President's Trump's Speech To Congress: Powerful, Poetic, And Patriotic...


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2007
Hometown: Coral Gables; Currently: Downtown FTL
The annals of history are filled with moments when speeches by political leaders became more than speeches- they defined the country's direction towards peace, power, and prosperity. From Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Speech to FDR's post-Pearl Harbor Speech; and from John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Speech to George W. Bush's post-9-11 Speech.

Last night was no different. President Trump's speech carried a strong message with a soft tone, a Republican platform with bi-partisan outreach, and a general policy outline with some specifics. Overall, it was nothing short of spectacular, and will go down as one of the best political speeches in history.

Today is a great day for all Americans. I couldn't be prouder of our President, our Republican Party, and above all our country. It is time to get to work and we are getting to work!


Here are some article reviews of President Trump's Speech from last night:



Washington Post:

Fox New:
The annals of history are filled with moments when speeches by political leaders became more than speeches- they defined the country's direction towards peace, power, and prosperity. From Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Speech to FDR's post-Pearl Harbor Speech; and from John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Speech to George W. Bush's post-9-11 Speech.

Last night was no different. President Trump's speech carried a strong message with a soft tone, a Republican platform with bi-partisan outreach, and a general policy outline with some specifics. Overall, it was nothing short of spectacular, and will go down as one of the best political speeches in history.

Today is a great day for all Americans. I couldn't be prouder of our President, our Republican Party, and above all our country. It is time to get to work and we are getting to work!


Here are some article reviews of President Trump's Speech from last night:



Washington Post:

Fox New:
Powerful, poetic and Patriotic OP! Excellent post!! Congrats
It's amazing how low the bar is for this president. Reading from a teleprompter and standing upright doesn't make you presidential. Give me responsible legislation that helps the American worker, provides for a cleaner and safer environment and truly drain the swamp.
How is it that CNN, WaPo, and Buzzfeed are "fake news" when its anti-Trump, but when they give him credit they are now credible? Have a little bit of conviction. I believe they call this 'confirmation bias'. Comparing his speech (which I thought was good) to all time speeches is an insult to those aforementioned presidents.....The same way you criticize the left for hating on everything he says, you slurp on everything he says/does....Try a little objectivity...
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How is it that CNN, WaPo, and Buzzfeed are "fake news" when its anti-Trump, but when they give him credit they are now credible? Have a little bit of conviction. I believe they call this 'confirmation bias'. Comparing his speech (which I thought was good) to all time speeches is an insult to those aforementioned presidents.....The same way you criticize the left for hating on everything he says, you slurp on everything he says/does....Try a little objectivity...
It's only fake news when they drop their "we cannot confirm" in an article they try to post as fact! They'll lead with an unconfirmed story as news! It's not news when they do this! It's an opinion!
How is it that CNN, WaPo, and Buzzfeed are "fake news" when its anti-Trump, but when they give him credit they are now credible? Have a little bit of conviction. I believe they call this 'confirmation bias'. Comparing his speech (which I thought was good) to all time speeches is an insult to those aforementioned presidents.....The same way you criticize the left for hating on everything he says, you slurp on everything he says/does....Try a little objectivity...
lmao....I cringe when I hear him speak. He doesn't inspire me. He makes me want to take a shower. Having said that a lot of people said it was good. Especially for him so I will pull it up in all fairness and hear it out.
How is it that CNN, WaPo, and Buzzfeed are "fake news" when its anti-Trump, but when they give him credit they are now credible? Have a little bit of conviction. I believe they call this 'confirmation bias'. Comparing his speech (which I thought was good) to all time speeches is an insult to those aforementioned presidents.....The same way you criticize the left for hating on everything he says, you slurp on everything he says/does....Try a little objectivity...

Didnt cite buzzfeed. Try a little reading comprehension.
It's amazing how low the bar is for this president. Reading from a teleprompter and standing upright doesn't make you presidential. Give me responsible legislation that helps the American worker, provides for a cleaner and safer environment and truly drain the swamp.

And your're the epitome of ignorance.

If the truth about Trump and the Russians hit you in the face you would deny it.

You like all the other Trump zombies where mesmerized by his statesman like performance.

