This is such a sad time in our lives that is so widely acceptable to so called Americans! It's just unacceptable and you are welcome to use your.....

Stop with your right wing lies. I know a little about your so called "Dem cities with lax rules on actually punishing those that do wrong". My cousin in Chicago has a son that got involved with a gang and killed someone. He was a teenager at the time and is now serving a life sentence. Enough of your deflection of the facts. There are too many guns in this country. Period!!
Nice anecdote while violent criminals are indeed going through a revolving door on a daily basis in many dem cities as we type.
State and local gun laws are irrelevant. We have had local and state gun laws for some time now. Look around!!! Do you see that working? Use your heads for more than a hat rack! Any moron can see these laws don't work. They aren't a solution since you can bring a gun from anywhere.

The reason there are some cities and states that have local gun laws is only because there is no other protection for their citizens....and it is not like they will just continue to do nothing at all. However, these laws don't matter. You can just buy anything you want and bring it where you want to bring it because there are no national laws.

Republicans can be such cucks. Everything isn't to be handled by local and state government. Sometimes that isn't enough. Why do you think the FBI was created? You can't rely on states and localities to solve all problems.

Common sense would suggest to you some day that it has not been a solution yet. Why do you continue to think what has never been a solution will be a solution magically? Why are you doing the same things and expecting different results?
For Federal crimes? The FBI.
This doesn't mean shzt. It means any nutjob can get their hands on a mass killing weapon. Don't post if this is what you're offering.
Correct. So what will your proposed laws do? Thank you for agreeing.
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Typical dumbass demi remark - we care and we tried so don't hold us loser libbies accountable for the horrible results.
Cems, Try drinking gallon jugs of bleach daily!

How about trying by keeping violent criminals in jail?
How about trying by checking facebook posts of people that threaten mass murder, not those that site reputable scientific information contrary to the bullshit Fauci lied about.
How about trying having the AG look for crazy people, not parents that are threatening to expose his little family CRT biz?
How about trying to look at the affects of rolling over to Randi Weingarten and the teachers union that kept children, including the deranged shooter out of school?
How about trying by not having a nasty little old man create division everytime he speaks.
How about trying by providing armed guards in schools - Israel does that and has not had a school shooting in 48 years

The bodies are not cold and you're smokin the Biden crackpipe and running your mouth.
Majus is right about you.
The truth always hurts. I intend to speak loudly on this issue. Republicans own this. You own every death from these mass killings and more. Dems should pull off the gloves and call out your murderous party no different than we've called out Trump as a lying, racist and corrupt POS.
So I haven’t heard a single proposal that would have stopped this horrible tragedy
We have laws against murder and assault on the books
People with serious criminal history ( felony and misdemeanor allegations or charges) are prohibited from purchasing guns
Actually how do the gang members in the big cities have such access to guns ?
The kid in Texas abided by all the gun rules
Something in our society is triggering these young kids to go crazy
It’s delusional to think that banning the sale of AR type weapons will stop anything
Unfortunately, sadly this is the problem. When you look at laws by the opposing party you think they should stop a problem or there is no use for them. They aren't meant to be a deterrent. These are laws. They aren't meant to "stop" anything. They are meant to deter this kind of violence and not see it with such regularity. So, the solution isn't to do nothing under the premise that if you see a law, it isn't going to stop crime. That's some ridiculous bullshit. Let's fight!!! Not just sit there and say there is no use fighting to protect our kids. What good has that done?
Unfortunately, sadly this is the problem. When you look at laws by the opposing party you think they should stop a problem or there is no use for them. They aren't meant to be a deterrent. These are laws. They aren't meant to "stop" anything. They are meant to deter this kind of violence and not see it with such regularity. So, the solution isn't to do nothing under the premise that if you see a law, it isn't going to stop crime. That's some ridiculous bullshit. Let's fight!!! Not just sit there and say there is no use fighting to protect our kids. What good has that done?
Your fancy gun control laws have done nothing to slow the killings in Baltimore, DC, Chicago, and others yet you still insist to double down on stupid. The very definition of insanity.
as i said no one enjoys these massacres
I should have used a better term. They may not get enjoyment from these killings but they do sit by like snakes in the grass when it happens in order to take rights away from law abiding citizens.
If you were writing that legislation, specifically, what would you include?
Here are some legislation pending in Congress. These laws are being held up by Republicans in the Senate.

