Biden Administration reaches agreement with Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to control border....

You got me one more time... lol
You don’t have a clue about me my friend but you sir have posted on here so much we all know that your a flip flopping hate filled misinformed follower with no ability to think or reason for yourself.
And I’ve been all over Central America doing missions for 15 years trying to make a difference in people’s life’s that aren’t as blessed as you to have been born in the greatest nation the world has ever known that you sir are clueless about and hate .I don’t care what you my friend because it won’t bother me because your opinion doesn’t really matter to me . I’ve tried long enough to post facts on here but you sir must think your God himself because you think your never wrong . You must have a heck of a life you sit in front of the computer and post on here like 20 times a day . You need to get out and see how life really is .
So have at it I’m out Bye bye

CD is a racist 🤡🤡🤡🤡 who loves to spew lies.
He must of been dropped on his head a few times by his mama a bit retarted..
Yeah...I must of missed where Eric Holder was indicted for a crime....smfh. Your opinion of his job is very meaningless. Want to know about a person that did a terrible job? Wiliam Barr should be the person you should be complaining about. He never protected the american people....who he is supposed to work for. He protected the president. Not good....horrible horrible people.

I think Hillarys sale of Uranium is in the same circular file as Trumps fake election results. Complete Bullshit only alt right wing nutt jobs buy into this looney tune garbage.
Eric. Holder is the only Attorney General ever censured by Congress for his part in Operation Fast and Furious and then lying about it. A Border Patrol agent was killed by one of his guns that was given to cartels. His record speaks for itself.
Sounds like what Trump did to Were you outraged then?
KInd of similar to how Obama built cages to house immigrants and then Trump continued his lead............See how that works.............Were you outraged when Obama built and utilized cages??? You are the prime example of what is wrong in this country...........Thanks for playing though.........You are always good for a laugh, so for this, I sincerely Thank you...
Eric. Holder is the only Attorney General ever censured by Congress for his part in Operation Fast and Furious and then lying about it. A Border Patrol agent was killed by one of his guns that was given to cartels. His record speaks for itself.
Bullshit...a right wing Benghazi like witch hunt means nothing. Was he impeached?
I hope so. Obama officials were actually better and qualified. See he had no need to grandstand and fire anyone every 5 minutes on twitter. See... that's how people that know WTF they are actually doing roll.

Ya see we didn't have to worry key people in Obamas administration were either indicted on serious charges or arrested either. It's refreshing. The white house is no longer run like some hood rat ghetto establishment.

