Bidens current approval number ….hahaha

33% hahaha what a pathetic pos..

26% independents …
21% Hispanics

Hey you freaking pos dems ur dumbass is doing great … hahaha

Trump 2024 …
What are you gloating about? Trump's last approval rating was 34% as he prepared to leave the White House and his 41% average throughout his presidency was four points lower than any of his predecessors in Gallop's polling era!
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What are you gloating about? Trump's last approval rating was 34% as he prepared to leave the White House and his 41% average throughout his presidency was four points lower than any of his predecessors in Gallop's polling era!
Biden has the Democrat corporate media behind him, so his numbers are actually worse. It’s hard to run into a Biden supporter now a days.
What are you gloating about? Trump's last approval rating was 34% as he prepared to leave the White House and his 41% average throughout his presidency was four points lower than any of his predecessors in Gallop's polling era!
He’s a fuccking coward also .. Leaders are going to kiv not Biden .. POS..!!!
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Biden has the Democrat corporate media behind him, so his numbers are actually worse. It’s hard to run into a Biden supporter now a days.

He doesn't actually. He's just not a corrupt SOB like Trump was, which is why the latter was investigated by the media so much.
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What are you gloating about? Trump's last approval rating was 34% as he prepared to leave the White House and his 41% average throughout his presidency was four points lower than any of his predecessors in Gallop's polling era!
LMAO @ Lil miamimikey………..
Bidens is even lower than who you liberal fuktards hate
Buckle up
He doesn't actually. He's just not a corrupt SOB like Trump was, which is why the latter was investigated by the media so much.
Really donkey????????
Gonna be fun to see the biden family go down with Hunters lapto[p, not to mention the multi million dollars transfer from China to Biden familky
Meanwhile Trump is doing just fine, his net worth is up 600 MILLION since he left office
Only liberal fuktards whose head is so far up their asses, ignore the joke you voted for
Seriously, you’re nothing but a shalllow minded twit!
He doesn't actually. He's just not a corrupt SOB like Trump was, which is why the latter was investigated by the media so much.
That's the reason the media investigated him so much? The MSM hasn't investigated a thing in over a decade and they certainly didn't investigate anything Trump. Assumptions, speculation and outright deceptions. Raoul, where have you been?
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Really donkey????????
Gonna be fun to see the biden family go down with Hunters lapto[p, not to mention the multi million dollars transfer from China to Biden familky
Meanwhile Trump is doing just fine, his net worth is up 600 MILLION since he left office
Only liberal fuktards whose head is so far up their asses, ignore the joke you voted for
Seriously, you’re nothing but a shalllow minded twit!

I'm sure all of this will happen after your vaunted "red tsunami" finally takes place.
That's the reason the media investigated him so much? The MSM hasn't investigated a thing in over a decade and they certainly didn't investigate anything Trump. Assumptions, speculation and outright deceptions. Raoul, where have you been?

Is this the same Trump that the January 6th commission are saying they have enough information for a criminal referral for ?
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Hey Raoul, do we have enough on your Communist Putin's war crimes to label it genocide?

Ask Donald Trump, who called Putin a genius AFTER he invaded Ukraine. Surely the leader of the Republican Party should have an opinion on this.
Is this the same Trump that the January 6th commission are saying they have enough information for a criminal referral for ?
Yeah yeah yeah, Trump this Trump that meantime Trump is exceloling ad FREE!!!!!!!
Biden going down before Trump
Book it
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Yeah yeah yeah, Trump this Trump that meantime Trump is exceloling ad FREE!!!!!!!
Biden going down before Trump
Book it

We will place this on the lengthy list of things you once claimed but didn't happen.
We will place this on the lengthy list of things you once claimed but didn't happen.
Thats a very short list of ONE
Trump lost a stolen election!!
However America is now awakening to the hard true reality if what was purged,ignored and hidden to affect the 2020 election.
REGARDLESS ratatouille2,
Your denials cant stop it!
So disappointing to see what should be an educated person, who has even bragged about his schooling, not know the very 1st rule of strategy. Haven't you read your Sun Tzu, it's introductory literature? 1st and most important rule RESPECT your Opponent. Seem's you might only subscribe to the Libby-Dem reading list, which reality evidences Dem's have NO Respect for ANYTHING, but themselves. A Very Arrogant and Very Closed, and Shallow Minded approach at guaranteeing a mistake. Haven't you noticed it hasn't mattered HOW MANY TIMES you REPEAT A LIE, No One is Fooled ? Rise above your Pettiness

Ask Donald Trump, who called Putin a genius AFTER he invaded Ukraine. Surely the leader of the Republican Party should have an opinion on this.
So disappointing to see what should be an educated person, who has even bragged about his schooling, not know the very 1st rule of strategy. Haven't you read your Sun Tzu, it's introductory literature? 1st and most important rule RESPECT your Opponent. Seem's you might only subscribe to the Libby-Dem reading list, which reality evidences Dem's have NO Respect for ANYTHING, but themselves. A Very Arrogant and Very Closed, and Shallow Minded approach at guaranteeing a mistake. Haven't you noticed it hasn't mattered HOW MANY TIMES you REPEAT A LIE, No One is Fooled ? Rise above your Pettiness

A true warrior should always use an adversaries prostitutes to urinate over his face in Moscow hotels.

