches.
Had no bussing in my elementary school in NMB till 3rd or 4th grade. No black kids until then.
A black man dating a white woman or the reverse had to be practically hidden same thing for Gay people. Hidden from view.
Blacks had their own toilets, drinking fountains etc.... That was racism.

Nobody harms Black people more than other Black people. It's a fact. The numbers don't lie. I get no pleasure writing that.
My 3 sons went to Nova High School in Broward had all kinds of friends of every race. They would have these kids over for Poker nights. I would take all these kids to ball games. They would sleep over our house and my sons their house.
This would be UNHEARD of in the 1960's. Would NOT happen.
This Country has come so very far in 50 years in Race relations and mixing of races, kindness to one another, respect for each other.
It hurts me to read what you write because as the saying goes " 1 bad apple spoils the bushel," It's true there are racists in this, and every other country but that does NOT make the country racist.

Just to show you;

Thank G-D the articles above are long gone. We have work to do my friend I get that and we always will.
If you think THIS country isn't truly racist, you're in extreme denial and you clearly live in a vacuum. The past year alone typifies the racial climate in the country, and that was a brief snippet of the division that permeates throughout and was brought to the forefront for a brief period of time.
But again, it's not going away, therefore RESPECT and the ability to respect those who don't look like you is the answer and how we move forward.
But I get it, some folks just love the But until you can admit it.....admit how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, you'll continue to live in racial strife.
They will never admit to institutional racism because doing so would unravel the fantasy world they've constructed, lived within and benefited from for decades. They would in effect, be forced to concede that they are moral frauds who have been knowingly involved in perpetuating a false mythology about our country, which they aren't prepared to do for obvious reasons.
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They will never admit to institutional racism because doing so would unravel the fantasy world they've constructed, lived within and benefited from for decades. They would in effect, be forced to concede that they are moral frauds who have been knowingly involved in perpetuating a false mythology about our country, which they aren't prepared to do for obvious reasons.
Who you racist against Raoul? Go on spit it out. Cleanse your soul. Get it off your chest. You racist against Blacks? Whites? Other Latins? Jews? Who are you racist against since it's institutional and systemic it must be inside you just like everyone else. Spit it out bro.
They will never admit to institutional racism because doing so would unravel the fantasy world they've constructed, lived within and benefited from for decades. They would in effect, be forced to concede that they are moral frauds who have been knowingly involved in perpetuating a false mythology about our country, which they aren't prepared to do for obvious reasons.
Benefited for decades? How so? I'm a white Jew who gave me anything in my life? Please tell us who is giving out the "easy road" to white people because I didn't see that path in my life.
No one denies there is still racism in this country, as it is in every country around the world where there are diverse populations with smaller groups racially/culturally different. To say the US is racist is nonsense. Those who continue to capitalize on it and the emotions involved will continue to divide us, such as politicians, the media, and foreign influencers, which includes countries and those seeking profit.
"to say the US is racist is nonsense"

I understand this comes from the mindset of a white male who has refused to acknowledge what he can't see, and that's ok.
But a few quick examples for you......What do you think keeps blacks from obtaining head coaching jobs in sports where blacks make up 75-85% of the subjects playing the sport and generating the income? Especially when you consider that most of the coaches ARE former players themselves. Equate that to Major League Baseball or Hockey having 90% black would that optic look for you??

Another, your hero DJ Trump appointed over 50 Appellate judges during his 4 year stint, take a guess how many were got it ZERO. And of the 218 federal judges he appointed during his 4 years "8" were black, 3.5%.
And these were just a couple examples at the highest levels of our society. It gets exponentially worse the lower we go on the socioeconomic scale, in terms of jobs, promotions, tax dollars spent in black communities, treatment by law enforcement, the judicial system (sentencing and appeals) banking (small business loans)......I could go on and on.

But I get it.....when you typically are not on the receiving end of the racism, you don't always see your eyes my man, you can't see it when you refuse to.
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"to say the US is racist is nonsense"
I understand this comes from the mindset of a white male who has refused to acknowledge what he can't see, and that's ok.
But a few quick examples for you......What do you think keeps blacks from obtaining head coaching jobs in sports where blacks make up 75-85% of the subjects playing the sport and generating the income? Especially when you acknowledge that most of the coaches ARE former players themselves. Equate that to Major League Baseball or Hockey having 90% black would that visual look for you??