It feels good to watch grown ups without childish nicknames handling my money. So good to see.
Better and qualified at what? Using the IRS as their personal political henchman? Smuggling weapons to Mexican Cartels that were later used against Americans? Using the NSA to illegally spy on American citizens? Knowing how to siphon money off of failed pie in the sky projects like Solyndra? Setting up a spy ring to investigate a presidential candidate based on known false information? Ignoring our ally Ukraine's request for weapons when Russia invaded them and instead sending them blankets? Speaking of Ukraine, what do you think Joey's response will be to the buildup of Russian troops along Ukraine's border? No need to send blankets this time as Joey can just send in Kamala to warm up all the married men living there.
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It's not bullshit. It's a fact. Let me guess, you think Fast and Furious was a good idea.
I think I already told you my opinion in this. A nothing burger like Benghazi. It's all republicans do and I am sick of it. They never govern. Just campaign with bullshit investigations and conspiracy theories to get elected and protect the wealthy.... with the help of thier cucks.
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Good lord man, you have to be the most devisive and partisan individual I have ever come across. I'm guessing you are a full time troll? What does your day look like?
Don't you worry about my day. Worry about your own day. Honestly couldn't care less of your opinion of me.
I think I already told you my opinion in this. A nothing burger like Benghazi. It's all republicans do and I am sick of it. They never govern. Just campaign with bullshit investigations and conspiracy theories to get elected and protect the wealthy.... with the help of thier cucks.
Are you calling Benghazi a nothing burger?? Wanna make sure I am not misunderstanding your post .. please elaborate
You are attempting to rationalize an attack on our country? Please stop... Thanks!
You truly are one closed minded cluelles douchebag, and thats being polite!.
You and others that believe several dozen people walking and running through a federal building is an “attack on this country” are nothing but FOOLS.
You’re nothing but a lamb following biased subjective news as reality
People that think like you, are why the rest of us are far more successful.
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You truly are one closed minded cluelles douchebag, and thats being polite!.
You and others that believe several dozen people walking and running through a federal building is an “attack on this country” are nothing but FOOLS.
You’re nothing but a lamb following biased subjective news as reality
People that think like you, are why the rest of us are far more successful.
I didn't stutter! Stop getting your info from alt right wing reres. Several dozen? That's pretty stupid being that so far 414 people have been arrested. A few dozen? That's about 36 people... And 5 people dead....and I am the douchebag here? better!
I didn't stutter! Stop getting your info from alt right wing reres. Several dozen? That's pretty stupid being that so far 414 people have been arrested. A few dozen? That's about 36 people... And 5 people dead....and I am the douchebag here? better!
Yes, you are BEING a douche bag by stating this was “an attack on our country”.
It’s called “Mob mentality”, google it, right after you google “independent thought”
You never admit when you are wrong, which only MAGNIFIES the absurdity of your posts.
Thanks for always making Canesport more fun for us.
You truly are one closed minded cluelles douchebag, and thats being polite!.
You and others that believe several dozen people walking and running through a federal building is an “attack on this country” are nothing but FOOLS.
You’re nothing but a lamb following biased subjective news as reality
People that think like you, are why the rest of us are far more successful.
Very true
I think I already told you my opinion in this. A nothing burger like Benghazi. It's all republicans do and I am sick of it. They never govern. Just campaign with bullshit investigations and conspiracy theories to get elected and protect the wealthy.... with the help of thier cucks.
I'd like to see you tell the guys who survived Benghazi ,like Chris Paronto, that it was a nothing burger. He'd tear you limb from limb.
You truly are one closed minded cluelles douchebag, and thats being polite!.
You and others that believe several dozen people walking and running through a federal building is an “attack on this country” are nothing but FOOLS.
You’re nothing but a lamb following biased subjective news as reality
People that think like you, are why the rest of us are far more successful.
I didn't stutter! Stop getting your info from alt right wing reres. Several dozen? That's pretty stupid being that so far 414 people have been arrested. A few dozen? That's about 36 people... And 5 people dead....and I am the douchebag here? better
Yes, you are BEING a douche bag by stating this was “an attack on our country”.
It’s called “Mob mentality”, google it, right after you google “independent thought”
You never admit when you are wrong, which only MAGNIFIES the absurdity of your posts.
Thanks for always making Canesport more fun for us.

Why don't YOU admit YOU WERE WRONG when you post stupid shit like "a few dozen people" when 414 people were arrested not even nearly approaching the number of people that were there? Are you going to admit you were wrong about this? So, yes like I said you shouldn't call anybody here names like douchebag especially when you are spreading ridiculously false information like that. Mob mentality? Call them what you want. They attacked our governments capital on the basis of a lie that the election results were false. So yes, that is an attack on our country. That is our government.
I'd like to see you tell the guys who survived Benghazi ,like Chris Paronto, that it was a nothing burger. He'd tear you limb from limb.
This guy is a keyboard warrior hero lacking self awareness after being wrong nearly 100.

I think I already told you my opinion in this. A nothing burger like Benghazi. It's all republicans do and I am sick of it. They never govern. Just campaign with bullshit investigations and conspiracy theories to get elected and protect the wealthy.... with the help of thier cucks.
I'd like to see you tell the guys who survived Benghazi ,like Chris Paronto, that it was a nothing burger. He'd tear you limb from limb.
This guy is a keyboard warrior hero lacking self awareness after being wrong nearly 100.
The guys at Benghazi were real men, as opposed to...
I think I already told you my opinion in this. A nothing burger like Benghazi. It's all republicans do and I am sick of it. They never govern. Just campaign with bullshit investigations and conspiracy theories to get elected and protect the wealthy.... with the help of thier cucks.

CDWrong- I have friends that served over there in Benghazi, Iraq, and Afghanistan when their counterparts were hurt or killed. You do not have a f’ing clue so stop with your BS.
  • Like
Why don't YOU admit YOU WERE WRONG when you post stupid shit like "a few dozen people" when 414 people were arrested not even nearly approaching the number of people that were there? Are you going to admit you were wrong about this? So, yes like I said you shouldn't call anybody here names like douchebag especially when you are spreading ridiculously false information like that. Mob mentality? Call them what you want. They attacked our governments capital on the basis of a lie that the election results were false. So yes, that is an attack on our country. That is our government.
CD since your so disgusted at LIES and seem to think you're strong on that subject correcting the count at 414, CAN YOU PLease TELL US HOW many of THEM were ANTIFA AND BLM ? Has to be 0 right, you couldn't call it a right wing extremists attack on this country when it wasn't all right wing extremists
No it does not sound anything like that. Trump was explaining his moves to correct Obama's missteps. This is about Joe not taking responsibility for his regime's failures. Who could have ever expected so many blunders so soon?

