Biden Administration reaches agreement with Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to control border....

Ok, hope it stops the flow. So what is he doing with the illegals he has put up in hotels on the border? Just let them loose? He and his administration condones illegal immigration.
We shouldn't be surprised by a crooked President that shook down Ukraine and Burisma. When we get the House....impeach the POS!
Ok, hope it stops the flow. So what is he doing with the illegals he has put up in hotels on the border? Just let them loose? He and his administration condones illegal immigration.
We shouldn't be surprised by a crooked President that shook down Ukraine and Burisma. When we get the House....impeach the POS!
I get your goal is to shit in THIS good news and trash Joe Biden. Still none of this takes away from the news. Sorry.
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good news ??? man your a lemming cd 🤪 🤡 . Lets just hope he can piece back together what HE Broke , because he was to Dumb, Petty, and Arrogant to recognize it was just Fine before he touched it with his impunity. If you Spin Stupid all you do is get Dizzy . Do you EVER get tired of posting pure smelly false 💩 ? asking for a friend;)
Biden is reinstituting Trump's policies that worked and then patting himself on the back, and guess who gets totally taken in and broadcasts it as a diplomatic breakthrough ? What a joke.

Great thinking, after these dumbasses opened the portals, said no problem exists, now that we are overwhelmed with kids crossing over the border by all means..over the bridge, swim and climb..., Ole Stupid Joe has reached an agreement.

These sorry ideologues know what they want but can't plan how to get there. They stumble on ahead, taking zero responsibilities for their frequent failures. Look at the kids being held in squalor at the Democrat detention centers. No pictures allowed though, in the name of transparency.

...and Old Stupid Joe wants 'to fill in the holes in the wall', not build a wall, 'fill in the holes'. I'm a bit slow here in my dotage, but maybe filling in the open spaces IS 'building a wall'.

Liberals feel that pain is necessary for progress...your pain, not theirs.
Biden is reinstituting Trump's policies that worked and then patting himself on the back, and guess who gets totally taken in and broadcasts it as a diplomatic breakthrough ? What a joke.
Sounds like what Trump did to Were you outraged then?
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Mr."what about Trump "? strikes again. The point is ,this agreement was already in place. Biden got rid of it, then somebody , not Biden, finally figured out they made a huge mistake and brought it back and congratulated themselves, and the sheeple bought it.
Please...Trump people have made a living off wataboutism... lmao 🤣. So yeah take your own medicine! Trump did this exact same thing for 4 years. So what? Again? We're you outraged then?
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Sounds like what Trump did to Were you outraged then?

No it does not sound anything like that. Trump was explaining his moves to correct Obama's missteps. This is about Joe not taking responsibility for his regime's failures. Who could have ever expected so many blunders so soon?

BTW, nobody's outraged, we just bring up these blunders to point out failures by the 'transparent' left. You don't expect to see any of this from the lap dog media, do you?
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I get your goal is to shit in THIS good news and trash Joe Biden. Still none of this takes away from the news. Sorry.

Sorry? We agree, you sure are! Copies another Trump move after totally not understanding what he was getting us into and fukcing up the handling of all these unaccompanied kids. Trump's kids in cages has been replaced by kids in squalor. These kids have been stacked one on top of each other, surrounded by sexual predators in garbage filled rooms.

Almost beyond the pale, he now wants to fill in gaps in the wall! Can't make this stuff up.

I take it back, CD can make anything up! But don't hold this against him, he's a Progressive...this is what they do.
No it does not sound anything like that. Trump was explaining his moves to correct Obama's missteps. This is about Joe not taking responsibility for his regime's failures. Who could have ever expected so many blunders so soon?