The liberal meltdown is truly epic. You f**king liberals are a joke. Liberal politicians sitting down when Navy Seal Ryan's widow was being cheered. Failing to shake President Trump and other GOP leaders' hands. Boycotting Inagurations. Protesting cabinet hearings. Sucking on the mainstream media's liberal tits and sucking the sweet nectar of fake news from the left tit and far left liberal propoganda from the right tit. Constant theories, inuendo, and strawman arguments about Russia this and that without one f**king shred of hard evidence. Total liberal bitch meltdown.

Marshalling out 76 year old California limousine liberal and have brain dead Nanci Pelosi to pander far left liberal sewer speeches...

Marshalling out 66 year old New York flaming far left liberal fake tears Chuckie Schumer to atom bomb obstruct everything the GOP does.

Marshalling out 74 year old Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders to spew economic socialism.

Marshalling out lunatic far left liberal Elizabeth fake Pocahontas Warren to throw hissy fits like the little bitch that she is.

Marshalling out radical far left liberal Keith Elison as a nominee for DNC Chair- a man with proven ties to the domestic terrorist group Nation of Islam.

And you liberal snowflakes still can't figure out why you mother f**kers have lost over 900+ seats at both state and federal level the last year... Your party has been hijacked by coastal flaming far left liberals like an Egyptian Airliner crashing into the Mediterranean Sea. You have the liberal bitch whore mainstream media spewinf fake news on a daily basis to promote a liberal agenda. And you have the hollywood hypocrite liberals preaching from their ivory castles to America with their misguided moral authority.

But you f**king liberals keep fighting the good fight. You keep bitching about Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch, Trump's hair, Ryan and Pence's blue ties, Ivanka and Nordstrom, labeling everyone a bigot, racist, xenophobe blah blah blah, the end of American democracy, and all the other daily bullshit you liberal clowns come up with on a weekly basis. Keep drowning in your cesspool of liberalism instead of figuring out why the GOP had been bitch slapping the Democrats in Senate, House, Governor, State, and now Presidential elections.

Liberalism is the AIDS of political ideologies, and those who harbor its tenants suffer from a disease of the mind.

Liberals - the most INCOMPETENT, INSUFFERABLE, and most INCOMPETENT group of grab ass political people, and it will be GREAT watching these liberal snowflakes melt away like ice in the Arizona desert while we Make America Great Again!
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Didnt cite buzzfeed. Try a little reading comprehension.
I comprehended what you said, my apologies almighty that I mentioned buzzfeed instead of politico......How come these sources are credible all of a sudden? Because you like what they had to say. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you use better logic in court.
You can't say that either Hillary or O'Bama have ever been "inspirational" in any regard.
Very much inspirational. Hillary has been an inspiration to women and Obama to African Americans. These are groups that fight for equality. However, Bill Clinton also inspired me. He was great at compromise. Balanced the budget and fixed welfare to the point it is not generational. Trump doesn't do anything but talk sh't and I am tired of it! He does nothing and has a bunch of cucks sit back and tell him how outstanding he is for doing nothing.

Both Obama and Hillary are very educated. Take a look for yourself what has happened to the high school graduation rates under Obama. It's great to see the graduation rates improve. People get healthcare. Poverty go down. Great leadership and all done with the other side literally opposing everything. That's getting it done.
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The liberal meltdown is truly epic. You f**king liberals are a joke. Liberal politicians sitting down when Navy Seal Ryan's widow was being cheered. Failing to shake President Trump and other GOP leaders' hands. Boycotting Inagurations. Protesting cabinet hearings. Sucking on the mainstream media's liberal tits and sucking the sweet nectar of fake news from the left tit and far left liberal propoganda from the right tit. Constant theories, inuendo, and strawman arguments about Russia this and that without one f**king shred of hard evidence. Total liberal bitch meltdown.

Marshalling out 76 year old California limousine liberal and have brain dead Nanci Pelosi to pander far left liberal sewer speeches...

Marshalling out 66 year old New York flaming far left liberal fake tears Chuckie Schumer to atom bomb obstruct everything the GOP does.

Marshalling out 74 year old Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders to spew economic socialism.

Marshalling out lunatic far left liberal Elizabeth fake Pocahontas Warren to throw hissy fits like the little bitch that she is.

Marshalling out radical far left liberal Keith Elison as a nominee for DNC Chair- a man with proven ties to the domestic terrorist group Nation of Islam.