Another, your hero DJ Trump appointed over 50 Appellate judges during his 4 year stint, take a guess how many were got it ZERO. And of the 218 federal judges he appointed during his 4 years "8" were black, 3.5%.
And these were just a couple examples at the highest levels of our society. It gets exponentially worse the lower we go on the socioeconomic scale, in terms of jobs, promotions, tax dollars spent in black communities, treatment by law enforcement, the judicial system (sentencing and appeals) banking (small business loans)......I could go on and on.

But I get it.....when you typically are not on the receiving end of the racism, you don't always see your eyes my man, you can't see it when you refuse to.
How about you? Who you racist against?
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Been reading through some of the comments and this is a good thread. I hope nobody comes here and crosses the line. This is just my opinion based on facts. Yes, respect is the key and I respect everyone and frankly I don't get offended when people call me racist because every single time that has happened to me it is by someone who doesn't know me. I grew up in Connecticut and I grew up accustomed to being around every ethnic group. Mostly white people. I grew up 50 Minutes from New York City.

I respectfully say that people that act like this is not a racist country need to have more experiences and learn history from the correct sources.

The fact of the matter is this. The institution of racism in this country goes back to around 1619. Listen, everything this country has become has been rooted in it so to say this country isn't racist is painfully naive. I will stop short of calling you a racist since I don't really know you off this forum. I do know a few people off it but this country is rooted in the institution of slavery. That's not my opinion. That is a fact. This was an institution that provided generations of treating African Americans as less than. Again, fact....not opinion. That doesn't just go away because it is illegal to own slaves now. This is generational.

This word generational is the key word here. Generations of wealth off of this institution where white people benefit until this day. Generations of better education. Generations of anything meaningful in this alternatively there are generations of African Americans simply teaching each other self worth. How to survive every day in this society with the assistance of those who are sympathetic. Those who are white people that are accountable people.....and there are many of them. Which is the only reason things have improved throughout the decades. Let's not get it twisted though. This country is rooted in the instution of slavery which as racisism in and of its self.
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And me either. And the majority of people can say that but a % of TRUE racists out there ruin it for the good people.
We will have to agree to disagree......In this country, the majority CANNOT say that. People look down on others, of other races or faiths, daily. It may be subtle in many cases and egregious in others.
We will have to agree to disagree......In this country, the majority CANNOT say that. People look down on others, of other races or faiths, daily. It may be subtle in many cases and egregious in others.
That's not racist that's pre-conceived stereotypes. Not the same. You know how often people will say to me how Jews are cheap? It's a stereotype. I don't like it but it's out there. It doesn't mean they are anti-Semitic it means they are shallow.
Unfortunately, Racism is real and it lives in every country. As a minority myself, I have experience with racism but my experience tells me that more often than not, when people scream racism during an argument, discussion or political debate they have zero evidence to support their position. They merely have nothing else to offer hence their reliance on the trendy race card to gather attention. I think the term I am looking for is "conversational narcissist" (think Al Sharpton)
That's not racist that's pre-conceived stereotypes. Not the same. You know how often people will say to me how Jews are cheap? It's a stereotype. I don't like it but it's out there. It doesn't mean they are anti-Semitic it means they are shallow.
Not talking stereotyping at all. We all do that to an extent with regard to other races or religions. But that's not racist behavior unless those feelings or ideals cause harm in any way to the individual. To use your example, one might think Jews are problem, he may have Jewish friends actually. But when one says he won't sell or rent to Jews, or he treats Jews badly or looks down on them because of that stereotype, it becomes prejudice and or racist.
I was so hopeful that Obama would drive the country forward on racism. Unfortunately, quick, uninformed decisions and a bully pulpit proved the undoing of this as we learned in the Louis Gates matter. Obama essentially called out the Boston Police(Cambridge) for racist treatment of Gates until he found out his information was incorrect and schedule beer sit-down with the cop and Gates to solve the matter. It was as phony as Elizabeth Warren and set the race issues in Boston way back. Now I have no love for Boston but this was a terrible setback for Obama and a perfect example of why race relations took huge steps backwards during his administration.
Was there institutional / systemic racism at one time in America, yes. Is there now, no. Are there racists in America, of course. We will never eliminate individual idiots, but people and some groups like to point to isolated incidents and paint a broad brush that fits their narrative.
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Was there institutional / systemic racism at one time in America, yes. Is there now, no. Are there racists in America, of course. We will never eliminate individual idiots, but people and some groups like to point to isolated incidents and paint a broad brush that fits their narrative.
Not sure you understand your own post. You are saying there are racist in America....but in your mind none of them work in America for any institutions or go after any positions of authority. Do you realize how crazy this sounds? I don't believe that you do.

