So let me get this straight:

These people are SICK! I am convinced there is something mentally wrong with them....especially that Linsey "Cuck Holster" Graham. Who can miss me with his Bull Jive too. It's demented what they are trying to do right now...and Trumps stupid ass is still going to be impeached. So he better just lube up because it is coming hard and fast. He would be very fortunate to not be thrown in jail so he better be careful. Also, Nancy is looking into impeaching a couple more in his administration. These people are demented. Now they want credit for killing the head of ISIS? You can't have it both ways. Say Obama deserves no credit but you on the other hand deserve credit?[/QU
Trump was golfing when the SEALS made the assault on Baghadi. The photo is staged. Photography experts made an analysis, assessment of the photo & they determined everyone in the photo, including Pence are all looking in different directions.

These people are SICK! I am convinced there is something mentally wrong with them....especially that Linsey "Cuck Holster" Graham. Who can miss me with his Bull Jive too. It's demented what they are trying to do right now...and Trumps stupid ass is still going to be impeached. So he better just lube up because it is coming hard and fast. He would be very fortunate to not be thrown in jail so he better be careful. Also, Nancy is looking into impeaching a couple more in his administration. These people are demented. Now they want credit for killing the head of ISIS? You can't have it both ways. Say Obama deserves no credit but you on the other hand deserve credit?[/QUOTE]
#45 was actually golfing when the raid began. The photo is staged. Photography experts say everyone in the photo are not looking at the monitor, telecommunicator, whatever. They are all looking in different directions. Quite simply another photo op for #45.