And you liberal snowflakes still can't figure out why you mother f**kers have lost over 900+ seats at both state and federal level the last year... Your party has been hijacked by coastal flaming far left liberals like an Egyptian Airliner crashing into the Mediterranean Sea. You have the liberal bitch whore mainstream media spewinf fake news on a daily basis to promote a liberal agenda. And you have the hollywood hypocrite liberals preaching from their ivory castles to America with their misguided moral authority.

But you f**king liberals keep fighting the good fight. You keep bitching about Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch, Trump's hair, Ryan and Pence's blue ties, Ivanka and Nordstrom, labeling everyone a bigot, racist, xenophobe blah blah blah, the end of American democracy, and all the other daily bullshit you liberal clowns come up with on a weekly basis. Keep drowning in your cesspool of liberalism instead of figuring out why the GOP had been bitch slapping the Democrats in Senate, House, Governor, State, and now Presidential elections.

Liberalism is the AIDS of political ideologies, and those who harbor its tenants suffer from a disease of the mind.

Liberals - the most INCOMPETENT, INSUFFERABLE, and most INCOMPETENT group of grab ass political people, and it will be GREAT watching these liberal snowflakes melt away like ice in the Arizona desert while we Make America Great Again!
I didn't see any of this outrage when republicans did it so save it now. Please.

Was that the Navy seals widow that Trump killed? Yes I said it. He ordered a raid Obama advised against because they didn't have the intel. He ordered it over a steak dinner and not in the situation room with advisors. Killed about what? 30 innocent women and children and citizens? Including this navy seal? Screw Trump and the horse he rode in on. I am glad they didn't shake his hand or give him any respect.
The liberal meltdown is truly epic. You f**king liberals are a joke. Liberal politicians sitting down when Navy Seal Ryan's widow was being cheered. Failing to shake President Trump and other GOP leaders' hands. Boycotting Inagurations. Protesting cabinet hearings. Sucking on the mainstream media's liberal tits and sucking the sweet nectar of fake news from the left tit and far left liberal propoganda from the right tit. Constant theories, inuendo, and strawman arguments about Russia this and that without one f**king shred of hard evidence. Total liberal bitch meltdown.

Marshalling out 76 year old California limousine liberal and have brain dead Nanci Pelosi to pander far left liberal sewer speeches...

Marshalling out 66 year old New York flaming far left liberal fake tears Chuckie Schumer to atom bomb obstruct everything the GOP does.

Marshalling out 74 year old Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders to spew economic socialism.

Marshalling out lunatic far left liberal Elizabeth fake Pocahontas Warren to throw hissy fits like the little bitch that she is.

Marshalling out radical far left liberal Keith Elison as a nominee for DNC Chair- a man with proven ties to the domestic terrorist group Nation of Islam.

And you liberal snowflakes still can't figure out why you mother f**kers have lost over 900+ seats at both state and federal level the last year... Your party has been hijacked by coastal flaming far left liberals like an Egyptian Airliner crashing into the Mediterranean Sea. You have the liberal bitch whore mainstream media spewinf fake news on a daily basis to promote a liberal agenda. And you have the hollywood hypocrite liberals preaching from their ivory castles to America with their misguided moral authority.

But you f**king liberals keep fighting the good fight. You keep bitching about Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch, Trump's hair, Ryan and Pence's blue ties, Ivanka and Nordstrom, labeling everyone a bigot, racist, xenophobe blah blah blah, the end of American democracy, and all the other daily bullshit you liberal clowns come up with on a weekly basis. Keep drowning in your cesspool of liberalism instead of figuring out why the GOP had been bitch slapping the Democrats in Senate, House, Governor, State, and now Presidential elections.

Liberalism is the AIDS of political ideologies, and those who harbor its tenants suffer from a disease of the mind.

Liberals - the most INCOMPETENT, INSUFFERABLE, and most INCOMPETENT group of grab ass political people, and it will be GREAT watching these liberal snowflakes melt away like ice in the Arizona desert while we Make America Great Again!
Bro, take a deep breath and repeat after me. Trump is an idiot. No offense but that's the truth. Also, you need to cut down on these long winded essays. You and the other Trump idiot are the only ones that read them.
I comprehended what you said, my apologies almighty that I mentioned buzzfeed instead of politico......How come these sources are credible all of a sudden? Because you like what they had to say. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you use better logic in court.

