
Sure, i agree, Trump could have chosen more black judges, but if you’re being honest, judges are too often chosen by their political ideology and qualifications, and there are significantly fewer black conservatives than liberals, unfortunately.

Just curious, are people supposed to be chosen by the merits of their work and character or the color of their skin? Also, is the NBA racist because there are not enough white players?
Why stop at the NBA?? The NFL is predominately black as Did you happen to see the first round of the NFL draft?? Since it's white Execs running the shows in both leagues, I guess they are racist against their own......LOL
Why stop at the NBA?? The NFL is predominately black as Did you happen to see the first round of the NFL draft?? Since it's white Execs running the shows in both leagues, I guess they are racist against their own......LOL
But does it mean there is systemic racism in the NFL then?
But does it mean there is systemic racism in the NFL then?
But to really answer your question, there's absolutely systemic racism in the NFL and college football. When you have a system where blacks are being denied opportunities to be head coaches, soley based on the color of their skin, nothing else it's absolute racism.

The NFL made a feeble attempt to fix it with the Rooney Rule (I believe the called it), forcing teams to interview at least 1 minority for every HC position....... but we see how effective that was.
If white execs are choosing black athletes to make their own pockets fat, they're racist against their own.
Interesting juxtaposition when cities (Atlanta, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Chicago) with a black mayor, black judge, black police chief, and black police arrest or shoot a black criminal, and then people shout that it’s due to systemic racism! They must be racist against their own. We’ve now come full circle to see the truth. Thank you.
Or maybe they just pick they best person for the or player. The NFL is about winning and money....that's it.
I know, just messing with this guy. But glad you stated you know how many unproven white HC's got positions they were totally unqualified for, compared to blacks who have been doing a phenomenal job as coordinators in the league, only to be snubbed by GMs and Owners?? Numerous........there's a coaching carousel that takes place each year with guys getting fired only to see well deserving black OCs and DCs passed over. And the collegiate ranks are even and basketball.
But to really answer your question, there's absolutely systemic racism in the NFL and college football. When you have a system where blacks are being denied opportunities to be head coaches, soley based on the color of their skin, nothing else it's absolute racism.

The NFL made a feeble attempt to fix it with the Rooney Rule (I believe the called it), forcing teams to interview at least 1 minority for every HC position....... but we see how effective that was.
Which coach has been denied due to skin color? There is a fallacy that good players make good head coaches. If it were true, most HoFs would be head coaches.
I know, just messing with this guy. But glad you stated you know how many unproven white HC's got positions they were totally unqualified for, compared to blacks who have been doing a phenomenal job as coordinators in the league, only to be snubbed by GMs and Owners?? Numerous........there's a coaching carousel that takes place each year with guys getting fired only to see well deserving black OCs and DCs passed over. And the collegiate ranks are even and basketball.
Hardly messing with me. I stared the same thing several posts up, but you prefer to discuss emotions over facts.
Interesting juxtaposition when cities (Atlanta, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Chicago) with a black mayor, black judge, black police chief, and black police arrest or shoot a black criminal, and then people shout that it’s due to systemic racism! They must be racist against their own. We’ve now come full circle to see the truth. Thank you.
WHAT?????? proved your point you win...LOL
Which coach has been denied due to skin color? There is a fallacy that good players make good head coaches. If it were true, most HoFs would be head coaches.
Look no further than the Coordinators in the last Super Bowl. Leftwhich, Bienemy, and I think there's another from that game, not certain though. Even ESPN says it's almost criminal that Bienemy hasn't been given an opportunity yet.
Look no further than the Coordinators in the last Super Bowl. Leftwhich, Bienemy, and I think there's another from that game, not certain though. Even ESPN says it's almost criminal that Bienemy hasn't been given an opportunity yet.
But gotta get back to fellas enjoy.
WOW...aren't you in denial...well tell that to all that are being denied opportunities, in head coaching at all levels, the judicial system in sentencing and (Judges), instructor positions in white universities, etc etc.

