Not really. Biden is a different candidate than Hillary. Just saying.I hear ya cems. It's awesome isn't it? So reminiscent of 2016! Like a trip down memory lane...
Not really. Biden is a different candidate than Hillary. Just saying.I hear ya cems. It's awesome isn't it? So reminiscent of 2016! Like a trip down memory lane...
Yes Biden is even worse - which no one thought could be possible . The Dems managed to pull off a small miracle digging him up from the trash pile .Not really. Biden is a different candidate than Hillary. Just saying.
Bring some facts about the Biden's supposed criminal activities.Yes Biden is even worse - which no one thought could be possible . The Dems managed to pull off a small miracle digging him up from the trash pile .
By picking Biden 4 years after Clinton they show they care nothing about corruption . Corruption from him and almost everyone in his family Beau gets a pass being he’s deceased - just hope they don’t count his vote in November
Well you asked - research cems , don’t be lazyBring some facts about the Biden's supposed criminal activities.
Our discussion is ova. Don't waste my time with nonsense.Well you asked - research cems , don’t be lazy
You can start with at least 9 arrests with NO JAIL TIME - everything from snorting cocaine, manslaughter ,DUI’s , stealing DVD’s ( bizarre) driving with suspended licenses , running up over a $100,000 with stolen credit cards, to FBI raids on their homes to losing a million $$$ lawsuit over 20 years ago and yet hasn’t payed one penny to the deceased’s family . I haven’t even mentioned yet Hunter and his problems and he has plenty enough for everybody. Just google Frank Biden , James Biden , Caroline . Ashley , Hunter , and that’s just for starters
And more lies to tell.Well you asked - research cems , don’t be lazy
You can start with at least 9 arrests with NO JAIL TIME - everything from snorting cocaine, manslaughter ,DUI’s , stealing DVD’s ( bizarre) driving with suspended licenses , running up over a $100,000 with stolen credit cards, to FBI raids on their homes to losing a million $$$ lawsuit over 20 years ago and yet hasn’t payed one penny to the deceased’s family . I haven’t even mentioned yet Hunter and his problems and he has plenty enough for everybody. Just google Frank Biden , James Biden , Caroline . Ashley , Hunter , Valerie Owens , , and that’s just for starters
And good old Joe , go way back to lying about law school , several incidents of plagiarism, $$$ deals for Hunter with China and Ukraine , $$$ deals for James ( brother) in Iraq , Puerto Rico Mozambique, Frank ( brother) Costa Rica , Jamaica and the list goes on and on google HillStone International, Sun Fund America’s, or StartUp Health .
There’s even more James is being sued now for stealing medical info from another company
I could go on and on but I’ve got things to do, places to go and people to see
Enjoy your Sunday
Absolute brilliant response cems , I expect nothing less from youAnd more lies to tell.
Thank you. I'm pleased to make you see my brilliance.Absolute brilliant response cems , I expect nothing less from you
It's been awhile since I updated this thread. It was getting tiring with everything trending so perfectly for FL. It's now been almost 2.5 months since the state was opened fully I figured it would be nice to check in on how DeSantis and actual science is working.
Since opening, the positive rate has slowly and steadily increased from a low of ~4.5% positive to now 8% positive. Still almost 50% less than the peak in July (when much of the state still was under restrictions). The positive rate has doubled in 2 months compared to increasing 5x in 1 month back at the peak. It also appears we may have hit the peak and numbers may begin dropping again.
What about hospital beds? Those have steadily increased in-line with the positive percentage. The low in September/October was a steady 2,100 and had again doubled in about 2.5 months to ~4,500. This is again a 50% reduction compared to the peak in July. Hospitalizations also show signs of leveling off at this point.
Finally, deaths. Those have remained steady for 3 months at ~50 per day. This will probably increase at some point but will probably peak at 100 per day, again less than half of the July peak.
Poor @jdx2112 @MikeJW and @cems52 all were hoping for more death but FL is looking great with 100% of school districts in person, live entertainment and sporting events with fans, and bars and restaurants at full capacity. Not to mention a 6.5% unemployment rate (and dropping) compared to other large/mismanged states experiencing unemployment of 10%+.
@cems52 you told me to to be patient FL would be top 10 in deaths per capita soon. It's now been 6 months and we're dropping in the rankings! How is that possible? FL now ranks 19 in deaths per capita and is just above the US average?
United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
United States Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and
Once again, everyone who cried about all restrictions being lifted had no clue what they were talking about.
Great news for everyone following the statistics at home. I know Mikey and JDX are going to be disappointed but it is now evident that we have reached the peak of infections and reached some level of initial herd immunity threshold in the state. I believe the peak was actually around July 10th accounting for a 4 - 7 day lag in test results which push the peak to around July 17th. Going to see a steady drop in Covid census in hospitals, positive rate, and other key metrics through early August and then accelerating pretty quickly through the end of the month.
Positive cases by risk category are clearly trending downward which is the first good news.
Same with Covid census for the state as a whole. These numbers have only been available for the past 2 weeks but they peaked about a week ago and are now declining bit by bit. They peaked at 9,508 on July 20 (3 days after peak infections) and are now under 9,300. This same trend is holding true for all of the 7 major counties across FL as well.
