Kerry acknowledged that some of the !.5 billion in cash would go to to Hezbollah, an organization that kills people, including Americans.Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism killing people all over the world.
Kerry acknowledged that some of the !.5 billion in cash would go to to Hezbollah, an organization that kills people, including Americans.Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism killing people all over the world.
Trump will go down as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. No Doubt about it. 183,000 Americans Dead. Its a Hoax!!! What a POS. Trump hasnt wiped out shit. Legacy of OBAMA will live FOREVER!! BLMObama was pathetic. History will show this fact. Trump has all but wiped out and legacy of Obama. Thank God.
You seem to be ignoring the fact that Obama made no effort to stop Putin from taking eastern Ukraine and Crimea.He doesn't need to invade Eastern Europe - he's already in Ukraine and Moldova and has been interfering in about half a dozen other Eastern European elections. Once Trump convinces Putin to give up Crimea and leave eastern Ukraine, we can say he's actually doing something.
Did he mention that Trump let Putin interfere in our election? What a POS!!!!You seem to be ignoring the fact that Obama made no effort to stop Putin from taking eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
You seem to be ignoring the fact that Obama made no effort to stop Putin from taking eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
Man all Trump does is talk about bunch of shit with no bite. Rocket man? That fool has a nickname for everyone. North Korea hasn't denuclearized and never will even though Trump said they would, they’re still conducting missle tests. I've been to the UAE several times on deployments and they never really had any beef with Isreal, they are pretty westernized. Circle back with me if Trump does something with the Palestinians/Israeli relationsFunny?? He was calling Kim Jung Un rocket man and threatening to wipe NKorea off the map if they didn’t stop firing rockets over Japan and engaging in the provocative behavior which btw Obama didn’t do shit about for 8 years. Guess was Rocket Man stopped his BS and Trump met with him trying to create an atmosphere for peace. Go ahead a belittle that and keep underestimating Trump just like all the clowns said about the Middle East. Oh wait what happened a couple of weeks ago? The Abraham Accord peace between Israel and UAE open the door for more Arab nations to have peace with Israel. Go ahead and belittle that historic agreement.
Ya keep smoking that Sh*t bro. You delusional. Obama has nothing left from his 8 years. Trump wiped it out. Deal with it. Trumps administration will have an effect 50-100 years from now. Keep blaming him for the China Virus keep blaming him for the Riots in liberal Democrat run cities. It all but assures his re-election.Trump will go down as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. No Doubt about it. 183,000 Americans Dead. Its a Hoax!!! What a POS. Trump hasnt wiped out shit. Legacy of OBAMA will live FOREVER!! BLM
Thank you for exposing your ignorance with this comment. Your cluelessMan all Trump does is talk about bunch of shit with no bite. Rocket man? That fool has a nickname for everyone. North Korea hasn't denuclearized and never will even though Trump said they would, they’re still conducting missle tests. I've been to the UAE several times on deployments and they never really had any beef with Isreal, they are pretty westernized. Circle back with me if Trump does something with the Palestinians/Israeli relations
Obama Care Biatch!!!!! Its called the Trump Virus! Its not real its a HOAX. 183,000 + dead and counting. America is in disarray, rioting and looting and protesting this POS President. What a SCUMBAG. America is the Joke of the world right now.Ya keep smoking that Sh*t bro. You delusional. Obama has nothing left from his 8 years. Trump wiped it out. Deal with it. Trumps administration will have an effect 50-100 years from now. Keep blaming him for the China Virus keep blaming him for the Riots in liberal Democrat run cities. It all but assures his re-election.
How about getting the remains from our servicemen POW MIA from the Korean War? How about Trump securing the release of many many hostages in foreign countries?? I guess Obama do get that Traitor Bregdahl released after giving up 5 key Taliban terrorist in exchange plus millions of dollars? I guess your probably a berdahl fan as well??Man all Trump does is talk about bunch of shit with no bite. Rocket man? That fool has a nickname for everyone. North Korea hasn't denuclearized and never will even though Trump said they would, they’re still conducting missle tests. I've been to the UAE several times on deployments and they never really had any beef with Isreal, they are pretty westernized. Circle back with me if Trump does something with the Palestinians/Israeli relations
Obama care is dead you moron!! The individual mandate all but gave it the death sentence it will be replaced in the coming 4years. But it’s all but gone anyways. Without the mandate it is dying. But thanks for showing your ignorance as wellObama Care Biatch!!!!! Its called the Trump Virus! Its not real its a HOAX. 183,000 + dead and counting. America is in disarray, rioting and looting and protesting this POS President. What a SCUMBAG. America is the Joke of the world right now.