And I guess Trump was thinking the same as you when he was appointing his Appellate Judges.....50+, not one Black. But I'm sure their race had nothing to do with it right....SMH
Give me examples of what I’m in denial about? So we should be appointing people to position because they’re Black? Not because they’re the most qualified ? Jesus did you get to Lt at your job because you were black or because you were the most qualified for that position?
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Give me examples of what I’m in denial about? So we should be appointing people to position because they’re Black? Not because they’re the most qualified ? Jesus did you get to Lt at your job because you were black or because you were the most qualified for that position?
I get your point completely, THERE ARE NO QUALIFIED BLACKS......ONLY WHITES.......that's why we don't get the opportunities. What was I thinking. Take care bro
Look no further than the Coordinators in the last Super Bowl. Leftwhich, Bienemy, and I think there's another from that game, not certain though. Even ESPN says it's almost criminal that Bienemy hasn't been given an opportunity yet.
ESPN is irrelevant. Douchebag Keller complained that too many white QBs might be drafted early. Never mind merit and wanting to win.
I get your point completely, THERE ARE NO QUALIFIED BLACKS......ONLY WHITES.......that's why we don't get the opportunities. What was I thinking. Take care bro
Oh so you’re the “I’m a victim of my skin color” type. Ben Carson must be too. Tiger Woods must be a victim. Your pity party doesn’t work here dude. Nice deflection by the way because you know I’m right but you’d rather live as a victim. You yourself have had success in life yes or no? Apparently you’re not a victim!
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It’s human nature, no matter how wrong it is. Someone will hate someone else different than themselves. It will continue to exist everywhere that people are different.
It will never end that's utopian thinking not reality. It will permeate every profession and walk of life but it will always be a minority %.
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There are racist in all ethnicities, I would agree. However ALL ethnicities have not suffered the atrocities and oppressive acts that blacks have throughout history at the hands of whites in this country, therein lies the difference. And to pretend otherwise is disingenuous, failing to acknowledge this country's history.

I have no problems with kids being taught HISTORY, real history not just what makes certain groups feel better. Tell it like it is, or don't tell it at all.
I was taught all about slavery did a book report on Frederick Douglas
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I would have to disagree with you. Hating someone different than you IS NOT human nature, that's learned behavior. And to minimize it as such, clearly indicates that you are not on the receiving end of the hateful or oppressive acts.

THIS is the problem that many blacks and other people of color have with SOME whites. They try and minimize the pain and/or oppression that blacks endure or they deny that racism is alive and well, and just chalk it up to "well that's just how it is or it's just human nature". Although you may not be the one inflicting the pain....a little empathy can go a long way in healing this nation.
On this we agree whole heartedly. No one except the severely deranged are born with hate in their hearts. No one! It is taught one way or another and for some is taught very strongly so that individual has a very real chance at becoming truly a racist individual.
Interesting how you have to go back 200 years as an example of how this county is still racist today. We are talking racism today, not history. Your previous words.

The rest of your argument is nonsense. Other races were enslaved as well. Africans enslaved other Africans, not judge Europeans/whites, Arabs enslaved the Jews, nazis enslaved and murdered Jews, and the Chinese are currently enslaving millions of Muslim Uighurs inside their own country. Whites enslaving blacks is a horrible piece of a much longer history of slavery across the world. I’m sure our Jewish posters would disagree with how their race has been abused and mistreated across the world over a longer period of time than African slaves, but what is the point of comparing unless your goal is divide a country?
Thousands of years, I'm a Jew.
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If you think THIS country isn't truly racist, you're in extreme denial and you clearly live in a vacuum. The past year alone typifies the racial climate in the country, and that was a brief snippet of the division that permeates throughout and was brought to the forefront for a brief period of time.
But again, it's not going away, therefore RESPECT and the ability to respect those who don't look like you is the answer and how we move forward.
But I get it, some folks just love the But until you can admit it.....admit how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, you'll continue to live in racial strife.
Who is truly racist'? How can a 'country' be racist...people can be racist. Our laws and our country are not racist. Why does the Isn't it somewhat odd that the Left and the media only call out racism when they think it can be identified with the Right? Why are they ignoring the racism exhibited by the Texas Democrats and others on the Left against Senator Tim Scott...who BTW was elected by mostly Whites, Left and Right?

