The hard Truth About The Republican Party! How did we get here?


Aug 14, 2007
I am going to omit why on the basis of the republican platform why I "generally" don't believe in what republicans believe in. That's just about who I am as a person. Coupled with the fact that at the end of the day, trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to NOT WORK! They talk about being conservative and caring our deficits but spend a lot more money than democrats. The actions don't match and at least democrats "invest" when they spend on people that reinvest in the community. Republicans hand my hard earned money to rich people and are so stupid they believe it will eventually trickle down. IT NEVER DOES!!!

What happened to this party?

Well, the need for power literally at all cost has fractured this party. Even at the cost of our democracy. There are some people I respect in this party. The vast majority are gone now. You could see signs. Republicans nominated George Bush and that was truely the beginning of the end although some will say it was Nixon. Let's just say they haven't had a qualified candidate in some time and none of this is Donald Trumps fault. He is just a symptom. Not the disease. My concern is they don't care who it is that is president or vice president as long as they rubber stamp power and take from the middle class/ poor people while giving to the wealthy. Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be a election poll worker and was close to being Vice President of the United States. Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't.

This party is divided along lines of morality. The extreme right is looking for civil war in the interest of power at all cost. Then you just have the rest of the party that just want the power without the war necessarily. They have a little better Morales. The party is in vast need of leadership. It is done.

Oh, and I am not exactly elated with the Dems either. Although they are in much better shape. They need stronger candidates that need to quit this crap about trying to bridge divides so much. These people are looking to eat your children. You need to give it up proper.
I am going to omit why on the basis of the republican platform why I "generally" don't believe in what republicans believe in. That's just about who I am as a person. Coupled with the fact that at the end of the day, trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to NOT WORK! They talk about being conservative and caring our deficits but spend a lot more money than democrats. The actions don't match and at least democrats "invest" when they spend on people that reinvest in the community. Republicans hand my hard earned money to rich people and are so stupid they believe it will eventually trickle down. IT NEVER DOES!!!

What happened to this party?

Well, the need for power literally at all cost has fractured this party. Even at the cost of our democracy. There are some people I respect in this party. The vast majority are gone now. You could see signs. Republicans nominated George Bush and that was truely the beginning of the end although some will say it was Nixon. Let's just say they haven't had a qualified candidate in some time and none of this is Donald Trumps fault. He is just a symptom. Not the disease. My concern is they don't care who it is that is president or vice president as long as they rubber stamp power and take from the middle class/ poor people while giving to the wealthy. Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be a election poll worker and was close to being Vice President of the United States. Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't.

This party is divided along lines of morality. The extreme right is looking for civil war in the interest of power at all cost. Then you just have the rest of the party that just want the power without the war necessarily. They have a little better Morales. The party is in vast need of leadership. It is done.

Oh, and I am not exactly elated with the Dems either. Although they are in much better shape. They need stronger candidates that need to quit this crap about trying to bridge divides so much. These people are looking to eat your children. You need to give it up proper.
I am almost crying that was so good!!!!!
So the Republicans take hard earned money from the poor and give it to the rich so it can trickle back down. Interesting.
And you have been amazingly quiet during Trump's insurrection. Why?
Cems hope all is good with you. look I disagree with anyone destroying our history including southern history. Im a great believer in free people and free speech. Biden won the election by using the Covid as excuse to send mail in ballots to everyone and the Dems did a great job of farming and gathering ballots from many people and doing it bending the law . They out played the Republicans. Biden won end of story. Just like Trump won and should have been end of story but it was not because of crooks in the FBI., CIA, And life time bureaucrats and politicians. Now that President Biden won all conservatives are suppose go climb under a rock and support him unlike all did president Trump. y’all burnt cities to the ground looted stores BLM called for the killing of police officers. Called for everyone to hate white people. Spewing hate everyday by Democratic leaders .
I am going to omit why on the basis of the republican platform why I "generally" don't believe in what republicans believe in. That's just about who I am as a person. Coupled with the fact that at the end of the day, trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to NOT WORK! They talk about being conservative and caring our deficits but spend a lot more money than democrats. The actions don't match and at least democrats "invest" when they spend on people that reinvest in the community. Republicans hand my hard earned money to rich people and are so stupid they believe it will eventually trickle down. IT NEVER DOES!!!

