What’s Lincoln project gonna do??

I think most of their ads are so over the top only you Haters like them. Most people are probably sick of them. Plus all these nasty ads the next 10 days are going to look really bad on you all. I think it will push more independents over to our side
Ed, Trump is finished!!
When Trump recovers 100% in under 10 days from the China Virus?? So much for their BS ad that Trumps Health is failing. That will be one wasted 20 million dollar ad campaign. Lol.
LOL..What a fool..
Ok I’ve seen 4 well respected Drs say he’s got a 99% chance of being fine. Are they Morons? Or are you for saying something so stupid
I never said he would not get better🙄 he should get better faster than anyone else he received treatment before anyone else would. Not really fair since he downplayed this entire virus and cost thousands their lives. Just stating facts. 😂
I never said he would not get better🙄 he should get better faster than anyone else he received treatment before anyone else would. Not really fair since he downplayed this entire virus and cost thousands their lives. Just stating facts. 😂
Ya he really downplayed it shutting down travel from two continents early. Remember Sleepy called him xenophobic for doing it. Fauci and others say that single handily saved tens of thousands of lives. Why don’t you shove those fake facts up your arrsssss
What you miss is the ads are targeting the center. They are messaging white working class males, suburban moms. They are dirty game players that normally play for the GOP but don’t like Trumps version of GOP. These guys have no bottom but damn if they aren’t effective.

You are correct. IMO they are a bunch of losers that lost their power when Trump came along. Bushie and Romney kiss their butt and Trump didn't. They are pissed because for the past 4 years they have been irrelevent. The Dem's view them as "Useful Idiots".

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