Is the Left racist? Is BLM racist? Is the Congressional Black Caucus racist? Are most prominent Black leaders racist? Extremely!!

There are racial bigots amongst all of us and all of our groups have individuals who are racists. But we have no more than almost anywhere else, and for sure less than almost anywhere else.
When DJT announced his candidacy for President on June 16, 2015, suggesting Mexican immigrants to the US are drug dealers, rapists and murderers, supporters continued the old pattern of excusing that rhetoric. But in August 2017, when Trump appeared to side with the white supremacist mob that killed Heather Heyer and 19 counter protesters injured in Charlottesville, Va, with his claim that there were "very fine folks on both sides", a split seamed to open up in the party. Fed on decades of racist and sexist rhetoric and emboldened by the #45, white supremacists stepped into public view in a way that could not be ignored. And party leaders who depended on their votes did not turn away.
But the calculation for business leaders changed with the insurrection of Jan 06, 2021 and the attempts of states like Georgia to restrict the vote, largely to keep black Americans from the polls. Consumers and employees are pressing business leaders to take a stand against white supremacist wing of the party, and many are doing so. At the same time though, small donors are making up for the money that corporations are with holding from Republican candidates. This seems to have inspired FL Senator Rick Scott (R), who is the chairperson of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and who is also in charge of fund raising, after all, to turn viciously on businesses in order to court Trump loyalists.
On April 19th, Senator Scott wrote an astonishing op ed for Fox Business. It lashed out at "Woke Corporate America", the corporations Scott blames that is shunning states that are undermining voting rights in order to try to keep Republicans in power, particularly Major League Baseball. Using language that echoes that of #45, this scathing OpEd accuses business leaders of catering to the rabble leftist mob.
Could it be after all these years the marriage between business and racist voters is twisting apart?
When DJT announced his candidacy for President on June 16, 2015, suggesting Mexican immigrants to the US are drug dealers, rapists and murderers, supporters continued the old pattern of excusing that rhetoric. But in August 2017, when Trump appeared to side with the white supremacist mob that killed Heather Heyer and 19 counter protesters injured in Charlottesville, Va, with his claim that there were "very fine folks on both sides", a split seamed to open up in the party. Fed on decades of racist and sexist rhetoric and emboldened by the #45, white supremacists stepped into public view in a way that could not be ignored. And party leaders who depended on their votes did not turn away.
But the calculation for business leaders changed with the insurrection of Jan 06, 2021 and the attempts of states like Georgia to restrict the vote, largely to keep black Americans from the polls. Consumers and employees are pressing business leaders to take a stand against white supremacist wing of the party, and many are doing so. At the same time though, small donors are making up for the money that corporations are with holding from Republican candidates. This seems to have inspired FL Senator Rick Scott (R), who is the chairperson of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and who is also in charge of fund raising, after all, to turn viciously on businesses in order to court Trump loyalists.
On April 19th, Senator Scott wrote an astonishing op ed for Fox Business. It lashed out at "Woke Corporate America", the corporations Scott blames that is shunning states that are undermining voting rights in order to try to keep Republicans in power, particularly Major League Baseball. Using language that echoes that of #45, this scathing OpEd accuses business leaders of catering to the rabble leftist mob.
Could it be after all these years the marriage between business and racist voters is twisting apart?
Nice use of words, but failed. Notice your use of “mexican immigrants” and you don’t distinguish “immigrants” from “illegal aliens” as Trump said, which is a typical lefty change of words thinking no one noticed.

Yes. Many drug dealing murdererous gang member Mexican criminals re-enter our country illegally because they would be blocked at legal ports of entry otherwise. Those are undeniable facts.