What happened to this party?

Well, the need for power literally at all cost has fractured this party. Even at the cost of our democracy. There are some people I respect in this party. The vast majority are gone now. You could see signs. Republicans nominated George Bush and that was truely the beginning of the end although some will say it was Nixon. Let's just say they haven't had a qualified candidate in some time and none of this is Donald Trumps fault. He is just a symptom. Not the disease. My concern is they don't care who it is that is president or vice president as long as they rubber stamp power and take from the middle class/ poor people while giving to the wealthy. Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be a election poll worker and was close to being Vice President of the United States. Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't.

This party is divided along lines of morality. The extreme right is looking for civil war in the interest of power at all cost. Then you just have the rest of the party that just want the power without the war necessarily. They have a little better Morales. The party is in vast need of leadership. It is done.

Oh, and I am not exactly elated with the Dems either. Although they are in much better shape. They need stronger candidates that need to quit this crap about trying to bridge divides so much. These people are looking to eat your children. You need to give it up proper.
I am going to omit why on the basis of the republican platform why I "generally" don't believe in what republicans believe in. That's just about who I am as a person. Coupled with the fact that at the end of the day, trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to NOT WORK! They talk about being conservative and caring our deficits but spend a lot more money than democrats. The actions don't match and at least democrats "invest" when they spend on people that reinvest in the community. Republicans hand my hard earned money to rich people and are so stupid they believe it will eventually trickle down. IT NEVER DOES!!!

What happened to this party?

Well, the need for power literally at all cost has fractured this party. Even at the cost of our democracy. There are some people I respect in this party. The vast majority are gone now. You could see signs. Republicans nominated George Bush and that was truely the beginning of the end although some will say it was Nixon. Let's just say they haven't had a qualified candidate in some time and none of this is Donald Trumps fault. He is just a symptom. Not the disease. My concern is they don't care who it is that is president or vice president as long as they rubber stamp power and take from the middle class/ poor people while giving to the wealthy. Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be a election poll worker and was close to being Vice President of the United States. Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't.

This party is divided along lines of morality. The extreme right is looking for civil war in the interest of power at all cost. Then you just have the rest of the party that just want the power without the war necessarily. They have a little better Morales. The party is in vast need of leadership. It is done.

Oh, and I am not exactly elated with the Dems either. Although they are in much better shape. They need stronger candidates that need to quit this crap about trying to bridge divides so much. These people are looking to eat your children. You need to give it up proper.
Does anyone other than CD care about his advise to the Republican party? This might as well be Iran giving advice to Israel.
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So the Republicans take hard earned money from the poor and give it to the rich so it can trickle back down. Interesting.

Pelosi takes hard earned money from the poor and gives it to Museums and Theatre's that only rich Liberal people go to, Illegal aliens and Pakistan. Read it for yourself, it is in the 5000 page bill that was supposed to help business destroyed by bad government policy. $600 for a waiter or hair stylist that Pelosi and Newsome shut down, but Millions to a theatre.. Interesting
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Cems hope all is good with you. look I disagree with anyone destroying our history including southern history. Im a great believer in free people and free speech. Biden won the election by using the Covid as excuse to send mail in ballots to everyone and the Dems did a great job of farming and gathering ballots from many people and doing it bending the law . They out played the Republicans. Biden won end of story. Just like Trump won and should have been end of story but it was not because of crooks in the FBI., CIA, And life time bureaucrats and politicians. Now that President Biden won all conservatives are suppose go climb under a rock and support him unlike all did president Trump. y’all burnt cities to the ground looted stores BLM called for the killing of police officers. Called for everyone to hate white people. Spewing hate everyday by Democratic leaders .

