
Is $421 Million in debt. He has personally guaranteed those loans to his companies. Payment of those loans are coming due.

Talk amongst yourselves.
When Biden ended his term as vice president in January 2017, he filed another financial disclosure form, listing assets and liabilities worth somewhere between negative $897,000 and positive $489,000. But over the next 23 months, the Bidens earned more than $15 million, according to tax filings.

If Sleepy could score 15 mil in 2 years after leaving his VP do nothing job, Trump will easily cover that debt...after 2024.
lmao@ Talk amongst yourselves!

....and i am sure most of that discussion will be how the lame stream media is making up what Trump has on his own taxes, or it's someone else's fault....NEVER this con artist fault.

The dude is just a horrible person and worse businessman. By the standards we measure businessmen, he is literally the worst business man in America.
lmao@ Talk amongst yourselves!

....and i am sure most of that discussion will be how the lame stream media is making up what Trump has on his own taxes, or it's someone else's fault....NEVER this con artist fault.

The dude is just a horrible person and worse businessman. By the standards we measure businessmen, he is literally the worst business man in America.
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Everyone responded in accordance with your ideology. Great stuff.

IMO: Trump is totally leveraged as he has been throughout his career. Totally in debt.
Explain please. Trump is a borrower.
Businessmen are borrower's cortez. Take Elon Musk:
Elon Musk owes $507 million to banks helping Tesla raise capital. It was $117 million less than the personal loans to Musk disclosed in Tesla's previous prospectus in 2017. Musk owes Goldman Sachs $213 million in loans, Morgan Stanley $209 million and Bank of America $85 million.May 3, 2019
Businessmen are borrower's cortez. Take Elon Musk:
Elon Musk owes $507 million to banks helping Tesla raise capital. It was $117 million less than the personal loans to Musk disclosed in Tesla's previous prospectus in 2017. Musk owes Goldman Sachs $213 million in loans, Morgan Stanley $209 million and Bank of America $85 million.May 3, 2019
Because of the incredible jump in Tesla’s stock price, Musk has a net worth of $93 billion. He is not leveraged. Trump’s net worth is a small fraction of this. Don’t think he has the cash to pay off $400 million of debt.
Because of the incredible jump in Tesla’s stock price, Musk has a net worth of $93 billion. He is not leveraged. Trump’s net worth is a small fraction of this. Don’t think he has the cash to pay off $400 million of debt.
Book deal will easily cover it.
Because of the incredible jump in Tesla’s stock price, Musk has a net worth of $93 billion. He is not leveraged. Trump’s net worth is a small fraction of this. Don’t think he has the cash to pay off $400 million of debt.
That's correct, but you made a simple, blanket statement that Trump was a borrower. Of course Musk has a significantly greater net worth than Trump, but if he hadn't been a "borrower" he never would have gotten there. However, Trump has buildings with his name on it and became The President of the United States. He's a gambler, like every other individual that starts a business be it in the wine industry, a small retail shop, etc.. I think he likes to win and wants the USA to win. I know you disagree, but that's why we're having this exchange.
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Everyone responded in accordance with your ideology. Great stuff.

IMO: Trump is totally leveraged as he has been throughout his career. Totally in debt.

Or more succinctly, everyone responded relative to whether or not they accept objective truth or not. There is objective reality and there is the koolaid-drinking fantasyland where Trump supporters live - where his lies, deceit, and treachery are somehow justified pre-requisites to own the libs.
Real estate developers love leverage, seeking to borrow as much as possible, using as little of their own resources as they can. Simple fact. They also love Depreciation on April 15th, a non-cash loss that reduces net income.
That's correct, but you made a simple, blanket statement that Trump was a borrower. Of course Musk has a significantly greater net worth than Trump, but if he hadn't been a "borrower" he never would have gotten there. However, Trump has buildings with his name on it and became The President of the United States. He's a gambler, like every other individual that starts a business be it in the wine industry, a small retail shop, etc.. I think he likes to win and wants the USA to win. I know you disagree, but that's why we're having this exchange.

Trump is indeed a gambler and an historical user of high leverage financing. To build his casino empire, he was a leading user of junk bonds created by legendary financier Michael Milken. Milken of course later went to jail because of his massive insider trading scheme. But in his prime, he was the moving financial powerhouse backing multiple large and highly leveraged businesses.

I have no problem with Trump’s use of leverage. I suspect that his tax filings, however, are fraudulent. It’s part of his very nature. The NYC District Attorney is leading an investigation of Trump’s tax issues.

Ex. Examples of fraud:

* Trump University was a fraud and was shut down by the authorities.
* Trump Foundation was a fraud and was shut down by the NY State Attorney General
* Trump is renowned for not paying vendors on his construction projects and daring them to sue him. I have a friend who owns a very large real estate brokerage company in Chicago. Trump wanted him to sell the condos in his high rise tower in Chicago. The broker refused because of Trump’s abysmal reputation for stiffing partners and litigating freely.

Im sticking by my prediction that Trump will resign in December if he loses the election. He will claim that he was cheated (illegal immigrants voting, phony mail in ballots, etc) and play the victim. President Pence will then pardon him just as Ford pardoned Nixon.

Let’s chat in mid December if Trump loses. If he wins, my wife wants to move to Vancouver. I told her that would be great. Except, Canada won’t accept immigrants from Covid infected countries. We’ll have to stay home.
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Is $421 Million in debt. He has personally guaranteed those loans to his companies. Payment of those loans are coming due.

Talk amongst yourselves.
You saw the notes yourself? You mean he personally guaranteed loans that are secured by Real Estate? Learn business you fool.................
You saw the notes yourself? You mean he personally guaranteed loans that are secured by Real Estate? Learn business you fool.................


Yes, he signed personal guarantees on loans > $400 million. You totally made up your own facts that these are “loans that are secured by Real Estate.” Why did you choose to invent your own narrative? Stick to the facts, please.
lmao@ Talk amongst yourselves!

....and i am sure most of that discussion will be how the lame stream media is making up what Trump has on his own taxes, or it's someone else's fault....NEVER this con artist fault.

The dude is just a horrible person and worse businessman. By the standards we measure businessmen, he is literally the worst business man in America.
No dog in this fight , but if you truly believe what you posted , I don’t know what to tell you
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lmao@ Talk amongst yourselves!

....and i am sure most of that discussion will be how the lame stream media is making up what Trump has on his own taxes, or it's someone else's fault....NEVER this con artist fault.

The dude is just a horrible person and worse businessman. By the standards we measure businessmen, he is literally the worst business man in America.

Im sure your a much better business man, Oyea... your a dope..!!!
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Yes, he signed personal guarantees on loans > $400 million. You totally made up your own facts that these are “loans that are secured by Real Estate.” Why did you choose to invent your own narrative? Stick to the facts, please.
Loans for what purpose? Is it a car loan, a plane loan, a real estate loan, an equity loan, a just because I feel like it loan? Do you think banks just give loans because someone feels like they could use a few hundred million in their checking account?

Yes, he signed personal guarantees on loans > $400 million. You totally made up your own facts that these are “loans that are secured by Real Estate.” Why did you choose to invent your own narrative? Stick to the facts, please.
And furthermore if Trump could just borrow 400 million on his signature alone or personal guarantee, then he MUST be 1 rich MF'er!
To my Trump supporters here its ok to say he's a POS but the leader of your party and therefore you'll be voting for him. To defend his character tooth and nail is sad. Trump has never been known as a high moral character. He has some good policies regarding American industries but he himself isn't the best America has to offer. Sleepy Joe is a POS too and in my opinion his political record isn't a shining beacon.
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