Trump and his supporters killing Biden over Afghanistan...but wait


Aug 14, 2007
Trump announced he was going to do the same thing in May of last year... lmao. You can't make this stuff up.
You are wrong as usual. Trump's plan was to get. the civilians out first then the military hardware then the embassy and lastly the troops. Biden did just the opposite -took troops out first and snuck out of Bagram at night. That's why you are seeing the chaos. In addition there was a massive failure of Biden's woke intelligence people. Somebody wake Gen Milley up. He fell asleep reading his book on white rage.
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Trump announced he was going to do the same thing in May of last year... lmao. You can't make this stuff up.
Pudding Brain is in charge now. Along with his "plans" for Covid, the border crisis, inflation and record breaking crime in American cities, this is just one more "plan" that he has totally botched. BTW, take a look at the pictures of the Taliban fighters sitting at the president's office in Kabul. That's what a real insurrection looks like.
OP Once again you show just how hollow you are. Blaming Trump isn't going to fool anyone this time. So this is the 1 policy Trump left, that Biden didn't undue ?ROFLMAO,,,,,, Moronic. Not only is it a Stupid Bold Faced Lie, but are you saying Biden was Incompetent ? The policy you cowardly site had STIPULATIONS, which the Taliban BROKE, it had a staged time line as goals were met, Which were IGNORED. OOOPS ! YOU SHOW YOURSELF as a MINDLESS, THOUGHTLESS, FANATICAL PUPPET DAILY, as you RUSH to DEFEND YOUR PARTY'S UNDFENDABLE AGENDA. So far He's made us Energy Dependent, re-infected the Country with his Open Boarder, Put us in Inflation, Gave Russia a Pipeline, Bowed to China, gave Life to Iran, and now Gave Afghanistan to Terrorists. BET YOU LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT
This is all on Biden. He is in charge( supposedly)- no one else. He has even lost support from the most radical left Boston Globe-" After the incompetent retreat from Afghanistan, Biden's Presidency will never be the same "-OuCH!
You are wrong as usual. Trump's plan was to get. the civilians out first then the military hardware then the embassy and lastly the troops. Biden did just the opposite -took troops out first and snuck out of Bagram at night. That's why you are seeing the chaos. In addition there was a massive failure of Biden's woke intelligence people. Somebody wake Gen Milley up. He fell asleep reading his book on white rage.
Truly amazing how OP can be wrong in a constant basis , yet , never own up to it .. guess he was never taught accountability … it’s ok to be wrong , but man the f$ck up when you are
Soooo happy that the hypocritical right is out of office. These people are not to be respected.

These people jumping up and down? Sent our kids over there to die 20 years ago on a lie about wmds. Now think they can talk to me about how to clean up Thier mess.

You just can't make this shit up!
This is all on Biden. He is in charge( supposedly)- no one else. He has even lost support from the most radical left Boston Globe-" After the incompetent retreat from Afghanistan, Biden's Presidency will never be the same "-OuCH!
It's not like this should be a surprise to anyone. The POS serial liar has gotten nothing done in over 47 years in office, other than to pass what he gleefully called the Biden Crime Bill, that unjustly locked up a generation of black people. I just hope that the idiots that actually voted for this demented fool now have buyers remorse.
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Soooo happy that the hypocritical right is out of office. These people are not to be respected.

These people jumping up and down? Sent our kids over there to die 20 years ago on a lie about wmds. Now think they can talk to me about how to clean up Thier mess.

You just can't make this shit up!
Between the two of them, was it Trump or was it Pudding Brain that had a vote in determining whether or not our troops would be sent to Afghanistan? Sorry, but this is as much Joey's mess as it is anyone else's. His total ineptness with dealing with the withdrawal of our troops and military equipment is just one more example of what a POS your demented hero truly is.
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Soooo happy that the hypocritical right is out of office. These people are not to be respected.

These people jumping up and down? Sent our kids over there to die 20 years ago on a lie about wmds. Now think they can talk to me about how to clean up Thier mess.