You're such a fool. The BLM movement is a diverse group in support of all people unlike those racist insurrectionists at the Capital.
Pelosi takes hard earned money from the poor and gives it to Museums and Theatre's that only rich Liberal people go to, Illegal aliens and Pakistan. Read it for yourself, it is in the 5000 page bill that was supposed to help business destroyed by bad government policy. $600 for a waiter or hair stylist that Pelosi and Newsome shut down, but Millions to a theatre.. Interesting
In the mean time Trump is taking all you Cult Members money for his defense fund.
You're such a fool. The BLM movement is a diverse group in support of all people unlike those racist insurrectionists at the Capital.
Yep ok cems I’m the fool and BLM is not racist.
Does anyone other than CD care about his advise to the Republican party? This might as well be Iran giving advice to Israel.

Here's my advice to the Republican party. Those insurrectionists who support that POS in the WH kick them out of your party. This country would be better off with Trump and his ilk gone.
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You are not the only one. There are 8 million of you.
Wrong over 76 million. I think the country is split by a few million. Last census 350 million. So more like 140-150 million of us . I promise if folks do not respect law and order on each side no one is going to escape the damage that is going to be done.
Here's my advice to the Republican party. Those insurrectionists who support that POS in the WH kick them out of your party. This country would be better off with Trump and his ilk gone.
So cems your saying millions of peoples opinions do not matter and should be killed or made to leave this country?
Pelosi takes hard earned money from the poor and gives it to Museums and Theatre's that only rich Liberal people go to, Illegal aliens and Pakistan. Read it for yourself, it is in the 5000 page bill that was supposed to help business destroyed by bad government policy. $600 for a waiter or hair stylist that Pelosi and Newsome shut down, but Millions to a theatre.. Interesting
Ummm....contrary to what many believe the poor don't pay taxes.
Ummm....contrary to what many believe the poor don't pay taxes.

Your definition of poor is your own . I will admit that I probably should have used the term "working People". So why should anyone have their tax dollars pay for a theatre for Rich Liberals to go to?
I am going to omit why on the basis of the republican platform why I "generally" don't believe in what republicans believe in. That's just about who I am as a person. Coupled with the fact that at the end of the day, trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to NOT WORK! They talk about being conservative and caring our deficits but spend a lot more money than democrats. The actions don't match and at least democrats "invest" when they spend on people that reinvest in the community. Republicans hand my hard earned money to rich people and are so stupid they believe it will eventually trickle down. IT NEVER DOES!!!

What happened to this party?

Well, the need for power literally at all cost has fractured this party. Even at the cost of our democracy. There are some people I respect in this party. The vast majority are gone now. You could see signs. Republicans nominated George Bush and that was truely the beginning of the end although some will say it was Nixon. Let's just say they haven't had a qualified candidate in some time and none of this is Donald Trumps fault. He is just a symptom. Not the disease. My concern is they don't care who it is that is president or vice president as long as they rubber stamp power and take from the middle class/ poor people while giving to the wealthy. Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be a election poll worker and was close to being Vice President of the United States. Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't.

This party is divided along lines of morality. The extreme right is looking for civil war in the interest of power at all cost. Then you just have the rest of the party that just want the power without the war necessarily. They have a little better Morales. The party is in vast need of leadership. It is done.

Oh, and I am not exactly elated with the Dems either. Although they are in much better shape. They need stronger candidates that need to quit this crap about trying to bridge divides so much. These people are looking to eat your children. You need to give it up proper.