You need to read some real news for once for some reprogramming due the all the brainwashing.
When DJT announced his candidacy for President on June 16, 2015, suggesting Mexican immigrants to the US are drug dealers, rapists and murderers, supporters continued the old pattern of excusing that rhetoric. But in August 2017, when Trump appeared to side with the white supremacist mob that killed Heather Heyer and 19 counter protesters injured in Charlottesville, Va, with his claim that there were "very fine folks on both sides", a split seamed to open up in the party. Fed on decades of racist and sexist rhetoric and emboldened by the #45, white supremacists stepped into public view in a way that could not be ignored. And party leaders who depended on their votes did not turn away.
But the calculation for business leaders changed with the insurrection of Jan 06, 2021 and the attempts of states like Georgia to restrict the vote, largely to keep black Americans from the polls. Consumers and employees are pressing business leaders to take a stand against white supremacist wing of the party, and many are doing so. At the same time though, small donors are making up for the money that corporations are with holding from Republican candidates. This seems to have inspired FL Senator Rick Scott (R), who is the chairperson of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and who is also in charge of fund raising, after all, to turn viciously on businesses in order to court Trump loyalists.
On April 19th, Senator Scott wrote an astonishing op ed for Fox Business. It lashed out at "Woke Corporate America", the corporations Scott blames that is shunning states that are undermining voting rights in order to try to keep Republicans in power, particularly Major League Baseball. Using language that echoes that of #45, this scathing OpEd accuses business leaders of catering to the rabble leftist mob.
Could it be after all these years the marriage between business and racist voters is twisting apart?
You are a parrot. I suggest you wash your ears out and see if you can get rid of your selective hearing.
Unfortunately, Racism is real and it lives in every country. As a minority myself, I have experience with racism but my experience tells me that more often than not, when people scream racism during an argument, discussion or political debate they have zero evidence to support their position. They merely have nothing else to offer hence their reliance on the trendy race card to gather attention. I think the term I am looking for is "conversational narcissist" (think Al Sharpton)
It's not the same as it is in this country because this country was literally built off the institution of slavery 400 years. It has defined what it is from all aspects of life. That is not the case in every country.
It's not the same as it is in this country because this country was literally built off the institution of slavery 400 years. It has defined what it is from all aspects of life. That is not the case in every country.
No it wasn't. Slavery at that time was widely accepted. It was the norm around the world. Our country was NOT built off slavery. It was built to get out from under the thumb of the King of England. I know you find the slavery angle to be somehow the back bone of the forming of this country but that's wrong. Slavery was widely used everywhere in Europe and later the Americas. We all find it detestable CD but it's over. We simply can not live today based on what happened 200-400 years ago. In the future people will look back to what we are doing in these times and they will shake their heads and wonder how we could possibly live like this?
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It's not the same as it is in this country because this country was literally built off the institution of slavery 400 years. It has defined what it is from all aspects of life. That is not the case in every country.
“All aspects of life.” Ummmm no
“All aspects of life.” Ummmm no
You ever see people live in the past like this? Not 1 of these guys was exposed to the horrors of slavery. Everyone thinks it was despicable but to stay in it stops progress. My wifes parents both holocaust survivors she is 2nd generation survivor and my 3 sons 3rd generation survivors. They don't dwell on it in fact try getting most holocaust survivors to talk about their pain. They really don't want to. Her family is/has been very involved over the years in Holocaust remembrance but they haven't stayed in it if you get my point.
No it wasn't. Slavery at that time was widely accepted. It was the norm around the world. Our country was NOT built off slavery. It was built to get out from under the thumb of the King of England. I know you find the slavery angle to be somehow the back bone of the forming of this country but that's wrong. Slavery was widely used everywhere in Europe and later the Americas. We all find it detestable CD but it's over. We simply can not live today based on what happened 200-400 years ago. In the future people will look back to what we are doing in these times and they will shake their heads and wonder how we could possibly live like this?
You are contradicting yourself. You are telling me slavery was universally accepted around the world at this time and you are also saying this country was not built off slavery. Which is it? I am talking about facts. Do your homework.

You are conflating two different things. I did NOT say slavery did not exist throughout the world. I said this country was built off slavery. It was literally built off the backs of slaves. The institution its self. That doesn't mean the institution didn't exist other places.

