RIP Rush Limbaugh

It’s a radio show. Part serious part comedy part jest. Numerous liberal talking heads that say shocking things on radio


”Liberal talking heads”....ironically, I’m not aware of any left-leaning radio shows at all let alone a show that rivals Rush. I’ve talked about this with my kids: why are AM radio call in shows completely dominated by the Right?

Who are the talking heads you mention?


”Liberal talking heads”....ironically, I’m not aware of any left-leaning radio shows at all let alone a show that rivals Rush. I’ve talked about this with my kids: why are AM radio call in shows completely dominated by the Right?

Who are the talking heads you mention?

There was a time but deregulation killed it. Libs don’t tend to sing with one voice and love circular fire. If a lib show is on half the folks will get pissed and go home the first time they disagree. Conservative listeners will rally around topics even where they personally disagree.

Guys like Rush really play on that. It’s why a Rush and a Smerconish can exist on extreme ends of the same spectrum but Randi Rhodes and Thomm Hartmann get roasted by Stephanie Miller’s audience.
Don't worry was all just a comedy routine and none of his listeners were actually influenced by what he said.

Rush on nicotine:
“There is no conclusive proof that nicotine’s addictive... And the same thing with cigarettes causing emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease.”

Rush on the genocide of American Indians:
“Columbus saved the Indians from themselves.”

Rush on Michael J Fox having parkinsons disease:
"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."

Rush on African Americans voting:
“[African Americans] are twelve percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”

Rush on the NFL:
“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

Rush on global warming:
“If you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in man-made global warming."

Rush on global warming 2:
"Global warming relies on the theory that we are destroying ecosystems. There is no evidence that we could destroy ecosystems."

Rush on global warming 3:
"For years I’ve pointed out that global warming is bogus."

Rush on feeding poor children in public school:
“If you feed them, if you feed the children, three square meals a day during the school year, how can you expect them to feed themselves in the summer? Wanton little waifs and serfs dependent on the State. Pure and simple.”

Rush on a 13 year old girl:
"Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?” (Rush Limbaugh, while holding up a photograph of 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton)

Rush on exercise:
“Exercise freaks … are the ones putting stress on the health care system.”

Rush on feminism:
"Feminism has led women astray. I love the women’s movement — especially when walking behind it.”

Rush on LGBT:
“When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it’s an invitation.”
Really guess a lot of comedians will be out if Busuness but that’s what you liberals want. Everyone shut the F up tow the line be PC according to your rules and stifle free speech. You people are pathetic fools

Here's your hero exercising his free speech.

I would tune into Rush a couple times a day just to see what that side is thinking. I’d tune out when he said something I know to be false or a gross distortion of fact, which was usually within 20-30 seconds. How many of his “ditto heads” died because they believed his remarks on COVID?
Agree..Even at the final weeks of his life he continued to tout the Election was stolen and Antifa stormed the Capitol...
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Very sad day, a truly great American. Grew up listening to him. He was talk radio when there was no talk radio. There is now a huge hole and he will be sorely missed. There is and never will be anyone like him. There are very few people you can say that of.

When someone can create their own national market segment, they are doing something right.
Don't worry was all just a comedy routine and none of his listeners were actually influenced by what he said.

Rush on nicotine:

Rush on the genocide of American Indians:

Rush on Michael J Fox having parkinsons disease:

Rush on African Americans voting:

Rush on the NFL:

Rush on global warming:

Rush on global warming 2:

Rush on global warming 3:

Rush on feeding poor children in public school:

Rush on a 13 year old girl:

Rush on exercise:

Rush on feminism:

Rush on LGBT:

Rush on You can get upset over "Rush on exercise"? ...didnt know that was possible.

Some of those things are outrageous and awful but if you ever have listened to his show you know he said things sarcastically and it's not a serious sound bite. Maybe these are examples of that and maybe they arent. I haven't listened to him in about 20 years.
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Rush on You can get upset over "Rush on exercise"? ...didnt know that was possible.

Some of those things are outrageous and awful but if you ever have listened to his show you know he said things sarcastically and it's not a serious sound bite. Maybe these are examples of that and maybe they arent. I haven't listened to him in about 20 years.
He turned pretty nasty over the last 20 years. that's exactly what I was saying. I thought he was being funny for a while, then I realized, it wasn't an act. As more jocks got outrageous he had to raise/lower the bar.
Racist comments are not comedyty

Please look up Melania Trump's tweet giving basic human respect to a man's passing. Then read the vile,nasty and discusting comments by liberals trolls. F Bomb's galore, statements of bad sexual outcomes that these trolls wanted for Melania. Are you proud of the abject hatred and nastiness by the left? Many liberal trolls were gleefully doing the happy dance saying he should burn in hell, how happy they were he died, etc. Once again, do you support these vile comments? Are you going to have the moral courage to pump the breaks?