You just can't make this shit up!
Do you realize we went to Afghanistan to take out Al Queda and avenge 9/11. It had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction.You couldn't possibly be that stupid, could you?
Huh? We did NOT need to go there. Obama avenged 911 by taking the person responsible out.
Huh? We did NOT need to go there. Obama avenged 911 by taking the person responsible out.
Huh? By the time that Seal Team 6 took out Bin Laden, we were already in Afghanistan, but as usual why let facts get in the way of your agenda. Yes, Barry did such a great job that the terrorists were able to set up a Caliphate under his watch. It took Trump to eliminate the BS that Barry and Pudding Brain left behind.
Trump announced he was going to do the same thing in May of last year... lmao. You can't make this stuff up.
He did not announce he was going to do the SAME thing. He had benchmarks set the taliban would have to meet. He also did not set a date.

Either way this has been a cluster of epic proportion! Biden should resign immediately.
We were in Afghanistan for 10 years before Bin Laden was taken out. We went to Afghanistan to take out Al Queda and. avenge 9/11 in 2001. You don't know that? Your ignorance is shocking.
Look learn to read. I said there was no need to go there or Iraq. The funniest part of what you just said is why republicans completely mishandled it. They didn't look for Bid Ladin... lmao. So of course you can't kill this dude if you don't bother to look instead send other peoples kids to die. It's now you want to grand stand when Biden has the balls to do what Trump could not? Miss me!
You said nothing about Iraq. You said there was no need to go to Afghanistan. Of course we were looking for Bin Laden right from the jump. It was hard to find him because Pakistan was hiding him. BY the way, the only person against taking out Bin Laden is the fool in the White House-your idol. " Republicans didn't look for Bin Laden." Are you serious? Do you realize how foolish that sounds.
Look learn to read. I said there was no need to go there or Iraq. The funniest part of what you just said is why republicans completely mishandled it. They didn't look for Bid Ladin... lmao. So of course you can't kill this dude if you don't bother to look instead send other peoples kids to die. It's now you want to grand stand when Biden has the balls to do what Trump could not? Miss me!
CD, what ever you do, don't let a few facts get in the way of your argument. And I am still waiting anxiously for you explanation for praising Cuomo's leadership. Until you do, your credibility is well below the Mendoza line.
Obama had 8yrs with the senate and congress for 2 of that, He lied troops died. Blame the suits not the boots.
Soooo happy that the hypocritical right is out of office. These people are not to be respected.

These people jumping up and down? Sent our kids over there to die 20 years ago on a lie about wmds. Now think they can talk to me about how to clean up Thier mess.

You just can't make this shit up!
Under the Trump administration, the agreement was to begin withdrawal of US troops effective 05/01/2021. The numbers went from 15,000 to 2,500. Was the agreement made for US troops to be out of there along with the military hardware first, above all? What are the specifics?
Also the US occupation of Afghanistan spans 4 US Presidents. Who initiated the principles and why did we not learn anything from the failures of Russian troops occupying the same region?
The Afghan military was under supervision of our US military, if Im not mistaken. Question is do they, the Afghan military want to be in this position? They see their own people's lives disrupted. Quite simply they are protecting US interests. Its just as bad as compulsory enrollment
You said nothing about Iraq. You said there was no need to go to Afghanistan. Of course we were looking for Bin Laden right from the jump. It was hard to find him because Pakistan was hiding him. BY the way, the only person against taking out Bin Laden is the fool in the White House-your idol. " Republicans didn't look for Bin Laden." Are you serious? Do you realize how foolish that sounds.
Bullshit. Bush said at a presser we we're not looking for him. Of course you won't find who you aren't even bothering to look for.

Obama made it a priority to look for him. He found him and took him out! Which is why he is graded as a top POTUS in history.
Under the Trump administration, the agreement was to begin withdrawal of US troops effective 05/01/2021. The numbers went from 15,000 to 2,500. Was the agreement made for US troops to be out of there along with the military hardware first, above all? What are the specifics?
Also the US occupation of Afghanistan spans 4 US Presidents. Who initiated the principles and why did we not learn anything from the failures of Russian troops occupying the same region?
The Afghan military was under supervision of our US military, if Im not mistaken. Question is do they, the Afghan military want to be in this position? They see their own people's lives disrupted. Quite simply they are protecting US interests. Its just as bad as compulsory enrollment
first there were benchmarks in place the Taliban had to meet for those date to happen. The Taliban did not meet any of those benchmarks. Secondly there was never a plan to just dump billions in equipment for them to take nor was there a plan to cut tail and run leaving access to the entire country at once.

