South Korean minister will meet Ivanka after Tillerson's firing

There you go again giving liberals credit. Kim was out of control till Trump told the world he would stop him one way or the other. The liberals went crazy saying Trump was going to start a nuclear war. .

Facts are facts pard'ner.
Just like there isn't any evidence that Pluto isn't actually an intergalactic dildo factory. So let's go by what we know rather than inventing alternate realities to prop up the Russian stooge because he can't seem to buy a win to save his life.
Yet on the other hand you're demeaning this opportunity without any evidence that its somehow a bad thing. Hate clouds your judgment. But keep it up, the more you guys continue to snivel 24 hours a day the more you turn Trump into a living martyr.
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How long ago isn't relevant. I would think as a Georgia resident and seemingly devoted liberal Dem that you would hold the Ex President in high regard. Truth is the Carter Presidency was characterized by Georgia peanut leadership that was "in over it's head". I can attest as one of my father's friends from childhood (from an old Miami family) was head of the National Endowment for the Arts. Her term began in the Nixon Administration and carried over into the Carter Administration.
Dude Stop. Please...this is embarrassing. It does matter. 42 years ago? Who gives a crap. I am worried about who is in office NOW!
Well let’s hope something positive comes out of the negotiations (if they have them) and we don’t have to take them out forcibly. It’d be a much better day for everyone involved.

There’s irony in this though with the Repubs hoping and working for peace and the Dems hoping, what exactly are you hoping for again?
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Yet on the other hand you're demeaning this opportunity without any evidence that its somehow a bad thing. Hate clouds your judgment. But keep it up, the more you guys continue to snivel 24 hours a day the more you turn Trump into a living martyr.

No hate needed. Simple reasoning is all that is required to deduce that nothing has happened yet. All we have so far is a media story that they are going to meet (which hasn't been corroborated by the North). Simply having a meeting is not an accomplishment - it is a routine thing that happens all the time when two parties attempt to negotiate. If Trump and Kim meet and Kim agrees to fully disarm (and actually follows through) and also agrees to meet the terms of the six party talks then that will be worthy of praise. Until then, its all noise.
Dude Stop. Please...this is embarrassing. It does matter. 42 years ago? Who gives a crap. I am worried about who is in office NOW!
Not your "Dude" and not embarrassed. You brought up the concept of a President being over his head and I simply cited an example from the other political party. Now you don't "give a crap"? Clown.....
Clearly nothing else has worked with the North Koreans, despite multiple administrations trying, so let’s see what happens. It certainly can’t hurt and may actually have countless lives.
Not your "Dude" and not embarrassed. You brought up the concept of a President being over his head and I simply cited an example from the other political party. Now you don't "give a crap"? Clown.....
What is it you don't understand? Nobody cares about 42 years ago. That has already been discussed. The president in office now is woefully unqualified. Discussing 42 years ago means you are embArrassed.
What is it you don't understand? Nobody cares about 42 years ago. That has already been discussed. The president in office now is woefully unqualified. Discussing 42 years ago means you are embArrassed.
Not for nothing…….but in order to be embarrassed doesn’t someone have to feel shame in front of someone they respect? I know, I know, you only care about getting respect from people that matter to you……..but the fact remains, and even you must admit this, a very small percentage of posters on all three forms seem to respect your opinions and judgement. I state this only so we can dissect your constant boasts about how you embarrass others. So my honest question to you is………how does someone become embarrassed when they don’t feel shame from the person they’re corresponding with nor feel shame from the hundreds on here who don’t exactly hold said person in high regard? What can say, I am bored today, but I think it still makes sense..
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Let's stick to the topic gentleman. A lot of people want to kill the messenger. Don't be mad at me because you back a dip shit.
No ones mad at you CD, just kidding around a bit. So I went to the link you posted but I don’t see where it says she’s negotiating anything. Is that your guess or did you post the wrong link?

Let's stick to the topic gentleman. A lot of people want to kill the messenger. Don't be mad at me because you back a dip shit.
I’m sure he just misread the article or jumped to the conclusion. No matter, no harm done and a good lesson for us all.

Someone blow up this treasonous lying sick of shit!! Amazing this sociopath has been allowed to ruin this board.
I’m sure he just misread the article or jumped to the conclusion. No matter, no harm done and a good lesson for us all.
You running for Congress? The guys a POS and you know it! If that’s the case he’s misread any article that didn’t slant his way!
Congress? No thanks, to much filth and corruption for me. As for CD, you just have to understand that he’s far left and will say/do anything to make our President look bad. The funniest thing about it is, if he’d just screen the stuff he post, he could weed out the nonsense and make himself a little bit more credible.

You running for Congress? The guys a POS and you know it! If that’s the case he’s misread any article that didn’t slant his way!
Congress? No thanks, to much filth and corruption for me. As for CD, you just have to understand that he’s far left and will say/do anything to make our President look bad. The funniest thing about it is, if he’d just screen the stuff he post, he could weed out the nonsense and make himself a little bit more credible.
Ok what about when he just lies? Then gets caught and doubles down? There’s enough examples of that! Trumps a big boy, CD should worry about himself.
All you can do is accept who he is, educate him when you can, and laugh at him when you have too. Everyone sees the lies, if they bother too look, and they will choose to either accept the lie or not. It just doesn’t matter in the end. Just don’t take it personally.

Ok what about when he just lies? Then gets caught and doubles down? There’s enough examples of that! Trumps a big boy, CD should worry about himself.
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