The 2020 Election. What really happened my take.


Covid as an excuse..550k people died dude. The election was right on the verge of skyrocketing cases. I guess no one you love died from Covid.

your explanation is so disingenuous. Red states have just used this to prevent folks from voting. You talk of HR1 but most of what is in that bill is to restore the voting rights acts that used to prevent all of this from happening. The voting rights act expired a few years ago. There was a reason it was put in place and that was to protect Americans from having their right to vote limited. In case you didn’t know the 1968 election was the first presidential election that ALL Americans were allowed to vote without restrictions. Save me the garbage on how red state governors are reacting to faulty election. It wasn’t. It’s all a lie. Stop being ignorant. Facts are facts. The DOJ under trump investigated this and found NOTHING. Ballots were audited over and over again and found NOTHING. Many states like Georgia had paper ballots to back the electronic data. You’re just wrong.

Stop believe and trusting people who keep lying to you.
550K people died mostly elderly and or compromised.
I believe no one. I saw it with my own eyes what was happening. A very slick move. Can't vote in person but going to Walmart. Can't vote in person but going to my friends house for dinner. Can't vote in person but smoking a joint with 3 of my buddies. Can't vote in person but hitting the bar. Move on man

just bc some people were able to be out in the streets a lot of people couldn’t. Especially older folks and other people who couldn’t be out bc of preexisting conditions or they had family members who had preexisting conditions. I don’t think you realize the sheer amount of people who were legitimately deathly afraid of Covid.
550K people died mostly elderly and or compromised.
Saw this post 2nd but exactly. I addressed this in my other post. So should those people be allowed to vote bc of the concern to their health? Or should only able body folks be allowed to exercise their constitutional right?
I believe no one. I saw it with my own eyes what was happening. A very slick move. Can't vote in person but going to Walmart. Can't vote in person but going to my friends house for dinner. Can't vote in person but smoking a joint with 3 of my buddies. Can't vote in person but hitting the bar. Move on man
huh? HJ, You need to take a deep breath and move on from the last election. Your posts are getting harder to follow and way harder to believe, eg “I saw it with my own eyes.”

huh? HJ, You need to take a deep breath and move on from the last election. Your posts are getting harder to follow and way harder to believe, eg “I saw it with my own eyes.”
We all did. It was talked about for months prior to the election. Don't you remember all the Post Office nonsense? Are you saying that States DID NOT change their methods of voting as a result of the pandemic AND now want to make those changes the norm?
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there is no fraud! That’s the thing. It’s minimal at best! If republicans wanna solve a problem that’s actually an issue how about trying to do something about mass shootings....
You have no idea if there was or wasn’t. You’re only parroting what you heard on cnn. Then followed by a deflection because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
We all did. It was talked about for months prior to the election. Don't you remember all the Post Office nonsense? Are you saying that States DID NOT change their methods of voting as a result of the pandemic AND now want to make those changes the norm?
That’s their M.O. They stir up a bunch of drama, get what they want. Then deny it ever happened.
That’s their M.O. They stir up a bunch of drama, get what they want. Then deny it ever happened.
It is PRECISELY what happened.
Case and point Georgia; A state that never had drop boxes fell in the trap and placed ballot boxes all over the state. Then they tighten up their laws and ENTER INTO THE NEW LAW drop boxes but only at polling places and some Government buildings. And the liberals lose their freaking minds even though prior to 2020 there was a grand total of ZERO drop boxes in that state. Case closed.
You have no idea if there was or wasn’t. You’re only parroting what you heard on cnn. Then followed by a deflection because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
They can't know because no court would hear any case citing standing etc. as a reason to not allow cases to be brought. Will be interesting to see the results of a true audit in Arizona.
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You have no idea if there was or wasn’t. You’re only parroting what you heard on cnn. Then followed by a deflection because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

I do have an idea. By what all the states did to confirm there votes. All the audits and recounts and lack of court cases with standing. If there was something it would have been found by now. And I don’t watch cnn. Sorry bro. It’s not deflection. I like my elected officials to solve the problems that are actual and factual. That’s what they are there for. There are bigger problems that they should be tackling.
We all did. It was talked about for months prior to the election. Don't you remember all the Post Office nonsense? Are you saying that States DID NOT change their methods of voting as a result of the pandemic AND now want to make those changes the norm?

