Until 1 takes the reigns. After the spring it Kosi Tate and then Jarren. From what I hear it’s actually like 1a and 1b. So that tells me that this could go either way. Each QB has their pros/cons I wont get into that. What I will say is this. Both the QB’s will play with the #3 actually getting some mop up duty. Sounds crazy, but if they’re all that even and are all capable. How do you decide? I know coaches aren’t worried about feelings, but do they make the right choice without losing the team? Players know who is who and what is what. This could get ugly if people see one guy gives them a better chance, but coaches making promises go in a different direction. I am in no way saying promises were made. Just saying if the Manny doesn’t or didn’t trust N’Kosi why keep him around? If you know/knew in your heart of hearts. You were gonna go in a different direction.
I think Enos’s not being here last year and only having the spring to go off. Along with this summer camp will have his work cut out for him. I also wonder if this is a collective agreement with Manny. We also don’t know what criteria is actually being used to grade the QB’s. They all seem to be able to command the huddle and lead the team. Thats why I say we truly may have a 2QB system to for the first part of the season.
I think Enos’s not being here last year and only having the spring to go off. Along with this summer camp will have his work cut out for him. I also wonder if this is a collective agreement with Manny. We also don’t know what criteria is actually being used to grade the QB’s. They all seem to be able to command the huddle and lead the team. Thats why I say we truly may have a 2QB system to for the first part of the season.