Dems are squirming now. Haha Hahaha.
And how did Gallup do in 2016??? You go ahead and believe all the polls that got it wrong in 16. I will trust the ones that got it right like Rasmussen which has Trump at 51%approval last couple days. Plus he will get a bump after this weeks RNC. Even the polls that are biased and were wrong in 2016 have it tightening. Not good sign for you all..just saying
Your post shows how uninformed you were and still are. SmfhI've never discovered Obama’s economic policy or major initiatives other than the $750B spending bill that passed in the first year. I know the FED lowered interest rates which significantly impacted the recovery but what was the Democat response?
Saw it. So one poll has him at 51.....all the others have him low 40s. I'm sure the 51 is the accurate one lol. Not that it really matters.
Responses like this are reason why it's useless to communicate on this site. I actually have an economic track record. If there was an economic plan, then describe it in detail. He did follow keynesian economics by spending a sht load of capital we didn't have and adding another $10T in debt.Your post shows how uninformed you were and still are. Smfh
The polls are kinda like the media a couple are fair and accurate the rest are left wing democrat activist that hate trump and make stuff up every day fake news. Once again Rasmussen got it right in 2016 I think I’ll believe them more than all your fake liberal pollsSaw it. So one poll has him at 51.....all the others have him low 40s. I'm sure the 51 is the accurate one lol. Not that it really matters.
Rasmussen. One of the polls that were correct in 2016. Deal with itIt’s the Putin Russia poll Or FOX fake news. Or is it alternative facts by Kelly Ann.
Are you stupid? Do you remember 2016?? Your gonna eat all your sh@t talking come Nov 3These clowns are always going to cherrypick the one outlier that has a strong historical lean towards Republicans and pretend that Trump is coming back. Meanwhile the rest of the respected polls all have him in the low 40s or high 30s.
San Fransisco is where the liberal polls call for independents. LolLol. Your poll has republicans sampled at 23% and non-voters at almost 10%. Also oversamples independents which could swing either way depending on where the independent is located.
Now that’s a fake poll
Rasmussen. One of the polls that were correct in 2016. Deal with it
Here's Rasmussen's overall performance across all elections since 2016. You're clearly cherry picking a poll that you like and ignoring all the ones you don't.
the poll you posted earlier isn’t even listed.
They are not all listed there. (LOL).
Here's Rasmussen's overall performance across all elections since 2016. You're clearly cherry picking a poll that you like and ignoring all the ones you don't.
Trafalgar group, one of the only ones to get it right in 2016 and has pretty low bias has Trump at 260 ECV via battleground states not counting Pa, MI, WI, and MinN.
They have a C Minus rating based on historical performance.
yeah doesn’t 538 give CNN and ABC News polling an A+?
You don’t know what your talking about. Only a couple polls had 2016 right Rasmussen & LA Times. But I like your graph it shows the massive Democrat biasHere's Rasmussen's overall performance across all elections since 2016. You're clearly cherry picking a poll that you like and ignoring all the ones you don't.
Obviously, I didn't have those numbers in my head, so I had to do the research. Those were the facts I found. You just sit on your fat ass and post, "Wrong again", because you're too lazy do the research yourself...As Always!Wrong again on ur facts... As Always..!!!
You don’t know what your talking about. Only a couple polls had 2016 right Rasmussen & LA Times. But I like your graph it shows the massive Democrat bias
Since you're fairly new to the Lounge I'll give you some insight. I don't waste my time debating an issue with fools who refuse to honor facts. Got it?Responses like this are reason why it's useless to communicate on this site. I actually have an economic track record. If there was an economic plan, then describe it in detail. He did follow keynesian economics by spending a sht load of capital we didn't have and adding another $10T in debt.
Okay dipshit. I've debated you and others in the lounge on many occasions over the years but I guess your brain is too fried to remember. Try and get a your act together before you respond. And one thing, try and use facts to establish your thesis instead of insults. It will make you look like you know what you are talking about.
We used to have discussions in the past. I'm a libertarian and do not necessarily agree with conservative or Republican POVs. I'm open to any discussion and think the country is in deep trouble. We will see what happens after the next election.For starters you can learn how to post and not to yourself. I give you facts but you call them fake news. How can we have a discussion when you and the other right wing knuckleheads ignore facts? You can't even acknowledge Trump was impeached.