If we had your way we would still have Jim Crow laws in the South. That's why some laws have to be nationalized. Smh
Stfu we have a constitution that we Americans live by, it’s been this way for 200 plus years and you people know the laws , if you don’t like the constitution we live by then leave, the 2nd amendment is there to keep people with your ideology from changing that constitution, if y’all want my guns come try and and getting them
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I should have used a better term. They may not get enjoyment from these killings but they do sit by like snakes in the grass when it happens in order to take rights away from law abiding citizens.
Do you honestly believe you have a right to carry assault weapons with unlimited magazines?
Stfu we have a constitution that we Americans live by, it’s been this way for 200 plus years and you people know the laws , if you don’t like the constitution we live by then leave, the 2nd amendment is there to keep people with your ideology from changing that constitution, if y’all want my guns come try and and getting them
You are one ignorant MOFO. Having a civil conversation with you is pointless.
Do you honestly believe you have a right to carry assault weapons with unlimited magazines?
The gun model that I have owned at least one of since I was 6 years old is a Marlin 22 rifle with an 18 shot tube. There are many that would like this gun to be banned because of its capacity Mine has never shot anyone nor has it been pointed at anyone. If I continue to be blessed, it never will. Explain to me again how taking this gun from me will do anything to stop gun deaths in this country?
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Unfortunately, it is a way of life in America. Folks killed, the country griefs and the right wing politicians say ain't nothing we can do. But there is. We can vote them out of office!!
Lots of luck. Only ones getting voted out are the Dems. Enjoy your majority for the next 162 days.
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Maybe we should do "something" like Baltimore did. They have the 3rd strictest gun laws in the nation yet rank 6th on the list of most murders and gun deaths. Should Baltimore vote out those idiots that passed those laws?
I’ll one up that .. Philadelphia has the most stringent gun laws in the US , yet , the highest murder rate
I’ll one up that .. Philadelphia has the most stringent gun laws in the US , yet , the highest murder rate
Kind of weird how that works. And on here you have buck toothed donkeys that want to implement those same failed policies on a national level.
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Here are some legislation pending in Congress. These laws are being held up by Republicans in the Senate.

I'm for making change that keeps guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. On the surface, the bills that you reference seem reasonable, however the power is in the details. And, I don't know the details so it's hard to intelligently comment.

Herein lies the rub.

Many on the right don't trust the government. There is legitimate fear that gun control will lead to gun confiscation. It's driven by clowns like Beto O'Rourke that said "hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

It's viewed as one step on "take a mile by one step at time" mission. There will be another. Then another.
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I'm for making change that keeps guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. On the surface, the bills that you reference seem reasonable, however the power is in the details. And, I don't know the details so it's hard to intelligently comment.

Herein lies the rub.

Many on the right don't trust the government. There is ligament fear that gun control will lead to gun confiscation. It's driven by clowns like Beto O'Rourke that said "hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

It's viewed as one step on "take a mile by one step at time" mission. There will be another. Then another.
You guys need to get off this stuff about the government taking your guns. We have a second amendment. Remember?
The gun model that I have owned at least one of since I was 6 years old is a Marlin 22 rifle with an 18 shot tube. There are many that would like this gun to be banned because of its capacity Mine has never shot anyone nor has it been pointed at anyone. If I continue to be blessed, it never will. Explain to me again how taking this gun from me will do anything to stop gun deaths in this country?
What are you hunting that requires 18 shots? Also, you didn't answer the question in my post.