BTW, nobody's outraged, we just bring up these blunders to point out failures by the 'transparent' left. You don't expect to see any of this from the lap dog media, do you?
Interesting what you think is a blunder. Tell inciting an attack on our capital on the bases of misinformation you won an election you lost count as a blunder?
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Well CD where do yo put Months of Riots that have Claimed Billions of $$$, small businesses, and Lives ? You keep going back to a riot, inwhich Antifa & BLM were a part of, calling it an insurrection, as if it was worse than what the riots inspired and protected by the Liberal Left has/have caused. Are you capable of being honest ?
Interesting what you think is a blunder. Tell inciting an attack on our capital on the bases of misinformation you won an election you lost count as a blunder?
Yes. Without getting into how you couched this. Yes a blunder.
Well CD where do yo put Months of Riots that have Claimed Billions of $$$, small businesses, and Lives ? You keep going back to a riot, inwhich Antifa & BLM were a part of, calling it an insurrection, as if it was worse than what the riots inspired and protected by the Liberal Left has/have caused. Are you capable of being honest ?
You are attempting to rationalize an attack on our country? Please stop... Thanks!
What we have is the 3rd Obama presidency via proxy. The government is being run by Obama officials .Joe Biden can barely tie his own shoe laces or brush his teeth. That CD can defend this mess shows how far gone he is.
Its funny that he is a contrarian in football topics but a conformist drone when it concerns politics. Who knew?
CD you need to stop trying to accomplish tasks that have proven to difficult for you, do you even know what rationalization is ? Why couldn't you answer the simple question ? Why do you think the BLM and ANTIA Riots are NOT an Attack on this Country? Please illuminate us with the profundity of your thoughts
CD you need to stop trying to accomplish tasks that have proven to difficult for you, do you even know what rationalization is ? Why couldn't you answer the simple question ? Why do you think the BLM and ANTIA Riots are NOT an Attack on this Country? Please illuminate us with the profundity of your thoughts
What don't you understand??
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CD you need to stop trying to accomplish tasks that have proven to difficult for you, do you even know what rationalization is ? Why couldn't you answer the simple question ? Why do you think the BLM and ANTIA Riots are NOT an Attack on this Country? Please illuminate us with the profundity of your thoughts
Apparently there are some that have no problem with the Domestic Terrorism that these groups inflict upon America.
What we have is the 3rd Obama presidency via proxy. The government is being run by Obama officials .Joe Biden can barely tie his own shoe laces or brush his teeth. That CD can defend this mess shows how far gone he is.
Its funny that he is a contrarian in football topics but a conformist drone when it concerns politics. Who knew?
I hope so. Obama officials were actually better and qualified. See he had no need to grandstand and fire anyone every 5 minutes on twitter. See... that's how people that know WTF they are actually doing roll.

Ya see we didn't have to worry key people in Obamas administration were either indicted on serious charges or arrested either. It's refreshing. The white house is no longer run like some hood rat ghetto establishment.

It feels good to watch grown ups without childish nicknames handling my money. So good to see.
I hope so. Obama officials were actually better and qualified. See he had no need to grandstand and fire anyone every 5 minutes on twitter. See... that's how people that know WTF they are actually doing roll.

Ya see we didn't have to worry key people in Obamas administration were either indicted on serious charges or arrested either. It's refreshing. The white house is no longer run like some hood rat ghetto establishment.

It feels good to watch grown ups without childish nicknames handling my money. So good to see.
Obama officials like Eric Holder? Did a terrible job with the Ferguson, MO situation. Or how about Hillary Clinton that allowed for the sale of all that tonnage of Uranium to the Russians and in return got a donation to her Clinton foundation. Two good examples of two big POS's that should never see public office again.
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Obama officials like Eric Holder? Did a terrible job with the Ferguson, MO situation. Or how about Hillary Clinton that allowed for the sale of all that tonnage of Uranium to the Russians and in return got a donation to her Clinton foundation. Two good examples of two big POS's that should never see public office again.
Yeah...I must of missed where Eric Holder was indicted for a crime....smfh. Your opinion of his job is very meaningless. Want to know about a person that did a terrible job? Wiliam Barr should be the person you should be complaining about. He never protected the american people....who he is supposed to work for. He protected the president. Not good....horrible horrible people.

I think Hillarys sale of Uranium is in the same circular file as Trumps fake election results. Complete Bullshit only alt right wing nutt jobs buy into this looney tune garbage.
Yeah...I must of missed where Eric Holder was indicted for a crime....smfh. Your opinion of his job is very meaningless. Want to know about a person that did a terrible job? Wiliam Barr should be the person you should be complaining about. He never protected the american people....who he is supposed to work for. He protected the president. Not good....horrible horrible people.

