I was clear. If you are using tax dollars representing me. I am a tax payer. MY MONEY! There is nothing slick about it. Why is it slick It doesn't fit the rights stupid ass narrative of attacking the kids of a president? I don't give a shit about being on a plane. He is a vps kid. So what?
What are you stuck on stupid? Don't take your response as a response? That's pretty dumb.LOL again your mind is the size of a pea (sorry if I offended any pea's) . You think your slick because Ivanka and Jerrid were on the pay roll, but Jr Biden flew around with his DAD on American Government Planes, Rode in Government motorcades, and what's worse, HE Got Business deals Solely because he's Biden's Son, and lets not forget CLOSED those Deals while traveling on the TAX Payers dime. Don't take this CD as me responding to you, your brain is the size of a pea and your integrity would require an electron microscope to even detect, I responded so that someone might not read your BS and for a sec think it could be true.
I was clear. If you are using tax dollars representing me. I am a tax payer. MY MONEY! There is nothing slick about it. Why is it slick It doesn't fit the rights stupid ass narrative of attacking the kids of a president? I don't give a shit about being on a plane. He is a vps kid. So what?