Liberals on here disappeared and where are our Black brothers on Hunters foul mouth?

There would be the predictable outrage if it had been Eric Trump. Hunter Biden is truly one of the most disgusting people on the planet- human maggot. The rotten apple didn't fall far from the rotten tree.
CRICKETS on Border, Inflation, and then there is the prodigal RACIST son Hunter yet our liberal brothers on here they gone.
No they are just Freebasing with Hunter while they traffic young kids for pedophila.........

They are just animals that need to be shot.........
Because its a non-story that is made up right wingers. We're not interested in contributing to your unhinged narratives.
Boy oh boy you are SO predictable. Made up story? It's his laptop and his texts.
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Boy oh boy you are SO predictable. Made up story? It's his laptop and his texts.

That's not what I meant. We are interested in main stream stories - not garbage that gets puked up daily on right wing social media feeds.

You know...stuff like infrastructure, foreign policy, the military, healthcare, the economy. Stuff normal Americans care about.
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That's not what I meant. We are interested in main stream stories - not garbage that gets puked up daily on right wing social media feeds.

You know...stuff like infrastructure, foreign policy, the military, healthcare, the economy. Stuff normal Americans care about.
So you don't want to discuss the border DISASTER and the son of the President using the N word over and over again? I am 110% positive if Trump had this border situation or it was 1 of his kids you'd be FREAKING out and that my friend is why you liberals are dishonest.
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Because its a non-story that is made up right wingers. We're not interested in contributing to your unhinged narratives.
No, the assistant DA was the only DA from the Trump administration retained due to his leading of the future Hunter Biden prosecution. Too much there for Joe to bury. It would have been viewed as a form of tampering with such a high profile investigation of the President's son, Joe himself, Joe's brother, John Kerry and others. Too big to bury. It may become the basis for which Sleepy Joe is impeached once the House is turned over to the Republicans. Get your popcorn and watch.
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No, the assistant DA was the only DA from the Trump administration retained due to his leading of the future Hunter Biden prosecution. Too much there for Joe to bury. It would have been viewed as a form of tampering with such a high profile investigation of the President's son, Joe himself, Joe's brother, John Kerry and others. Too big to bury. It may become the basis for which Sleepy Joe is impeached once the House is turned over to the Republicans. Get your popcorn and watch.
Although I am personally not going that far out in time this kid Hunter is trouble and a real snake.
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No, the assistant DA was the only DA from the Trump administration retained due to his leading of the future Hunter Biden prosecution. Too much there for Joe to bury. It would have been viewed as a form of tampering with such a high profile investigation of the President's son, Joe himself, Joe's brother, John Kerry and others. Too big to bury. It may become the basis for which Sleepy Joe is impeached once the House is turned over to the Republicans. Get your popcorn and watch.

I'll be eagerly awaiting the results by our Canesport Lounge correspondents on the ground.
So you don't want to discuss the border DISASTER and the son of the President using the N word over and over again? I am 110% positive if Trump had this border situation or it was 1 of his kids you'd be FREAKING out and that my friend is why you liberals are dishonest.

I think we've inadvertently stumbled on the crux of it all - "If Trump had this situation you'd be freaking out". In a nutshell - its an attempt at revenge because mean things were said about Trump during his time in office. Except the clear difference being that Trump was a highly accomplished liar and incredibly corrupt (twice impeached) individual, so in that regard the two Presidents are light years apart.
I'll be eagerly awaiting the results by our Canesport Lounge correspondents on the ground.
We have been pretty right not for nothing
Border disaster wide open as we said
Taxes he wants them raised as we said
Inflation soaring
Hunter's laptop yes we told you
More social programs yes we told you
Hydroxychloroquine works as we said
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I think we've inadvertently stumbled on the crux of it all - "If Trump had this situation you'd be freaking out". In a nutshell - its an attempt at revenge because mean things were said about Trump during his time in office. Except the clear difference being that Trump was a highly accomplished liar and incredibly corrupt (twice impeached) individual, so in that regard the two Presidents are light years apart.
Acquitted in Senate twice you mean
No, the only Democratic party in history corrupt enough to attempt the impeachment twice of a President.

Like it said, the history books will record Trump as twice impeached. There's no going back from that. Next time it may be advisable to avoid supporting a neo-fascist gangster with zero governance experience for President.
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Like it said, the history books will record Trump as twice impeached. There's no going back from that. Next time it may be advisable to avoid supporting a neo-fascist gangster with zero governance experience for President.
Raoul, do you support what Hunter has done? Or the big man's involvement, or Joes brother and John Kerry's involvement in Burisma? It's criminal. It will all come out soon enough.
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I think we've inadvertently stumbled on the crux of it all - "If Trump had this situation you'd be freaking out". In a nutshell - its an attempt at revenge because mean things were said about Trump during his time in office. Except the clear difference being that Trump was a highly accomplished liar and incredibly corrupt (twice impeached) individual, so in that regard the two Presidents are light years apart.

Mean things were said about Trump ? Russia document that was made up and proven to be. Trump is so skilled he got Hunter to play along and enter all this damming evidence on his own computer.
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Like it said, the history books will record Trump as twice impeached. There's no going back from that. Next time it may be advisable to avoid supporting a neo-fascist gangster with zero governance experience for President.
Well he could also be the first President attempted to be impeached twice by a corrupt Democratic party where that former President is re-elected to another term! How do you feel about that?
Well he could also be the first President attempted to be impeached twice by a corrupt Democratic party where that former President is re-elected to another term! How do you feel about that?

Unfortunately there's no history book entry for this category. We're going to have to simply go with good old "He was impeached (twice)".
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Mean things were said about Trump ? Russia document that was made up and proven to be. Trump is so skilled he got Hunter to play along and enter all this damming evidence on his own computer.

