So Let Me Get This Straight: You show me footage of Trumps America to tell me you will see this in Biden's America?


Aug 14, 2007
113 can't make this stuff up! It's both funny and sad at the same exact time. That's an unusual feat. Hey if you vote for Joe Biden you will have anarchy of this kind on the streets. Yes, that just happened on the streets with me as president. What I am showing you now....but if you vote for Uncle will see it.

This is a crazy world.
The offending cities are run radical people from your party who have refused Trump's offer of help. Trump has nothing to do with causing the riots in Portland, Seattle, and NYC. Keep regurgitating the talking points, though.
The offending cities are run radical people from your party who have refused Trump's offer of help. Trump has nothing to do with causing the riots in Portland, Seattle, and NYC. Keep regurgitating the talking points, though.
I think you have missed the point although this is not too surprising. Which is this is his America that has the anarchy he is showing in his ads that will take place if you don't vote for him. Well, he is already president and we see it now. So, this is probably not a very good narrative for him.

I didn't see any of this on the streets when Uncle Joe was VP. In Obamas America. Tanks coming down the street. Our forces being used against our own people. They were able to lead America.

Listen, for the first time in US history will a sitting president not receive any former presidents endorsement. Let that sink in and marinate.
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Reactions: anon_xwhflco81xrbt can't make this stuff up! It's both funny and sad at the same exact time. That's an unusual feat. Hey if you vote for Joe Biden you will have anarchy of this kind on the streets. Yes, that just happened on the streets with me as president. What I am showing you now....but if you vote for Uncle will see it.

This is a crazy world.
The point is that these are all Democrat run cities and they are doing nothing to control the chaos. The one time he sent federal resources to control rioting in Portland the Dems and media went ballistic. The mayors of these cities have an obligation to protect people and property and have failed to do so on an epic scale. This should concern everyone and Trump has offered Federal resources to quell the violence only to be turned down. This will not play well with voters as the most basic duty of government is to protect its citizens and their property. Look at th e polls in swing states where Biden is plummeting, this has caused him and Harris to play mild lip service to this issue. Looks like too little too late.
I think you have missed the point although this is not too surprising. Which is this is his America that has the anarchy he is showing in his ads that will take place if you don't vote for him. Well, he is already president and we see it now. So, this is probably not a very good narrative for him.

I didn't see any of this on the streets when Uncle Joe was VP. In Obamas America. Tanks coming down the street. Our forces being used against our own people. They were able to lead America.

Listen, for the first time in US history will a sitting president not receive any former presidents endorsement. Let that sink in and marinate.
I thought these protests were being done so we'd never forget what is happening yet you've already forgotten about Ferguson and Baltimore as well as a few others that happened while Plantation Joe was VP. Sad that you're protesting about the mistreatment of blacks in our judicial system and then want to vote in the guy that took full credit for the 1994 crime bill that unjustly and oppressively sentenced an entire generation of blacks to prison. Of course, what would you expect from a guy guy that complained about the Racial Jungle his kids would have to grow up in if they were forced to go to school with blacks. Why do you think Plantation Joe used the term Jungle when describing the mixing of blacks in our schools?
The point is that these are all Democrat run cities and they are doing nothing to control the chaos. The one time he sent federal resources to control rioting in Portland the Dems and media went ballistic. The mayors of these cities have an obligation to protect people and property and have failed to do so on an epic scale. This should concern everyone and Trump has offered Federal resources to quell the violence only to be turned down. This will not play well with voters as the most basic duty of government is to protect its citizens and their property. Look at th e polls in swing states where Biden is plummeting, this has caused him and Harris to play mild lip service to this issue. Looks like too little too late.
You are just regurgitating a morons talking points in Trump. The position of President isn't to worry about what party is running what states. It is to provide the things ALL OF THE PEOPLE need. Not just democrats or just republicans. We need a PRESIDENT.....not a facist....let this sink in.

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You are just regurgitating a morons talking points in Trump. The position of President isn't to worry about what party is running what states. It is to provide the things ALL OF THE PEOPLE need. Not just democrats or just republicans. We need a PRESIDENT.....not a facist....let this sink in.