This has a lot more to do with China’s interest in the $2 trillion in precious metals and elements in the country. This is why China is already backing the Taliban.

Where was the CIA at during all of this? To take 75,000 troops and run through a country in less than 30 days requires equipment and planning. How did we miss this?
Huh? We did NOT need to go there. Obama avenged 911 by taking the person responsible out.
Considering you're old enough that you lived through the reality of what happened and WHY we were there,,,,,,,,,What you have said and are saying is Complete and utter Ignorance. You Defending the BS you say,,,,,,, Arrogant Delusional Confabulation from a Deluded Mind,,,,,,,,,,,, You feeling You Have to Post because You're the TruthSlayer,,,,,,,,, Proof Prima-Facie You're a Narcissistic Serial Liar with No Integrity. You should Learn to just stay Silent, when the TRUTH doesn't back you. Anything is better than being thought of as a degenerate liar.
Considering you're old enough that you lived through the reality of what happened and WHY we were there,,,,,,,,,What you have said and are saying is Complete and utter Ignorance. You Defending the BS you say,,,,,,, Arrogant Delusional Confabulation from a Deluded Mind,,,,,,,,,,,, You feeling You Have to Post because You're the TruthSlayer,,,,,,,,, Proof Prima-Facie You're a Narcissistic Serial Liar with No Integrity. You should Learn to just stay Silent, when the TRUTH doesn't back you. Anything is better than being thought of as a degenerate liar.
Nothing in this message means anything to me.
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Nothing in this message means anything to me.
Of coerce it DOESN'T. That's YOUR problem CD, not anyone else's. You're a narcissist. Maybe if you could stop smelling your own farts as if it's Channel, but ,,,,,,,, Hey do you own a Prius ?
🤡 🐑
And you keep glossing over the total shit show that is the Xiden presidency. Joey was once again caught with his pants down when it comes to his competency on any important issue. The issue is not the withdrawal, but on his lack of a plan to get our people out safely. Did you also happen to hear that Joey ignored his military advisors with the pullout? Something about leaving 5,000 troops on the ground and not closing Bagram Air Base until after all US assets were evacuated. This was confirmed by the truth tellers at CNN so it must be true, right? You do trust Wolf Blitzer, right? The serial liar that you continue to support is nothing more than an embarrassment to the US at this point. Impeach the mother f*****.
A number of congressional Republicans are criticizing President Joe Biden's handling of the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan amid desperate scenes of Afghans scrambling to get on airplanes out of the country.

Yet the decision to leave the country was originally negotiated under President Donald Trump and allowed the Taliban to strengthen their position against the US-backed government - a circumstance most Republicans skirted around in their criticism.
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A number of congressional Republicans are criticizing President Joe Biden's handling of the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan amid desperate scenes of Afghans scrambling to get on airplanes out of the country.

Yet the decision to leave the country was originally negotiated under President Donald Trump and allowed the Taliban to strengthen their position against the US-backed government - a circumstance most Republicans skirted around in their criticism.
The decision to leave has nothing to do with just how badly Pudding Brain handled it. Own up to the fact that Joey completely screwed this up by his own doing and quit blaming others for his failures.
first there were benchmarks in place the Taliban had to meet for those date to happen. The Taliban did not meet any of those benchmarks. Secondly there was never a plan to just dump billions in equipment for them to take nor was there a plan to cut tail and run leaving access to the entire country at once.

This has a lot more to do with China’s interest in the $2 trillion in precious metals and elements in the country. This is why China is already backing the Taliban.

