RIP Rush Limbaugh

Lets go way back to early TV forward starting with Amos & Andy, along with Jack Benny and Rochester, and Red Fox on Sanford and Son, The Jefferson's, probably the most racially prejudice TV program of its time, other comedians like Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy that would portray a fellow downtrodden Black as comedy. My point is, these are fellow Black TV personalities and comedians that made millions on racist comedy. You need to get the stick out of your ass and relax. There were hundreds of white comedians that make fun of their religion, ethnic backgrounds, sex, etc.
You need to understand the difference between what is comedy and not.
Oh no you didn't! You went back and told the truth!! You are not permitted to do that. Let them watch Richard Pryor videos in theatres filled with Black people CRY LAUGHING at his racist, gay, drug, sexist jokes! Then they can put on Eddie Murphie, Sam Kennison, etc. etc. etc. Not a F'ing thing wrong with it. It was comedy and it was funny as all hell.
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Oh no you didn't! You went back and told the truth!! You are not permitted to do that. Let them watch Richard Pryor videos in theatres filled with Black people CRY LAUGHING at his racist, gay, drug, sexist jokes! Then they can put on Eddie Murphie, Sam Kennison, etc. etc. etc. Not a F'ing thing wrong with it. It was comedy and it was funny as all hell.
They play the race card when it is financially and politically expedient to do so!
Oh no you didn't! You went back and told the truth!! You are not permitted to do that. Let them watch Richard Pryor videos in theatres filled with Black people CRY LAUGHING at his racist, gay, drug, sexist jokes! Then they can put on Eddie Murphie, Sam Kennison, etc. etc. etc. Not a F'ing thing wrong with it. It was comedy and it was funny as all hell.
I still replay many of these comedy routines on you tube and other venues. It is some of the funniest shit I have ever heard or watched. Do you remember Def Comedy Jam on HBO? Incredible!
I still replay many of these comedy routines on you tube and other venues. It is some of the funniest shit I have ever heard or watched. Do you remember Def Comedy Jam on HBO? Incredible!
Do you remember In Living Color?
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I find this thread very telling. As you can plainly see we conservatives believe in and respect free speech. The liberals only like free speech if the speaker is speaking in a manner they approve of and if not you are trashed. The beauty of free speech is you don’t have to listen. Really a remarkable concept. Don’t tune in.
Free speech does allow us to advocate hate which was at the core of Rush's beliefs.
Free speech does allow us to advocate hate which was at the core of Rush's beliefs.
[/QUOTE No it wasn't. That;'s how I know you never listened. Quite the opposite he STRONGLY believed that every person regardless of race was quite capable of being their very best without having to rely on the Government. All people are special and he spoke about that everyday. His producer of 30 years was a Black man.
I never understood why the public would adore a person who espoused racism and homophobia. Here's a sampling of Rush's work.

  • He began airing “Barack, the Magic Negro,” a racist parody song about then-Sen. Barack Obama’s popularity with many white voters, in 2007.
  • In John K. Wilson's book, The Most Dangerous Man in America: Rush Limbaugh's Assault on Reason, the host was quoted as saying this homophobic statement: "When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation."
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I never understood why the public would adore a person who espoused racism and homophobia. Here's a sampling of Rush's work.

  • He began airing “Barack, the Magic Negro,” a racist parody song about then-Sen. Barack Obama’s popularity with many white voters, in 2007.
  • In John K. Wilson's book, The Most Dangerous Man in America: Rush Limbaugh's Assault on Reason, the host was quoted as saying this homophobic statement: "When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation."
That’s Parody and meant to be comedy and funny. We can agree or disagree whether it’s funny or not but all shock jocks do it. On both sides of the aisle. That’s talk radio. Again if you don’t like it don’t listen. I gave up Howard Stern years ago after years of listening because I thought his shtick got old. Same sex BS over and over again. In case you don’t know how he got fired off FM radio in DC I suggest you google it. Korean airline went down killing all on board over 200 and next morning he made a real bad joke about it and was fired on the spot.
No it wasn't. That;'s how I know you never listened. Quite the opposite he STRONGLY believed that every person regardless of race was quite capable of being their very best without having to rely on the Government. All people are special and he spoke about that everyday. His producer of 30 years was a Black man.