What is he to do to quell rioting in these cities when the mayors are telling him not to take action. You can't have it both ways, either you stop the rioting or you condone it.
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What is he to do to quell rioting in these cities when the mayors are telling him not to take action. You can't have it both ways, either you stop the rioting or you condone it.
Listen carefully! He is supposed to have the answer to that question. Not me. Why are you asking me? I am not the president of the United States. He is and he asked for this job. If he doesn't know what to do he should GTFOOH! Your privilege doesn't excuse you from your responsibility to ALL of the American people. IMO opinion although I am not the president and it isn't my job to offer him a solution. If you see rioting you get a thorough understanding on why people are rioting in the street right? You address the disease not the symptoms. I'm no president but I know I am a pretty smart guy. Let's just say nobody ever did my homework for me or took my SATs.

The funny thing is I know that if I didn't have the answer as president I wouldn't be trying to convince the American people my opponent doesn't have the vote for me when I don't either.
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I think you have missed the point although this is not too surprising. Which is this is his America that has the anarchy he is showing in his ads that will take place if you don't vote for him. Well, he is already president and we see it now. So, this is probably not a very good narrative for him.

I didn't see any of this on the streets when Uncle Joe was VP. In Obamas America. Tanks coming down the street. Our forces being used against our own people. They were able to lead America.

Listen, for the first time in US history will a sitting president not receive any former presidents endorsement. Let that sink in and marinate.
Ferguson and Baltimore.
Do you honestly think the average voter blames POTUS for riots in Democrat run. cities when he offered help they refused? You can't really believe that.
I have had my CD quota for the day, a never ending fountain of verbal diahhrea. I think he would enjoy living in China where the President solves all the peoples problems and if they dont like it they are thrown in concentration camps to make shoes for Lebron
You are just regurgitating a morons talking points in Trump. The position of President isn't to worry about what party is running what states. It is to provide the things ALL OF THE PEOPLE need. Not just democrats or just republicans. We need a PRESIDENT.....not a facist....let this sink in.

Trust me if washington Jefferson Jackson or Lincoln were still alive they would be endorsing Trump. 100%
Do you honestly think the average voter blames POTUS for riots in Democrat run. cities when he offered help they refused? You can't really believe that.
Biden said nothing about the violence during the DNC. Then he belatedly gives a tepid condemnation after three days of violence in Kenosha. Do you think he finally said something, because he thinks voters blame Trump? Be realistic.
The former. Democrat Mayor of Kenosha said today that he fears that the unrest is going to hurt Democrats.
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I have had my CD quota for the day, a never ending fountain of verbal diahhrea. I think he would enjoy living in China where the President solves all the peoples problems and if they dont like it they are thrown in concentration camps to make shoes for Lebron
I think I’m done for today as well. Lol
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No awesome country. The best country the world has ever seen. Shithole liberal run cities yes I think your in to something.
Yes, it will be once we get new leadership. We can get to repair our relationships with our Allies and get back to being the beacon of hope for the world. No country respects us right now. Actually, my apologies. Russia does.
Yes, it will be once we get new leadership. We can get to repair our relationships with our Allies and get back to being the beacon of hope for the world. No country respects us right now. Actually, my apologies. Russia does.
Did Russia respect us when the former Coward-in-Chief, Barry, refused to send our ally, Ukraine, weapons to defend themselves form Putin and Russia's attacks against them? Putin must have laughed his ass off every time your effeminate hero would get up on a world stage and talk. Red lines in the sand, anyone?
Did Russia respect us when the former Coward-in-Chief, Barry, refused to send our ally, Ukraine, weapons to defend themselves form Putin and Russia's attacks against them? Putin must have laughed his ass off every time your effeminate hero would get up on a world stage and talk. Red lines in the sand, anyone?

Bottom line no one respects us now - Nato leaders mock Trump behind his back and are waiting for him to be gone so everyone we can resume normal diplomacy again. And Putin, Xi, Kim, Duterte, Bolsenaro, Erdogan, and Orban are all benefiting from Trump turning the blind eye while they entrench authoritarianism in their respective countries.
Bottom line no one respects us now - Nato leaders mock Trump behind his back and are waiting for him to be gone so everyone we can resume normal diplomacy again. And Putin, Xi, Kim, Duterte, Bolsenaro, Erdogan, and Orban are all benefiting from Trump turning the blind eye while they entrench authoritarianism in their respective countries.
Only people who are unamerican would even want Russias respect. These people are losers. Cowards who manipulate the weak useful idiots of the world. Obama and Clinton checked that ass. Cost them Trillions in sanctions because Putin couldn't do his oil deal. Trump comes in and has no clue how our government works....and only wants to kiss Putin booty. Putin asked him to put the guy in charge of Exxon as his secretary of state. That guy referred to Trump as a fkn idiot and resigned. Did you see when he was telling the story of how Trump kept asking him to break the law. The dude was like he just didn't care if it didn't benefit Trump. He has no understanding of how anything works and doesn't want one.
Only people who are unamerican would even want Russias respect. These people are losers. Cowards who manipulate the weak useful idiots of the world. Obama and Clinton checked that ass. Cost them Trillions in sanctions because Putin couldn't do his oil deal. Trump comes in and has no clue how our government works....and only wants to kiss Putin booty. Putin asked him to put the guy in charge of Exxon as his secretary of state. That guy referred to Trump as a fkn idiot and resigned. Did you see when he was telling the story of how Trump kept asking him to break the law. The dude was like he just didn't care if it didn't benefit Trump. He has no understanding of how anything works and doesn't want one.

