Parler Is Back Online

Also worth mentioning that the entire Ayatollah rabbit hole is little more than diversion from the central topic, which is Trump's banning from social media because he incited violence against his own country. Twitter are ultimately a US company who have a unique moral responsibility to self-regulate when American lives are at stake. They obviously aren't going to go after every tin pot dictator across the globe who says provocative things about other countries they don't like.
Research is easy tho. Looks like this is targeted at a regime, he literally seems to be saying that a new government should be formed by the indigenous people of the region irrespective of religion and that those not indigenous should be determined later. He has zero respect for immigrants and does push violent resistance if they can't reach a policy agreement Most importantly this was tweeted in 2014...but hey yeah, is easy.


Research is easy tho. Looks like this is targeted at a regime, he literally seems to be saying that a new government should be formed by the indigenous people of the region irrespective of religion and that those not indigenous should be determined later. He has zero respect for immigrants and does push violent resistance if they can't reach a policy agreement Most importantly this was tweeted in 2014...but hey yeah, is easy.


I saw that a while back. The bench mark is whether it directly resulted in an actual attack on Israel that resulted in a loss of life. If not, then it can't be compared to Trump's incitement to attack the Capitol.
Also worth mentioning that the entire Ayatollah rabbit hole is little more than diversion from the central topic, which is Trump's banning from social media because he incited violence against his own country. Twitter are ultimately a US company who have a unique moral responsibility to self-regulate when American lives are at stake. They obviously aren't going to go after every tin pot dictator across the globe who says provocative things about other countries they don't like.

Iran that has John Kerry approved Nukes, is a little more than your average tin pot dictatorship, eg Honduras. If your buddy, the Ayatollah of Iran, you anti Jewish dirbag, drops a Nuke on Tel Aviv, what exactly do you think will stop WW3? Lurch John Kerry saying this is an unfortanate Mistake and is Trumps fault? Israelis will nuke every major Arab City. How is that going to end well?
I saw that a while back. The bench mark is whether it directly resulted in an actual attack on Israel that resulted in a loss of life. If not, then it can't be compared to Trump's incitement to attack the Capitol.

OK, any Liberal that claims to be even minded like Cortez, Gary and Matt. Do I really need to spend the time during my work day to google all the Iran financed Hamas deaths of Israeli citizens from Iran financed rockes fired by Hamas into Israel. Will any of you have the courage to call out and condemn the blantant approval for killing of Jews by CaneSport poster Rauol2?
OK, any Liberal that claims to be even minded like Cortez, Gary and Matt. Do I really need to spend the time during my work day to google all the Iran financed Hamas deaths of Israeli citizens from Iran financed rockes fired by Hamas into Israel. Will any of you have the courage to call out and condemn the blantant approval for killing of Jews by CaneSport poster Rauol2?

You seem to be stuck in your own self-induced feedback loop about Ayatollah and Jews. That's not this thread is about - its about Parler being back up.
Iran that has John Kerry approved Nukes, is a little more than your average tin pot dictatorship, eg Honduras. If your buddy, the Ayatollah of Iran, you anti Jewish dirbag, drops a Nuke on Tel Aviv, what exactly do you think will stop WW3? Lurch John Kerry saying this is an unfortanate Mistake and is Trumps fault? Israelis will nuke every major Arab City. How is that going to end well?

Pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal was probably a bad idea since they can now resume enriching without any safeguards.
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Little Raoul2 Catro, I will admit it is typically in bad form to answer my own post. But it is chicken shit of you to not acknowledge your wimp request for a second post to show that the Ayatollah of Iran wants to exterminate Israel. Then not respond to the facts. I will ask again:
Why do you hate people pf the Jewish Faith? Why do you defend someone that calls for Genocide of Jew's?

Ok you pathetic POS of shit nasty Communist little douchbag, I and the rest of this board are still awaiting your answer as to why you love the hateful Ayatollah of Iran and hate all of those of the the Jewish Faith?
Ok liberals on this board. Do you all support Little POS Raoul's support of the Ayatollah of Iran and his his desire to eradicate the Country of Israel and the Jewish religion. Cortez, I'm calling you out! Do you have the balls to state the obvious and ask Gary to ban an anti semite the same as you would rightfully want a David Duke racist to be banned.
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Little Raoul2 Catro, I will admit it is typically in bad form to answer my own post. But it is chicken shit of you to not acknowledge your wimp request for a second post to show that the Ayatollah of Iran wants to exterminate Israel. Then not respond to the facts. I will ask again:
Why do you hate people pf the Jewish Faith? Why do you defend someone that calls for Genocide of Jew's?

Ok you pathetic POS of shit nasty Communist little douchbag, I and the rest of this board are still awaiting your answer as to why you love the hateful Ayatollah of Iran and hate all of those of the the Jewish Faith?
Ok liberals on this board. Do you all support Little POS Raoul's support of the Ayatollah of Iran and his his desire to eradicate the Country of Israel and the Jewish religion. Cortez, I'm calling you out! Do you have the balls to state the obvious and ask Gary to ban an anti semite the same as you would rightfully want a David Duke racist to be banned.

LOL. Calm down bro. We don't want you getting an aneurysm because of your bizarre obsession of chasing me around the forum to talk about the Ayatollah.
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LOL. Calm down bro. We don't want you getting an aneurysm because of your bizarre obsession of chasing me around the forum to talk about the Ayatollah.

Why do you hate people pf the Jewish Faith? Why do you defend someone that calls for Genocide of Jew's?

You have yet to answer the question?
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Why do you hate people pf the Jewish Faith? Why do you defend someone that calls for Genocide of Jew's?

You have yet to answer the question?

I don't recall defending anyone. You seem to have made all of this up!
Ok you on the right.. get your party together as it does not look like Conservative party Anymore.... its fascist by definition.... I hoping you can get S#@t together... the country needs some honest men again...
LOL. Calm down bro. We don't want you getting an aneurysm because of your bizarre obsession of chasing me around the forum to talk about the Ayatollah.
Haha if you’re being chased that’s hysterical. Maybe you should send a message to management. Apparently my responding to someone and @ing them on three occasions was “reportable” if that ain’t the most beta shit ever. You should report it for shits and giggles.
So folks have cognitive dissonance and make fabrications up. It’s kind of sad really.

You actually make me look silly with your vocabulary. Here's the difference. I don't have to pause to look it up. You are not fooling anybody Ellu. We know who you are.
You actually make me look silly with your vocabulary. Here's the difference. I don't have to pause to look it up. You are not fooling anybody Ellu. We know who you are.
Usually the racial taunt I get is “he is so articulate” rarely is it “he is so thesaurus” lol. Bro it’s not an act and I hate that folks think that. I speak as a write, my accent helps (I like to think till one of my frat brothers mock me!, Bubba is the worst) but sure hit me up at FVEllu, we can exchange numbers chop it up about the Canes and you can assess if this is my actual vernacular. It’s not special man. It really isn’t. I do have a great voice tho! Don’t let your woman on the phone I’m a Que but they hear the alpha male and start tryna throw panties at me 🤣😂
Haha if you’re being chased that’s hysterical. Maybe you should send a message to management. Apparently my responding to someone and @ing them on three occasions was “reportable” if that ain’t the most beta shit ever. You should report it for shits and giggles.

I think yesterday was a depressing, gloomy day for Trump cultists and right wingers. Many of them were either drunk or emotionally unhinged, so let’s hope sorbriety and a good nights sleep does the trick. And besides, the one time I reported someone, they mysteriously vanished off the site never to be seen again, and we don’t want that to happen again.

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