Look at my next post for a sampling of what Rush was about. I did listen to his radio show on many occasions but couldn't stomach it. Not sure why or how a Black producer fits into this discussion. There are many Blacks who are self hating. Look no further than Candace Owens.
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Look at my next post for a sampling of what Rush was about. I did listen to his radio show on many occasions but couldn't stomach it. Not sure why or how a Black producer fits into this discussion. There are many Blacks who are self hating. Look no further than Candace Owens.
That’s Parody and meant to be comedy and funny. We can agree or disagree whether it’s funny or not but all shock jocks do it. On both sides of the aisle. That’s talk radio. Again if you don’t like it don’t listen. I gave up Howard Stern years ago after years of listening because I thought his shtick got old. Same sex BS over and over again. In case you don’t know how he got fired off FM radio in DC I suggest you google it. Korean airline went down killing all on board over 200 and next morning he made a real bad joke about it and was fired on the spot.
Rush's parody went well beyond the norm and definitely beyond Stern's whom I've listened to many times.
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Read Cems
More of Rush's lifetime work.

1. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”


2. “Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela — who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.”


3. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”


4. “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”


5. “They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”


6. [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”


7. “I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They’re interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn’t deserve.”


8. Limbaugh’s many attacks on Obama.

Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head.’

9. “We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.”


10. “Obama’s entire economic program is reparations.”
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Anyone who thinks Stern is a shock jock in the present obviously hasn't watched him lately. He's about as mainstream as it gets.
Read Cems
I did read the article and it proves my point. Stern's work was not focused on racism or misogyny like Rush was. See the difference?
Lets go way back to early TV forward starting with Amos & Andy, along with Jack Benny and Rochester, and Red Fox on Sanford and Son, The Jefferson's, probably the most racially prejudice TV program of its time, other comedians like Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy that would portray a fellow downtrodden Black as comedy. My point is, these are fellow Black TV personalities and comedians that made millions on racist comedy. You need to get the stick out of your ass and relax. There were hundreds of white comedians that make fun of their religion, ethnic backgrounds, sex, etc.
You need to understand the difference between what is comedy and not.
I don’t know Benny and Rochester but if your comparing Eddie, Redd and Richard to racist performers you may want to give them another listen. Eddie was toxically homophobic, Richard had some misogynistic content especially by today’s terms but racist? That would be like calling the Chappel Show racist. I think you may have missed the joke, that’s not a shot. Took my several times watching Ron White before I really got him and it was all the better for it. Don Rickles and Mel Brooks were nothing near racist.

I see zero redemptive value in racist comedy.

I think we can agree that Rush’s comedy was racist, we just differ on whether that was acceptable. It wasn’t.
You seem to relate him to other " Jocks". Where is the relationship between him and Stern other than the fact that they use a microphone to speak through? Your attempt to throw all "Shock Jocks" together is an attempt on your part to minimize his importance to the public, specifically Conservative thought. Mark Levin and his commentary is close however Levin doesn't stray into what is perceived to be comedic unless it is viewed sarcastically.

Rush was important. He was influential. I don’t think this was a good thing for our Republic.
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I don’t know Benny and Rochester but if your comparing Eddie, Redd and Richard to racist performers you may want to give them another listen. Eddie was toxically homophobic, Richard had some misogynistic content especially by today’s terms but racist? That would be like calling the Chappel Show racist. I think you may have missed the joke, that’s not a shot. Took my several times watching Ron White before I really got him and it was all the better for it. Don Rickles and Mel Brooks were nothing near racist.

I see zero redemptive value in racist comedy.

I think we can agree that Rush’s comedy was racist, we just differ on whether that was acceptable. It wasn’t.
And yet many renowned comedians of all races made fun of a variety of races including their own and others including self deprecating jokes about their own race and you know what? It was funny. It was funny because there was some truth or fable contained in the jokes. The world got a bit too serious here lately.
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Rush was important. He was influential. I don’t think this was a good thing for our Republic.
Why not is it because he raised important conservative values? Give it a break Ellu
Why not is it because he raised important conservative values? Give it a break Ellu

Because he engaged in race baiting, misogyny, mocked special needs people etc., - you know, basically all the things we wouldn't want our kids to do. The fact that he was incredibly divisive and laid the foundation for the moral decay of the conservative movement may also have something to do with it.
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I don’t know Benny and Rochester but if your comparing Eddie, Redd and Richard to racist performers you may want to give them another listen. Eddie was toxically homophobic, Richard had some misogynistic content especially by today’s terms but racist? That would be like calling the Chappel Show racist. I think you may have missed the joke, that’s not a shot. Took my several times watching Ron White before I really got him and it was all the better for it. Don Rickles and Mel Brooks were nothing near racist.