Don't lecture me u POS..!!!
Cems hope all is good with you. look I disagree with anyone destroying our history including southern history. Im a great believer in free people and free speech. Biden won the election by using the Covid as excuse to send mail in ballots to everyone and the Dems did a great job of farming and gathering ballots from many people and doing it bending the law . They out played the Republicans. Biden won end of story. Just like Trump won and should have been end of story but it was not because of crooks in the FBI., CIA, And life time bureaucrats and politicians. Now that President Biden won all conservatives are suppose go climb under a rock and support him unlike all did president Trump. y’all burnt cities to the ground looted stores BLM called for the killing of police officers. Called for everyone to hate white people. Spewing hate everyday by Democratic leaders .
I'll give the Democrats credit too as they played 2020 to perfection. From Pelosi, Cuomo, De Blasio, et al., saying "nothing to see here" regarding Covid in February, and then elevating it to the Bubonic Plague in March, then, to your point, tweaking the election laws, and everything else you cited. And all the while, the Republican lawmakers just sat by and watched.
I'll give the Democrats credit too as they played 2020 to perfection. From Pelosi, Cuomo, De Blasio, et al., saying "nothing to see here" regarding Covid in February, and then elevating it to the Bubonic Plague in March, then, to your point, tweaking the election laws, and everything else you cited. And all the while, the Republican lawmakers just sat by and watched.
I am going to omit why on the basis of the republican platform why I "generally" don't believe in what republicans believe in. That's just about who I am as a person. Coupled with the fact that at the end of the day, trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to NOT WORK! They talk about being conservative and caring our deficits but spend a lot more money than democrats. The actions don't match and at least democrats "invest" when they spend on people that reinvest in the community. Republicans hand my hard earned money to rich people and are so stupid they believe it will eventually trickle down. IT NEVER DOES!!!

What happened to this party?

Well, the need for power literally at all cost has fractured this party. Even at the cost of our democracy. There are some people I respect in this party. The vast majority are gone now. You could see signs. Republicans nominated George Bush and that was truely the beginning of the end although some will say it was Nixon. Let's just say they haven't had a qualified candidate in some time and none of this is Donald Trumps fault. He is just a symptom. Not the disease. My concern is they don't care who it is that is president or vice president as long as they rubber stamp power and take from the middle class/ poor people while giving to the wealthy. Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be a election poll worker and was close to being Vice President of the United States. Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't.

This party is divided along lines of morality. The extreme right is looking for civil war in the interest of power at all cost. Then you just have the rest of the party that just want the power without the war necessarily. They have a little better Morales. The party is in vast need of leadership. It is done.

Oh, and I am not exactly elated with the Dems either. Although they are in much better shape. They need stronger candidates that need to quit this crap about trying to bridge divides so much. These people are looking to eat your children. You need to give it up proper.

We don’t agree on much football wise but this was money brotha!
I am going to omit why on the basis of the republican platform why I "generally" don't believe in what republicans believe in. That's just about who I am as a person. Coupled with the fact that at the end of the day, trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to NOT WORK! They talk about being conservative and caring our deficits but spend a lot more money than democrats. The actions don't match and at least democrats "invest" when they spend on people that reinvest in the community. Republicans hand my hard earned money to rich people and are so stupid they believe it will eventually trickle down. IT NEVER DOES!!!

What happened to this party?

Well, the need for power literally at all cost has fractured this party. Even at the cost of our democracy. There are some people I respect in this party. The vast majority are gone now. You could see signs. Republicans nominated George Bush and that was truely the beginning of the end although some will say it was Nixon. Let's just say they haven't had a qualified candidate in some time and none of this is Donald Trumps fault. He is just a symptom. Not the disease. My concern is they don't care who it is that is president or vice president as long as they rubber stamp power and take from the middle class/ poor people while giving to the wealthy. Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be a election poll worker and was close to being Vice President of the United States. Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't.

This party is divided along lines of morality. The extreme right is looking for civil war in the interest of power at all cost. Then you just have the rest of the party that just want the power without the war necessarily. They have a little better Morales. The party is in vast need of leadership. It is done.

Oh, and I am not exactly elated with the Dems either. Although they are in much better shape. They need stronger candidates that need to quit this crap about trying to bridge divides so much. These people are looking to eat your children. You need to give it up proper.
"Trump runs this country like Caligula. Some of you may not be familiar with who that is but look him if you aren't."

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