So none of these racist people here in America have any positions of power.
Oh and trust and believe when Biden and Harris say America is not racist they are both full of shit. They can say that to pacify the right... But to me that is BS.
Not talking stereotyping at all. We all do that to an extent with regard to other races or religions. But that's not racist behavior unless those feelings or ideals cause harm in any way to the individual. To use your example, one might think Jews are problem, he may have Jewish friends actually. But when one says he won't sell or rent to Jews, or he treats Jews badly or looks down on them because of that stereotype, it becomes prejudice and or racist.
That's all true and that falls under the minority I already spoke about. The truly racist individual.
If you think THIS country isn't truly racist, you're in extreme denial and you clearly live in a vacuum. The past year alone typifies the racial climate in the country, and that was a brief snippet of the division that permeates throughout and was brought to the forefront for a brief period of time.
But again, it's not going away, therefore RESPECT and the ability to respect those who don't look like you is the answer and how we move forward.
But I get it, some folks just love the But until you can admit it.....admit how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, you'll continue to live in racial strife.
You do realize genocide is still taking place in several countries in Africa and Asia right? Only reason this subject doesn’t get the attention it deserves is because it’s considered racist to talk about it or more importantly do anything about it, aside from give these ****ed up third world countries leaders their pay offs, I mean aid, sorry. Much more PC to turn the blind eye to the genocide going on and just throw shut up money their way.
"to say the US is racist is nonsense"

I understand this comes from the mindset of a white male who has refused to acknowledge what he can't see, and that's ok.
But a few quick examples for you......What do you think keeps blacks from obtaining head coaching jobs in sports where blacks make up 75-85% of the subjects playing the sport and generating the income? Especially when you consider that most of the coaches ARE former players themselves. Equate that to Major League Baseball or Hockey having 90% black would that visual look for you??

Another, your hero DJ Trump appointed over 50 Appellate judges during his 4 year stint, take a guess how many were got it ZERO. And of the 218 federal judges he appointed during his 4 years "8" were black, 3.5%.
And these were just a couple examples at the highest levels of our society. It gets exponentially worse the lower we go on the socioeconomic scale, in terms of jobs, promotions, tax dollars spent in black communities, treatment by law enforcement, the judicial system (sentencing and appeals) banking (small business loans)......I could go on and on.

But I get it.....when you typically are not on the receiving end of the racism, you don't always see your eyes my man, you can't see it when you refuse to.
You bring some interesting points.

From your perspective, has America made any improvements during your lifetime?

We are not where we need to be, but do you see us moving toward that end?
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This has become without a doubt the MOST utilized word in the LOUNGE. In fact it's thrown around soo much and lobbed in the direction of other posters soo often that it's not even an insult anymore, it's merely a talking point. That's what the Lounge has become, a playground for the Left and Right to hurl racial bombs at one another. It's almost comical to sit back and read nowadays......"You're a You're the racist because you called me a racist, by the way how many games you think we win this year" ??

Accept it gentlemen, AMERICA is one of, if not the most Racist country in the world and it always has been and probably always will be. To pretend otherwise is playing ostrich with your head in the sand. In the words of the great W.E.B. Du Bois......."No society has ever lived in peace, without tension, where one segment of the society once enslaved the other". There will always be distrust, tension, feelings of entitlement, fear of losing status/position/monies....etc etc.