To be frank, it's getting hard to have a discussion when we can't agree on what day it is. God help us.We used to have discussions in the past. I'm a libertarian and do not necessarily agree with conservative or Republican POVs. I'm open to any discussion and think the country is in deep trouble. We will see what happens after the next election.
We used to have discussions in the past. I'm a libertarian and do not necessarily agree with conservative or Republican POVs. I'm open to any discussion and think the country is in deep trouble. We will see what happens after the next election.
It takes a lot of detail and back up information to have these discussions. Years ago I had lengthly debates, but not lately.Its easy to have discussions when both sides are honest brokers. Not so easy to do so when one is incredibly disingenuous in the arguments they make because they have to defend the things Trump says and does.
You should look at the prediction by Helmut Norpoth. He's a professor who is usually right and predicts Trump will win. He's not an ideologue and his methodology is different from most prognosticratorsLol. Your poll has republicans sampled at 23% and non-voters at almost 10%. Also oversamples independents which could swing either way depending on where the independent is located.
You're right but he was wrong 1 out of 6 times.You should look at the prediction by Helmut Norpoth. He's a professor who is usually right and predicts Trump will win. He's not an ideologue and his methodology is different from most prognosticrators
Fake news. Stop watching Fox. And the lies on OAN.You want the Socialist Party to take over? Because unfortunately that's what the Dems have become.
Fake news. Stop watching Fox. And the lies on OAN.
I just like his demeanor. Allan Lichtman, another professor and who is right a lot, is predicting Biden. Battle of the predictorsYou're right but he was wrong 1 out of 6 times.
Should Trump win again, I fear for our country as a true democracy. He has all the tendencies of a dictator and would further isolate us to achieve his objective. Also, this pandemic would be with us for years to come. He has shown no leadership to move us forward.I just like his demeanor. Allan Lichtman, another professor and who is right a lot, is predicting Biden. Battle of the predictors
Should Trump win again, I fear for our country as a true democracy. He has all the tendencies of a dictator and would further isolate us to achieve his objective. Also, this pandemic would be with us for years to come. He has shown no leadership to move us forward.
The Obama administration had three epidemics to fight, swine flu, ebola and Zlka. Trumps incoming team was extensively briefed on the strategic national stockpile. He simply ignored it. He let the maintenance contract expire on ventilators and cancelled the project to replace them. He also sent 17 tons of donated PPE to China even though we desperately needed it here.Watch the RNC Convention and you'll see what Trump has done for the country and what he's done as far as the virus. This is the worst virus to hit the world since the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed 100 million people worldwide.
The Obama administration left nothing for Trump. No masks, gowns, respirators, ventilators, testing kits, etc. Trump had to pretty much start from scratch.
The travel ban from China and then from Europe, both severely criticized by Biden, saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
By the time the economy was reopened in early June, Trump had gotten all 50 governors everything that they needed. But Gov. Coumo of New York State put patients with the virus in nursing homes, killing thousands of senior citizens. THAT'S the guy that should scare you. In fact 43% of all deaths have occurred in New York State and New Jersey, both run by liberal Democrat governors.
Trump is no dictator. Remember that we have the balance of powers in this country between the executive, judicial and legislative branches.
Biden scares me because he has adopted all of B. Sanders' Socialist agenda. Of course he won't say that but he has. He has said that he will be the most progressive president in our history.
If the Dems win the White House and both houses of Congress we won't recognize our country in a year or two.
"If the Dems win the White House and both houses of Congress we won't recognize our country in a year or two."Watch the RNC Convention and you'll see what Trump has done for the country and what he's done as far as the virus. This is the worst virus to hit the world since the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed 100 million people worldwide.
The Obama administration left nothing for Trump. No masks, gowns, respirators, ventilators, testing kits, etc. Trump had to pretty much start from scratch.
The travel ban from China and then from Europe, both severely criticized by Biden, saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
By the time the economy was reopened in early June, Trump had gotten all 50 governors everything that they needed. But Gov. Coumo of New York State put patients with the virus in nursing homes, killing thousands of senior citizens. THAT'S the guy that should scare you. In fact 43% of all deaths have occurred in New York State and New Jersey, both run by liberal Democrat governors.
Trump is no dictator. Remember that we have the balance of powers in this country between the executive, judicial and legislative branches.
Biden scares me because he has adopted all of B. Sanders' Socialist agenda. Of course he won't say that but he has. He has said that he will be the most progressive president in our history.
If the Dems win the White House and both houses of Congress we won't recognize our country in a year or two.