Trump's Fraud Claims


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2007
A Federal judge in Pennsylvania to;ld the Trump campaign and Republican Party that they must produce evidence they have of vote- by-mail fraud in the State by Friday. The judge's order, in a high profile case about about vote-by-mail in the battleground State, essentially forces the Trump campaign to try to back up Trump's false claims a bout massive fraud in voting. Legal scholars from both parties and nonpartisan experts acknowledge that there is no widespread fraud in US elections. This is going to be interesting!
It's their typical bullshit!!! These people know that 84 Percent of the people voting by mail said they are Ridin with Biden.

He is trying to sabotage our post office so he can legitimize mail in voting. Removing mail boxes and stopping sorting machines? These people don't have a hair of integrity in their body....and republicans that follow them don't either. That's why they are silent as this ass hat destroys our post office system which is an American institution. It's just bizarre what these losers will resort to.
It's their typical bullshit!!! These people know that 84 Percent of the people voting by mail said they are Ridin with Biden.

He is trying to sabotage our post office so he can legitimize mail in voting. Removing mail boxes and stopping sorting machines? These people don't have a hair of integrity in their body....and republicans that follow them don't either. That's why they are silent as this ass hat destroys our post office system which is an American institution. It's just bizarre what these losers will resort to.
It's about time the Buffoon is being called out for his BS. It started the day he was elected and claimed he lost the popular vote because of the illegal immigrant vote. He should have been forced to provide evidence for that claim. His corrupt Postmaster General is also under investigation. For far too long he has been allowed to get away with this BS. It's all coming down on his head now. Grab your popcorn and enjoy the implosion. It's showtime!
It's about time the Buffoon is being called out for his BS. It started the day he was elected and claimed he lost the popular vote because of the illegal immigrant vote. He should have been forced to provide evidence for that claim. His corrupt Postmaster General is also under investigation. For far too long he has been allowed to get away with this BS. It's all coming down on his head now. Grab your popcorn and enjoy the implosion. It's showtime!
YEP! This is going to be fun to watch this POS go down in flames!!! Then his entire administration one by one. I have never seen one person destroy the very fabric of our country at such an excessive degree. The funny thing is the people that wrap themselves in the idea of America the most really care the least. Facism is great as long as it is their guy. These are horrible people just like Trump willing to sell the soul of America and our beliefs to the highest foreign bidder.
YEP! This is going to be fun to watch this POS go down in flames!!! Then his entire administration one by one. I have never seen one person destroy the very fabric of our country at such an excessive degree. The funny thing is the people that wrap themselves in the idea of America the most really care the least. Facism is great as long as it is their guy. These are horrible people just like Trump willing to sell the soul of America and our beliefs to the highest foreign bidder.
The only thing worse than Trump are his supporters. He is what he is. For them, there is no excuse!
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A Federal judge in Pennsylvania to;ld the Trump campaign and Republican Party that they must produce evidence they have of vote- by-mail fraud in the State by Friday. The judge's order, in a high profile case about about vote-by-mail in the battleground State, essentially forces the Trump campaign to try to back up Trump's false claims a bout massive fraud in voting. Legal scholars from both parties and nonpartisan experts acknowledge that there is no widespread fraud in US elections. This is going to be interesting!

Ummmm, did you see what happened in the Democratic primary in NY????

You're kidding with that statement. Right?
Ummmm, did you see what happened in the Democratic primary in NY????

You're kidding with that statement. Right?
Wasn't my statement. I was citing the order of Federal Nicholas Ranjan, a Trump appointee. What happened in New York was due to a lack of adequate staffing. Trump wants to magnify the problem by having his flunky Postmaster General institute a hiring freeze and other policies to delay the mail. Why do you keep defending the POS? There is no defense. Go read Michael Cohen's new book "Disloyal" and find out the true nature of your beloved Dear Leader!
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