CNN video concerning Biden sexual assaultcharge

US Intelligence told that FOOL in January and he ignored the warnings, Its documented A$$hole. He said it was a HOAX. Those were his exact words. There are 50,318 deaths in America because of this dumb Fu$$. I wish he was apart of that number POS. I am more educated then your dumbass President. And I didn't go to crooked ass Trump University. One of his many scams on American young people. You dumb ass Trump Cum Catchers will get yours when its all over with in November. 50,318 deaths in 3 months UNBELEIVABLE.
Cool story bro. You left out the part that the WHO said as late as March 3 when their Director General had this to say during his opening remarks to the media. "First, COVID-19 does not transmit as easily as influenza, from the data we have so far." "With influenza, people who are infected but not yet sick are major drivers of transmission, which does not appear to be the case with COVID-19." This is documented as well. Keep in mind that at that time we had just over 100 cases in the US. And now here you are in all your infinite wisdom to tell us that we should have shut down the country back in Jan? I hope one day you find your true calling as a stand up comedian because this is some funny shit.
US Intelligence told that FOOL in January and he ignored the warnings, Its documented A$$hole. He said it was a HOAX. Those were his exact words. There are 50,318 deaths in America because of this dumb Fu$$. I wish he was apart of that number POS. I am more educated then your dumbass President. And I didn't go to crooked ass Trump University. One of his many scams on American young people. You dumb ass Trump Cum Catchers will get yours when its all over with in November. 50,318 deaths in 3 months UNBELEIVABLE.
Your level of ignorance is shocking.
Jan 14 WHO says no evidence of human to human transmission
Jan 27 -Dr. Fauci says virus will not be big deal in USA
Jan 31-Trump initiates travel ban and gets criticized by leftwing assholes for being racist
Feb- Cuomo says NY can handle virus
Feb -DeBlasio and Pelosi go to. Chinatown and say-come on down no problem.
Your level of ignorance is shocking.
Jan 14 WHO says no evidence of human to human transmission
Jan 27 -Dr. Fauci says virus will not be big deal in USA
Jan 31-Trump initiates travel ban and gets criticized by leftwing assholes for being racist
Feb- Cuomo says NY can handle virus
Feb -DeBlasio and Pelosi go to. Chinatown and say-come on down no problem.
You keep quoting all these other names what about the PRESIDENT. He runs the country. Remember Commander and Chief. He was BRIEFED from ITELLIGENCE numerous times in January. Governors don't run the country, the PRESIDENT does. Even if the Governors wasn't on alert the COMMANDOR and CHIEF should always be on HIGH alert. NO EXCUSES you wouldn't have taken excuses from OBAMA don't take it now. When he became President he should have surrounded himself with good QUALIFIED people not these SLAP DICKS he has now.
You keep quoting all these other names what about the PRESIDENT. He runs the country. Remember Commander and Chief. He was BRIEFED from ITELLIGENCE numerous times in January. Governors don't run the country, the PRESIDENT does. Even if the Governors wasn't on alert the COMMANDOR and CHIEF should always be on HIGH alert. NO EXCUSES you wouldn't have taken excuses from OBAMA don't take it now. When he became President he should have surrounded himself with good QUALIFIED people not these SLAP DICKS he has now.
Do you even read the supposed "reports" saying Trump was "warned "by intelligence? WAPO reported the briefing was about the virus spreading in China and China was not reporting accurately. They didn't say virus would come here, and briefing was not to Trump. directly. Fauci said he didn't think it was a sjgnificant threat to our. country. Guess Fauci's even dumber than Trump according to you, even though he was supposed to be the world expert.Not sure what's more extreme, your hatred or your lack of knowledge.
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Do you even read the supposed "reports" saying Trump was warned by intelligence? WAPO reported the briefing was about the virus spreading in China and China was not reporting accurately. They didn't say virus would come here, and briefing was not to Trump. directly. Not sure what's more extreme, your hatred or your lack of knowledge.
Yeah, the President has these low IQ people coming out of the woodwork with their TDS.