I have a pretty strong feeling nobody can explain anything to you....lmao. What good would it do? Telling us that our economy is a money grab is like like saying race car drivers go fast. We need covid free people for our markets. Make sense? You can justify not having the balls to take a vaccine if you want. That's your business. That's not going to prevent our society from doing so....this way we can enjoy the football games and have crowds. It doesn't come without sacrifice. It's not about you.
If someone brought ANYTHING of substance to the conversation that provided facts or a rebuttal to my position that my body, through millions of years of evolution and a brilliant design by our Creator, is not capable of handling this virus then I'm all ears. I will gladly admit I am wrong and line up for my vaccine in the name of survival. But there is nothing out there to suggest that. I even asked my doctor and he said the same thing. "...Get it if you want to just to be safe but it isnt a mandatory thing..."
All anyone can say is that they recommend getting the vaccine "just to be safe", just in case that .04% chance of severe symptoms happens. Call me selfish if you like but the saying goes "...if it aint broke, don't break it..."
Also, I never said our economy is a money grab... I said the mayhem, panic and hysteria over this virus was artificially pumped up as a means to execute a power and money grab.
And kudos once again to the Democrats for executing it to perfection. Not only did they grab the power, but at the same time they lined Big Pharma's pockets with BILLIONS of dollars (which will become an annual return for them) which some funds will conveniently find its way into the DNC's pockets as well.
So please don't twist my words up or mistake them.
You are correct though... I do not have the balls to inject my body with an un-natural chemical cocktail that may cause God-knows-what type of side effects 10, 20 or 30 years from now. Absolutely scares me.
However, I DO HAVE THE BALLS to face down this vicious and unapologetic global-killing virus that has a survival rate of 99.4%. This global killer has 70% of Americans "doing the right thing" and getting some sort of chemical injection that doesn't PROVIDE A CURE, doesn't PREVENT INFECTION, doesn't PREVENT THE SPREAD and doesn't have HISTORICAL DATA of which details potential side effects may occur.
But I'm brave enough to stare it down without fear. Perhaps you should start addressing me in the same regard as some do about Alonzo Highsmith...? Because I look Covid in its eyes and say "...I ain't scared of you bitch!"