We simply can not live with this naïve idea that what happened (400-NOT 200 years ago) is not part of the fabric of this country today. It's just painfully naive and willfully ignorant because that is who we are. What happened thousands of years ago is who England is. Those that choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it. I personally get offended when someone tells me or implies I should forget my ancestors were beat, raped and forced to work without pay. Who do you think you are to have the right to tell me I can't live based on what happened then. Yes, I can. Because those are my ancestors not yours. They made sacrifices for me. Those sacrifices were not made to forget about them. They were made for progress....and a progressive agenda.
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You are contradicting yourself. You are telling me slavery was universally accepted around the world at this time and you are also saying this country was not built off slavery. Which is it? I am talking about facts. Do your homework.

You are conflating two different things. I did NOT say slavery did not exist throughout the world. I said this country was built off slavery. It was literally built off the backs of slaves. The institution its self. That doesn't mean the institution didn't exist other places.

We simply can not live with this naïve idea that what happened (400-NOT 200 years ago) is not part of the fabric of this country today. It's just painfully naive and willfully ignorant because that is who we are. What happened thousands of years ago is who England is. Those that choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it. I personally get offended when someone tells me or implies I should forget my ancestors were beat, raped and forced to work without pay. Who do you think you are to have the right to tell me I can't live based on what happened then. Yes, I can. Because those are my ancestors not yours. They made sacrifices for me. Those sacrifices were not made to forget about them. They were made for progress....and a progressive agenda.
Unfortunately, today's definition of progressive can be summed up in one word, "Regressive."
No, not really. A humanitarian cause is always and will always be progressive.
A humanitarian cause would be to end slavery in America, but I don’t see it here anymore, other than Democratic Masters enslaving their tribal sheep. Please enlighten us, I’ll wait ....
They brainwash people to believe they can’t be successful on their own, so they need saving from their Democratic masters with some humanitarian relief.
I'm not quite so draconian but it seems to me that whatever democrats advocate always results in bigger government. more oversight on individual freedoms and endless freebies and we all know nothing is free. I used to be a flaming liberal until I discovered that enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of individual happiness comes with a hefty price... working for a living to support my enjoyment. Many on the left are just as racist as those on the right; ask Tim Scott.
You are contradicting yourself. You are telling me slavery was universally accepted around the world at this time and you are also saying this country was not built off slavery. Which is it? I am talking about facts. Do your homework.

You are conflating two different things. I did NOT say slavery did not exist throughout the world. I said this country was built off slavery. It was literally built off the backs of slaves. The institution its self. That doesn't mean the institution didn't exist other places.

We simply can not live with this naïve idea that what happened (400-NOT 200 years ago) is not part of the fabric of this country today. It's just painfully naive and willfully ignorant because that is who we are. What happened thousands of years ago is who England is. Those that choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it. I personally get offended when someone tells me or implies I should forget my ancestors were beat, raped and forced to work without pay. Who do you think you are to have the right to tell me I can't live based on what happened then. Yes, I can. Because those are my ancestors not yours. They made sacrifices for me. Those sacrifices were not made to forget about them. They were made for progress....and a progressive agenda.
No one said forget, we said move on, celebrate the progress, strive for more advancements. Don't come at us we weren't alive back then.
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I'm not quite so draconian but it seems to me that whatever democrats advocate always results in bigger government. more oversight on individual freedoms and endless freebies and we all know nothing is free. I used to be a flaming liberal until I discovered that enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of individual happiness comes with a hefty price... working for a living to support my enjoyment. Many on the left are just as racist as those on the right; ask Tim Scott.
Racists are equal opportunity in politics just ask the Democrats they were Jim Crowe, no end to slavery, against the civil rights bill, and had a KKK grand wizard named Byrd in their party leadership. He was very good friends with Biden.
Trouble is dems think everything is humanitarian
Trouble with people like yourself is you believe in your mind everything is political so it is easy for you to not think for yourself. You want to allow a political party to make decisions for you and then you can base opinions off that. Those are other peoples opinions and you are not thinking on your own. Dems as you call them are just a political party. I do not need to be associated with either party to value humanitarian causes.
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