- Sun Tzu - The Art of War (479 BC)
Irrelevant or not, it shows that your Dear Leader was the most unpopular president in Gallop Poll history. No surprise there! And it is relevant because the serial-lying buffoon is still the leader of your delusional Party!
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Is this the same Trump that the January 6th commission are saying they have enough information for a criminal referral for ?
The phony committee saying something and it being true are not the same. Adam Schitt went on for months about how he had seen intel that would put Trump in prison. Adam will. be losing his job after the mid terms.
Wow Congratulations! you respond by finding ways to go even lower, even more petty, as you confirmed your ignorance. Yup very very Elevated and EEElite of vu 🙄 🤪 😞 🐑 🐑🐑🐑🐑

A true warrior should always use an adversaries prostitutes to urinate over his face in Moscow hotels.
Only a Compleat Idiot Ass🤡 could harbor enough hate and arrogance to believe this. Atleast give us the good news you are RETIRED from your Dem/lib/plant Government job?
Hey would it be that you have so much stupid hate for The Trumpster, because he,,,,,,,,


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nahhhh 😂🤣😂🤣

-oh and What you said IS NOT in Sun Tzu. You shouldn't LIE. Try reading the Book. Did you Cheat your way through school ? Shouldn't make yourself look soooooooooo stupid, you'd be surprised to know most common people actually study to earn their achievement, and can see right through BS. /snarky snickering 😄😆😂🤣😋
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A true warrior should always use an adversaries prostitutes to urinate over his face in Moscow hotels.

- Sun Tzu - The Art of War (479 BC)
Been proven over many times to be false. You are a sad little dude that you have to repost proven lies for attention. I will ask again are you at least a real person. if not an extremely stupid one, or are you Rauol2 DNC message #8212 a chinese made bot?
Wow Congratulations! you respond by finding ways to go even lower, even more petty, as you confirmed your ignorance. Yup very very Elevated and EEElite of vu 🙄 🤪 😞 🐑 🐑🐑🐑🐑

Only a Compleat Idiot Ass🤡 could harbor enough hate and arrogance to believe this. Atleast give us the good news you are RETIRED from your Dem/lib/plant Government job?
Hey would it be that you have so much stupid hate for The Trumpster, because he,,,,,,,,


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nahhhh 😂🤣😂🤣

-oh and What you said IS NOT in Sun Tzu. You shouldn't LIE. Try reading the Book. Did you Cheat your way through school ? Shouldn't make yourself look soooooooooo stupid, you'd be surprised to know most common people actually study to earn their achievement, and can see right through BS. /snarky snickering 😄😆😂🤣😋
It is amazing what the DNC programmed bots can do these days. Raoul2 is not a real person. NO ONE CAN BE THAT STUPID.
Ask Donald Trump, who called Putin a genius AFTER he invaded Ukraine. Surely the leader of the Republican Party should have an opinion on this.
Did you ever consider the fact that Ron Desantis might get the GOP endorsement should Trump not run? What do you say about the best Governor that Florida ever had? What are your Liberal Democratic Progressive Socialist probably Communist comments about him? You Liberal Democrats hate him also?
I don't hate Biden, he just should be in an assisted living community wearing Depends instead of being President.
Did you ever consider the fact that Ron Desantis might get the GOP endorsement should Trump not run? What do you say about the best Governor that Florida ever had? What are your Liberal Democratic Progressive Socialist probably Communist comments about him? You Liberal Democrats hate him also?
I don't hate Biden, he just should be in an assisted living community wearing Depends instead of being President.
I hope Desantis runs, because despite all his failings, at least he's relatively normal and not an aspiring cult leader like Trump.

Desantis isn't the best governor by a long shot. He has an incredibly spotty record with COVID, baking the numbers to make it appear as if FL had less daily deaths, and generally being cavalier about denying the science of the pandemic by pushing anti-mask nonsense. If he does run for President, it will be front and center on the agenda. Maybe he can enlist "insurrection bro" Josh Hawley to be his running mate.
Did you ever consider the fact that Ron Desantis might get the GOP endorsement should Trump not run? What do you say about the best Governor that Florida ever had? What are your Liberal Democratic Progressive Socialist probably Communist comments about him? You Liberal Democrats hate him also?
I don't hate Biden, he just should be in an assisted living community wearing Depends instead of being President.
Don't waste your time arguing with a BOT, I GUARANTEE that Rauol2-DNC bot will not respond directly to your question. Or if he does by chance respond, it will be DNC talking point #11,429 - blame Trump and Putin for the failure of all of Brandon's/DNC policies.
I'm coming around to the BoT Raoul reality. No one can be that Dumb and that Consistent with his dumbness. Raoul out paces CD, so that just has to be fake and artificial doesn't it? LOL

