As usual you are wrong. When Barack was president we saw huge riots in Ferguson MIssouri and in Baltimore. And when Trump was elected president there were riots in Portland and Oakland, 2 of the most radical liberal cities in the country.
And Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization was formed when Barack was president.
Trump sent federal agents to Portland to protect the federal courthouse there. That is his right. Your gal Kamala Harris called these agents the KuKluxKlan. Way to unite the country!!!! And what a racist statement!!!
And ALL these cities where there are violent riots have one thing in common. They are all run by liberal Democrat mayors. They have the power and authority to stop the violence but they are either too scared OR they actually agree with the rioters and looters. BURN THAT MOTHA DOWN!!!
First of all, you come here and make a comment about uniting the country when this president does everything to divide the country. Explain how a sitting president can retweet a guy screaming bigoted epithets riding a golf cart ? I didn't see you here outraged about about that. Stop calling Kamala Harris my gal. You don't know anything about me or who is my gal.
You say sensible comments like "way to unit this country" and then go on to say stupid shit like "they are all run by liberal democrat mayors" take a wild guess if I feel you really want this country united? You don' just say this to make people think you do. I read your entire comment and everything in it was divisive except "way to unite the country" first of all you need to stop dividing the country yourself. Then you can admonish others for doing so. That's how it works.
Every president could experience riots. The difference is how they are handled. Obama and Biden didn't send troops and tanks into sovereign us territories. You keep saying divisive shit like democratic mayors but guess who elected them. These people were duly elected government officials in those territories.