And where is Captain Jack Dorsey when there is such vile and horrific hate speach. Saying that Melania Trump deserves to be raped for her kind words about Rush Limbaugh.

Hawaiian Cane, are you proud of your Blue Twitter Team? Are you proud of Captain Jack's selective morality? Hate speech and rape threats to a woman are not comedy. Two wrongs never make a right.
Free speech isn't what you think it is. Freedom isn't free. Stop lookng for the handout and pay the price for freedom. Being PC is looked down upon but the thing is it is just respecting others. You don't feel you should have to respect other people when you say things like this. He was not a comedian. That's the difference. He is a demagogue....trying to get a reaction from pathetic cucks that would rather walk around entitled than respect any other culture but their own.
FREEDOM is FREEDOM not your liberal watered down version of it. You don't like his show? Don't listen. I used to love Howard Stern, now I don't. Haven't for years. So I no longer tune in. You guys are INSANE.
FREEDOM is FREEDOM not your liberal watered down version of it. You don't like his show? Don't listen. I used to love Howard Stern, now I don't. Haven't for years. So I no longer tune in. You guys are INSANE.
This sounds hypocritical that you are preaching to me about freedom and what shows I should not be watching. Doesn't freedom apply to me to watch whichever show I want to watch too? This is my problem with people that want to go on about their freedoms. They think it only applies to what they want to do. If he has the freedom to have a show I have the freedom to watch if I want.
This sounds hypocritical that you are preaching to me about freedom and what shows I should not be watching. Doesn't freedom apply to me to watch whichever show I want to watch too? This is my problem with people that want to go on about their freedoms. They think it only applies to what they want to do. If he has the freedom to have a show I have the freedom to watch if I want.
Exactly bongo that is precisely what freedom is...................For instance I have the Freedom on this site to hit the ignore button on you and you on I. I choose today not too but it's tough sometimes to be frank.
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My parents told me to always speak of the dead in a good way. Rush is dead. Good!
CD stop being a parrot
He retweets racist propaganda. If others see it and point it out. That is not being a parrot. That is still Trump retweeting racist propaganda. People screaming white power on a golf cart etc.

That may be okay with you. I don't know. It's not my business....but it isn't okay with most black people.
He retweets racist propaganda. If others see it and point it out. That is not being a parrot. That is still Trump retweeting racist propaganda. People screaming white power on a golf cart etc.

That may be okay with you. I don't know. It's not my business....but it isn't okay with most black people.
Show me.
I have's a PERSONAL choice.