Where was the CIA at during all of this? To take 75,000 troops and run through a country in less than 30 days requires equipment and planning. How did we miss this?
The problems are 2 things
1. The empowerment of the warlord class, The leaders of the mujehidin terrorist movement. The USA, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan supported them in the War against the Soviet Union. The Soviets withdrew and 3 years later the Afghan govt collapsed. The Mujehidin warlords took over, set themselves up to fighting among themselves, destroyed the country in the 90s. Out of all the chaos the Taliban emerged. They were empowered to control the govt. They used the Afghan govt as a cash cow. To say they were corrupt is an understatement. Then Afghan President Amid Karzai's Anti corruption chief spent several years in a Nevada prison for drug smuggling.
So the above mentioned were our allies. Thats Problem #1.
The other problem was using private sector methods for reconstruction. That meant the vast majority of reconstruction money spent, i.e., tax payer money went to private, for profit corporations and for profit NGOs, the bandits that do contracts for the US. This led to naked corruption, basically overcharging and under delivering. And soft corruption, high paid well meaning technocrats going around writing reports, staying in fancy hotels, having an excessively large staffs.
These 2 problems meant very little money hit the ground. It also meant there was no economic improvement for the average afghan. That resulted in resentments growing and growing and it gave the Taliban fertile soil for the Taliban to come back and tell every afghan : "we are going to take on this corrupt govt and corrupt police who shake everybody down and threaten to destroy your Poppy crop. WE are going to put a stop to this. We will have a uncorrupt religious govt."
And in the face of this total failure of development because of the control of the warlords, because of the total commitment to the private sector as a method, more and more people sided with the Taliban.
According to Christian Parenti, Professor John Jay College CUNY
Trump announced he was going to do the same thing in May of last year... lmao. You can't make this stuff up.
As usual CD is dumb and wrong.
Trump plan was "conditions based" the Taliban broke all agreements so the "conditions" changed
Trump plan was NOT to close and abandon Bagram AFB BEFORE getting everyone out
Trump plan was NOT to pull out troops PRIOR to evacuating civilians and our Embassy personnel
Trump plan wasn't to walk away from all of OUR EQUIPMENT and TECHNOLOGY leaving it for the Taliban

Why can't you just say that BIDEN F'ed up BIG TIME?
Soooo happy that the hypocritical right is out of office. These people are not to be respected.

These people jumping up and down? Sent our kids over there to die 20 years ago on a lie about wmds. Now think they can talk to me about how to clean up Thier mess.

You just can't make this shit up!
No we sent our people over there to get the people who attacked America. Get your history straight.
The problems are 2 things
1. The empowerment of the warlord class, The leaders of the mujehidin terrorist movement. The USA, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan supported them in the War against the Soviet Union. The Soviets withdrew and 3 years later the Afghan govt collapsed. The Mujehidin warlords took over, set themselves up to fighting among themselves, destroyed the country in the 90s. Out of all the chaos the Taliban emerged. They were empowered to control the govt. They used the Afghan govt as a cash cow. To say they were corrupt is an understatement. Then Afghan President Amid Karzai's Anti corruption chief spent several years in a Nevada prison for drug smuggling.
So the above mentioned were our allies. Thats Problem #1.
The other problem was using private sector methods for reconstruction. That meant the vast majority of reconstruction money spent, i.e., tax payer money went to private, for profit corporations and for profit NGOs, the bandits that do contracts for the US. This led to naked corruption, basically overcharging and under delivering. And soft corruption, high paid well meaning technocrats going around writing reports, staying in fancy hotels, having an excessively large staffs.
These 2 problems meant very little money hit the ground. It also meant there was no economic improvement for the average afghan. That resulted in resentments growing and growing and it gave the Taliban fertile soil for the Taliban to come back and tell every afghan : "we are going to take on this corrupt govt and corrupt police who shake everybody down and threaten to destroy your Poppy crop. WE are going to put a stop to this. We will have a uncorrupt religious govt."
And in the face of this total failure of development because of the control of the warlords, because of the total commitment to the private sector as a method, more and more people sided with the Taliban.
According to Christian Parenti, Professor John Jay College CUNY
That’s great and all and based on what I know I’m sure it’s very true but that has literally nothing to do with what I stated. Chinas interest is the precious metals and stones. $2 trillion worth. The Taliban want the $2 Trillion to support their terrorist movement. Not only did they get the keys to the castle but were armed courtesy of Joe Biden. This is the biggest foreign policy disaster in the last 60 years maybe ever.
That’s great and all and based on what I know I’m sure it’s very true but that has literally nothing to do with what I stated. Chinas interest is the precious metals and stones. $2 trillion worth. The Taliban want the $2 Trillion to support their terrorist movement. Not only did they get the keys to the castle but were armed courtesy of Joe Biden. This is the biggest foreign policy disaster in the last 60 years maybe ever.
China is in for a rude awakening. All other facts Mike wrote might be true (probably) but it is irrelevant. This evacuation was a shyt show poorly executed and people will die as a result.