Hmmmm. A New Poll Is Out. Tide Is Turning.

It is clear the left uses polls to try to influence elections. there polls oversample democrats ,use leading questions and in the case of Hillary vs Trump were way off. But this election with the riots and destructive protests and abuse of the police and far left shift of Biden has become a choice of Americanism vs leftist fascism. Biden is cognitively impaired . He has a trail of corruption,lying and plagiarism which will be exposed in ads before November. Its possible that indictments of Obama officials which Biden himself colluded with in the Flynn entrapment and Russian Collusion farce will occur in September.
As for the Latin Vote -Trump is for giving dreamers a path to citizenship .the Democrats have opposed this because they don't want Trump to get credit for it. He will run on this too. Legal Latinos resent Mexicans and South Americans lowering the wage scale by coming here illegally.South Florida's Cubans resent Obama and Bidens embrace Of Castro. Under Trump Latin American unemployment reached an all time low. Latin Americans overall do not favor abortions or Gay behavior due to Catholic predominance.

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