CNN and WaPo are going to get it right every now and then but doing so does not overcompensate by any stretch of the imagination that they are notorious for propagating fake news in favor of a liberal agenda. there are things, substantive policy issues, which the media can challenge Trump- they just intentionally choose to not do so in favor of ratings and shock value bullshit
Gonna be a long, loooooooooooong four years for liberals. Just getting started. No cure for Trump Derrangement Syndrome other than either improving the core of the Democratic Party by flushing out the far left liberalism which has polluted that party, or in the alternative, download and fill out citizen applications for either Europe or Canada.
It's amazing how low the bar is for this president. Reading from a teleprompter and standing upright doesn't make you presidential. Give me responsible legislation that helps the American worker, provides for a cleaner and safer environment and truly drain the swamp.

And your're the epitome of ignorance.

If the truth about Trump and the Russians hit you in the face you would deny it.

You like all the other Trump zombies where mesmerized by his statesman like performance.

The liberal meltdown is truly epic. You f**king liberals are a joke. Liberal politicians sitting down when Navy Seal Ryan's widow was being cheered. Failing to shake President Trump and other GOP leaders' hands. Boycotting Inagurations. Protesting cabinet hearings. Sucking on the mainstream media's liberal tits and sucking the sweet nectar of fake news from the left tit and far left liberal propoganda from the right tit. Constant theories, inuendo, and strawman arguments about Russia this and that without one f**king shred of hard evidence. Total liberal bitch meltdown.

Marshalling out 76 year old California limousine liberal and have brain dead Nanci Pelosi to pander far left liberal sewer speeches...

Marshalling out 66 year old New York flaming far left liberal fake tears Chuckie Schumer to atom bomb obstruct everything the GOP does.

Marshalling out 74 year old Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders to spew economic socialism.

Marshalling out lunatic far left liberal Elizabeth fake Pocahontas Warren to throw hissy fits like the little bitch that she is.

Marshalling out radical far left liberal Keith Elison as a nominee for DNC Chair- a man with proven ties to the domestic terrorist group Nation of Islam.

And you liberal snowflakes still can't figure out why you mother f**kers have lost over 900+ seats at both state and federal level the last year... Your party has been hijacked by coastal flaming far left liberals like an Egyptian Airliner crashing into the Mediterranean Sea. You have the liberal bitch whore mainstream media spewinf fake news on a daily basis to promote a liberal agenda. And you have the hollywood hypocrite liberals preaching from their ivory castles to America with their misguided moral authority.

But you f**king liberals keep fighting the good fight. You keep bitching about Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch, Trump's hair, Ryan and Pence's blue ties, Ivanka and Nordstrom, labeling everyone a bigot, racist, xenophobe blah blah blah, the end of American democracy, and all the other daily bullshit you liberal clowns come up with on a weekly basis. Keep drowning in your cesspool of liberalism instead of figuring out why the GOP had been bitch slapping the Democrats in Senate, House, Governor, State, and now Presidential elections.

Liberalism is the AIDS of political ideologies, and those who harbor its tenants suffer from a disease of the mind.

Liberals - the most INCOMPETENT, INSUFFERABLE, and most INCOMPETENT group of grab ass political people, and it will be GREAT watching these liberal snowflakes melt away like ice in the Arizona desert while we Make America Great Again!

The Democratic Party is utterly useless and ppl said that about R's 8 years ago but here the difference they are moving way out to the left to cater to the Anarchists when this is a historically center, center leaning right country. The further left they go which I predict they will since they don't understand how Donald Trump became Prez Trump the more they alienate most of the country. So dems keep calling him hitler, Stalin, keep bringing up the BS Russia story to take away from a historic election loss we republicans will keep winning and keep gaining power. He gave dems a nice plate of food yesterday: infrastructure, child care, no entitlement reform in the near future yet they didn't stand or clap when either one of those points were brought up. Keep it up Dems you'll take yourselves out pretty soon
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The Democratic Party is utterly useless and ppl said that about R's 8 years ago but here the difference they are moving way out to the left to cater to the Anarchists when this is a historically center, center leaning right country. The further left they go which I predict they will since they don't understand how Donald Trump became Prez Trump the more they alienate most of the country. So dems keep calling him hitler, Stalin, keep bringing up the BS Russia story to take away from a historic election loss we republicans will keep winning and keep gaining power. He gave dems a nice plate of food yesterday: infrastructure, child care, no entitlement reform in the near future yet they didn't stand or clap when either one of those points were brought up. Keep it up Dems you'll take yourselves out pretty soon
Excellent points!!
Advarkas, Excellent posts! I've been awaiting your post all day in the war Room, but figured I'd check out the lounge and Bingo...The Libs are all confused now..the job begins! God Bless our President and America (Canes) too!
The Democratic Party is utterly useless and ppl said that about R's 8 years ago but here the difference they are moving way out to the left to cater to the Anarchists when this is a historically center, center leaning right country. The further left they go which I predict they will since they don't understand how Donald Trump became Prez Trump the more they alienate most of the country. So dems keep calling him hitler, Stalin, keep bringing up the BS Russia story to take away from a historic election loss we republicans will keep winning and keep gaining power. He gave dems a nice plate of food yesterday: infrastructure, child care, no entitlement reform in the near future yet they didn't stand or clap when either one of those points were brought up. Keep it up Dems you'll take yourselves out pretty soon
BS Russia story? Stay tuned. Soon to be breaking news.
More about the message, you Dems got fooled by the performance in Obama! Ineffective terrible leader he was! Guy was awful
Ineffective, really? Here are a few accomplishments.