For Putin, that's the beauty of helping get Trump elected. He is likely to look the other way when authoritarians around the world consolidate power within their own countries. Many of these leaders used to think twice about taking such actions in the past, because they knew it may be met with condemnation and/or economic sanctions from America. Now, they can do it at will, because they know Trump can be placated with simple compliments. During Trump's time in office, both Putin and Xi have changed the laws in their own countries to make them President for life.
Only people who are unamerican would even want Russias respect. These people are losers. Cowards who manipulate the weak useful idiots of the world. Obama and Clinton checked that ass. Cost them Trillions in sanctions because Putin couldn't do his oil deal. Trump comes in and has no clue how our government works....and only wants to kiss Putin booty. Putin asked him to put the guy in charge of Exxon as his secretary of state. That guy referred to Trump as a fkn idiot and resigned. Did you see when he was telling the story of how Trump kept asking him to break the law. The dude was like he just didn't care if it didn't benefit Trump. He has no understanding of how anything works and doesn't want one.
Yeah, Barry's sanctions scared Putin so bad that he proceeded to invade Ukraine and then interfere in our elections after Barry "checked" his ass. More nonsense to cover for your cowardly hero and his lack of being taken seriously on a world stage. Like I said, Putin must have laughed his ass off every time Barry spoke to the world and wondered how such an effeminate coward could have ever been elected president of the US.
Bottom line no one respects us now - Nato leaders mock Trump behind his back and are waiting for him to be gone so everyone we can resume normal diplomacy again. And Putin, Xi, Kim, Duterte, Bolsenaro, Erdogan, and Orban are all benefiting from Trump turning the blind eye while they entrench authoritarianism in their respective countries.
I don't remember Barry cracking down in any meaningful way on any of those countries while he was president but I do remember him sending a lot of our manufacturing and jobs to China. Must have set China back quite a ways to take all of those worthless jobs off our hands and we are seeing the effects of sending so much of our medicine production to them.
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I don't remember Barry cracking down in any meaningful way on any of those countries while he was president but I do remember him sending a lot of our manufacturing and jobs to China. Must have set China back quite a ways to take all of those worthless jobs off our hands and we are seeing the effects of sending so much of our medicine production to them.

