My Prediction!!

Man crickets happened in this post fast. Everyone talking crap to you lmao. But I have to give you some crap @cems52 wasn’t a landslide, didn’t take senate and gonna lose seats in house. Prediction was way off but you may win the grand prize which is what I am sure you care about most.
Still a chance for a landslide if Ga, Pa, Az and Nevada fall our way.
Was trump a landslide over Clinton? Checking your definition of landslide is why I ask.
According to Trump it was and yet she had the popular vote. If Biden pulls the same score and has a 4 million popular vote, I don't know if its a landslide but its certainly a mandate.

But that's moot, the chances are not likely BUT Trump can still win.
Not sure it can be considered a mandate. That's just 4 million extra loons in California. They didnt win the Senate and lost seats in the house. I'd say it's a pretty divided country. No mandate in my opinion.
My point was IF Trump and Trump supporters on this board called a narrow electoral college a mandate, then the same electoral with a wider margin in those states AND a popular vote that is higher nationally (Biden/Harris is setting records in every state) then its fair to characterize it that way. Frankly, what does a mandate make? Electoral, huge popular vote? That would seem to be one.

Also, Senate may yet come to a runoff. Looks like the black vote may pull Ossof into a run off.
Yeah, personally never considered Trumps victory a mandate. People just hated Hillary. I'm not sure what the definition would be. Combo of votes, electoral and national unity....maybe.

I'm not a political scholar but I would consider Reagans victories in 80 and 84 a mandate. Not sure we have seen one since.

Couldn't agree more. Maybe I'll do some reading.
I looked at that one. We can include it. Lol

The reason I left it off is because the country still felt divided. I think many people voted for Obama for the historical significance of electing the first black president. Not necessarily because his policies or beliefs.

so we have a saying in my community, you have to do twice the work to get half the credit. Dude won by 10million votes and a margin in the electoral college that's never to be seen granted Sarah Palin didn't help lol.
Lol. I'm actually sayin he had to do the normal amount of work for twice the credit. Granted...he is about as good a "politician" as there can be. Probably the best since Reagan or Clinton...better than Clinton because he seems a better person. No one was going to beat him.

The national movement behind his first election was electing the country's first black president. I remember every one at work stopping to watch his inauguration because it was history in the making.

Your conclusion is that he did that with less work than with more...we remember it differently, very differently.
Was trump a landslide over Clinton? Checking your definition of landslide is why I ask.
No, 77,000 votes spread across 3 states is not a landslide. Nor is it when you lose the popular vote. Neither of these things is happening this time either.

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