I see zero redemptive value in racist comedy.

I think we can agree that Rush’s comedy was racist, we just differ on whether that was acceptable. It wasn’t.
I was fortunate to be at and experience a Richard Pryor comedy act. I did not consider him racist back in the day however parts of his act today would be considered as racist. Eddie Murphy's SNL's Buckwheat routine is racist in today's culture.
Because he engaged in race baiting, misogyny, mocked special needs people etc., - you know, basically all the things we wouldn't want our kids to do. The fact that he was incredibly divisive and laid the foundation for the moral decay of the conservative movement may also have something to do with it.
100% wrong and you could never know u sir are a lib
Desantis wants to fly flags at half- staff for rush. WTF. Governor is an idiot and just like liar trump only cares about his popularity. Disgrace
I was fortunate to be at and experience a Richard Pryor comedy act. I did not consider him racist back in the day however parts of his act today would be considered as racist. Eddie Murphy's SNL's Buckwheat routine is racist in today's culture.

More excuses to justify a person's racist behavior and beliefs. Both Pryor and Murphy were/are apolitical unlike Limbaugh. See the difference?
More excuses to justify a person's racist behavior and beliefs. Both Pryor and Murphy were/are apolitical unlike Limbaugh. See the difference?
I get your point however Limbaugh was not a comedian eventhough he may have thought his race or homophobic jokes were funny.
Eddie Murphy a comedian by trade,portraying Buckwheat, is racist as well. I see little distinction between racist comments or portrayals. I think Limbaugh thought he was funny and Eddie Murphy who is funny being a professional comedian. Bottom line is both people were delivering racial jokes. Murphy just did it 1,000X better.
I get your point however Limbaugh was not a comedian eventhough he may have thought his race or homophobic jokes were funny.
Eddie Murphy a comedian by trade,portraying Buckwheat, is racist as well. I see little distinction between racist comments or portrayals. I think Limbaugh thought he was funny and Eddie Murphy who is funny being a professional comedian. Bottom line is both people were delivering racial jokes. Murphy just did it 1,000X better.
Sorry to disagree with both of you but Rush Limbaugh was not political nor a politician. He was a radio talk host who's show was about conservative political issues and those as they pertained to America. The fact that he built the largest talk radio show in history is because he was great at it WHETHER you liked him or not. He was no more a politician then any of us. Not political meaning he had no desire to run for any office.
Sorry to disagree with both of you but Rush Limbaugh was not political nor a politician. He was a radio talk host who's show was about conservative political issues and those as they pertained to America. The fact that he built the largest talk radio show in history is because he was great at it WHETHER you liked him or not. He was no more a politician then any of us. Not political meaning he had no desire to run for any office.

The fact that he had a large talk radio audience doesn't make him great in any way, just like having 200m Instagram followers doesn't make Kim Kardashian great.
The fact that he had a large talk radio audience doesn't make him great in any way, just like having 200m Instagram followers doesn't make Kim Kardashian great.

DNC Talking point# 28,278.
Let's bring back Air America.
And Saban is not a great coach, what do National Championships mean anyway?
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Except that's NOT what happened. Desantis team showed up with vaccines to inoculate the elderly population in that county and the county commission led by some liberal bytch thought it would be better to use the vaccine on the minority or under served population. We are PRIORITIZING the over 65 community OF ALL RACES. RELIGIONS< SEXES in Florida FIRST. As they are the most likely to die from covid. One of the County Commissioners on VERY SHORT NOTICE decided to host the pop up vaccine event at Lakewood Ranches for the EXTRA and ADDITIONAL VACCINE DOSES all eligible in the County to sign up. In the end it was all resolved. The Governor simply offered MORE VACCINE to that COUNTY to get more needles in arms.
Big question is are all folks who are in underserved communities vaccinated, folks who work in hospitals, clinics, 1st responders, patients in retirement homes, assisted living areas, retail outlets, food handlers and those who live in underserved communities, i.e., minorities???? Im not just referring to that community but State wide. All aforementioned should be vaccinated 1st. A major health crisis has been politicized. The evidence is crystal clear: DeSantis has rolled back the requirements of wearing masks due to heavy campaign contributions. Thank goodness UM administration has taken a stand. On the sideline all coaches, support personnel, players have been seen wearing masks. A clear indication DeSantis has completely disregarded advice from health experts. Hope he gets COVID_19
Sorry to disagree with both of you but Rush Limbaugh was not political nor a politician. He was a radio talk host who's show was about conservative political issues and those as they pertained to America. The fact that he built the largest talk radio show in history is because he was great at it WHETHER you liked him or not. He was no more a politician then any of us. Not political meaning he had no desire to run for any office.
I agree he wasn't a politician, however his show and his success was as a conservative political talk show host. I believe he had to believe in what he was speaking about to be as successful as he was. I also feel his subjects were political for which he based his daily show's content on. JMO
I agree he wasn't a politician, however his show and his success was as a conservative political talk show host. I believe he had to believe in what he was speaking about to be as successful as he was. I also feel his subjects were political for which he based his daily show's content on. JMO
All that is true and his goals were to get liberals to convert. No doubt about that
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Big question is are all folks who are in underserved communities vaccinated, folks who work in hospitals, clinics, 1st responders, patients in retirement homes, assisted living areas, retail outlets, food handlers and those who live in underserved communities, i.e., minorities???? Im not just referring to that community but State wide. All aforementioned should be vaccinated 1st. A major health crisis has been politicized. The evidence is crystal clear: DeSantis has rolled back the requirements of wearing masks due to heavy campaign contributions. Thank goodness UM administration has taken a stand. On the sideline all coaches, support personnel, players have been seen wearing masks. A clear indication DeSantis has completely disregarded advice from health experts. Hope he gets COVID_19