The mere act of promoting Democracy in eastern Europe and some former Soviet states puts tremendous pressure on leaders like Putin, because the thing they fear the most is being overthrown from within by a popular uprising. Putin himself has lamented how Gaddafi were killed by their own people and he desperately doesn't want that to happen. Before Trump took office, every President in modern history put pressure on the Soviets and Russians to promote Democracy, human rights, free speech, etc. Trump has not only not done any of these things, he has enabled them to crack down on dissidents by remaining silent (see Navalny last week as the latest example).
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For Putin, that's the beauty of helping get Trump elected. He is likely to look the other way when authoritarians around the world consolidate power within their own countries. Many of these leaders used to think twice about taking such actions in the past, because they knew it may be met with condemnation and/or economic sanctions from America. Now, they can do it at will, because they know Trump can be placated with simple compliments. During Trump's time in office, both Putin and Xi have changed the laws in their own countries to make them President for life.
Obama and Biden stood by and did NOTHING while Putin took Crimea and East Ukraine. Remember?? Russia then brought anti aircraft batteries into Ukraine and shot down the Air Malaysia 777 killing 300 people. Facts not bullshit opinion or speculation.
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The mere act of promoting Democracy in eastern Europe and some former Soviet states puts tremendous pressure on leaders like Putin, because the thing they fear the most is being overthrown from within by a popular uprising. Putin himself has lamented how Gaddafi were killed by their own people and he desperately doesn't want that to happen. Before Trump took office, every President in modern history put pressure on the Soviets and Russians to promote Democracy, human rights, free speech, etc. Trump has not only not done any of these things, he has enabled them to crack down on dissidents by remaining silent (see Navalny last week as the latest example).
It must have been that tremendous pressure that Barry put on Putin to scare him into attacking our ally, Ukraine, and then interfering with our elections. Of course, maybe that's what Barry had in mind when he told the Russians that he would have more flexibility after his election. You do also know that if any Russian interference took place during our 2016 elections that it happened under Barry's watch? I guess he was too busy spying on an American citizen's presidential campaign to be bothered with actually stopping election interference from a threat of ours. Then again, what would you expect from a guy that once said, "The 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back," when debating with Romney over how big of a threat Russia was to the US. That poor community organizer was in over his head from the beginning as far as knowing how to deal with foreign leaders.
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Why do you guys waste your time on CD? He doesn't accept anything outside his comfort zone. Does he even have the intellect to comprehend what's being explained, much less have the character to admit when he's wrong or have the integrity to care about the truth, when it offers no personal gain? Don't think so, I haven't seen it .
It must have been that tremendous pressure that Barry put on Putin to scare him into attacking our ally, Ukraine, and then interfering with our elections. Of course, maybe that's what Barry had in mind when he told the Russians that he would have more flexibility after his election. You do also know that if any Russian interference took place during our 2016 elections that it happened under Barry's watch? I guess he was too busy spying on an American citizen's presidential campaign to be bothered with actually stopping election interference from a threat of ours. Then again, what would you expect from a guy that once said, "The 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back," when debating with Romney over how big of a threat Russia was to the US. That poor community organizer was in over his head from the beginning as far as knowing how to deal with foreign leaders.

That's precisely what happened. Putin badly needed a win or two he could drum up domestic support with and taking back Crimea was the easiest way to do it. That wasn't Obama's policy to spread Democracy, it was US policy from Reagan to Obama.
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That's precisely what happened. Putin badly needed a win or two he could drum up domestic support with and taking back Crimea was the easiest way to do it. That wasn't Obama's policy to spread Democracy, it was US policy from Reagan to Obama.
But it was Barry's policy to not send weapons to our ally, Ukraine, even when his advisors and diplomats were begging him to do so. It was Barry that did nothing when Russia was interfering in our 2016 elections. Don't compare the coward Obama with Reagan. He actually did something about Russian aggression and had the balls to tell Mr Gorbachev to tear down that wall. He also was never ashamed of America like Barry is.
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But it was Barry's policy to do not send weapons to our ally, Ukraine, even when his advisors and diplomats were begging him to do so. It was Barry that did nothing when Russia was interfering in our 2016 elections. Don't compare the coward Obama with Reagan. He actually did something about Russian aggression and had the balls to tell Mr Gorbachev to tear down that wall. He also was never ashamed of America like Barry is.

Sending weapons to the Ukrainians does nothing since Putin has far more weapons in his arsenal than anything we can send the Ukrainians. Therefore the talking point that Trump "sent weapons to the Ukrainians while Obama didn't" is completely meaningless. It was used as a convenient pretext to not push back on Putin diplomatically as every President from Reagan to Obama did with the Soviets/Russians.
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You've got Obama confused with Trump. We have lost all credibility around the globe over the past 3 years.
Tell that to Boris Johnson UK, Israel, UAE, Japan, Taiwan, Poland etc. You have no idea what you are talking about, but keep. regurgitating CNN vomit.
Your insinuation that Trump is weak like Obama and Biden reveals your total ignorance. Trump is a lot of things but not weak.
Tell that to Boris Johnson UK, Israel, UAE, Japan, Taiwan, Poland etc. You have no idea what you are talking about, but keep. regurgitating CNN vomit.
Your insinuation that Trump is weak like Obama and Biden reveals your total ignorance. Trump is a lot of things but not weak.

The UK hate Trump, and with the except of them, the states you list are tiny in terms of population and geopolitical significance compared to the likes of Russia, China, and NATO as a whole. Trump has done nothing but weaken us among our key allies while emboldening our adversaries.
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This morning Newsweek reported Russian surveillance aircraft flying into US airspace off of Alaska. Also at the same time a Russian submarine was spotted off the Alaskan shores. This isnt a 1st time occurrence. Within the last few years there have been other Russian flyovers in US airspace. Not a peep from #45.
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