1) Saved the collapse of the American automotive industry
2) Reversed Bush torture policies
3) Saved Wall Street
4) Healthcare Reform
5) Ordered the military operation that killed Osama Bin Laden
6) Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act
7) Economic stimulus plan has created many jobs....unemployment rate below 5%
8) Made progress towards limiting nuclear proliferation
9) Improved US policy on climate change
10) Regulated big banks to avoid another financial collapse
11) 2010 tax cuts
12) Nuclear agreement with Iran
13) Ended the war in Iraq
14) Began draw down of war in Afghanistan
15) Recapitalized banks
16) Repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
17) Toppled Moammar Gaddafi
18) Boosted fuel efficiency standards
19) Coordinated Int'l response to financial crisis
20 Passed credit card reforms
22) Improved Food safety system
23) Achieved new Start Treaty
24) No scandals
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Ineffective, really? Here are a few accomplishments.

1) Saved the collapse of the American automotive industry
2) Reversed Bush torture policies
3) Saved Wall Street
4) Healthcare Reform
5) Ordered the military operation that killed Osama Bin Laden
6) Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act
7) Economic stimulus plan has created many jobs....unemployment rate below 5%
8) Made progress towards limiting nuclear proliferation
9) Improved US policy on climate change
10) Regulated big banks to avoid another financial collapse
11) 2010 tax cuts
12) Nuclear agreement with Iran
13) Ended the war in Iraq
14) Began draw down of war in Afghanistan
15) Recapitalized banks
16) Repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
17) Toppled Moammar Gaddafi
18) Boosted fuel efficiency standards
19) Coordinated Int'l response to financial crisis
20 Passed credit card reforms
22) Improved Food safety system
23) Achieved new Start Treaty
13) No scandals
If you don't see why 3/4 of these items are failed policy or buyouts using taxpayer money your straight dumb as bricks! #12 proves how stupid you really are! Iran got that cash and started firing rockets the next day! Your a clown
How'd toppling Gaddafi going for you? Lmfao utter disaster!! How's the Flint water going?
No scandals?? You retarded? Benghazi!! IRS targeting republican groups and hundred others. Your a real jerkoff
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If you don't see why 3/4 of these items are failed policy or buyouts using taxpayer money your straight dumb as bricks! #12 proves how stupid you really are! Iran got that cash and started firing rockets the next day! Your a clown
How'd toppling Gaddafi going for you? Lmfao utter disaster!! How's the Flint water going?
No scandals?? You retarded? Benghazi!! IRS targeting republican groups and hundred others. Your a real jerkoff
I provide you accomplishments and you belittle them. First of all, that money belonged to Iran. You need to stop getting your news from Fox Fake News and Breitbart. You are sorely out of touch with reality.
I provide you accomplishments and you belittle them. First of all, that money belonged to Iran. You need to stop getting your news from Fox Fake News and Breitbart. You are sorely out of touch with reality.
They weren't "accomplishments" so you just give a terrorist nation looking to kill us money? We also have an embargo in place, they fire of rockets the next day and I'm out of touch, lol your just so ignorant and stupid. Your really a stupid person.
Advarkas, Excellent posts! I've been awaiting your post all day in the war Room, but figured I'd check out the lounge and Bingo...The Libs are all confused now..the job begins! God Bless our President and America (Canes) too!

The Lounge is the new War Room, and we are bringing it brighter, bolder, and better every day.
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