Almost half Trump supporters will not take vaccine that all of them want Trump to get credit for......LMAO

From your own "evidence" you googled....

You've basically proven my point that its still a good idea to get a vaccine shot since nothing in any of the articles you posted was presented as conclusive.

so the evidence I “googled” is less valid than the evidence you searched twitter for, got it.

Enjoy your Covid booster shot each year big pharma schill. Once again you don’t understand the immune system and how t-cells function to create antibodies on demand. Antibodies don’t sit in your body just waiting around.
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so the evidence I “googled” is less valid than the evidence you searched twitter for, got it.

Enjoy your Covid booster shot each year big pharma schill. Once again you don’t understand the immune system and how t-cells function to create antibodies on demand. Antibodies don’t sit in your body just waiting around.

LOL. Why so angry ?

I posted evidenced based recommendations made by scientists and public health professionals and you, as a counterargument, posted inconclusive research. Ultimately, there's overwhelming evidence that the vaccines work - even on variants, so why would anyone spend a lot of time attempting to convince people to not get vaccinated.
My wife has been told by her COVID Dr as well as her pulmonary Dr to get 2 doses of the vaccine. They were very adamant about this. Quite simply, she cannot afford to get COVID again. She gets her second shot this Friday.

Great that she's taking the extra precaution of getting vaccinated. I don't understand why anyone would take the chance of not getting the vaccine, even if they've already had COVID, since it gives people the peace of mind of having added another layer of protection in case they should unknowingly come into contact with an asymptomatic carrier. It makes all the sense in the world.
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LOL. Why so angry ?

I posted evidenced based recommendations made by scientists and public health professionals and you, as a counterargument, posted inconclusive research. Ultimately, there's overwhelming evidence that the vaccines work - even on variants, so why would anyone spend a lot of time attempting to convince people to not get vaccinated.

You continue to impress me with your ability to obfuscate a subject.

“Evidence based recommendations” for a vaccine that has been out for 3 months vs “inconclusive research” that is years in the making.

Enjoy those Astra Zeneca blood clots my man!
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Here is an 11 minute video from Canadian Doctors about Covid. Even the Canadians have grown a pair...

You continue to impress me with your ability to obfuscate a subject.

“Evidence based recommendations” for a vaccine that has been out for 3 months vs “inconclusive research” that is years in the making.

Enjoy those Astra Zeneca blood clots my man!

I took the Pfizer - which has worked out pretty smoothly. Between it and the Moderna, there should be zero issues or excuses to buy into the anti-vaxx nonsense coming from some very stable genius posters around here.
I took the Pfizer - which has worked out pretty smoothly. Between it and the Moderna, there should be zero issues or excuses to buy into the anti-vaxx nonsense coming from some very stable genius posters around here.

So Astra Zeneca vaccine issues don’t count? Good to know
So Astra Zeneca vaccine issues don’t count? Good to know

AZ isn't available in the US, so its not relevant to this discussion. Other nations, who have different public health standards, have approved it. Some of have temporarily suspended its use, then re-allowed it. That's their business.
This is really pathetic, and further evidence that gaslighting an audience with misinformation for 5 years will result in deadly consequences.

Meanwhile, the Mango Mussolini and his wife - both of whom had COVID - somehow managed to secretly get vaccinated before leaving office while his former cult members are left to squabble about whether or not a vaccine is needed.

AZ isn't available in the US, so its not relevant to this discussion. Other nations, who have different public health standards, have approved it. Some of have temporarily suspended its use, then re-allowed it. That's their business.

There you go obfuscating again. Head communist Raul here to let you know their is no murder in paradise.
Ungrateful. Trump SAVED YOUR LIFE FOOL
Listen... let me be clear. I will decide who saved my life and who to thank. Trump can kiss my ass in the Maceys window. I don't give two shits about Trump. You worship his stupid ass. I refuse to and really don't care who likes it or what they think of me. I have not taken any vaccine. So he did not save my life. Screw his racist ass! I got through Covid on my own. He took a vaccine.
There you go obfuscating again. Head communist Raul here to let you know their is no murder in paradise.

Is it or is it not available here ? If we're going to look at vaccines in other countries with different health standards then why not look at the Russian Sputnik V and Chinese vaccine as well. Oh wait, because no one cares because they - like AZ - are not available here and therefore irrelevant to the discussion.
I took the Pfizer - which has worked out pretty smoothly. Between it and the Moderna, there should be zero issues or excuses to buy into the anti-vaxx nonsense coming from some very stable genius posters around here.
Why should a person with a normal immune system need a vaccine?
People that want the rest of us to kiss Donald Trumps ass stop wasting your breath!

He had no national response to this virus. He knew about it months before doing a damn thing while Americans were dying. He would tell us all stupid shit like we will go from 15 cases to zero in no time.....or my favorite. Injections of bleach. People were dying as he had no national response. So we voted that POS out so we can get real leadership for all. Not placate the wealthy while cucks invade our country.