States did change voting laws and it is there right to do so; AS LONG AS IT IS THAT STATES LEGISLATOR THAT DOES SO. The real problem arose from state judges changing laws, state election officials changing voting laws etc. THAT, was a clear breach of the Constitution.
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It is PRECISELY what happened.
Case and point Georgia; A state that never had drop boxes fell in the trap and placed ballot boxes all over the state. Then they tighten up their laws and ENTER INTO THE NEW LAW drop boxes but only at polling places and some Government buildings. And the liberals lose their freaking minds even though prior to 2020 there was a grand total of ZERO drop boxes in that state. Case closed.
Isn't this the core issue? Shouldn't drop boxes NOT be in the mix when the pandemic ends?
I do have an idea. By what all the states did to confirm there votes. All the audits and recounts and lack of court cases with standing. If there was something it would have been found by now. And I don’t watch cnn. Sorry bro. It’s not deflection. I like my elected officials to solve the problems that are actual and factual. That’s what they are there for. There are bigger problems that they should be tackling.
You mean all the audits that didn’t allow signature verification? So basically they were recounts of the already allegedly altered ballots. You think we are stupid? Everything is a play on words with you guys.

and yes you should want them to start solving problems because Biden has created a f’ing mess.
Guys, Trump lost the election. The delusional and obsessive focus on election laws, drop boxes, early voting, etc. is diverting attention from the 2022 midterm elections.

That is self defeating for Republicans. Don’t you Trumpers want to win back the House? A backward focus “pissing and moaning” about 2020 will only waste your energy.
You mean all the audits that didn’t allow signature verification? So basically they were recounts of the already allegedly altered ballots. You think we are stupid? Everything is a play on words with you guys.

and yes you should want them to start solving problems because Biden has created a f’ing mess.
Here’s your voter fraud:

I do have an idea. By what all the states did to confirm there votes. All the audits and recounts and lack of court cases with standing. If there was something it would have been found by now. And I don’t watch cnn. Sorry bro. It’s not deflection. I like my elected officials to solve the problems that are actual and factual. That’s what they are there for. There are bigger problems that they should be tackling.
Did you really for 1 minute think that a State who had just initiated all these new methods of voting due to covid, would come out and say that the election was tainted in their state? In the words of your leader C"MON MAN
Guys, Trump lost the election. The delusional and obsessive focus on election laws, drop boxes, early voting, etc. is diverting attention from the 2022 midterm elections.

That is self defeating for Republicans. Don’t you Trumpers want to win back the House? A backward focus “pissing and moaning” about 2020 will only waste your energy.
To reiterate from the OP I never used the name of any candidate in the start of this thread. I only wrote about the what, why, and how States changed the method of voting due to Covid in the 2020 election AND how the liberals liked these changes so much they want them to be permanent.
Isn't this the core issue? Shouldn't drop boxes NOT be in the mix when the pandemic ends?
States rights issue but I know once Government gives something good luck taking it away. Sort of like Christmas Bonuses to your employee. Give $1000 one year and try giving $500 next year.
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Did you really for 1 minute think that a State who had just initiated all these new methods of voting due to covid, would come out and say that the election was tainted in their state? In the words of your leader C"MON MAN
Dude you’re an idiot. The funny thing is you don’t even know you are.
Deflection ignoring what I said because you know damn well it’s true.
It’s not true. You and others who believe this lies are threatening our democracy. You realize China and Russia and other autocracies in the world are saying to their citizens “see democracy doesn’t work, the American system is fraudulent!” Soon as that starts happening in our country our system of government will collapse. But have at it.
It’s not true. You and others who believe this lies are threatening our democracy. You realize China and Russia and other autocracies in the world are saying to their citizens “see democracy doesn’t work, the American system is fraudulent!” Soon as that starts happening in our country our system of government will collapse. But have at it.
Wait it’s your party who’s trying collapse the damn govt! You guys are damn near dry humping the Chinese Govt. you’ll **** it all up and then blame the republicans.

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