Maybe if Nancy, Kamala, Joe and Shumer had not delayed approval of the vaccine, more people would have had the TRUMP VACCINE that only someone like Trump could accomplish in record time. Trump was the rapid vaccine creation President. Warp Speed!.

It the Joe show now. Blame him.
Big question is are all folks who are in underserved communities vaccinated, folks who work in hospitals, clinics, 1st responders, patients in retirement homes, assisted living areas, retail outlets, food handlers and those who live in underserved communities, i.e., minorities???? Im not just referring to that community but State wide. All aforementioned should be vaccinated 1st. A major health crisis has been politicized. The evidence is crystal clear: DeSantis has rolled back the requirements of wearing masks due to heavy campaign contributions. Thank goodness UM administration has taken a stand. On the sideline all coaches, support personnel, players have been seen wearing masks. A clear indication DeSantis has completely disregarded advice from health experts. Hope he gets COVID_19
Desantis has done none of the above. I doubt you even live here or maybe blind. We must wear masks and he encourages wearing masks. Further he has prioritized seniors since they are most likely to die or become seriously ill which by the way is the CDC guidelines and what most if not all states are doing. This includes over 65 of every race. Further those high risk like cancer survivors etc. are able to get vaccinated. Broward County has recently petitioned the Governor to drop down to 59 as they are almost complete with the Seniors wishing to be vaccinated. Governor Desantis along with FEMA have just announced mobile vaccination vehicles to go into undeserved communities ( see Miami Herald feb 21) and lastly Florida is doing very well on covid and our testing and vaccination programs. So stop your sorry azz BS about Desantis
Maybe if Nancy, Kamala, Joe and Shumer had not delayed approval of the vaccine, more people would have had the TRUMP VACCINE that only someone like Trump could accomplish in record time. Trump was the rapid vaccine creation President. Warp Speed!.

It the Joe show now. Blame him.
Where was the warp speed after FedEx and UPS were designated for the initial delivery????? Thats not on Joe or Kamala. There were numerous points of distributions that ran into snags. That shouldve been all worked out while #45 was still in office. BTW where was #45s warp speed when his administration were formally notified by US intel community on Jan 03, 2020?? He showed warp speed when he decided to play golf on Jan 4th and 5th, Jan 11th & 12th as well as the 1st 2 weekends in Feb 2020.
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Desantis has done none of the above. I doubt you even live here or maybe blind. We must wear masks and he encourages wearing masks. Further he has prioritized seniors since they are most likely to die or become seriously ill which by the way is the CDC guidelines and what most if not all states are doing. This includes over 65 of every race. Further those high risk like cancer survivors etc. are able to get vaccinated. Broward County has recently petitioned the Governor to drop down to 59 as they are almost complete with the Seniors wishing to be vaccinated. Governor Desantis along with FEMA have just announced mobile vaccination vehicles to go into undeserved communities ( see Miami Herald feb 21) and lastly Florida is doing very well on covid and our testing and vaccination programs. So stop your sorry azz BS about Desantis
The governor has no right to dictate who lives and who dies. Why did red districts get preferential treatment????
American facism is alive and well
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