By my estimates based on CDC estimates of IFR and asymptomatic cases Dade, Broward, and Palm are all have had about 20% of the population infected which is right around HIT for major population centers as evidenced by NYC, Stockholm, Italy, and others.
Florida’s coronavirus cases shot up again. So now deaths have, too.
Analysis: Though more testing means higher case numbers, the overall trend was
Unfortunately Hospitalizations and Deaths have not peaked..But help is coming snd Biden and his team have a plan to get 100,000,000 of us vaccinated in the first 100 days...
Bless his lil heart...Unfortunately Hospitalizations and Deaths have not peaked..But help is coming snd Biden and his team have a plan to get 100,000,000 of us vaccinated in the first 100 days...
Bless his lil heart...
The last time Biden had a plan for a virus, 60 million ended up infected with H1N1. Can you just imagine the death tolls had Sleepy Joe been in charge when COVID hit?Unfortunately Hospitalizations and Deaths have not peaked..But help is coming snd Biden and his team have a plan to get 100,000,000 of us vaccinated in the first 100 days...
The last time Biden had a plan for a virus, 60 million ended up infected with H1N1. Can you just imagine the death tolls had Sleepy Joe been in charge when COVID hit?
You have zero credibility cems. Please provide statistical analysis of deaths "shooting up". Cases are irrelevant and are still below the July peak even though testing is up 33%. You can't refute any of that. But keep hoping for deaths to skyrocket, we'll all be dead before FL enters top 10 in covid deaths.
LOL you might want to get your eyes checked. You have no problem reading news articles but can't comprehend raw data in graphical form right in front of you.
The relationship between cases and deaths/hospitalizations has completely broken down over the past 3 months and have almost zero correlation.
But the great thing is I'll be at the UM game on Saturday. At a bar tailgating before and celebrating after while you hide in your pajamas.
So you're telling us that COVID ended up a more deadly virus? Now compare infection rates and it's not hard to do the math of how many would have died if they had not simply gotten lucky that H1N1 wasn't as deadly as they first predicted. Even the head of Joe and Barry's fancy team said that they blew it.H1N1 deaths = 12,000
COVID-19 = 290,000+
Any questions?
So you're telling us that COVID ended up a more deadly virus? Now compare infection rates and it's not hard to do the math of how many would have died if they had not simply gotten lucky that H1N1 wasn't as deadly as they first predicted. Even the head of Joe and Barry's fancy team said that they blew it.
I provided you with all the data you need. You're as dumb as Trump if you don't understand the correlation between infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths. Smfh
The numbers don't lie for either of them. 60 million infected is quite the big deal and shows the total ineptness of Joe and Barry's response when it was their turn.The numbers don't lie. Trump failed biggly.
The numbers don't lie for either of them. 60 million infected is quite the big deal and shows the total ineptness of Joe and Barry's response when it was their turn.
Keep hope alive.There is no correlation anymore. But I guess using cems math you get to FL top 10 in covid deaths when in reality it is dropping.
H1N1 deaths = 12,000
COVID-19 = 290,000+
Any questions?
You miss the point. No real point to even discussing further. There is no middle ground. But...the point is you act as if there are only 290k deaths simply because Trump was President. But in reality since the beginning of human history viruses have decimated human population. We either find a vaccine, develop herd immunity, it goes away, etc, etc. We dont have the capability to stop a virus. It will do what it will do regardless of who is President. Case in point...the video above. Obama got lucky that H1N1 wasn't deadly and Trump didnt. That's the only difference in the situations. I know the whole point of this board is to attack the other side but just a little perspective would be nice sometimes.
Your perspective is whacked. Trump has shown poor leadership throughout this pandemic. In fact, he is the reason thousands have died. As he sulks about losing a fair election and thousands die not one mention about those folks who have died. He only cares about himself. Not you and surely not me.
Trump will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever for his callous handling of this pandemic. There is no excuse for his conduct. Even you should know better.
Surely you don't think Trump's performance during this pandemic is Noble prize material?Lol. That's what I thought
Keep hope alive.
Surely you don't think Trump's performance during this pandemic is Noble prize material?
Even places like South Korea, Germany and Japan are seeing surges again. Sweden, who did it all differently, and some thought for the better, is also seeing surges. Until there is an effective vaccine available to all for this, it is coming for all of us no matter if you social distance or wear a face diaper. It's what viruses do.![]()
California Counties Run Out Of ICU Capacity; Predicted Covid-19 “Surge On Top Of A Surge” Hits; Deaths Spike Dramatically
The long talked about “surge on top of a surge” seems to have arrived in California. For weeks state, local and national health officials such as Dr. Anthony Fauci had warned about already elevated Covid-19 numbers could be overtopped by a surge related to Thanksgiving travel and gatherings.
Here is what I dont get with the lockdowns. California is a lib hotspot. They drink all the COVID koolaid...they are doing all the COVID ridiculousness. They are locked down (except the GOV.) and probably have the some of the strictest measures in the country...yet...The virus spreads.
Ruining peoples lives for nothing.