You got me one more time... lol
You don’t have a clue about me my friend but you sir have posted on here so much we all know that your a flip flopping hate filled misinformed follower with no ability to think or reason for yourself.
And I’ve been all over Central America doing missions for 15 years trying to make a difference in people’s life’s that aren’t as blessed as you to have been born in the greatest nation the world has ever known that you sir are clueless about and hate .I don’t care what you my friend because it won’t bother me because your opinion doesn’t really matter to me . I’ve tried long enough to post facts on here but you sir must think your God himself because you think your never wrong . You must have a heck of a life you sit in front of the computer and post on here like 20 times a day . You need to get out and see how life really is .
So have at it I’m out Bye bye
CD is a racist 🤡🤡🤡🤡 who loves to spew lies.
He must of been dropped on his head a few times by his mama a bit retarted..