HJ, It appears CD is taking the bad meds again. I looked and cannot find where you told him what to watch. You clearly told him that if he did not like something don't listen. He is one bizarre and disconnected dude???? Basically argues with himself.
HJ, It appears CD is taking the bad meds again. I looked and cannot find where you told him what to watch. You clearly told him that if he did not like something don't listen. He is one bizarre and disconnected dude???? Basically argues with himself.
Crying shame when one can not read and comprehend. Even more sad is the number of fools who don't understand freedom and what it really means. I would say that is it's own form of slavery.
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Really guess a lot of comedians will be out if Busuness but that’s what you liberals want. Everyone shut the F up tow the line be PC according to your rules and stifle free speech. You people are pathetic fools
Pathetic fools are those that put party before country. I dont need to guess who they are. Their ranks are now infused and saturated with QANON, Trumpers, Alt right resulting in massive divisions within their party.
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Pathetic fools are those that put party before country. I dont need to guess who they are. Their ranks are now infused and saturated with QANON, Trumpers, Alt right resulting in massive divisions within their party.
Dude don't speak as if your side of the aisle isn't filled with scummy lunatics. The party of America 2nd, open borders, trust Iran, make bad deals, cozy up to China. Weak pathetic pussies. Men in the girls bathrooms, cancel culture, antifa. I could go on. Scum bags all of them.
Dude don't speak as if your side of the aisle isn't filled with scummy lunatics. The party of America 2nd, open borders, trust Iran, make bad deals, cozy up to China. Weak pathetic pussies. Men in the girls bathrooms, cancel culture, antifa. I could go on. Scum bags all of them.
To add a few...the party of LGBTQ, the party for Hermaphrodites, the party for Black Marxists (BLM), the party for welfare recipients, the party of apologists, the party that sided with social media to hide facts and distort an election result. The party that allows illegal immigrants to flood our hospitals, spread Covid and burden our economy. F--k the liberal scum Democrats!
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Dude don't speak as if your side of the aisle isn't filled with scummy lunatics. The party of America 2nd, open borders, trust Iran, make bad deals, cozy up to China. Weak pathetic pussies. Men in the girls bathrooms, cancel culture, antifa. I could go on. Scum bags all of them.
HJcane meanwhile FL Gov Rick DeSantis was criticized by state officials from both parties for putting limitations on vaccine sites in Manatee County to two of the richest, least impacted zip codes in the county. Both zip codes are over 90% white with median incomes of $100,000+. One of them is home to Lakewood Ranch Community, which was developed by one of DeSantis's major campaign donors and is owned by two of the biggest Republican donors in the country. DeSantis reportedly spoke to the developer and donor, Rex Jensen prior to setting up the vaccine sites in the two wealthy areas.
As if that wasnt corrupt enough, he then responded to criticism from local officials by threatening to get rid of the county vaccine sites altogether. During a press conference, he told the officials "they shouldnt be complaining and just be thankful that we are able to it."
So to summarize: first DeSantis does one of his campaign donors a huge favor by setting up a vaccine site in the donors wealthy development, and then he threatens to remove them entirely because local officials had the audacity to criticize his cronyism. If thats not todays GOP in a nutshell , I dont know what is.
The corrupt RNC thinks that we will forget about this by the next election cycle. AMERICA MUST VOTE!!!!
HJcane meanwhile FL Gov Rick DeSantis was criticized by state officials from both parties for putting limitations on vaccine sites in Manatee County to two of the richest, least impacted zip codes in the county. Both zip codes are over 90% white with median incomes of $100,000+. One of them is home to Lakewood Ranch Community, which was developed by one of DeSantis's major campaign donors and is owned by two of the biggest Republican donors in the country. DeSantis reportedly spoke to the developer and donor, Rex Jensen prior to setting up the vaccine sites in the two wealthy areas.
As if that wasnt corrupt enough, he then responded to criticism from local officials by threatening to get rid of the county vaccine sites altogether. During a press conference, he told the officials "they shouldnt be complaining and just be thankful that we are able to it."
So to summarize: first DeSantis does one of his campaign donors a huge favor by setting up a vaccine site in the donors wealthy development, and then he threatens to remove them entirely because local officials had the audacity to criticize his cronyism. If thats not todays GOP in a nutshell , I dont know what is.
The corrupt RNC thinks that we will forget about this by the next election cycle. AMERICA MUST VOTE!!!!
Maybe the Democrats can find another meth taking POS to run against DeSantis? LOL...
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HJcane meanwhile FL Gov Rick DeSantis was criticized by state officials from both parties for putting limitations on vaccine sites in Manatee County to two of the richest, least impacted zip codes in the county. Both zip codes are over 90% white with median incomes of $100,000+. One of them is home to Lakewood Ranch Community, which was developed by one of DeSantis's major campaign donors and is owned by two of the biggest Republican donors in the country. DeSantis reportedly spoke to the developer and donor, Rex Jensen prior to setting up the vaccine sites in the two wealthy areas.
As if that wasnt corrupt enough, he then responded to criticism from local officials by threatening to get rid of the county vaccine sites altogether. During a press conference, he told the officials "they shouldnt be complaining and just be thankful that we are able to it."
So to summarize: first DeSantis does one of his campaign donors a huge favor by setting up a vaccine site in the donors wealthy development, and then he threatens to remove them entirely because local officials had the audacity to criticize his cronyism. If thats not todays GOP in a nutshell , I dont know what is.
The corrupt RNC thinks that we will forget about this by the next election cycle. AMERICA MUST VOTE!!!!
Except that's NOT what happened. Desantis team showed up with vaccines to inoculate the elderly population in that county and the county commission led by some liberal bytch thought it would be better to use the vaccine on the minority or under served population. We are PRIORITIZING the over 65 community OF ALL RACES. RELIGIONS< SEXES in Florida FIRST. As they are the most likely to die from covid. One of the County Commissioners on VERY SHORT NOTICE decided to host the pop up vaccine event at Lakewood Ranches for the EXTRA and ADDITIONAL VACCINE DOSES all eligible in the County to sign up. In the end it was all resolved. The Governor simply offered MORE VACCINE to that COUNTY to get more needles in arms.
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He turned pretty nasty over the last 20 years. that's exactly what I was saying. I thought he was being funny for a while, then I realized, it wasn't an act. As more jocks got outrageous he had to raise/lower the bar.
You seem to relate him to other " Jocks". Where is the relationship between him and Stern other than the fact that they use a microphone to speak through? Your attempt to throw all "Shock Jocks" together is an attempt on your part to minimize his importance to the public, specifically Conservative thought. Mark Levin and his commentary is close however Levin doesn't stray into what is perceived to be comedic unless it is viewed sarcastically.
Racist comments are not comedy
Lets go way back to early TV forward starting with Amos & Andy, along with Jack Benny and Rochester, and Red Fox on Sanford and Son, The Jefferson's, probably the most racially prejudice TV program of its time, other comedians like Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy that would portray a fellow downtrodden Black as comedy. My point is, these are fellow Black TV personalities and comedians that made millions on racist comedy. You need to get the stick out of your ass and relax. There were hundreds of white comedians that make fun of their religion, ethnic backgrounds, sex, etc.
You need to understand the difference between what is comedy and not.

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