The USA is respected around the world like it hasn’t been since Reagan. Keep on Hating with your Trump Derangement Syndrome.Obama Care Biatch!!!!! Its called the Trump Virus! Its not real its a HOAX. 183,000 + dead and counting. America is in disarray, rioting and looting and protesting this POS President. What a SCUMBAG. America is the Joke of the world right now.
First you said its dead then you end with its dying. Make your mind up PeeWee. Its not going anywhere. Obama will live in your head forever. Now put that in your Meth pipe and smoke it. POSObama care is dead you moron!! The individual mandate all but gave it the death sentence it will be replaced in the coming 4years. But it’s all but gone anyways. Without the mandate it is dying. But thanks for showing your ignorance as well
America is not in disarray you idiot. Your liberal Democrat run cities are in disarray because of the idiot Dem governors & mayorsObama Care Biatch!!!!! Its called the Trump Virus! Its not real its a HOAX. 183,000 + dead and counting. America is in disarray, rioting and looting and protesting this POS President. What a SCUMBAG. America is the Joke of the world right now.
No, you keep drinking the Kool Aid from the Cult leader. America is speaking out against him daily. Worst President Ever you cant deny it.The USA is respected around the world like it hasn’t been since Reagan. Keep on Hating with your Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I don't think one is better than the other between Trump and Obama in terms of military readiness. Trump increased defense spending a little bit over Obama's last year or so in office but the net effect was not a more robust or capable military. Trump likes to brag about spending 2.5 trillion dollars on the military which is technically true but misleading. The actual defense budget for the last 3 FYs was 2.7 trillion which was money that DoD requested to meet its operational commitments so that money would have been spent if Forest Gump were president and Trump didn't do anything remarkable. I'm not misguided, those are facts. Trump also likes to tell you guys that he rebuilt the military and I challenged Tiv to name me one aircraft carrier that was built under the Trump administration which was a claim that Eric Trump made just last week at the RNC. Tiv can't name one because there aren't any carriers that were built under this administration. Hell, it takes about 10 years to build a carrier and that doesn't include shakedown cruises before it's maiden deployment so I don't why he insists on telling these lies and more importantly why ya'll keep believing that bullshit.Thank you for your service. I did not serve but I don’t think that disqualifies my opinion on the shape of our military under Obama as opposed to under Trump. I agree with a lot of your premises but if your eluding to an opinion that Obama was better than Trump regarding our military readiness and effectiveness I think your seriously misguided
The individual Mandate is dead all but assuring the death of the whole unconstitutional law. It’s gone man face it Obama was a failure he will go down as the worst president in History. Trump will go down as one of the best period.First you said its dead then you end with its dying. Make your mind up PeeWee. Its not going anywhere. Obama will live in your head forever. Now put that in your Meth pipe and smoke it. POS
You sound STUPID this is AMERICA. He is the President of the United States not just the President of Republican ran states. Thats were the ignorance comes in on the right. You guys fell for the banana in the tailpipe. He is just showing you he cant run the country. Worst President Ever.America is not in disarray you idiot. Your liberal Democrat run cities are in disarray because of the idiot Dem governors & mayors
You do know that WAS THEIR Money right?Obama supported the radical terrorist by never calling them out what they are.
Handcuffed our military until Trump came in and defeated Isis...
Gave Iran 150 Billion dollars to help kill our soldiers... POS..!!!
These clowns support another clown who went bankrupt running a casino. Who in the actual fck loses money running a casino? I got time.You sound STUPID this is AMERICA. He is the President of the United States not just the President of Republican ran states. Thats were the ignorance comes in on the right. You guys fell for the banana in the tailpipe. He is just showing you he cant run the country. Worst President Ever.