The important thing is can not like your neighbor, not like their political affiliation, not want your kids to play with theirs.....that's your right. But we have to respect the differences between us without becoming insulting or acting on those feelings, because that's when things go bad in this country. Live and Let Live
Unfortunately the left has made racism such a broadly referenced word that it’s been watered down now. the left wing nuts (some of which you align with here) believe if you’re white you’re a racist. It’s the only logical way to depict the bullshit they spew on here.

This is why I always laugh at these comments. Come face to face with WAR, AB’s, etc and get back to me. Aryan Nation and KKK are an absolute joke to these groups. The vast majority of whites aren’t racist. They don’t even care about skin color. They just want to live their life’s and not be bothered with nonsense.
"to say the US is racist is nonsense"

I understand this comes from the mindset of a white male who has refused to acknowledge what he can't see, and that's ok.
But a few quick examples for you......What do you think keeps blacks from obtaining head coaching jobs in sports where blacks make up 75-85% of the subjects playing the sport and generating the income? Especially when you consider that most of the coaches ARE former players themselves. Equate that to Major League Baseball or Hockey having 90% black would that visual look for you??

Another, your hero DJ Trump appointed over 50 Appellate judges during his 4 year stint, take a guess how many were got it ZERO. And of the 218 federal judges he appointed during his 4 years "8" were black, 3.5%.
And these were just a couple examples at the highest levels of our society. It gets exponentially worse the lower we go on the socioeconomic scale, in terms of jobs, promotions, tax dollars spent in black communities, treatment by law enforcement, the judicial system (sentencing and appeals) banking (small business loans)......I could go on and on.

But I get it.....when you typically are not on the receiving end of the racism, you don't always see your eyes my man, you can't see it when you refuse to.
You thinking I’m white says all we need to about your biases.
You bring some interesting points.

From your perspective, has America made any improvements during your lifetime?

We are not where we need to be, but do you see us moving toward that end?
Definitely progress. Definitely not there.
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Unfortunately the left has made racism such a broadly referenced word that it’s been watered down now. the left wing nuts (some of which you align with here) believe if you’re white you’re a racist. It’s the only logical way to depict the bullshit they spew on here.

This is why I always laugh at these comments. Come face to face with WAR, AB’s, etc and get back to me. Aryan Nation and KKK are an absolute joke to these groups. The vast majority of whites aren’t racist. They don’t even care about skin color. They just want to live their life’s and not be bothered with nonsense.
Spot on. Now they become the racists, and calling them the racists is verboten
You bring some interesting points.

From your perspective, has America made any improvements during your lifetime?

We are not where we need to be, but do you see us moving toward that end?
Thank you because we most certainly have
Unfortunately the left has made racism such a broadly referenced word that it’s been watered down now. the left wing nuts (some of which you align with here) believe if you’re white you’re a racist. It’s the only logical way to depict the bullshit they spew on here.

This is why I always laugh at these comments. Come face to face with WAR, AB’s, etc and get back to me. Aryan Nation and KKK are an absolute joke to these groups. The vast majority of whites aren’t racist. They don’t even care about skin color. They just want to live their life’s and not be bothered with nonsense.
As I said if your a scumbag I don’t like you white, black don’t give a crap. If your cool and decent I’m good with you
Definitely progress. Definitely not there.
Might be one of the most honest posts you ever wrote. Actually the progress has been substantial and sadly we will always have work to do. There are and will always be people with hate in their heart. Can't legislate against that. All we can do is be kind to one another and respectful. Our differences make up our Country.
Might be one of the most honest posts you ever wrote. Actually the progress has been substantial and sadly we will always have work to do. There are and will always be people with hate in their heart. Can't legislate against that. All we can do is be kind to one another and respectful. Our differences make up our Country.
Very true. Unfortunately, there will always be bigots, even if we don’t agree with it.
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Some of you on here think these latest moves in discussing race relations will be helpful to the cause. I find them to be divisive and in many ways taking us backwards. Talk about white privilege and things like that are not helpful. They hurt not help. As I've written before, when I hear politicians say minorities can't do this and can't do that, it pisses me off but good because it's derogatory and not true. They are using you in the worst way.

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