Why is Gary posting a debate thread..I think he’s outed himself as a LibertardPost thoughts here
Will post a poll at the end
Why is Gary posting a debate thread..I think he’s outed himself as a LibertardPost thoughts here
Will post a poll at the end
To limit the number of lunatic threads.Why is Gary posting a debate thread..I think he’s outed himself as a Libertard
Trump just refused to condemn White Extremists.
“Dr Jill” is an absolute f’ing disgraceYea, how Biden’s family allowed him to run is terrible. Here’s merely running as a Manchurian candidate
Cards are stacked against the president. Biased questions, not allowing him to respond to questions, not asking Biden any hard questions...amazing how he’s gotten so much done in his 3+ years
Why is GF posting in the lounge.. he just can’t hide his liberal biasTo limit the number of lunatic threads.
“Dr Jill” is an absolute f’ing disgrace
Biden looks down to read his notes every time. Trump speaks on cue. That says volumes.
You get 2 minutes to talk without the other person saying anything. Right? Tell Trump to shut up...He is following the rules. You are allowed to answer any accusations. Wallace is blocking him
Please Hunter is a fuc$ king mess, Jill is exploiting her dementia husband . His brother is also exploiting political ties. Second most corrupt family after Clinton’sLook at trumps family. That’s a ****ing disgrace
He's probably a registered voter which entitles him to an opinion.Why is GF posting in the lounge.. he just can’t hide his liberal bias
Biden will destroy this country.. He Will destroy the economy.. He will End the Dollar with all His Social Program Plans.. How'd you like to see a gallon a milk at Publix at 20.00 a gallon.. If these Liberals have there way.. Thats coming
Swagger, Are you watching the debate? No slogans please. Please look and listen before you opine.
Cortez.. I'm not in favor of Socialism.. Or Progressivism.. Or Phucking Obamaism.. or Bidenism.. Its another version of Castro Cuba.. Soviet Stalin.. Venezuela.. You name it.. That what Pelosi and the rest of them want..Swagger, Are you watching the debate? No slogans please. Please look and listen before you opine.
Lol what? Did someone take over your account? 😂😂😂Never seen a debate that you cant defend yourself after an accusation. Trump to me tonight is a disrespectful spoiled brat that needs an ass whooping to learn respect.
Cortez.. I'm not in favor of Socialism.. Or Progressivism.. Or Phucking Obamaism.. or Bidenism.. Its another version of Castro Cuba.. Soviet Stalin.. Venezuela.. You name it.. That what Pelosi and the rest of them want..
I'm against it.. I'm for Freedom.. I'm for the Constitution.. I'm for the Right to Pursue Happiness.. I'm for Keeping most of the money I make versus handing over 50% of my Money or more to the government.. I'm for Religous Freedom.. I'm for Democracy
If you don't like it.. Shove it
Please.. You believe all that Liberal Garbage.. Its all Junk.. No Russian in Siberia is going to influence our election process.. Its a Joke..Thanks for your thoughts.
Have you considered that Trump is for dictators (Xi, Putin, Erdowan, Dutarte, ) and has no respect for democracy?
He is not a defender of rights. He is a dictator wannabe.
Why do you support a dictator?
I'm just watching this thread and have Wicked Tuna playing on the TV. Sounds like it's not good for Trump so far.
Look.. Those who have Little.. are ENTITLED TO NOTHING!!! NOTHING!! They are Owed NOTHING.. And i Don't feel sorry for them.. You have to WORK HARD and EARN what you want in life.. Not given.. The only right you are given in this country is to PURSUE HAPPINESS.. Thats all.. After that its How bad do you want to work for itThanks for your thoughts.
Have you considered that Trump is for dictators (Xi, Putin, Erdowan, Dutarte, ) and has no respect for democracy?
He is not a defender of rights. He is a dictator wannabe.
Why do you support a dictator? I’m ok if you hate Biden, Obama, etc. I do not understand, however, why you can turn that hate into support for a person who undermines democracy and wants to be an autocrat.
I do not understand this point of view.
Sell, sell, sell.Anyone have some good stock tips if Biden wins this election?
Lol what? Did someone take over your account? 😂😂😂
Gonna be a tough next 52 months for youNo way in hell will trump get our vote again. I am disgusted to be a registered republican. Sad 3-4 years
Bro, what's wrong with you? I've never seen you like this. Seriously!Never seen a debate that you cant defend yourself after an accusation. Trump to me tonight is a disrespectful spoiled brat that needs an ass whooping to learn respect.
Bro, what's wrong with you? I've never seen you like this. Seriously!
Sell Sell Sell is absolutely rightSell, sell, sell.
Trump was soundly whupped tonight.Gonna be a tough next 52 months for you