Dude much of Trumps defense Budget will go towards finishing the USS Ford & the USS Kennedy two of our new aircraft carries. And while you get all tangled up in the numbers which I agree can be misleading you can’t ignore the basic fact ISIS rose up and created hell all over the Middle East thanks to Obama’s failed leadership and pussy polices. Trump wiped them off the Map period. Wake upI don't think one is better than the other between Trump and Obama in terms of military readiness. Trump increased defense spending a little bit over Obama's last year or so in office but the net effect was not a more robust or capable military. Trump likes to brag about spending 2.5 trillion dollars on the military which is technically true but misleading. The actual defense budget for the last 3 FYs was 2.7 trillion which was money that DoD requested to meet its operational commitments so that money would have been spent if Forest Gump were president and Trump didn't do anything remarkable. I'm not misguided, those are facts. Trump also likes to tell you guys that he rebuilt the military and I challenged Tiv to name me one aircraft carrier that was built under the Trump administration which was a claim that Eric Trump made just last week at the RNC. Tiv can't name one because there aren't any carriers that were built under this administration. Hell, it takes about 10 years to build a carrier and that doesn't include shakedown cruises before it's maiden deployment so I don't why he insists on telling these lies and more importantly why ya'll keep believing that bullshit.
Ya dudes a billionaire from all his bankruptcies and failures. Give me a break. Your a moronThese clowns support another clown who went bankrupt running a casino. Who in the actual fck loses money running a casino? I got time.
It was not there money you idiot we confiscated it just like we confiscate drug cartels possessions. I guess all the billions we got from El Chappo should go back to his family?? GtfohYou do know that WAS THEIR Money right?
183,000 dead and counting. Its a Hoax. America wont forget. Build a Wall, what a POS. Repeal Obama care, make America safe. He hasnt done anything but pushed us back further then Bush did. Putting our own troops on our American citizens for a Photo Opt in front of a church. Holding the Bible upside down. What a POS!!! When its all down all you Kool Aid drinkers can move to a Island and bow down to master Trump. So he can continue to F--- in the A-- without vaseline.The individual Mandate is dead all but assuring the death of the whole unconstitutional law. It’s gone man face it Obama was a failure he will go down as the worst president in History. Trump will go down as one of the best period.
You are the stupid one. A few liberal Democrat shithole cities does not define America. What a dumbass you areYou sound STUPID this is AMERICA. He is the President of the United States not just the President of Republican ran states. Thats were the ignorance comes in on the right. You guys fell for the banana in the tailpipe. He is just showing you he cant run the country. Worst President Ever.
He held the Bible up to send all you haters a message you can try and burn down churches and get rid of God all you want but you will lose in the end. He will make America Great Again Again. Just watch you Antifa loving American hating ignorant bafoon183,000 dead and counting. Its a Hoax. America wont forget. Build a Wall, what a POS. Repeal Obama care, make America safe. He hasnt done anything but pushed us back further then Bush did. Putting our own troops on our American citizens for a Photo Opt in front of a church. Holding the Bible upside down. What a POS!!! When its all down all you Kool Aid drinkers can move to a Island and bow down to master Trump. So he can continue to F--- in the A-- without vaseline.
It was not there money you idiot we confiscated it just like we confiscate drug cartels possessions. I guess all the billions we got from El Chappo should go back to his family?? Gtfoh
Dude they are the leading terrorist nation in the World. Directly responsible for thousands of dead Americans. And we gave them $150billion to further building Nukes. Man how stupid are you all??We didn't confiscate it - we froze it, which means it was always going to be given back if political circumstances improved.
Trump will go down as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. No Doubt about it. 183,000 Americans Dead. Its a Hoax!!! What a POS. Trump hasnt wiped out shit. Legacy of OBAMA will live FOREVER!! BLM
You sound stupid asf. Contracts were signed in 2008 to design the ship and construction on the Ford began in 2009. What does that mean? The fckin money was already appropriated and spent in past years budgets before Trump. The Kennedy is also bought and paid for. Those ships cost around 12 billion each and the total defense budget is north of 700 billion so your assertion that much of Trumps defense budget will go towards their completion shows how much or I should say how little you know about how we procure military equipment. MCFLY!!! Don't try argue with someone who has 20 years of military experience and 6 years of DoD civilian experience when you have zero years of either.Dude much of Trumps defense Budget will go towards finishing the USS Ford & the USS Kennedy two of our new aircraft carries. And while you get all tangled up in the numbers which I agree can be misleading you can’t ignore the basic fact ISIS rose up and created hell all over the Middle East thanks to Obama’s failed leadership and pussy polices. Trump wiped them off the Map period. Wake up
Come man, snap back to reality bruh.Trump will go down as a Regan type and will be cheered for destroying Obamas legacy..
