Five year old white child

bobbie jo

Gold Member
Jan 14, 2009
Shot in the head and killed by black man in North Carolina. A innocent five year old child. Will cities burn tonight? Will stores be looted tonight? Will the liberal press report tonight? Will BLM speak out tonight? Will the NFL , Disney, NBA, MLB, NASCAR, send money and support WLM tonight? Folks we are living in some sad times and the liberal Marxist communist Democratic Party is destroying this country with its policies of racism and hate. Yep white LIFES do not matter according to them . The inner city’s that are death traps for young blacks doesn’t matter to them. Family values do not matter to them. Children out of wedlock does not matter to them. Accountability does not matter to them. Only thing that matters to them is to destroy this great country because They Hate capitalism and our constitution and they can take over our country with a communist government. They do not care who they destroy . The sad thing is they will destroy the very people they are using to attain there goal. Yep when good folks of all color get enough of this it is not going to be pretty.
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