550K people died mostly elderly and or compromised.Co
Covid as an excuse..550k people died dude. The election was right on the verge of skyrocketing cases. I guess no one you love died from Covid.
your explanation is so disingenuous. Red states have just used this to prevent folks from voting. You talk of HR1 but most of what is in that bill is to restore the voting rights acts that used to prevent all of this from happening. The voting rights act expired a few years ago. There was a reason it was put in place and that was to protect Americans from having their right to vote limited. In case you didn’t know the 1968 election was the first presidential election that ALL Americans were allowed to vote without restrictions. Save me the garbage on how red state governors are reacting to faulty election. It wasn’t. It’s all a lie. Stop being ignorant. Facts are facts. The DOJ under trump investigated this and found NOTHING. Ballots were audited over and over again and found NOTHING. Many states like Georgia had paper ballots to back the electronic data. You’re just wrong.
Stop believe and trusting people who keep lying to you.