Desantis isn't the best governor by a long shot.
ok name 1 and dont say Christi that's a bot response.Do you LIVE in Florida ? or just opining from on high in kali ?
He has an incredibly spotty record with COVID, baking the numbers to make it appear as if FL had less daily deaths, and generally being cavalier about denying the science of the pandemic by pushing anti-mask nonsense.
-Spotty record with Covid ????? His policies saved lives, cut infection, and minimized the psychologic stress that leads to damage in children. You wouldn't happen to be a Dr would you ?
- Baking numbers ????Do You mean how hospitals were reporting +Covid deaths, where Covid was just an incidental find and NOT the cause of death ? Car accident DOA tallied as +Covid Death, Did you miss that in your Ostridge hole ?
-What Science on re-usable felt/ paper masks ? Are you a Scientist ? Are you a Healthcare Practitioner. Please inform us the Science of how a non-sterile porous re-usable mask Kills or Neutralizes a Viral particle ? I haven't received that UP-DATE from the AMA and would be grateful

If he does run for President, it will be front and center on the agenda. Maybe he can enlist "insurrection bro" Josh Hawley to be his running mate.
So in other words you are tooo scared of TRUMP running and Winning Again to divide your attention to another Target ? Here's free advice for you,,,,,,,,,,
Get use to Disappointment :)
Irrelevant or not, it shows that your Dear Leader was the most unpopular president in Gallop Poll history. No surprise there! And it is relevant because the serial-lying buffoon is still the leader of your delusional Party!
Mike, I'm not a republican but does your comment mean that the 75,000,000 deplorables who voted for Trump are now merely delusional?

74.2 million - but feel free to round it up to 75 if it makes you feel good.

Biden had 81.2 million votes, so I'm going to say 82m.
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74.2 million - but feel free to round it up to 75 if it makes you feel good.

Biden had 81.2 million votes, so I'm going to say 82m.
Man your on a Rollllllll ! Don't let your pettiness go to waste is it ? Hey BoT Raoul How many of the 81.2 Mil were Alive? Legal ? Wow more than even OOOObama he must be Even Better and more loved than Obama. His Re-Election must be a meer formality. So um Then Why was he ignored in a Dem Function, and left hanging by OOOOObama? Are you on meds bro ? You should be on Medz bro.
Did you hear Biden's approval in the latest Polls ????? 30's :eek:o_O🤮😭 You must be in a spiral

MSN- Biden's poll woes worsen as he tumbles into 30s in election year

"Quinnipiac has repeatedly found Biden's job approval to be below 40% among registered voters since November. But even though it is the least flattering of the president, the poll is not an outlier. During the same time frame, ABC/Washington Post, Harvard University-Harris Insights & Analytics, Marist College, Monmouth University, and Suffolk University/USA Today researchers have yielded similar results. Marist, for example, found Biden's approval was 39% in March, which erased his State of the Union recovery of 47% but equaled his February figure, the college's lowest."
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Mike, I'm not a republican but does your comment mean that the 75,000,000 deplorables who voted for Trump are now merely delusional?
just responding to the post on Bidens approval numbers. "Delusional" would be a polite description! How would you describe people who idolize a narcissistic, serial lying con man? And why do you always find it necessary to claim you're not a Repug when you're always defending them? Also, I don't understand why a self proclaimed Libertarian would defend an autocratic leader like Trump!
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How would you describe people who idolize a narcissistic, serial lying con man?
Ummm I would say look in the mirror and ask your reflection 🤓

That you think you have any kind of moral to talk down 70+mil Americans who voted for Trump 🤣😂🤣😂

Biden's Filth in starting to come out, his lies already broke through the atmosphere, his son, his brother, his sister, and the Laptop. China, Moscow, Ukraine, and Mobsters. Doesn't look pretty.
just responding to the post on Bidens approval numbers. "Delusional" would be a polite description! How would you describe people who idolize a narcissistic, serial lying con man? And why do you always find it necessary to claim you're not a Repug when you're always defending them? Also, I don't understand why a self proclaimed Libertarian would defend an autocratic leader like Trump!
Not among Trump's many faults is his belief in less government intrusion on our lives and erasing the core democratic belief that government agencies can solve all problems. These are the basic foundations of Libertarian philosophy. Also, people of the left are kidding themselves if they truly believe that the executive orders Biden signed on inauguration day merely to reverse Trump policies are actually good. Immigration and domestic energy policies are the most egregious errors made by this administration. I could go on and on but you get the point, I hope. And, just for the record, I defend both republicans and democrats when I think they are right. Unfortunately, Biden hasn't been right about much and so many of his policy reversals have backfired.