Obama will not even be mentioned in the history book.. He betrayed this country..
I'm actually in the political center. Trouble is that you're so far right that anyone in the center looks like a radical, which is moreso a reflection of your own moral compass than that of others. If Trump wasn't such a calamitous trash heap of a human being who is destroying our institutions for the aggrandizement of his narcissism, then we may have the beginnings of a normal President who could be assessed just based on his policy. What we have right now is a clear and present national security threat who coddles dictators and is attempting to turn the United States into a Putin style autocracy.
Thanks once again you show your complete ignorance. Can you say ISIS?? Spread all over under Obama. Wiped off the face of the earth under Trump. And your failure to recognize NKoreas much more tamed posture shows how stupid you are as well. Keep getting caught up in numbers dude and avoid the reality.You sound stupid asf. Contracts were signed in 2008 to design the ship and construction on the Ford began in 2009. What does that mean? The fckin money was already appropriated and spent in past years budgets before Trump. The Kennedy is also bought and paid for. Those ships cost around 12 billion each and the total defense budget is north of 700 billion so your assertion that much of Trumps defense budget will go towards their completion shows how much or I should say how little you know about how we procure military equipment. MCFLY!!! Don't try argue with someone who has 20 years of military experience and 6 years of DoD civilian experience when you have zero years of either.
You know who interfered more than Russia?? The DNC and the Obama Admin. They illegally spied on Trumps campaignDid he mention that Trump let Putin interfere in our election? What a POS!!!!
The majority of our Military is under 35 genius.That's likely to be the result for people in your age group, but significantly less so for younger folks in the 18-35 age group.
Thanks once again you show your complete ignorance. Can you say ISIS?? Spread all over under Obama. Wiped off the face of the earth under Trump. And your failure to recognize NKoreas much more tamed posture shows how stupid you are as well. Keep getting caught up in numbers dude and avoid the reality.
The majority of our Military is under 35 genius.
Well said and spot on.McCaffrey worked for the Clinton Administration so it's not surprise that he doesn't like Trump. There are Republicans that don't like Trump because of his personality; his demeanor. And that's fine.
And I don't come from the Far Right. I have voted for both Dems and Reps in the past. But the Far Left of the Democratic Party really scares me. Their agenda is really concerning.
Of course they didn't roll out their real agenda at the DNC. But I saw enough during the primaries to know what it is. Even Biden admitted that he would be the most progressive president in our history. To the left of Obama? Wow!!
The Dems want open borders. They want to give illegal immigrants free health care. Then they want to give them citizenship so they can vote for the Dems. And there are about 12 million illegal immigrants in the country. That alone would change the country forever.
Then they want to give to statehood to Washington DC, Puerto Rico and Guam. That's 6 more senators for the Dems. We could have one party rule in this country for the rest of this century. Or we could have another civil war in less than 10 years. If that doesn't scare you it should. Especially if you you are a centrist as you claim.
Then the New Green Deal would cost trillions of $$$$. And guess who would be paying for that? You and me. Our taxes would skyrocket.
Everything I've mentioned above would destroy our economy.
Biden would assign Beto O'Rourke to start confiscating long guns. But do you really think he would stop there? He would start taking other guns as well, including handguns. Plus the very liberal Attorney General of New York State is suing the NRA. She says her real goal is to abolish the NRA. If she and O'Rourke succeed, there goes our 2nd Amendment Rights.
Regarding Trump. remember that we have the balance of powers in the country between the executive, legislative and judicial branches. NO president could ever be an autocrat. EVER. So that's the least of my worries.
And wait till the Durham Investigation is complete. People are gonna be shocked by the findings. People like Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Paige and possible even Biden conspired against Trump before, during and after the election of 2016. The investigation should be completed before this year's election.
Your completely delusional. ISIS was spreading when Obama left. Trump changed course and wiped them the F**K outThe effort to expel ISIS was already well under way during Obama's final year. Trump did little to change what was already underway.