SCOTUS denied Trump’s appeal re taxes

LMAO.....Please tell me you are just joking and fkn around with us? Please tell me you aren't sitting here trying to hold others accountable for what Donald Trump did to break the law? This is just some of the saddest shit I have ever seen. What is it this dude can't do for you not to lick his boots? That is NOT how real estate works.

You are not expect to over value property to fraudulently receive inflated loan approvals. I assure you there is a reason nobody in America would loan Donald J. Trump money. He had no other place to get money except from Russia and they were laundering money. That is obviously at the crux of the investigation. However....that's just how we got there. Cheating people! Why do you think he fought so hard not to show his taxes all these years? Because he is a POS and has been for decades and the taxes show this.
What laws did Trump violate? Waiting...
So I went to lunch for some BBQ and come back to see our last couple of posts were deleted. Did you just go and whine like a little girl to the moderator? You're pathetic.
Snowflakes love reporting people as they spew hate, lies and name calling
Man you are a trip. Don't you know Trump had inside help to pull off these crimes?
I know your reading comprehension isn't great so I'll keep it simple, you're a weak minded individual and unbelievable hypocrite. Running to the mod..., my small g god you are pathetic.
I know your reading comprehension isn't great so I'll keep it simple, you're a weak minded individual and unbelievable hypocrite. Running to the mod..., my small g god you are pathetic.
Me pathetic for running to the mods when you and others snitch on me constantly. GTFOH!!
You apparently don’t know how the audit process works lol. If an auditor finds what appears to be criminal violations they will then pass the case onto their criminal investigations division who will take that evidence and go forward with criminal proceedings. I did one here two years ago and assisted IRS on a tax evasion case. It sure as hell doesn’t take 4 years lol. Took me about 4 months to put my case together.

Also a Grand Jury is not a investigation unit or team lol. They’re a sitting body of jurors who hear evidence presented by law enforcement to determine whether probable cause exist to go forward and issue indictments.

Cash he will be fine lots of fine people donated to his election fraud claim in the millions without reading the fine print. He now has enough money to defend himself. As the 255 million he raised a large chunk can go to him directly or he’ll even golf memberships lmfao. He didn’t fight shit and trump blind followers aka trump sheep got scammed if they donated. Sad but as far as charges he will have a good defense so nothing will come of it.
The Manhattan DA now has Trump’s tax returns and financial documents dating back to 2011.

Reports say that bank and insurance fraud are at the heart of the investigation.

Stay tuned!
You don't fight with all your might all the way to the supreme court to hide your taxes if there is nothing there.
Just to be clear CD; you think Real Estate owners or buyers applying for loans are the very people who affix the valuation of the Real Estate for the purpose of a loan? So I can just tell the bank that my condo is worth 1.5 million when it's real value is 1 million? Oh my it just gets dumber and dumber on here.

Here’s what these 🤡🤡🤡🤡 don’t understand and because they have TDS they dont get it.
Trump organization have used some of the largest accounting firms in the nation do you think for a minute they would be complicit in a cheat scheme to save Trump million...
laughable.... Cyrus the🤡🤡🤡 will find nothing..!!!
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