BTW, nobody's outraged, we just bring up these blunders to point out failures by the 'transparent' left. You don't expect to see any of this from the lap dog media, do you?
No...this is why everything is being reversed.. That entire presidency was an unmitigated disaster!
CDWrong- I have friends that served over there in Benghazi, Iraq, and Afghanistan when their counterparts were hurt or killed. You do not have a f’ing clue so stop with your BS.
Don't give a shit about you or your friends.
CD since your so disgusted at LIES and seem to think you're strong on that subject correcting the count at 414, CAN YOU PLease TELL US HOW many of THEM were ANTIFA AND BLM ? Has to be 0 right, you couldn't call it a right wing extremists attack on this country when it wasn't all right wing extremists
Gee you are stuck on stupid aren't you? Why would BLM or Antifa attack the capital for election results in their own favor?
CDWrong- I have friends that served over there in Benghazi, Iraq, and Afghanistan when their counterparts were hurt or killed. You do not have a f’ing clue so stop with your BS.
Bingo! Winner! Mr. Wrong has no clue.Just vomits talking points.
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No...this is why everything is being reversed.. That entire presidency was an unmitigated disaster!

Well now, Ole Stupid Joe has had going to be 100 days to perform corrective action and what has he done?

While totally fukcing up immigration, has resorted to Trump's way of encouraging Central America to diminish the flow.

Ole Stupid Joe is now Vaccine Joe, using Trump's vaccine. So much for the scientific approach he vomited to us.

How do you like your gas prices no?.

What do you think of inflation now?

Think it's great how Cunter Biden has enhanced his previously low image?

You hated Trump's 'kids in cages, Lik Ole Stupid Joe's handling of it now?

Like the way your congressmen spent shot their entire load on Trump and Russia instead of working for the American people?

I'm tired, enough...but these are my who's more transparent me or Ole Stupid Joe?
Well now, Ole Stupid Joe has had going to be 100 days to perform corrective action and what has he done?

While totally fukcing up immigration, has resorted to Trump's way of encouraging Central America to diminish the flow.

Ole Stupid Joe is now Vaccine Joe, using Trump's vaccine. So much for the scientific approach he vomited to us.

How do you like your gas prices no?.

What do you think of inflation now?

Think it's great how Cunter Biden has enhanced his previously low image?

You hated Trump's 'kids in cages, Lik Ole Stupid Joe's handling of it now?

Like the way your congressmen spent shot their entire load on Trump and Russia instead of working for the American people?

I'm tired, enough...but these are my who's more transparent me or Ole Stupid Joe?
I have spoken my peace and so have the American people. Sorry.
CD represents the American People ? ????? Wow thank you for not sucking up all the Air, so we feeble could breath. I think now I know where your Hate for Trump comes from,,,,,,, you feel threatened by an ego larger than your own don't you,,,,, so shallow and petty from the voice of the people. Maybe you need to build CD back better 😆😂🤣 🤡
CD represents the American People ? ????? Wow thank you for not sucking up all the Air, so we feeble could breath. I think now I know where your Hate for Trump comes from,,,,,,, you feel threatened by an ego larger than your own don't you,,,,, so shallow and petty from the voice of the people. Maybe you need to build CD back better 😆😂🤣 🤡
My hate for Trump is no different than the 81 plus million others that voted him out. He is woefully unqualified for the office. He does not possess the intellectual curiousity or work ethic for the job.
My hate for Trump is no different than the 81 plus million others that voted him out. He is woefully unqualified for the office. He does not possess the intellectual curiousity or work ethic for the job.
You are the only person in the country to question Trump's . work ethic. He was a workaholic who barely slept. Sleepy Joe, on the other hand- ZZZ
You are the only person in the country to question Trump's . work ethic. He was a workaholic who barely slept. Sleepy Joe, on the other hand- ZZZ
No...he spent 90 Percent of his time fooling his supporters like watching cable news all day, golfing, vacationing at maralargo, and taking credit for things Obama was responsible for doing.

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