Really disappointed in Trumps performance last night, here’s why.


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2005
He showed up to fight and not debate. All he had to do was come off calm and collected and let biden self destruct. Instead he barely let biden get a word in which played right into bidens hand. Biden wanted nothing to do with this debate and thanks to trump he got what he wanted. Trump comes off as an unhinged hot head and biden comes off as nothing more than the guy that’s just simply not trump. Biden did nothing in this but name call, stutter, slur his words and say come on man only because Trump gave him an out of the debate. Why didn’t fox just cut the mic’s after their time?

In addition, wallace was worthless in this. Both candidates should be furious with him.
This was predictable in a way. Trump hates talking policy and is more comfortable with insults, interruptions, and accusations. Despite all of that, Biden still got a lot of policy into the debate by speaking directly at the camera, which I though was effective. Trump is going to have to regroup and try again without spending the entire evening on the attack. If he can't spend any time championing his own policies, then he ends up looking like he has no accomplishments and plenty of things that went wrong.
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He showed up to fight and not debate. All he had to do was come off calm and collected and let biden self destruct. Instead he barely let biden get a word in which played right into bidens hand. Biden wanted nothing to do with this debate and thanks to trump he got what he wanted. Trump comes off as an unhinged hot head and biden comes off as nothing more than the guy that’s just simply not trump. Biden did nothing in this but name call, stutter, slur his words and say come on man only because Trump gave him an out of the debate. Why didn’t fox just cut the mic’s after their time?

In addition, wallace was worthless in this. Both candidates should be furious with him.
It wouldn’t have mattered any way. Biden sat there straight up lies numerous times and Wallace didn’t have the balls nor the desire to check him. Trump was fighting Biden and Wallace. It was pretty evident!
Supporter of Trump's policies here.I was very disappointed in his performance. He seemed unprepared, disorganized, and too combative. He. didn't defend himself or exploit Biden's many weaknesses well at all. He should have said of course I repudiate white supremacy- end of discussion. He left a ton of points on the the field. Piss poor performance IMO.
Wallace was totally worthless and impotent.Shit show of the highest order.
What debate were you watching last night?
The question is which debate did you watch? “Antifa is an idea”??? I can tell as a lowly little pee-on that was total bullsh-t! Biden has done nothing but empower marxists and Anarchist by his failure to address them.

It won’t matter in a month as you guys will be crying and we can finally move on from the bullsh-t!
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The question is which debate did you watch? “Antifa is an idea”??? I can tell as a lowly little pee-on that was total bullsh-t! Biden has done nothing but empower marxists and Anarchist by his failure to address them.

It won’t matter in a month as you guys will be crying and we can finally move on from the bullsh-t!
From past political posts, you know that I’m a Chardonnay sippin libtard seeking a safe place in Cali waiting for this nightmare of an election to be over.

That said, I watched the entire debate, this time without watching any pre or post debate commentary from any network. Reaching my own conclusion, I gotta agree with 6882. Trump showed up for a fight not a presidential debate. Why did he do that?

Trump is the incumbent. As such, he should calmly march through each of the accomplishments of the past 47 months and describe what he would do in his second term. Hard to beat that approach if you have a mediocre challenger Biden. Biden is very, very mediocre.

But Trump is emotionally incapable of being the calm, collected guy in charge. Instead, he’s a pugilist who casts himself as the aggrieved outsider. A victim of voter fraud, fake news, a corrupt media, etc etc. By being the bomb thrower rather than the strong incumbent, he gives up his great natural advantage as the big guy in the White House. He makes Joe look like the incumbent against whom Trump will fight tooth and nail.

During the debate, we saw him once again throw away his advantage. It doesn’t matter if you love him or hate him. For me, Biden definitely did not win the debate. Trump forfeited.
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This was predictable in a way. Trump hates talking policy and is more comfortable with insults, interruptions, and accusations. Despite all of that, Biden still got a lot of policy into the debate by speaking directly at the camera, which I though was effective. Trump is going to have to regroup and try again without spending the entire evening on the attack. If he can't spend any time championing his own policies, then he ends up looking like he has no accomplishments and plenty of things that went wrong.
Biden didnt mention ONE policy except bring back obama care, Eliminate 180 MILLION
private insured.
Believe what you choose, funny how all dems complain about is rudeness.
Biden evaded EVERY direct question EVERY ONE.
Dream on rauol.
52 more months
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He showed up to fight and not debate. All he had to do was come off calm and collected and let biden self destruct. Instead he barely let biden get a word in which played right into bidens hand. Biden wanted nothing to do with this debate and thanks to trump he got what he wanted. Trump comes off as an unhinged hot head and biden comes off as nothing more than the guy that’s just simply not trump. Biden did nothing in this but name call, stutter, slur his words and say come on man only because Trump gave him an out of the debate. Why didn’t fox just cut the mic’s after their time?

In addition, wallace was worthless in this. Both candidates should be furious with him.

There was only one person out of the three that wanted a debate, and it was Trump. Go back to the beginning of the debate, and see who interrupted first, and who insulted first, I’ll give you a hint Beijing B_d_n. It was two against one, Chris Wallace was continually running interference for Biden. Trump was debating two people the whole debate, you can’t do that being meek and reserved. He did as good as anyone can do in that impossible situation.
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