He can eat shit and die for all I care. I don't care for him or people like him...or people that support him.
Why should a person with a normal immune system need a vaccine?

So that they don't become asymptomatic carriers of COVID and proceed to spread the disease to others they come in contact with.

Also, given that a vast majority of people wouldn't have previously tested their immune systems in medical facilities, getting the vaccine would be an added layer of protection in case their immune system isn't as strong as they previously thought or in case their body responds differently to a virus that we are still learning about.

Its basically an insurance policy zero cost and maximum benefit to both the person being vaccinated and the country at large.
So that they don't become asymptomatic carriers of COVID and proceed to spread the disease to others they come in contact with.

More anti-science. The vaccines only efficacy is in reducing severity of symptoms aka making you asymptomatic. You can still spread which if that is the standard we are going by makes you more likely to spread covid because you're not aware you are sick.
More anti-science. The vaccines only efficacy is in reducing severity of symptoms aka making you asymptomatic. You can still spread which if that is the standard we are going by makes you more likely to spread covid because you're not aware you are sick.

So what you're saying is that if everyone got vaccinated there would be less people with COVID symptoms and less hospitalizations and deaths, yes ?
That's too funny! Why are these people running around mad Trump doesn't get credit for something half don't want to even use. Trump himself got the shot in private. So, trump refuses to tell these people to get the same shot he got.

This is why I am okay when you guys say I hate Trump. I embrace it. He proves he is a POS every single day.

What do you mean by 'want Trump to get credit for'? In spite of your fake logic regarding all things Conservative, he does get credit for this vaccine being developed. Can't believe that there are people who seek to make excuses for success! Like Trump or not, this is a total loser mentality, revisionist history as we watch your fingers hit the keyboard.
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What do you mean by 'want Trump to get credit for'? In spite of your fake logic regarding all things Conservative, he does get credit for this vaccine being developed. Can't believe that there are people who seek to make excuses for success! Like Trump or not, this is a total loser mentality, revisionist history as we watch your fingers hit the keyboard.
I didn't
Great, many of us feel the same way about you. Glad we all agree on something.
Many of you don't and the ones who do are irrelevant to me. You lost.
So what you're saying is that if everyone got vaccinated there would be less people with COVID symptoms and less hospitalizations and deaths, yes ?

So what you are saying is asymptomatic spread is a myth and by simply encouraging sick people to stay home, none of these useless NPIs were necessary?
Great that she's taking the extra precaution of getting vaccinated. I don't understand why anyone would take the chance of not getting the vaccine, even if they've already had COVID, since it gives people the peace of mind of having added another layer of protection in case they should unknowingly come into contact with an asymptomatic carrier. It makes all the sense in the world.
To be fair, I understand why some are reluctant over a vaccine that hasn't been thoroughly tested. In my wife's case, she was so close to death that she didn't really have much of a choice when it came to getting the vaccine.. If she gets it again we may not be as blessed as the first time. I only hope that posters here stay safe no matter what choices they make for their families.
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So that they don't become asymptomatic carriers of COVID and proceed to spread the disease to others they come in contact with.

Also, given that a vast majority of people wouldn't have previously tested their immune systems in medical facilities, getting the vaccine would be an added layer of protection in case their immune system isn't as strong as they previously thought or in case their body responds differently to a virus that we are still learning about.

Its basically an insurance policy zero cost and maximum benefit to both the person being vaccinated and the country at large.
So basically you don’t know, got it! There was a study just released that shows people who are not showing symptoms aren’t spreading it. If you’re not coughing or sneezing or producing some form of mucus then you’re not spreading it. If you’re producing those then you’re not asymptomatic. This is the disinformation I was talking about.
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So basically you don’t know, got it! There was a study just released that shows people who are not showing symptoms aren’t spreading it. If you’re not coughing or sneezing or producing some form of mucus then you’re not spreading it. If you’re producing those then you’re not asymptomatic. This is the disinformation I was talking about.

Raoul believes someone can get pregnant or catch VD from a toilet seat.
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I didn't

Sure you did. Look at the look at your thread title referencing those who 'want to give credit...' There is no 'want to' here, Trump did get us this vaccine. That's the fact, no want to credit him as if there was a choice here, a way to credit someone/something else for this amazing accomplishment.

Did you see Ole Joe speak the other night? He was dropping innuendos about what's been happening with the vaccine and implying that his administration has sped up production.
Not quite the Socratic method here.
It's not any method other than I hate Trump's ass and everything he stands for because he is a racist POS that people accept because he plays on the fear of being a minority and being people ignore his bullshit and not anyone else's.. I do not. A POS is a POS....and I have no fear. I have both had money and been broke. I am a minority and love every minute of it because I live it. I don't need to fear it.
It's not any method other than I hate Trump's ass and everything he stands for because he is a racist POS that people accept because he plays on the fear of being a minority and being people ignore his bullshit and not anyone else's.. I do not. A POS is a POS....and I have no fear. I have both had money and been broke. I am a minority and love every minute of it because I live it. I don't need to fear it.