His talents seem to know no bounds

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I would have some respect if @cdwright40 @cems52 @Raoul2 etc...just came on this post and wrote what a scumbag this kid Hunter is but they haven't and won't
Speaking for myself and not the other posters you mentioned. This is exactly why I do not want your respect. Not even some. Hunter Biden has nothing to do with our politics in this country. NOT ONE THING! So, why would we care if he is a scumbag? WE DO NOT CARE! He holds no position therefore the only reason you even focus on him is because you have zero answers for those who do have positions that are a POS.
Speaking for myself and not the other posters you mentioned. This is exactly why I do not want your respect. Not even some. Hunter Biden has nothing to do with our politics in this country. NOT ONE THING! So, why would we care if he is a scumbag? WE DO NOT CARE! He holds no position therefore the only reason you even focus on him is because you have zero answers for those who do have positions that are a POS.
But you would if it was Don Jr. or Eric. DISHONEST
But you would if it was Don Jr. or Eric. DISHONEST

Don Jr. and Eric Trump were constantly in the public spotlight defending their orange benefactor on social media. This makes them fair game for criticism.
Speaking for myself and not the other posters you mentioned. This is exactly why I do not want your respect. Not even some. Hunter Biden has nothing to do with our politics in this country. NOT ONE THING! So, why would we care if he is a scumbag? WE DO NOT CARE! He holds no position therefore the only reason you even focus on him is because you have zero answers for those who do have positions that are a POS.
Hunter Biden has a lot to do with the politics and policy of this country. The then acting Vice President, Joe Biden made foreign policy decisions based upon one of two factors:

To enrich himself and lauder the money through Hunter.
To prop up his drug addict son so Joe did not have to support his son.

There is clear evidence of Joe and Hunter being jointly involved in matters affecting Ukraine and China areas that did or potentially could affect US policy.. In either case Joe Biden allowed his relationship with his son to affect US policy decsions. As long as Biden has been in government, he knows that he had no business having him and Hunter even remotely involved in the matters they were.
Hunter Biden has a lot to do with the politics and policy of this country. The then acting Vice President, Joe Biden made foreign policy decisions based upon one of two factors:

To enrich himself and lauder the money through Hunter.
To prop up his drug addict son so Joe did not have to support his son.

There is clear evidence of Joe and Hunter being jointly involved in matters affecting Ukraine and China areas that did or potentially could affect US policy.. In either case Joe Biden allowed his relationship with his son to affect US policy decsions. As long as Biden has been in government, he knows that he had no business having him and Hunter even remotely involved in the matters they were.
Exactly because even the appearance is highly unethical
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CD your so full of 💩 and weak minded,,,,,,,,,, Ok since Hunter is insignificant to you "he has nothing to do with politics" THEN WHY were TRUMP'S Children such a danger and offense to you ?????? Hypocrite . You have NO Opinion, because your a Debaser and a liar. Go hide in your hole hate monster
CRICKETS on Border, Inflation, and then there is the prodigal RACIST son Hunter yet our liberal brothers on here they gone.
It never fails Democrats always end up hurting the people that vote for them the most. But they keep lying to them every election and they keep falling for it. They will not talk about immigration or racist again till the next election.
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Don Jr. and Eric Trump were constantly in the public spotlight defending their orange benefactor on social media. This makes them fair game for criticism.
And Hunter was having meetings with Business partners and his Dad but you all had no problem with that. Hell the mainstream news would not even talk about it. The hypocrisies off Democrats has no bounds.
And Hunter was having meetings with Business partners and his Dad but you all had no problem with that. Hell the mainstream news would not even talk about it. The hypocrisies off Democrats has no bounds.

Don Jr. and Eric were constantly in the media which makes them fair game for criticism. When you're in the public spot light seeking attention, it is bound to make you a target for online critics.
Raoul just so you can hopefully see just how full of 💩 you are
Don Jr. and Eric were constantly in the media which makes them fair game for criticism. When you're in the public spot light seeking attention, it is bound to make you a target for online critics.
Hunter has been ALL OVER THE MEDIA with his book unveil, the Laptop, prime time interviews (60 min anyone), text, infamous business deals, joining his father on Airforce2 to conduct business deals in other country's covered by International media, and He even Campaigned and Spoke at his fathers rallies just to name a few. This is Common Knowledge. Stop Being A Liar

Raoul just so you can hopefully see just how full of 💩 you are

Hunter has been ALL OVER THE MEDIA with his book unveil, the Laptop, prime time interviews (60 min anyone), text, infamous business deals, joining his father on Airforce2 to conduct business deals in other country's covered by International media, and He even Campaigned and Spoke at his fathers rallies just to name a few. This is Common Knowledge. Stop Being A Liar


He hasn’t really. He’s done one or two noteworthy interviews with MSM outlets. The rest has been nonsense puked up in right wing media and amplified by people who only get their information from extremist outlets.
But you would if it was Don Jr. or Eric. DISHONEST
I have zero interest in either child or any presidents child unless they are on the government pay roll. That's my tax dollars. I have a right to expectations there....but this recent thing going on with kids of a president is complete bullshit. I'm never going to respect this. EVER!
Please find info of me attacking a presidents kid not on payroll or STFU. Don't care unless it's my money.
LOL again your mind is the size of a pea (sorry if I offended any pea's) . You think your slick because Ivanka and Jerrid were on the pay roll, but Jr Biden flew around with his DAD on American Government Planes, Rode in Government motorcades, and what's worse, HE Got Business deals Solely because he's Biden's Son, and lets not forget CLOSED those Deals while traveling on the TAX Payers dime. Don't take this CD as me responding to you, your brain is the size of a pea and your integrity would require an electron microscope to even detect, I responded so that someone might not read your BS and for a sec think it could be true.

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