U.S. Military support Joe Biden

Washington Post? Are you kidding me? Fake News

Try to educate yourself about these things so you can participate in debates with people who have served in uniform and actually worked in Iraq before. If you don't know what you're talking about then its probably a good idea to not say anything rather than humiliate yourself by bloviating nonsense to strangers on the internet.
Try to educate yourself about these things so you can participate in the debates with people who have served in uniform and actually worked in Iraq before. If you don't know what you're talking about then its probably a good idea to not say anything rather than humiliate yourself by bloviating nonsense to strangers on the internet.
Your the ignorant delusional one basing your opinions on far left biased news sources.
The military has historically lurched to the right, but more recently its been leaning towards the center and supporting Presidential candidates based on the individual over party. Trump is also obviously not a conservative and plenty of folks in the military and military civil service are unhappy with his foreign policy and general poor behavior while in office.
Lots of wishful thinking right there
So in other words it took Trump to finish what Barry started but didn't have the guts to do to those that share his hatred of America. How many ISIS caliphates do we have now that Trump is in office?

Educating yourself about the issues before attempting to appear knowledgable about them may help you.
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So is Russia. So is North Korea - both countries Trump met with for photo ops. In North Korea's case they actually already have nukes and Trump sent Kim love letters.
Trump did not give N. Korea $150 billion. I wont vote for someone who will.
Trump did not give N. Korea $150 billion. I wont vote for someone who will.

Trump was briefed on North Korea and nukes by Obama, but did nothing to stop Kim other than give him what he wanted - international legitimacy - while not getting anything in return. He has to be the worst negotiator in history.
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Educating yourself about the issues before attempting to appear knowledgable about them may help you.
So the caliphate that Barry let his pals in ISIS set up right out in the open is still there?
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Trump was briefed on North Korea and nukes by Obama, but did nothing to stop Kim other than give him what he wanted - international legitimacy - while not getting anything in return. He has to be the worst negotiator in history.
Well, it's a good thing Obama wasn't here giving him $150 billion.
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Ok, so that would explain why they don't like Trump. Younger people tend to vote Dem.
Raoul you ever serve in the Military? Men and Women in the Military are hardly your normal "younger people." They are men and women and they are treated as such and expected to perform as such. The overwhelmingly tend to vote republican.
Raoul you ever serve in the Military? Men and Women in the Military are hardly your normal "younger people." They are men and women and they are treated as such and expected to perform as such. The overwhelmingly tend to vote republican.

Yes - I am a vet and still work directly with the military in the present. Most of the kids I interact with are either apolitical or lean slightly towards the Dem side.
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The USA is respected around the world like it hasn’t been since Reagan. Keep on Hating with your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It would take a real case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and a healthy dose of lies to suggest we are more respected under Trump. We have never been as unrespected as we are right now.

Tiv, you are 100 percent INCORRECT with your Trump has built the military up and Obama/Biden gutted it nonsense. You simply don't know what you're talking about other repeating lies that Trump tells you. Eric Trump went on national television and said "his father has built new aircraft carriers, ships and airplanes" If you can tell me ONE aircraft carrier that was built under the Trump administration I'll shut the fck up. I'll wait!!!! Obama drawing down in the Middle East was in part cleaning up the Bush administration's mess in Iraq. Trump killed the two most dangerous terrorists in the world? Don't make me laugh. Obama killed all the others including Bin Laden so there were none left.
Tell you what NORM. IF YOU CROSS THIS RED LINE IN FRONT OF MY FOOT RIGHT NOW YOU ARE GONNA REGRET IT. LOL Obama is a pussy, keep him in your big cities that is where he belongs. Let us non sheep smart patriotic americans worry about protecting this nation.
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Tell you what NORM. IF YOU CROSS THIS RED LINE IN FRONT OF MY FOOT RIGHT NOW YOU ARE GONNA REGRET IT. LOL Obama is a pussy, keep him in your big cities that is where he belongs. Let us non sheep smart patriotic americans worry about protecting this nation.
Spare me the patriotic American bullshit when you support a guy who among other things he has done to undermine this country has been briefed about the Russians placing bounties on the heads of American servicemembers and hasn't done shit about it. GTFOH.
Tell you what NORM. IF YOU CROSS THIS RED LINE IN FRONT OF MY FOOT RIGHT NOW YOU ARE GONNA REGRET IT. LOL Obama is a pussy, keep him in your big cities that is where he belongs. Let us non sheep smart patriotic americans worry about protecting this nation.

Its impossible to support Donald Trump and claim to be patriotic. Its literally an oxymoron.
Spare me the patriotic American bullshit when you support a guy who among other things he has done to undermine this country has been briefed about the Russians placing bounties on the heads of American servicemembers and hasn't done shit about it. GTFOH.
So did you support Obama? If you did, you were supporting a guy who was never a patriot or claimed to be. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. He was a world citizen, a globalist. He weakened our military on purpose. He caved in to Russia and Iran, avoided the N Korea problem and let China run wild. We're paying for his "patriotism now".

I'm patriotic btw. I put my country first and believe that despite it's flaws it's still the best in the world. I don't give a damn what other countries think of us or what the UN does. Everyone in the world wants to live here for a reason.