I think Hillarys sale of Uranium is in the same circular file as Trumps fake election results. Complete Bullshit only alt right wing nutt jobs buy into this looney tune garbage.
My opinion of Eric Holder is shared by others. The sale of the Uranium to the Russians that Clinton approved is a fact. The donation was real. Obama had a criminal like Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State who was in that position to enrich herself and her husband with payments to their foundation in return for favors. She should have been removed from her position after the Bengazi disaster. Only you would find a way to spin that POS as a good person.
Yeah...I must of missed where Eric Holder was indicted for a crime....smfh. Your opinion of his job is very meaningless. Want to know about a person that did a terrible job? Wiliam Barr should be the person you should be complaining about. He never protected the american people....who he is supposed to work for. He protected the president. Not good....horrible horrible people.

I think Hillarys sale of Uranium is in the same circular file as Trumps fake election results. Complete Bullshit only alt right wing nutt jobs buy into this looney tune garbage.
Let me correct that your a complete arse your not worth the time I’ve been humoring myself with you and your total stupid ass friends but I’m done not wasting my time you sir are totally incapable of being honest with yourself .
completely blinded by your victim mentality you couldn’t see the truth if it was a matter of life and death.
pretty sad that you have been so deceived to think that the Democratic Party actually cares about you what a fool.
Here’s something to think about
“ most people operate out of their perception of the truth not the truth “
There are two types of deception one from the outside and the one that you my friend suffer from is the one where you want to believe so bad in something and your harboring anger or hate towards someone that you will believe anything that agrees with your hatred . Hope you make it have a nice life.
O and by the way I know you don’t think it matters but I will pray for you .
because God doesn’t need you to believe in him to exist.
O by the way holder was held in contempt of Congress which means about as much as your treasured impeachment.. THEY BOTH MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
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Let me correct that your a complete arse your not worth the time I’ve been humoring myself with you and your total stupid ass friends but I’m done not wasting my time you sir are totally incapable of being honest with yourself .
completely blinded by your victim mentality you couldn’t see the truth if it was a matter of life and death.
pretty sad that you have been so deceived to think that the Democratic Party actually cares about you what a fool.
Here’s something to think about
“ most people operate out of their perception of the truth not the truth “
There are two types of deception one from the outside and the one that you my friend suffer from is the one where you want to believe so bad in something and your harboring anger or hate towards someone that you will believe anything that agrees with your hatred . Hope you make it have a nice life.
O and by the way I know you don’t think it matters but I will pray for you .
because God doesn’t need you to believe in him to exist.
People like you don't know anything about God so stop with your bullshit prayers.
People like you don't know anything about God so stop with your bullshit prayers.
You got me one more time... lol
You don’t have a clue about me my friend but you sir have posted on here so much we all know that your a flip flopping hate filled misinformed follower with no ability to think or reason for yourself.
And I’ve been all over Central America doing missions for 15 years trying to make a difference in people’s life’s that aren’t as blessed as you to have been born in the greatest nation the world has ever known that you sir are clueless about and hate .I don’t care what you my friend because it won’t bother me because your opinion doesn’t really matter to me . I’ve tried long enough to post facts on here but you sir must think your God himself because you think your never wrong . You must have a heck of a life you sit in front of the computer and post on here like 20 times a day . You need to get out and see how life really is .
So have at it I’m out Bye bye
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You got me one more time... lol
You don’t have a clue about me my friend but you sir have posted on here so much we all know that your a flip flopping hate filled misinformed follower with no ability to think or reason for yourself.
And I’ve been all over Central America doing missions for 15 years trying to make a difference in people’s life’s that aren’t as blessed as you to have been born in the greatest nation the world has ever known that you sir are clueless about and hate .I don’t care what you my friend because it won’t bother me because your opinion doesn’t really matter to me . I’ve tried long enough to post facts on here but you sir must think your God himself because you think your never wrong . You must have a heck of a life you sit in front of the computer and post on here like 20 times a day . You need to get out and see how life really is .
So have at it I’m out Bye bye
Don't leave it's too much fun...............
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The only thing left is Mexicos Army at it's Southern Border and Mexico agreeing to keep migrants in Mexico pending their asylum hearing and then the Trump plan will be fully implemented by Biden after a brief halt by Biden. ABJECT FAILURE BY BIDEN!

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