You guys need to get off this stuff about the government taking your guns. We have a second amendment. Remember?
It would help if idiots like Beto would stop talking about taking away guns

No you’re the stupid mfer that can’t realize that the constitution was written with you in mind
Do you realize there have been many changes to the constitution called amendments? This discussion is beyond your capacity to understand. Stop posting.
It would help if idiots like Beto would stop talking about taking away guns

He can talk but that means nothing. The 2nd amendment says hello. Stop letting political rhetoric get in the way of sensible legislation to stop these senseless killings.
What are you hunting that requires 18 shots? Also, you didn't answer the question in my post.
What does it matter how many bullets are in my gun if it's not used in a crime? I've mostly used them for target practice. Yes to your question.
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He can talk but that means nothing. The 2nd amendment says hello. Stop letting political rhetoric get in the way of sensible legislation to stop these senseless killings.
I'm not as optimistic as you that this type of legislation will prevent future events. Make it more challenging, maybe.
Humans are crafty beings and if some psycho wants to off a bunch of people, they will find a way.
I'm not as optimistic as you that this type of legislation will prevent future events. Make it more challenging, maybe.
Humans are crafty beings and if some psycho wants to off a bunch of people, they will find a way.
We cannot stop all mass killings but maybe some. Do you remember the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994. It was a 10 year ban that resulting in decreased mass shootings. We cannot continue doing nothing.
Unfortunately, it is a way of life in America. Folks killed, the country griefs and the right wing politicians say ain't nothing we can do. But there is. We can vote them out of office!!
Take the guns from the criminals then maybe laws restricting types of weapons won't be necessary by law biding citizens. Criminals will be able to get guns.
Israel has the answer. No school shooting deaths in 48 years. And that is with Hamas trying to kill children. Hamas tried several times, but after many bullet holes to the head of their dirtbags they realized that Israel had it locked down. Brandon & Demi's don't want a plan that works because they bow to the radical teachers union who think it is fine to bring a dildo to Kindergarten show and tell, but have their heads explode over the idea of an armed cop (probably MAGA) protecting children with guns.

The left does not want this solution because it would work. FACT's, if anyone disagrees, please provide link to school shooting deaths in Israel?
You obviously don't follow the news. These mass killers weren't criminals.
Yep that’s a major problem. Nothing the proposed legislation would do to solve the issue.
The 18 year old whackos are entitled to buy guns under the law
But again the noise about “ common sense gun laws “ is about as nonsensical as the noise about “ pay your fair share “ Both meaningless
We do need to keep guns away from criminals, but the real focus, as relates to these mass killings, needs to be on the societal issues which generate whacked out sociopathic youths who are intent on causing harm . Virtually all male . What causes young men to act this way ?

We have 400 to 500 million guns in the USA .
More are being purchased everyday . The sales spike when mass killings occur. A crazed person will get a gun if they want . A semi automatic handgun can do about as much damage as a semi auto rifle. The ban of certain types of weapons will just spike the sale of other types
Yep that’s a major problem. Nothing the proposed legislation would do to solve the issue.
The 18 year old whackos are entitled to buy guns under the law
But again the noise about “ common sense gun laws “ is about as nonsensical as the noise about “ pay your fair share “ Both meaningless
We do need to keep guns away from criminals, but the real focus, as relates to these mass killings, needs to be on the societal issues which generate whacked out sociopathic youths who are intent on causing harm . Virtually all male . What causes young men to act this way ?

We have 400 to 500 million guns in the USA .
More are being purchased everyday . The sales spike when mass killings occur. A crazed person will get a gun if they want . A semi automatic handgun can do about as much damage as a semi auto rifle. The ban of certain types of weapons will just spike the sale of other types
So your suggestion is to do nothing and let the massacres continue? Got it!!

Here's a better solution. In 2017 Trump and his blood thirsty Republicans passed a bill that allowed folks with mental issues to buy guns. Is that crazy? Pun intended. Instead of blaming our crazies lets repeal Trump's flawed bill. You down? Here's another suggestion. Pass legislation already passed by the House to enhance background checks on gun sales. I would also eliminate AK47'S and similar weapons. No need for the public to have those types of weapons.

It's your turn now to make a substantive recommendation on how we stop these mass killings.