Balderdash. You overuse the charge of racism.
That's too funny! Why are these people running around mad Trump doesn't get credit for something half don't want to even use. Trump himself got the shot in private. So, trump refuses to tell these people to get the same shot he got.

This is why I am okay when you guys say I hate Trump. I embrace it. He proves he is a POS every single day.
Lots of my brothers refuse to take the shot as well. Why is it so funny?
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It's not any method other than I hate Trump's ass and everything he stands for because he is a racist POS that people accept because he plays on the fear of being a minority and being people ignore his bullshit and not anyone else's.. I do not. A POS is a POS....and I have no fear. I have both had money and been broke. I am a minority and love every minute of it because I live it. I don't need to fear it.
You’re weak letting him continue to live in your head while you support the racist Biden, thus, making you a Biden Bigot
It's not any method other than I hate Trump's ass and everything he stands for because he is a racist POS that people accept because he plays on the fear of being a minority and being people ignore his bullshit and not anyone else's.. I do not. A POS is a POS....and I have no fear. I have both had money and been broke. I am a minority and love every minute of it because I live it. I don't need to fear it.
Which is why we had record low minority employment lmao. F’ing idiot lol
Balderdash. You overuse the charge of racism.
If it applies why should I be afraid to use it? So people aren't shamed? It is what it is. No need to be politically correct.... like the right loves to say lol
If it applies why should I be afraid to use it? So people aren't shamed? It is what it is. No need to be politically correct.... like the right loves to say lol

You are both politically incorrect and mistaken. Your premise is without merit, made up from inaccurate postings by the left media...for instance their counterfactual reporting of his comments on Charlottesville.
You are both politically incorrect and mistaken. Your premise is without merit, made up from inaccurate postings by the left media...for instance their counterfactual reporting of his comments on Charlottesville.

No, do not think so. The whole fake media routine again has no merit here because this is based on Trumps on own actions. The media has nothing to do with the Trump family being arrested and seen at Klan rallies and nothing to do with Trumps own comments and being sued by the DOJ for not renting to blacks. That's not the media. Nor is it inaccurate postings. People like you just like to say things like this because you are guided to do so by the leaders on the right. Have you ever wondered why the Republican party is a mess. Its very fragmented right now between racist assholes and people that are not racist but hate dems more than being associated with
No, do not think so. The whole fake media routine again has no merit here because this is based on Trumps on own actions. The media has nothing to do with the Trump family being arrested and seen at Klan rallies and nothing to do with Trumps own comments and being sued by the DOJ for not renting to blacks. That's not the media. Nor is it inaccurate postings. People like you just like to say things like this because you are guided to do so by the leaders on the right. Have you ever wondered why the Republican party is a mess. Its very fragmented right now between racist assholes and people that are not racist but hate dems more than being associated with

Why don't you just google Trump's comments, in his own voice, re Charlottesville. That instead of taking positions that are based on media false reporting. Listen to his comments and then tell me he supported white supremacists.

On the subject of media falsehoods re Trump, read the Washington Post retraction several days ago. It was regarding your state, Georgia!
Why don't you just google Trump's comments, in his own voice, re Charlottesville. That instead of taking positions that are based on media false reporting. Listen to his comments and then tell me he supported white supremacists.

On the subject of media falsehoods re Trump, read the Washington Post retraction several days ago. It was regarding your state, Georgia!

You keep bringing up Charlottesville as if this is the only instance Trump is being a racist POS. I never brought that up. There are many other things. Too many to mention bettween what he says himself and what he retweets. White people at his home in florida screaming white power riding golf carts. This isn't the media. This is what he retweets himself. Stop defending it.
You keep bringing up Charlottesville as if this is the only instance Trump is being a racist POS. I never brought that up. There are many other things. Too many to mention bettween what he says himself and what he retweets. White people at his home in florida screaming white power riding golf carts. This isn't the media. This is what he retweets himself. Stop defending it.

You never bring anything specific up. Just innuendos. All you say is there is so much he's done/said. Well I've calling you out on this and that's your only response, 'there's so much'. OK come up with one documented instance of his racism. If you can, I'll agree with you. If not, it must be concluded that you are being disingenuous.
You never bring anything specific up. Just innuendos. All you say is there is so much he's done/said. Well I've calling you out on this and that's your only response, 'there's so much'. OK come up with one documented instance of his racism. If you can, I'll agree with you. If not, it must be concluded that you are being disingenuous.
Bullcrap! I literally just told you specifically but you ignored it. I don't play games. If you don't know by now you don't care. That's not my responsibility. That is yours.

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