And how do you know what our military has done about Russian bounties? Russia didn't announce what they did. What makes you think we announced our response?

Trump has major flaws but his effort to strengthen this country isn't one of them.
It would take a real case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and a healthy dose of lies to suggest we are more respected under Trump. We have never been as unrespected as we are right now.

"Favorable view" has nothing to do with the strength of our country.
That's likely to be the result for people in your age group, but significantly less so for younger folks in the 18-35 age group.
Raoul, Trump has spent almost ONE TRILLION rebuilding the Military, restructuring the VA, allowing private doctors.etc.
Military vast majority will vote Trump
Ploce Unions that Historically back Dems, backed Hillary, are NOW backing Trump!
Buckle up
52 more months
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So did you support Obama? If you did, you were supporting a guy who was never a patriot or claimed to be. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. He was a world citizen, a globalist. He weakened our military on purpose. He caved in to Russia and Iran, avoided the N Korea problem and let China run wild. We're paying for his "patriotism now".

I'm patriotic btw. I put my country first and believe that despite it's flaws it's still the best in the world. I don't give a damn what other countries think of us or what the UN does. Everyone in the world wants to live here for a reason.

And how do you know what our military has done about Russian bounties? Russia didn't announce what they did. What makes you think we announced our response?

Trump has major flaws but his effort to strengthen this country isn't one of them.
So Trump is a patriot? A man who admitted that he pays as little as possible in taxes. A man who when confronted with facts about Russia killing journalists etc. whose response was "We have killers too" A man who has repeatedly sided with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies and you say with a straight face that Obama caved too Russia? Don't make me laugh.

Tell me how Obama weakened the military and before you answer understand that I served in the military under 5 presidents Obama included and I don't hear how he reduced defense spending as your response. I'll wait.
Tiv, you are 100 percent INCORRECT with your Trump has built the military up and Obama/Biden gutted it nonsense. You simply don't know what you're talking about other repeating lies that Trump tells you. Eric Trump went on national television and said "his father has built new aircraft carriers, ships and airplanes" If you can tell me ONE aircraft carrier that was built under the Trump administration I'll shut the fck up. I'll wait!!!! Obama drawing down in the Middle East was in part cleaning up the Bush administration's mess in Iraq. Trump killed the two most dangerous terrorists in the world? Don't make me laugh. Obama killed all the others including Bin Laden so there were none left.
Yep JV team
So Trump is a patriot? A man who admitted that he pays as little as possible in taxes. A man who when confronted with facts about Russia killing journalists etc. whose response was "We have killers too" A man who has repeatedly sided with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies and you say with a straight face that Obama caved too Russia? Don't make me laugh.

Tell me how Obama weakened the military and before you answer understand that I served in the military under 5 presidents Obama included and I don't hear how he reduced defense spending as your response. I'll wait.
Then with all respect your wrong about Trump and Obama. President Obama and Hillary sold out to the Russians. They got Obama on tape saying it. And by the way you attacked President Trump about being wealthy but you leave out that President Obama never held a private Job and when he left the White House he reportedly has been paid millions and now living in. 12 million dollar home in a rich White neighbor hood. Meanwhile the city he left and lived in for years Chicago continues to be worst than any war zone in Middle East with black on black crime. Yep Attack President Trump and meanwhile the Marxist racist groups BLM and ANTIFA continue to loot and destroy the inner city's . Nope Keep blaming all white people and nothing changes.
"Favorable view" has nothing to do with the strength of our country.

It does, because when states don't want to work with you, it prevents you from having the necessary cooperation to get things done on the global stage. Thus, you are weak and feckless.
I am telling you all. You can not get thru to these sheep. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and the only cure i can see is ship them to Canada after this election.
I am telling you all. You can not get thru to these sheep. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and the only cure i can see is ship them to Canada after this election.

TDS = Supporting Trump . Maybe you and your fellow, kool-aid drinking lobotomized sheep need to go into rehab to get deprogrammed from the cult, then come back and rejoin the grownups.
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TDS = Supporting Trump . Maybe you and your fellow, kool-aid drinking lobotomized sheep need to go into rehab to get deprogrammed from the cult.

It's kinda funny that we all think the others are sheep. Amazing how everyone has a different reality.
It's kinda funny that we all think the others are sheep. Amazing how everyone has a different reality.

This is where facts and evidence based inquiry comes in handy. The Trump side is based in lies and conspiracy theories, all of which are easily debunked by anyone who follows factual information.
This is where facts and evidence based inquiry comes in handy. The Trump side is based in lies and conspiracy theories, all of which are easily debunked by anyone who follows factual information.

That's why its interesting. People on the right say the same exact thing about the lib sheep.
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I like WINNING. With Trump we are WINNING. Sorry your life is miserable.
Yep winning the race for the most COVID-19 cases and fatalities in the world even though we only have 4.2 percent of the world's population. Winning at being banned from other countries. Mexico doesn't even want us down there. Winning for the most civil unrest and racial division. I swear some of the stupid shit you Trump supporters parrot, you're the ones with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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